Velocity Results

February 14, 2004

Ultimo Dragon vs. Shannon Moore:
How many times have we seen this match now? They really need to give the Dragon a break. He is a very talented wrestler who is just not getting the opportunities he deserves in the WWE. My beliefs are that the WWE should allow each wrestler work their style, because that way they can make more money since it’ll allow for more interesting matches that fans will definitely want to pay to see and it’ll also allow for the wrestlers to showcase their moves.

They lock up and Moore wrenches the Dragon’s arm. Ultimo Dragon hits a couple arm drags and a side headlock takedown. Moore whips Dragon into a corner, but Dragon runs out and goes for a schoolboy pin for a near-fall. Dragon has Moore in a headlock, and as Moore tries to get out of it, Dragon keeps it locked in. Dragon is tossed, but hits a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Moore is outside the ring, but when Dragon tries to go on the offense, Moore gets a shot in and tosses Dragon back into the ring. Moore tries for the pin, but scores a near-fall. Moore hits an elbow on Dragon and then latches on a rear chin lock.

Dragon gets out of it, and as Moore tries to keep the offense going, Dragon ducks and hits a springboard moonsault. Both men are down, but Dragon goes for the pin to get another near-fall. Moore tries to work in some punches, but Dragon blocks it and works in some kicks to the legs. Dragon tosses Moore into the corner, and tries for the Asai DDT but Moore hits a drop kick to prevent it. Moore goes for the pin, but scores a near-fall. Moore is tossed and tries for a sunset flip, but Dragon rolls out of it and runs Moore through with his knee. Moore manages to get the upper hand and goes up top and hits the Halo and just when you think Moore had the Dragon beat, Dragon hits the Asai DDT and wins the match.

Winner by pinfall: Ultimo Dragon


January 3, 2004

Shannon Moore and Orlando Jordan vs. Akio and Sakoda
This match could be good if Orlando Jordan wasn’t in it. My God Akio and Sakoda have an awful theme. Sakoda and Jordan start off and work over some back and forth action. Moore is tagged in and starts to work over the newly tagged in Akio. Leg lariat for 2 from Moore. Moore tries a cross body but Akio counters into a chest breaker. Awesome. Meanwhile Akio and Sakoda double-team Moore with the tree of woe. Akio sends Moore into a corner and hits the flash kick. Moore then charges Akio and hits an armdrag sending Akio’s back into the corner. Velocity looks to be an awesome show in 2004. Sakoda and Jordan are tagged in. Jordan comes in and takes everybody out. Orlando tries his stupid Johnson shuffle but Akio and Sakoda counter with a leg lariat and leg trip. HAHA so much for the Johnson shuffle. Moore broke apart the pin though. But Moore gets tossed out of the ring. Akio gets knocked out of the ring and Moore delivers a cannonball plancha on Akio meanwhile Jordan hits a lame power slam on Sakoda which is apparently called the big ride… how stupid.
Winner: Moore and Jordan via Jordan’s lame finisher that seems to change each week.


November 1, 2003

Tajiri w/Yakuza vs Shannon Moore
Is there any wonder why Velocity has the best openers? It's almost always a Cruiserweight match, and those are guaranteed to be watchable. This one's a little special because Tajiri's actually been involved in Smackdown storylines lately, so seeing him on Velocity at this point is nice. Shannon Moore, meanwhile, could be fading into Velocity obscurity soon enough with Matt Hardy's departure to RAW. That sucks because he debuted his "V-1-uhhhhhhhhh!" on Velocity! Ask Tazz. This is non-title, by the way.

