Raw Results

Febraury 10, 2004

Trish Stratus & Chris Jericho Vs. Molly Holly & Matt Hardy Version 1.0 in a Mixed Tag Team Match
Footage from last week shows Jericho saving Trish from her match with Kane. Matt loves getting things for free. The guys start us off with some arm-based basics and a shoulder block by Jericho. Chops in the ropes by Jericho, Matt works a sunset flip, but Jericho rolls through and looks for The Walls. Matt escapes and tags Molly. Molly tries to punch Jericho, but Chris blocks it and spanks her. Trish tags in and controls Molly with wrestling for a near fall from referee Chad Patton. Trish ducks a clothesline and scores one of her own for a one count. Head scissors out of the corner by Trish, but Molly catches her coming in and leverages her into the middle rope. Northern Lights by Molly for a near fall. Trish jaw jacks out of a chinlock and both girls are down. They tag and Jericho scores the inziguri on Matt for two. Jericho backdrops Hardy to the apron and springboard dropkicks him to the floor. Molly tries to come in off the top, but Jericho crotches her there and goes out after Hardy. Matt throws Jericho into the steel steps as Trish scores the Stratusphere in Molly. Matt gets up on the apron and pulls Trish to the mat by the hair, but CHRISTIAN dashes to ringside and pulls Hardy back to the floor. Christian goes to work on Matt on the floor as Molly tries for her back handspring elbow on Trish in the ring, but Stratus floats over onto Molly’s shoulders and works the victory roll for the 1-2-3 at 4:26. Velvet McIntyre would be proud.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Trish Stratus & Chris Jericho

Kane Vs. The Hurricane
Hurricane attacks at the bell and then bails to the floor with Kane in pursuit. Kane shakes Hurricane off on the floor and tosses him back in. Sidewalk slam by Kane. Kane sets up for the chokeslam, hits it and that’s that at 1:17.
HERE is YOUR Winner: Kane

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

February 2, 2004

Booker T Vs. Matt Hardy Version 1.0
This is a rematch from last night’s Heat. Matt has never run out of gas while driving. Matt’s chest hair grows swiftly. Hardy clobbers Booker at the bell as referee Mike Chioda admonishes the use of the closed fist. Hot shot by Hardy, followed by a clothesline in the corner and a bulldog out of the corner. 1-2-kickout by Booker. Sleeper by Hardy, but Booker won’t fade. Booker squashes Hardy in the corner to break the hold, but Hardy comes off the second rope with a neck breaker for a near fall. Matt gets another two count before cinching in a modified sleeper on the mat. He switches it to a full nelson and Booker fights up. Matt quells that riot with a knee to the gut and a cover for two. 1-2-Booker kicks out again. Hardy works the neck again, this time with a rear chinlock. Booker surges up again and fights out with elbows. Matt dips his head and Booker scores a kick, but Hardy works the Side Effect for a close fall. Hardy walks right into a spinebuster and both men are down. They stagger up and Booker beats Matt to the punch. Booker with a dropkick and a reverse kick. 1-2-Matt kicks out. Matt eats elbow on a corner charge and Booker drills him with a spin kick. 1-2-Matt gets the shoulder up. Matt works a Flair pin, but Chioda catches him in the act. Booker comes back with a sidekick. Spinaroonie! Matt tries to attack, but Booker manages to land the scissors kick and he gets the 1-2-3 at 6:26 to beat Matt for the second straight night.
HERE is YOUR Winner: Booker T Credit: Rajahwwf.com

January 26, 2003

Victoria & Lita w/Steven Richards Vs. Molly Holly & Jazz w/Theodore Long
Molly and Lita start with some amateur wrestling that Lita amazingly gets the better of. Lita suplexes Molly and then tags Victoria, who was begging for it. Molly quickly tags Jazz, who takes Victoria down and nails her with some crossface blows for a near fall from referee Chad Patton. Victoria with a sunset flip for a near fall. Standing moonsault by Victoria for another near fall before Molly distracts her from the apron and Jazz dropkicks her out. Steven Richards and Teddy Long jaw at each other as Victoria climbs back into the ring and Jazz suplexes her over for a near fall. Molly tags in and locks Victoria up with a chin hold. Jazz returns and boots Victoria in the belly as Molly holds her. Another chinlock, this time by Jazz, but Victoria won't quit. Standing sit-out powerslam by Jazz, but Victoria dodges the splash. Victoria crawls to the corner, Molly tries to stop her, but she makes the tag anyway and Lita goes to work. Molly flees and tags Jazz, who promptly headscissored over by Lita. Tag to Victoria and she goes at Molly (who I'm pretty sure isn't legal). Victoria with a powerslam. 1-2-broken up by Jazz. Lita and Jazz spill to the outside as Molly looks for a suplex on Victoria, but Vicky rolls her up and gets the 1-2-3 at 5:55, pinning Molly for the second straight night.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Victoria & Lita

Richards raises Victoria and Lita's hands on the ramp as Molly pitches a fit in the ring.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

