New Testament Survey

     This is an elective course for high school students.  One unit of credit can be earned for this semester.  This course includes an introduction to the New Testament, including research and reference skills and how the Bible came into English.   Focus is on the first four books ( Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), especially those stories often encountered in Western literature, music, and art.

Materials Needed:

Bible � We will be using the Bible on a daily basis.  This is your textbook for the semester, and it should be brought to class as you would all your other textbooks.

A loose leaf 3 ring binder
� You will be expected to take notes, so come to class prepared daily with paper that can be easily taken in and out of the notebook.  Also, there will be numerous handouts, which are to be kept in your notebook, so carry one large enough to house all of your notes and handouts for the entire semester. 

Note: You will be graded throughout the semester on the 
           completeness of your notes and handouts.

Grading system:

30% --
Tests and projects -- Unit tests will be given throughout the
            semester.  There will be occasional projects throughout the 
30% --
Notebooks -- The teacher will be collecting your notebooks 
           periodically throughout the semester and will be grading based             
           on completeness, organization and neatness.
20% --
Daily -- This includes any work done in class.  The teacher              
           may decide to collect your work at any time throughout the  
20% --
Quizzes -- These will be given frequently throughout the

School Expectations:

1. Be in the classroom when the bell begins to ring.
2. Be prepared for each class.
3. Profanity, vulgarity, and inappropriate name-calling are not       
4. Be dressed appropriately for all school activities.

Classroom discipline procedures:

1st offense:  Verbal warning
2nd offense:  Punishment (Teacher will select punishment to �fit� the                                     offense.)
3rd offense:  Student/teacher conference.  Phone call to parents.
4th offense:  Trip to the grade level principal.

Note: The teacher reserves the right to send any student to the   
           control room at any point during the class depending on the 
            nature of the offense.

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