"Junior, I can't think of a better way to spend Saturday night than sitting next to me," says DeMott in his first words as Velocity's new color commentator. Well, I always thought there was no better way to spend Saturday than watching you, Bill, squash a jobber in the infamous DeSquash Squashes here on Velocity. Just my opinion. To the match as Tajiri shoves Shannon away to start, before yelling at the crowd in Japanese. I think he screamed, "Why am I on Velocity?" Because it's the best show in WWE, Yoshihiro, that's why. We get some basics now as the two Cruiserweights go at it again, with Shannon surprisingly gaining the upper hand after a snapmare. The MFer then starts a "USA" chant, which is very uncharacteristic of him. Okay, that pretty much officially means Matt is jumping to RAW. Shannon follows up with a drop-toehold and some punches, before managing an arm-drag out of the corner. A shoulder block later leads into a spinning heel kick, causing the Buzzsaw to scurry outside. Wow, I've never seen Shannon on fire like this. Shannon scores with a plancha, but after sending Tajiri back in the ring, Keiji Sakoda (Who's been on Velocity before) and Jimmy Yang capitalize on the distraction of Jimmy Korderes by pulling Shannon off the apron and causing him to fall face-first. Tajiri takes advantage with a baseball slide, and after ramming Shannon back-first into the apron, sends him back into the ring for a quick two count. A gutbuster proceeds and gets Tajiri another near fall, before working in some knees to the mid-section. He then applies an abdominal stretch, which Shannon fights his way out of. However, Shannon is unable to capitalize as he eats turnbuckle on a corner charge attempt, allowing Tajiri to get in some of his dangerous kicks to the mid-section. This gets him another two count on the pin after, before working in some more hard kicks. He then attempts another gut buster, but Shannon counters with a schoolboy for two. Tajiri seeks to re-gain control after landing a few more kicks, but runs into a dropkick on the follow-up, and both men are down. As they get up, Shannon takes control with a clothesline, before executing his jumping swinging neckbreaker for two. He now seeks the Halo off the top, but Tajiri side-steps it. The Cruiserweigth Champion hopes to capitalize with the Buzzsaw Kick, but misses, and Shannon makes him pay with a sleeper slam for two. After ducking Tajiri's back-handspring elbow, however, Shannon comes up empty on an attempt clothesline, and the champ catches him off guard with a kick to the mid-section to get him off his feet. With that done, Shannon is ripe for the picking as Tajiri cleans his clock with the Buzzsaw Kick, giving him the 1-2-3. This was your usual solid Cruiserweight action. Should be interesting to see where Shannon goes from here without Matt.

Winner: Tajiri


October 25, 2003

Shannon Moore vs. Orlando Jordan
I can't say it enough: Shannon Moore's titan tron is the best in WWE right now. When Crash was still around as the Moore-On, his was better, but Shannon's is definitely noteworthy. As far as these two Velocity mid-carders go, they've fought once before back in June, and this one should at least be pretty decent.

"I can't wait, I get to spend my Saturday night with some great WWE fans," says Cole. Yeah, like he really means it. I can't wait to get this show over with, now that he's back. To our match as we get a tie-up to start, which is broken up by referee Brian Hebner soon after. Shannon lands a cheap shot a a result, but would pay for it as Jordan comes back with a back elbow. He follows up with a hip-toss, before becoming a victim of the dreaded thumb to the eye. Shannon capitalizes with a drop toehold into the ropes, allowing him to score with a knee to the face from the apron for two. Like the vicious heel he is, Shannon stomps and chokes his opponent, while on commentary, Cole ALREADY drifts off the match to talk about Vince McMahon. Oh, great, so now we have to hear about Vince during every match on Velocity too? WHY DOES COLE HAVE TO BE HERE? Why can't Marc Loyd be back when he deserves it more than anyone? Shannon connects with Matt's running jump as Jordan was draped over the ropes for two, before working in a hard Irish-whip into the corner, which leads into a chinlock. "Paul Heyman is back and all I can say is yuck," states Cole. Well you're back on Velocity, and all I can say is, "Please shoot me now." And stick to the match, Michael. Jordan gets out of the hold, but Shannon is able to stay in control with a suplex for two, while Cole comments on how he wants someone to drive a wedge between him and Josh. Why is he ALREADY making fun of his partner? I didn't know it was possible but I think he is capable of single-handedly driving me away from my love of Velocity. That's just how annoying he is. After a back suplex, Shannon heads up to the second rope for some high-risk offense, but eats boot instead on the way down. Jordan capitalizes with a schoolboy for two, befroe starting his offense with a running forearm. A backdrop later gives Jordan the chance to nail Shannon with the Johnson Shuffle, and if Tazz were still here, he'd wonder, "How do you make your 'Johnson' shuffle?" Making fun of a Velocity mid-carder's signature move is always funny to me. Jordan gets a near fall on the pin after, and would soon lose control from there. Shannon attempts a comeback as he gets his boot up in the corner into Jordan's visage. He then connects with a reverse leg lariat from the second rope... for two, and cue his tantrum. Cole says that's like Josh, but Josh points out Tazz always used to say that was what Cole does. Cole believes Tazz would never say that about him, leading Josh to give the biggest understatement of the month- "Obviously you never watched Velocity over the past few months." FEW? How about since he was pulled from Velocity last December. That would explain for Cole never acknowledging anything that happens on Velocity, as well as not knowing the names of moves done by Velocity wrestlers. He still probably doesn't even know what the Halo or Mooregasm is. As he finishes up his tantrum, Shannon seeks some more offense, but Jordan manages to execute some kind of modified spinning neckbreaker to gain the 1-2-3. Pretty good, which is what you would expect out of these two. Cole's commentary hurts it though.

