This is an archived page. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the NCCOF no longer meets. If you have any questions, please contact Mike

What does the Church of Freethought do?

As we grow, we will have guest speakers monthly about various subjects. Church picnics and other Church Socials will be held at least 4 times a year. The Church of Freethought in Texas has youth groups, singles groups and community improvement groups, a movie night and other activities including Church Ski Trips and community services throughout the month.

The Church of Freethought can perform Weddings, Funerals, Baby Namings (the equivalent of Baptism) and rites of passage for children and young adults (the equivalents of Bar Mitzvah, Confirmation and First Communion), and any other Ceremonies of Life requested by members.

The Church of Freethought strives NOT to involve itself in political issues such as abortion or prayer in school, however we do welcome these or other topics for discussion.


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