

This page is under construction at the moment, but I want it to be the best Oasis website ever created, so if you mail me any useful stuff, then I'll give a link to your website or give you a mention so that you can tell your mates "Look! That's me! I'm on the internet, and I've got a mention on the best Oasis website of all time!!"


Oasis Are:




'I've always sworn I'll never refuse an autograph'

Oasis Links

'What I was bad at was spelling. Still am. Anything over six letters and that's me gone'

Desktop Themes

Sound Clips

'The people in my band - we'll be working class until the day we die. We were brought up socialists, and we'll die socialists'



'I think that we sparked something in a generation of 14 and 15-year-old kids just waiting for their Beatles'



'I wish I'd never said some of the things I've said'


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'I'm in it for my name being written in brackets. I always wanted to be a songwriter because songs really do last forever. It's a form of immortality'

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'What people have got to understand is that we are lads. We have burgled houses and nicked car stereos and we like girls and swear'

'I'm not Morrisey. I'm not Bob Dylan. I'm not Bret Anderson. They are better lyricists than I'll ever be'

'If I could write a song half as good as "This Guy's in Love With You" or "Anyone Who Had A Heart" [By Sixties songwriter Burt Bacharach], I know I'd die a happy man'

'We do take too many drugs, though, and I wish we'd never started'

'"Some Might Say"? Number one. No fucking problem'

'We never had any doubts'

'Maine Road was mad''

'How many classics have I got? How many do you want?'

'It all started to get a life of its own''

'"Roll with it" is great, mindless rock 'n' roll'

'I don't think they'll invite us back to the Brits. Which is good'


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