This is an archived page. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the NCCOF no longer meets. If you have any questions, please contact Mike

Welcome to California's first Church of Freethought.
We held our final meeting on 02 June, 2002 at Finley Park in Santa Rosa.
We began about 12.30pm, as transportation allowed, and said our farewells.
Attending were Drew, Mark and Debbie, Wendell and Gladys, Jill and myself. Thanks to Irving and Vrini who showed later with their son in a fair attempt to resurrect the group in favor of the American Ethical Union.
We had a rousing discussion of how Mark and Debbie would take the reins, but their lives have had a turn toward the very busy. If any further meetings are to be held, it will be under the name of Sonoma County Freethinkers and will not have a regular schedule.

We had fun while it lasted and will treasure the many people we met and the friends we made. We will not miss the work it took to keep things running!

If you would like to consider reforming such a group or something similar, please contact me at my email address, I will happily discuss it if need be and certainly get you in touch with more information.

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