Winner: Orlando Jordan


October 18, 2003

Mattfacts: Matt still has his tousles and Matt despises winter

Out comes his opponent Funaki.

Matt vs. Funaki
Funaki gets the early advantage with some dropkicks and such until Matt hits the side effect. Josh then mentions how Matt is wearing the Hardy Boy armbands. Tazz reminds us that Matt and Jeff were the Hardy boys. He doesn’t say that Jeff was fired for refusing to go to rehab for his drug problem. A real announcer like myself would have. Funaki is on the outside while Shannon Moore beats him up. Matt works up on Funaki a bit until Funaki hits a DDT out of nowhere. Funaki then sets him up for his finisher the rising sun, which is a reverse DDT from the middle rope. He hits it for a 2. Funaki then whips Matt into the ropes, which almost causes Matt to hit Shannon who jumped up onto the apron. Matt misses him but Funaki decks him. Matt then drops Funaki with a twist of fate for the 3.

Winner: Matt Hardy


October 4, 2003

Jamie Noble vs. Shannon Moore

When I turned it on Noble had a move called “pay dirt” on Moore, which is a sit-down front headlock. Moore taps out. Winner: Jamie Noble

September 20, 2003

Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Joey Matthews

This is in NORTH CAROLINA, and the best Matt can get is a mid-card match on Velocity? Beats jobbing to the 3 Minute Warning in your hometown, I guess, which is what happened to Booker T. As far as this match goes, I'm not complaining. Matt on Velocity is always a treat, while Joey Matthews, has been on the show once before, and I believe he's a former Jakked Jobber too.

