Beth and I went to California in October 2007 to see Heather and Jamie and their baby boy who at the time was six months old.  This was Beth's first plane trip.  She was very excited.  The only part she didn't like was the length of the flight - 4 3/4 hours till we landed at the San Francisco airport.  Even though Rufus and I do not like flying I couldn't wait any longer to see the baby and smother him with kisses!  Rufus and I flew to Wichita for Heather's college graduation in December 2005.  Rufus especially remembers how cramped the seating was, particularly no room to stretch his legs.  Don't know if he will ever want to fly again, especially all the way to the other side of the country. 
About to take off  from  the Atlanta airport!
At San Francisco Intenational Airport, seeing Lucius for the first time.  He looks a bit confused as to who we are!
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