This is an archived page. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the NCCOF no longer meets. If you have any questions, please contact Mike

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We are proud to be affiliated with the North Texas Church of Freethought. Many thanks to their members for help in getting started.
Often it's nice to have a live chat with members of one group or another. We don't get around much yet, so we tend to frequent the North Texas CoF Yahoo Chat room. They get together Sundays and Tuesday at 6:00 Pacific Time, usually for an hour or so. Until we have the numbers to insist on our own, I will check the Northern California CoF Yahoo Chat at 7:00 Pacific Time for activity.
If you do not already have a membership, Yahoo requires you to join (only for the chatrooms). It's relatively painless, and once done is done.

This is where I found most of my information:
The Internet Infidels at The Secular Web

and the American Atheists.

Freethought Now!

This Freethought Ring web site is brought to you by Mike Rice.

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