Matt Facts: Matt hates waiting in lines and Matt tailgates slow cars in the parking lanes. Josh Mathews Facts: I hate waiting in lines at bars. Oh yeah. You know what else I like about Matt Hardy matches on Velocity? Tazz gets to shout "V-1-uhhhh!" That actually STARTED on Velocity when Matt first did it. And Tazz does it right here too. I'd rather hear Cat say it though. To the match now as we get some basics to start before heading into the corner. Joey shoves him a la Matt, and then boasts about it to boos. On commentary, Josh mentions how Matt and Joey both got started in Omega Wrestling, which is something you would never hear from JR or Cole. And Josh even brings up Christian York. See how this guy is miles ahead of JR and Cole right now? Both men tie-up again, and Matt does the same exact thing that Joey does, even adding in a "V-1-uhhhhhh!" And Tazz does it, making it seem like there's an echo in here. Matt gains the early advantage soon after with some punches and a hip-toss, before trapping his opponent in the corner with a 9-punch count that intros a hard right hand. That gets two on the pin after, as Josh explains how there's no relation between him and Joey Matthews. Well, Joey has one more "t" in his last name so that's obvious. Bodyslam by Matt now, leading him to go to the second rope to a big pop, but Joey rolls out of the way and to the outside. This turns out to be strategy as he suckers Matt and forces him neck-first into the top rope while on the apron. A neckbreaker later gets a count of two from Mike Sparks, and Joey follows up with some punches and choking. "V-1-uhhhhhh!" says Joey. Oh man, you can't steal someone's Velocity saying. That's just MEAN. Joey takes his time and ends up paying the price, as he runs into a clothesline moments later. Matt capitalizes with some more offense, that being a back elbow and legdrop for two. He ends up losing control though as Joey wiggles out the back door of a powerslam attempt, and shoves Matt into the corner. This allows the Velocity Jobber to apply a sleeper, as the crowd erupts with a "Hardy" chant. Maybe that's why they didn't put him on Smackdown this week. Matt counters the hold with the Ricochet (Back suplex with elbow landing on chest), and follows up with some more offense. He lands some punches and a clothesline, before connecting with the running jump as Joey was draped neck-first over the middle rope. He now goes for the Side-Effect, but Joey elbows his way out of it. However, Joey would miss a clothesline, permitting Matt to perform the Side-Effect on a second try, but only for two. Joey now seeks to get back into it as he throws Matt shoulder-first into the turnbuckle, before shilacking Matt with a top-rope clothesline. Almost a big upset as Joey gets a near fall, and then loses control while taking his time. He runs into a boot in the corner, giving Matt the opportunity to connect with his second rope Downfall Legdrop. From there, Joey is ripe for the picking as Matt easily gets him up to execute the Twist of Fate, giving him the 1-2-3. Solid match, and Matt gets an ovation afterwards from the hometown crowd.

Winner: Matt Hardy Version 1.0

Billy Kidman vs Shannon Moore

Out of a show that featured Big Show and Matt Hardy, would you ever think that this previous mid-card Velocity match would ever main-event? And whatever happened to A-Train/Sean O'Haire vs Spanky/Paul London? How could they not show that? I'm not complaining about this though, as these two have worked a few matches in the past, all with good results.

"V-1-uhhhhhh!" shouts Josh before the match. Tazz threatens Josh, so Josh then says it in a low voice, which I find funny. To our main-event now as Shannon shoves Kidman to start, leading him to say, "It's all about me!" No, it's all about the Benjamins. Har-har. That used to be Shelton Benjamin's theme music at house shows, by the way- "It's all about the Benjamin." Shannon takes the early control with a knee to the mid-section, before knocking his opponent down with a shoulder block. Kidman comes right back though with a leap frog and a reverse forearm, which Tazz claims to be shades of Poker Face. POKER FACE! POKER FACE! Kidman follows up with a tilt-a-whirl head-scissors, but loses the advantage and as he runs right into a hip-toss that throws him literally into the corner. Shannon ensues his offense with some kicks, while Josh calls him the leader of the Moore-Ons. Hey, since Crash was released, you can't use that term anymore. It just doesn't seem right. Shannon follows with Matt's running jump as Kidman was neck-first over the ropes for two, and now Tazz proclaims Josh to be the leader of the schmucks. Heh. After a bodyslam at this point, Shannon goes to the chinlock, which Kidman eventually gets out of, but is unable to capitalize as Shannon whips him hard into the corner for two. A suplex later gets another two count before applying a bow-and-arrow submission hold. Kidman gets out again, and scores with a dropkick to swing the pendulum. Both men are down and as they get up, Kidman goes through some offense consisting of a huracanrana, backdrop, and a fireman's carry neckbreaker, all for two. Shannon manages to make a comeback as he suckers Kidman into a spinning heel kick for two, but a suplex attempt is reversed into a schoolboy by Kidman for yet another two count. Kidman ends up missing a corner charge though, allowing Shannon to go up top and perform the Halo. He successfully hits it, but only for two again, as the Halo is now becoming the finishing move to never beat anyone. Or is that the Mooregasm? Shannon throws a temper tantrum now, as Tazz mentions how that's shades of Michael Cole. Is that some kind of rat traditional dance or something? I've never seen a rat throw a tantrum before. Kidman takes advantage of Shannon's tantrum as he catches him off guard with the BURGER KING BOMB, before finishing him off with the Shooting Star Press to pick up the win. Pretty good, but these two have had better.

