Art & Music Links

Lean NC Lesson Plan: "Lesson with a Beat" by Cathy Thomas: an example Lean NC lesson plan for  4th grade arts

Yahoo Directory: Art Education >K-12 >Lesson Plans:
a thorough directory of lesson plan sites

Google Directoy: Music >Education > Resources: a gread directory of links.

Joseph Wu Origami:  Samples with directions

Musical Instrument Encyclopedia
:  Information on instuments Worldwide

The @rt Room: "Art is an adventure into an unkown World, which can only be explored by those willing to take the risk."

Crayola Educators
:  Not bad for a coporate site, losts of lesson and project ideas

Kidz Sing Garden of Songs:
sing along with this collection of songs, kinda neat.

The Children's Music Web:
Not certain what to make of this site, but it seems very interesting.

Elementarary Education Resources
: Music and the Arts:  List of seemingly worthwile links.
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