Prayer List
Please read these while in prayer to help others speak to God about their concerns.
Email us with your prayer requests and we will add them here.
  Dear Heavenly Father,
We come to you through the Holy Spirit to thank you for the forgivness of our sins by the blood of our savior Jesus Christ. With salvation and rightiousness in your eyes we are thankful for the many blessings you bestow upon us. The food you give us everyday to bring nurishment to our bodies, the financial support, shelter, clothing, the love from friends and family and the safety you provide are only a few of the blessings you so lovingly give.

  Father, we ask for these special request brought to us from around the world to be heard and answered by you as you will have them answered. We ask...

...for the terrorists to be filled with your love and change their hearts to know you and your peace and lay down their arms.
...that you may bring many to know you, Father, through the Holy Rollerz Christian Auto Club.
...for your intervention in the war against terrorism and the evils of muslim extremists. Directing our leaders with wisdom and courage to do your will to fight evil worldwide.

  ...for it's in Christ's Holy name we pray. Amen!
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