Winner: Billy Kidman


September 6, 2003

Mattfacts: Matt and Shannon have Moore Mattitude then their opponents. Matt enjoys ginger root after eating sushi. Well who doesn’t? Tonight they will face the international tag team known as Ultimo Dragon and Funaki. I just noticed Ultimo Dragon’s theme sounds like it has Godzilla in the background.

Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore vs. Ultimo Dragon and Funaki Shannon and Dragon start this one off. The match begins with the two exchanging side headlocks. Shannon then trips Ultimo and begins to flaunt the V1 sign. Shannon and Ultimo then send each other to the ropes. Shannon hits a leapfrog. Ultimo then does a dive over Shannon. Both men reach their feet and Ultimo hits an armdrag then tags in Funaki. Shannon then tags in Matt with the V1 sign. Funaki and Matt feel each other out first. Matt backs Funaki into a corner and flashes the V1 sign. Funaki then hits some punches and a couple dropkicks. Matt gets up looking confused as Funaki then flashes the V1 sign. Matt gets angry then charges Funaki. Matt goes off the ropes but gets hit with a tilt-a-whirl hurricanrana. Funaki keeps the offence up on Matt. Funaki goes off the ropes but gets tripped by Shannon. Funaki rolls out and slaps Shannon. Matt then runs up and hits Funaki with a baseball slide. Matt then distracts the referee while Shannon stomps on Funaki. Shannon rolls Funaki back into ring, as Matt continues to keep Funaki down. Matt then goes for a cover and only gets a two. Matt tags in Shannon who hits a neckbreaker. Shannon keeps Funaki down, as he tags in Matt. Matt beats on Funaki and stands on his head. Matt tags in Shannon who puts Funaki into a bow and arrow. Funaki gets free and hits a desperation bulldog. Matt is then tagged in and Ultimo gets tagged in. Ultimo unloads a barrage of kicks on Shannon and Matt. Ultimo covers Matt only for a two. Ultimo gets up and delivers a few more kicks to Shannon followed by the asai DDT. Matt then tries to surprise Ultimo with a twist of fate but the Dragon breaks free and attempts an asai DDT on Matt who prevents that from happening. Ultimo then delivers a spinning heel kick to Matt as he tags in Funaki. Funaki ascends to the top and hits a cross body block for a pin. Matt kicks out at two. Matt then gets up and sends Funaki to the ropes who hits Shannon off the apron who is just now getting up from the asai DDT. Funaki then turns around only to be met with a side effect. Matt goes for the cover but the Ultimo Dragon breaks it up. Matt sends Ultimo into the ropes but Ultimo takes this opportunity to do a suicide dive through the ropes hitting Shannon Moore. A very impressive looking move, hit it right on the money. During this time Funaki the legal man tries a schoolboy on the distracted Matt Hardy. Matt kicks out and is really mad. Matt then delivers a twist of fate to Funaki for the win.

Winners: Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore.


August 30, 2003

Shannon Moore w/Matt Hardy vs. H.B. Gates
Shannon makes his way to the ring with Matt Hardy. Shannon got a new tattoo. Anyway Shannon has most of the offence in the early going, he also mocks Gates when he gets the chance. Shannon back Gates into a corner but Gates moves and takes control of the match. Gates gets a little offence until Shannon counters with his halo move. Gates kicks out but Shannon then hits a 2nd rope neck breaker putting Gates away.

Winner: Shannon Moore


August 16, 2003

Matt Hardy Version 1.0 w/Shannon Moore vs Orlando Jordan
Finally, it's time for our Velocity MAIN-EVENT! I've made it this far having to hear Michael Cole's annoying bickering, and now Mattitude should help me ease the pain away. His opponent will be Velocity mainstay Orlando Jordan, and this should be a good match.

