A Journal: My New Pets
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As of 13 Febuary, 2005; I have adopted 2 slug I found outside my house.  Technically they are for a zoology project, but none the less they still are my temperary pets.  They both are fairly small, I guess somewhere between 2 and 3 centimeters long.  Currently I am keeping them in a Gerber jar.  I have named them tachyon and tardyon.  Tachyon spends most of his (ok, I know that technically they're hermaphrodites, but ...) time on the lid of the jar.  I have to keep an eye on him if I take the lid off because he seems determined to escape.  Tardyon spends his time on the underside of a leaf.  He doesn't apear to be moving much, but I'm pretty sure he's still alive.  At times, it appears that tachyon wants to mate with tardyon.  I will keep watching to see if they do or not.

I think they are differant species.  Overnight, Tardyon got away some how.  This morning I gave Tachyon a piece of lettuce to eat.  He really seemed to enjoy it, and it was amusing to watch how they eat.   

I got another slug to replace Tardyon.  I call him Tardyon II. 

During Zoology, we have begun to study mollusks, and to start off we went on a slug hunt.  A friend of mine got two slugs and I got one.  My friend gave hers to me to hold on to them for her.  Her two are named Cheese Puff and Frosting.  I named mine Muon. 

Frosting went MIA.  He has been replaced by a beautiful Leopard slug, which I have not yet named.

The Leopard slug was killed in class.  The other slugs are doing fine.

Muon is missing along with Tardyon II, the others are doing quite well though.

I have two new additions to Tachyon and Cheese Puff. One is a snail (who my 3 year old cousin named Snailor), the other is a medium sized leopard slug.  Also, I have discovered slug eggs at the bottom of their tank.  With any luck, soon they will hatch.

I think I've lost some of them.

On 21 March 2005 I have added 5 new slugs to the bottle.  Four of them are Leopards.  Also at this time I am working on buying a 10- gallon aquarium to house them in.

I have bought their tank and they seem to be quite happy in their new how.  Whenever I find a slug, I add him in with the others, so now I have close to 30 of them.  They eat alot, but maybe that is just because there are so many of them.

The slugs now have a new room mate.  While exploring in my yard, I found a small worm snake, and he is temperarily staying in with the slugs.  I will let him go soon, but I want to play with him a little first.

I killed them.  I opened the tank to check on them and they were all shrivalled up.  I have now learned that it is critical to provide the slugs with water.  I have decided to clean out the tank and start over.  This time it is very moist inside.  I only have 2 slugs though.

I have added to my collection and now I have about 10 of them.  They seem very happy, or at least as happy as a slug can be.  There is plenty of water and lettuce.  I have found that if given nothing else, they will eat carrots.  This is what I feed them when I don't have any lettuce.

On 17 June, the slugs were given a bath.  I have counted them, and I currently have 14 of them.  I also had to clean out their tank because old lettuce was starting to rot and smell bad and attract other bugs.  I also took some time to measure the longest one.  They came out to be roughly 8.5 cm.  I think part of the problem with the old tank was that there was too much water in it.  This time I will have to ensure that it is moist but not soaking.  Additionaly, there is only dirt in the tank and some large pieces of mulch; I have left out leaves. 

I  have found a HUGE new slug!!!

I have decided to take my slugs on a walk with me.  They aren't actually walking, but I am walking while they are crawling on my arms.

On 26 June I discovered that one of my slugs was dead.  Seeing as he had died very recently I decided to dissect him.

29 June: I have decided to release the slugs.
: (
I am going out of town for the weekend and I didn't want them to die while I was gone.  Also, I noticed that there was another dead slug in my tank and that there were alot of little bugs crawling on him.  I didn't want the other slugs to get some sort of parasite, so I let them go.  Additionaly, I have been promised that if I got rid of the slugs I could get some hermit crabs instead.  I have decided that I will name them Watson and Crick.

~Thus ends the saga of my experiment with pet slugs. ~
Copywright C White 2006
My Pet Slugs Round II !
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CyberSlug Slugs as Pets
(scroll down a bit)
Gives some basic information about slugs in general.  Towards the end gives suggestions as to how to take care of pet slugs.
Supplies basic information about owning slugs
Pet Snails
Nebar's Slugs
Alright, so snails arn't exactly the same as slugs, but they are pretty simmilar.  This site does a good job of describing how to house them as well as what they eat.
This site was created by a slug- owner.  Gives some interesting facts about keeping slugs.
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