This is an archived page. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the NCCOF no longer meets. If you have any questions, please contact Mike

What is the Church of Freethought?

The Church of Freethought is a family oriented organization for learning and social interaction for Atheists, Agnostics, Freethinkers and Secular Humanists.

Why do we call ourselves a church?
Easy, the Church of Freethought IS a Church even though we DO NOT tell our members what to believe. We meet once a week to learn about our religion, the religion of thought. Instead of learning about a mythical 'god" and what he wants us to do, we learn about rational thought and it's application to the real world, including morals, parenting, relationships, and dealing with religion.

So why don't we call ourselves a support group, club, association, or another of the various other names we possibly could use?
Because of the social connotations of the word church: no other name gives the same indication of what we do socially, such as helping members in need, choosing social causes, etc. We hope to form ladies groups, youth groups, maybe even a singles group so young (and not so young) people can meet others with similar beliefs.


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