Matt Facts: Matt sleeps on his side and Matt's fortune cookies always predict success. I'm still waiting for one to say "Matt's favorite show is Velocity." I'd mark out like there was no tomorrow. Anyway, Matt boasts a shove to start, while Josh and Cole their dislike for Mattitude lately. With Matt's recent abuse of Zach Gowen, I bet Cat is the biggest MFer now. A tie-up goes into the corner and as Brian Hebner breaks it up, Matt forces the V1 signal right in his face. Orlando responds with a hard right hand, and later knocks down Matt with a shoulder block. Matt tries to come back with a hip-toss, but Jordan blocks it and scores with an arm drag. A dropkick follows, giving Jordan a two count on the pin after, and now he goes to the arm-bar. Matt gets out of it with a punch, and manages to avoid an attempted Orlando Jordan dropkick. He then disposes of him over the top rope, and Shannon attacks with kicks while Brian Hebner was distracted. A small "You Suck" chant erupts (For Orlando?) as Matt sends him back in. After some choking, he lands on his running jump while Orlando was draped neck-first over the second rope, and that gets two. Orlando makes a brief comeback at this point with some chops, but Matt thwarts the attempt with a side-effect for another two count. Matt now goes to a front headlock, meaning we've seen one in every match tonight, while on commentary, Cole gives a shout-out to Cat and how he likes Matt's pants. One difference there, genius. Cat is the doctor of style (Well, if Slick was here he'd re-gain that honor easily), while you, Cole, look like a freaking rat. Matt loses control now as he ends up running into a clothesline and both men are down. As they get up, Jordan hits Matt with the Johnson Shuffle before powerslamming him for two. Matt attempts to end it here as he counters an Irish-whip into a Twist of Fate attempt, but Jordan counters that and whacks his opponent with the flying jalapeno for another near fall. A delayed vertical suplex soon after allows Jordan some time to head up top, where he connects with a high crossbody... for two. Jordan would end up on the apron at this point, and he fights Matt off. As he then goes back up to the top rope, Shannon interferes, but is quickly kicked away. He did lose some time at the top though and it would cost him. Jordan leaps off, but is nailed with a kick to the mid-section when coming down. He's ripe for the picking now as Matt executes the Twist of Fate to pick up the hard-fought victory. Like we haven't seen that ending in every other Matt Hardy Velocity match. The match was solid, and Cole surprisingly stayed on the match for the most part.
Winner: Matt Hardy Version 1.0


August 2, 2003

Spanky vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0 w/Shannon Moore

Wow, this should be quite the opener for a Velocity. And here's a fun fact: Out of all Matt Hardy Velocity matches, this is the FIRST one where Shannon Moore will be with him. This must be some sort of breakthrough in Mattitude or something.

Mattitude Facts: Matt loves corduroy clothing and Matt despises standstill traffic. I'm still waiting for a Matt Fact concerning Velocity, Mr. Hardy. To the match now as Matt boasts an arm-drag to start, just as he does against everyone that is smaller than him. He brags about V1, while on commentary, Cat mentions his liking for Matt's pants. Spanky and Matt now go through a nice series of basics, leading into a pair of near falls for each man, as the crowd gets a "Spanky" chant going. Seeking to take the early-advantage, Matt rams Spanky into the corner, where he soon falls victim to a missile dropkick for two. As Josh and Cat talk about Buffalo Bill (Not the football team), Spanky literally runs up his opponent in the corner for a flip, but after bouncing off the ropes, Matt catches him with a side-effect, and that gets two. Matt works in some choking at this point with the ropes, and while distracting Mike Chioda, Shannon Moore manages a hangman from the outside. Spanky falls back into a neckbreaker, allowing Matt to gain another near fall. The creator of Mattitude now works a snapmare into a reverse chinlock, only to have Spanky punch out of it. However, Matt pulls him down and works a boot choke in the corner. On the follow-up, Matt performs a pretty cool airplane-swinging neckbreaker, but only for a close two count. As a result, Matt works a bow-and-arrow now, while Josh intros a replay of the previous move. I love seeing replay used on Velocity. Spanky dropkicks his way out of the hold, allowing him to come up with his own burst of offense. He connects with a knee to the face in the corner before knocking Matt down with a flying forearm. Arriba! Spanky manages a near fall soon after, and then goes right back to work with his awesome stand-up enziquiri, but only for two again. After positioning his adversary by the corner, Spanky heads up top hoping for some high-risk offense, but Matt thwarts that attempt as he gets up and crotches him. Despite this, Spanky is able to block a top-rope Twist of Fate attempt and knock Matt off, but ends up missing a moonsault as Matt just rolled out of the way. The former Cruiserweight Champion immediately capitalizes as he executes the Twist of Fate and picks up the 1-2-3. Good match, as expected. I wish it was given more time though. Winner: Matt Hardy Version 1.0


