Happiness Amid the Collapse of Society

Prepare to vote in November, 2004!
Vote for Kerry, vote for Blair, vote for Spock, even vote for your mom!
But whatever you do...

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There's Some Good in the World -- and it's Worth Fightin' For

Updated 4/15/04

I'm really trying to figure out a way to change the focus of this site to a more sociological website. I think I might include papers I write now and in the future. I'm about to work on a rather important research paper and I believe the topic will be "Homosexual stereotypes in the Media".

I updated the Bush section with a letter from Michael Moore and I'm about to update my homapage rant section with a letter that was written to me.

-Aurora Sky

Questions, Comments, Sugesstions? Tell me about them!

People Who Write Me Letters

You know, the amount of animosity people have is astounding. I have two bumper stickers on my car, one says, "vote anybody but Bush" and one says, "Warco" and has the Arco gas sign. We're at war because of fabricated lies and our government continues to do a good job covering up and DEFENDING their lies (come on Condoleeza, just answer the damn question with a yes or no). I recently learned of the whole Panama incident of 1989. Ladies and gentlewo[men], Iraq sounds suspiciously JUST LIKE the Panama invasion. Just as Bush Sr. gave Noriega a pay raise KNOWING he was drug trafficking, then when he started to resist the US we "unveiled" his drug trafficking and called him evil and decided to wipe him out, so we helped Saddam and Osama and supplied them weapons when they were doing things our way... but have proclaimed their evilness once they go against our wishes.

The hipocrisy of the (republican) United States Government. Clinton got a blow job. The infamous Bushes have got thousands upon thousands of innocent lives killed.

Now, to the letter I found tucked in my car at college, written with love and care...

To Whom it may Concern

Hello, my name is Billy Joe Jim Bob, Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Southern California chapter. As a devout hate group member, I would like to personally thank you for your efforts in support of hate worldwide. I noticed your anti-war decorations on the way into the parking lot.

Because of hardworking elitists like you, Saddam Hussein was able to completely wipe out almost all Kurds on Earth. As you know, white people like us are always interested in helping to fight the spread of other, inferior races, like Kurdish people, worldwide.

So congratulations, and keep up the good work.


ONe of the last Kurds left on Earth. (my whole family was wiped out because of people like you during the first war in Iraq.)

Now, my first question is -- how can a Kurd be a KKK member? He's contradicted himself, I believe. And if he's tryign to tell me I'M hateful for stopping war and getting Kurds killed, he compeltely discredits himself by saying HE'S a KKK member. I'm quite confused by the note. I believe what confuses me more is his signature, about it being my fault that Kurds were wiped out during Desert Storm. Well, as far as I know, the pretense of Kurdish ethnic cleansing was the coverup for the government going in. We really wanted Saddam and oil. If US troops were responsible for the deaths of innocent Kurds (like I feel he is implying), than wouldn't he be anti-war, too? I'm quite confused.

But I suppose my bigger question is: where is the rest of the world? Where is the rest of the world when this type of stuff happens and why is it only America that needs to go in and save ethnic groups? Is it that only AMericans can identify evil and the rest of the EU can't? Maybe... just MAYBE... they know more of the truth of the situation than we know. I want to research the Gulf war. Can anyone lead me in the right directions?

The Beauty of Navigation

The Home Page
Love to Hate Dubya!
Links, Quotes, and Pictures honoring our president in all his illegally-obtained glory.
Stick Figure Art
Amusing stick-figure art from my friends. Some very odd slash involved ^^U
A Personal Photo Journey
Pictures, amusing and serious, that I and my friends have taken. I may change the purpose of this page at a later date.
Another page I'm unsure is staying, but it'll include my own and friend's art, if all goes well, i.e. unless I can think of something better to put here.
About the Webmistress
The about me page, because you've always wanted to know, haven't you?
Links You Really Should Check Out
Here are links and descriptions to very helpful, insightful, or down-right funny sites. Feel free to email me if you want me to add one!

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