Tips on how to dance your best!!
By Cathy

This is the base of all your dance shows, competitons, etc. Listen to your teacher and practice the steps at home. First mark the steps and then practice them full out. I use something I call "imaging" when I can't go to sleep or I'm bored. I close my eyes and imagine myself preforming the dance. This was introduced by my teacher in a company dance class. It helps me and it's fun!

A week before a competition or show, I get ready. I gather all the costumes. Wash them, iron and put them in costume bags to protect them. Make sure the tiny pieces like belts, hats, etc. are in there. Pin them to the costume or keep them in a small bag so you can get them quickly and won't lose them. Then I get my makeup bag ready. Include mascara, false lashes if needed, eyeshadow/liner, lipstick and lip pencil, blush, foundation, concealer and other cosmetics you need. I put mine in a cute bag with a strap. And make sure you have extra safety pins, bobby pins, hair elastics, etc. I also have hairspray, gel, mousse and other hair stuff included in my makeup bag. Next I usually clean out my dance bag. I make sure that I have all my shoes and tights ready. Bring all your shoes if you are not sure which ones you need. It's better to be safe than sorry. If you need to, bring water and snacks. I also carry an extra camera and film. Make a checklist of all the things you need to bring and a few weeks before make sure they are all there. Then check again 1 day before and the day, before you leave.
Be Healthy

Start eating healthy before a show/competiton so you will be your very best. Don't eat so much junk food and sugar because that will drag your energy down. If you skip meals, that won't do you any good. Drink lots of water and eat veggies/fruit. Take a shower and help your skin heal. I moisturize and pamper my skin. Use gentle skin products and always read the directions incase you are allergic or need special use of the product. You wouldn't want to wake up with blotchy red skin or something worse on the day of your preformance. I know I wouldn't. Get lots of sleep and if you need to wake up early, go to bed earlier than usual.
Don't forget to set your alarm!
Warm up

Get there an hour or two early to warm up. You can use anything to strech, use the railing or wall for your barre.
Strech on the floor and practice your spilts before you practice your dance. Warming up helps you dance better and prevents injury. It also helps you focus your energy and to get rid of stress. Do the streches you do in your studio. Make it more fun by practicing with your friends.

Just dance your heart out! Don't let anything get in your way and don't forget to smile if you role calls for it. All your practice goes into this moment, your 15 minutes of fame. Think of your steps but don't obsess over them because it's likely you will forget and screw up. And if you screw up act like nothing happened. Just keep on dancing! Say "break a leg" to your fellow dancers before you go on and it will be your "good luck" charm. Don't be nervous and if you are breathe in and out slowly until you calm down. Stage fright is common issue for many new dancers. It hasn't been an issue for me because I have glasses and I take them off when I dance. So I can't see anyone in the audience. lol But just pretend they aren't there and look above their heads, not directly into anyone's faces. Pretend you are back in your studio dancing with no audience. Break a leg!
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