July, 5, 2003

Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Shannon Moore
This match makes me wanna cry. Why? CRASH ISN'T THERE. Apparently, as Josh explained, this match was made by Matt for tough love and to give him one last chance with Mattitude. Hey, when Crash joined their group, Matt said Shannon was doing fine with Mattitude and he said that he even trusted to teach Crash all about it. Hypocrite.

Mattitude Facts: Matt is giving Shannon one last chance and Matt likes pepper better than salt. I could've sworn he's used that second one before. And for those that never saw it, Shannon's titan tron is almost the same as Matt's, except it stops at 70% for a "connection lost." Crash had the best tron though, by far. Before the match, Matt has the mic and tells how Shannon has failed "again and again and again," and that this is his final chance to prove he's got Mattitude. Shannon's hesitant to fight as Matt shoves him and even RIPS HIS SHIRT OFF. That damn heel! I remember when Zeus did that to Hogan. After being slapped, Shannon's had enough and unleashes several rights on Matt, before losing the temporary advantage. Matt clobbers him with some CLUBBY clubs to the back, before connecting with a corner ram. Matt works in a choke using the ropes, ultimately leading to a running jump into Shannon. The creator of Mattitude now starts to just kick Shannon around, and would end up losing control soon after as Shannon hits him with a spinning heel kick out of nowhere. However, Matt re-assumes the advantage with the Side-Effect, and punishes Shannon with a spinning airplane neckbreaker. With Shannon down, Matt continues the assault with his SCREAMING second-rope leg-drop. He covers the MFer with one foot now, but only for two. "I don't like Zach," says Cat, as our hosts were talking about the Zach Gowen situation. I don't know why I mentioned that. Maybe because The Cat's hilarious. We have a MATCH going on here, ya know, but he's funny so it's okay. Concentrating on the match again, Shannon makes a comeback attempt as he drop toeholds Matt into the turnbuckle. This permits him to go up to the second rope and execute a modified spinning neckbreaker from there for two. Shannon now seeks a tornado DDT, but Matt counters it into a Twist of Fate attempt. Shannon re-counters that into a bridge pin for another count of two, and ducks a running charge from Matt on the follow-up. The former Cruiserweight Champion ends up on the outside, while Shannon heads up to the top rope. He comes off and connects with the Halo TO THE OUTSIDE, which looked awesome. Why didn't the crowd start a "Holy Sh*t" chant for that? That looked awesome. Back in, Shannon's at the top rope once again, and he leaps off to give Matt a huracanrana... for a CLOSE two count. Now Shannon's pissed. As Shannon goes to pick up his opponent, Matt small packages him to get the hard-fought victory. Great match from both men. Afterwards, Matt looks very impressed and gives Shannon a well-deserved hand-shake, before posing for the crowd to end the show. It would've been better if Crash was here. Winner: Matt Hardy Version 1.0

As I always say, another great Velocity. MOTN goes to Matt/Shannon as both men took part in a very good match that also produced a nice story with Shannon now gaining Matt's respect. Every other match also ranged from fine to good, so no problems there.

Credit: 1

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