New profiles will be added every few days. Sparatically mixed together, drawn from a hat and in no particular order....
Name:  Tara-Leigh Christine Dodrill
Grade:  11
Instrument(s):  clarinet

Favorite Part of Band: PERFORMING

Hobbies/Interests:  BAND

How would you describe yourself?  Out going, loud, friendly, in love with BAND

Quote:  "I ain't no hick!!"

Name:  Carissa Dawn Lewis
Grade:  11
Instrument(s):  Clarinet, Piano

Favorite Part of Band:  The friendships, bus trips

: dance, hanging out with friends, swimming, and BAND

How would you describe yourself? Loud, talkative

Quote: "Anger Management 101" 
Name:  Starr Auxier
Grade:  11
Instrument(s): flag corps/ clarinet

Favorite Part of Band:  performing at football games and competitions

Hobbies/Interests:  shopping, flags

How would you describe yourself?  fun, outgoing, and friendly
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