Current Issue/Topic
            MARCH 2005     

           This is not just a concern for our school or for that matter, our
           community.  It is a national problem and growing (literally)!
           There are numerous reasons for this dilemma: poor diet, lack of
           exercise, genetics, to name a few.  I would like to address just one
           area that is dear to me, physical activity and movement.  Most of
           the above mentioned factors are related to lifestyle and are items
           that we have some control over.  Movement is certainly one of those.
           The body was made to move and as the saying goes, "a body is a
           terrible thing to waste, use it".  Parents, you must understand that
           our physical education program alone cannot solve the problem of
           obesity.  Your child visits the gym twice a week for 30 minutes per
           session.  This is inadequate and far from ideal for many reasons.
           It does help though, but I am making a pitch for you to arm yourself
           for this battle with me.  Here's how; become a role model for your
           student and make time to exercise with your child.  There are dual
           benefits here because it will enhance the health of both of you and
           provide some quality time together. Further, my own children were
           more likely to move if I moved with them. 
           The next strategy is to take advantage of your child's interest in joining
           sports leagues, teams, lessons, etc. Sign them up and support them but
           be careful not to overbook as they need time to just be a kid as well. 

           A final word is in order. Ponder this, we become who we are through
           the development of habits so let's all work on building healthful habits
           that are aimed at lifelong fitness.  I salute you for what you already do
           and I encourage you to become pro-active if needed. More will be
           forthcoming at the start of 05-06 school year as I am working on the
           idea of an afterschool program to address the issue of overweight and
           obese students. Talk to me if you have an interest. So, students and
           parents, until next time, keep moving and know it is good for you!
           I can reached with e-mail at: 
[email protected]




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