Meeting Info

With many thanks to John and Pat we will be having our April Tarheel
Fiero Club meeting at Hooters in north Raleigh on April 13th at 1:00PM. The address is:

4206 Old Wake Forest Rd.
Raleigh NC 27609

The restaurant is a short drive off I-440, take the Wake Forest Road exit north and it should be on your right.
You might want to email John or Pat for more specific directions. If anyone from Greensboro or west wants to drive over to Raleigh together, let me know. We could meet up somewhere in Greensboro or at the I-40 rest area between Greensboro and Burlington. I would plan on meeting around 11:15 or so for the drive to Raleigh.
I look forward to seeing everyone on the 13th.

Other News---

Lisa would like to update our web website. She has asked that I request any good photos of your cars or personal web sites with your cars be forwarded to Lisa so she can add them to the website. This is your chance to show off your car, so please pass on some good stuff to post for the group. Please email Lisa directly at [email protected] with your Fiero pics and URL's.

Don't know whether to drive your Fiero to the meeting, check out the weather below!

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