January 12, 2004

Trish Stratus & Lita Vs. Jazz & Molly Holly w/Theodore Long
Jonathan Coachman joins the announcers as Trish makes her way to the ring. He says tonight he will interview Shawn Michaels and Triple H in the ring tonight. Footage from last week shows us the return of Jazz. Utter chaos dominates at the start before it settles into Lita and Molly in the ring. Lita with a headscissors takeover. Tag to Jazz. This is the first time Lita and Jazz have hooked up in a WWE ring. Lita with a suplex and she kips up. Lita goes to the top, but Molly pulls her down by the arm while referee Jack Doan puts Trish back in the face corner. Tag to Molly, who buckles Lita's bean and works her arm over the top rope. Molly bars the arm, but Lita fights out. Jazz knees Lita from the apron while Molly tricks Trish into the ring. Molly pulls Lita into the middle of the ring, but Lita forces her into her corner. Jazz dahses into the ring to distract the referee, which causes him to miss the tag to Trish. Tag to Jazz, but Lita dodges the splash and makes the hot tag. Trish with a Thesz press and some right hands. Trish brings Molly in and takes both heels over with a head/leg scissors. Trish dropkicks Molly over the top and Matrixes out of Jazz's way. Spinebuster to Jazz. 1-2-kickout by Jazz. Trish drops Jazz again and makes the cover. 1-2-broken up by Molly. Lita takes Molly back to the outside with a modified Litacuranna. Trish looks to press the advantage on Jazz, but Teddy Long gets up on the apron and tosses his jacket over Trish's head. Trish flings it off and goes after Teddy, which allows Jazz to sneak in with a roll-up. Jazz grabs the tights and gets the 1-2-3 at 4:55.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Jazz & Molly Holly

Matt Hardy Interview
Mr. V.1 takes the stick and says people have tried to steal his spotlight all his life. First his brother Jeff, then his girlfriend Lita and now Stone Cold Steve Austin. Since Austin returned to RAW, Matt Hardy hasn't been on the show. Shame on the board of directors for caving to Austin and all these ignorant fans. Hardy came out here to kick ass and he's not leaving here until...KERRRRAAASH!!! Here comes RAW Sheriff Stone Cold Steve Austin on his ATV. Austin hits the corners as Hardy bails to the outside. He returns as Austin takes the stick and gets an obligatory Hell Yeah from the crowd. Austin didn't come back to RAW to be a co-GM, he came back to be the law. If Eric Bischoff uses the show to feed his ego, he's breaking the law. If a man comes out to kick ass, he's not breaking the law, Austin encourages ass kicking. But if a man is out complaining and bitching about not getting any action, he's breaking the law. If Hardy wants to kick someone's ass, Austin is standing right there. Hardy's ready to kick some ass, but not Stone Cold's. Hardy came to RAW for unique matches and new opponents and he's fought Stone Cold before. Fine, says Austin, if there's anyone in the back who's never wrestled Matt Hardy, come on out and accept his challenge. DUM...DUM...DUM-DUM-DUM...it's Goldberg! Goldberg strides to the ring as Sheriff Austin mounts his ATV and heads out. Referee Earl Hebner follows Goldberg to the ring and we're into...

Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Vs. Goldberg
Hardy attacks at the bell, but Goldberg shakes him off and scores an overhead pump handle slam out of the corner. Hardy comes back with the Side Effect and makes the cover, but Goldberg powers out at one. Goldberg batters Hardy away in the corner. Hardy looks for the Twist of Fate, but Goldberg counters into a military press slam. Matt staggers up and...Spear! Goldberg sets up the Jackhammer, hits it and that's that at 2:26.
HERE is YOUR Winner: Goldberg

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

January 5, 2004

Chris Jericho & Christian Vs. The Hurricane & Rosey
Christian and Rosey start with a big clothesline by the S.H.I.T. Tag to Hurricane and Rosey hip tosses him onto Christian for a near fall from referee Earl Hebner. Tag to Jericho. Y2J takes over on Hurricane in the corner, but Our Hero comes back with a Hurribuster. Jericho ducks the shining wizard and Christian low bridges Hurricane to the outside. Jericho fetches Our Hero back in and drops him with a back suplex. Tag to Christian. Front facelock by Christian. Rosey makes the blind tag, but the referee doesn't see it and runs him from the ring. The heels try to double-team Hurricane, but Our Hero manages a double DDT and makes the hit tag. Samoan drop to Christian. 1-2-broken up by Jericho. Rosey ducks a double clothesline and scores one of his own. Rosey tosses Jericho out and Hurricane comes off the top out onto him. Meanwhile, Rosey drops Christian and makes the cover, but Christian gets his foot on the ropes at two. Jericho powers Hurricane into the steel steps as Christian avoids a corner charge and Rosey posts his shoulder. Jericho rams Rosey's head into the post from the outside and Christian follows up with an inverted DDT for the 1-2-3 at an even 5:00.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Christian & Chris Jericho

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

December 29, 2003

Back in the arena, Terri gets the word from the Santa-attired Lita, Trish Stratus and Stacy Keibler. They start to talk about what Santa brought them this year when a black pick-up truck backs into the frame and almost kills them all. It's Stone Cold Steve Austin, honking his horn and being obnoxious in general. He's here to wait for the call from the board of directors.

Miss Jackie, Victoria & Molly Holly Vs. Stacy Keibler, Lita & Trish Stratus in a Six-Woman Happy Holidays Match
All the girls are in Santa-esque attire, that's the only difference between this and a regular match. Victoria attacks Stacy at the bell; ducks a high kick and tag Molly in. Molly taunts Stacy, but Keibler whips her into the corner and boot chokes her. Stacy hair mares Stacy out of the corner and tags Lita. Lita headbutts Molly in the belly and rolls her up for two from referee Charles Robinson. Molly gains the advantage with elbow drops and chokes Lita on the mat. Lita manages another roll-up. 1-2-broken up by Miss Jackie. Molly regains the advantage with a seated surfboard and cheap shots Trish on the apron. Lita takes Molly over with a flying headscissors and makes the tag to Trish who comes in off the second rope with a Lou Thesz press. Stratusphere to Molly. Stratusfaction to Molly! 1-2-3. Trish pins the Women's Champion at 3:22.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Trish Stratus, Lita & Stacy Keibler

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

December 15, 2003

Trish Stratus & Lita vs. Christian & Chris Jericho in Eric Bischoff's Battle of the Sexes II
This is obviously a rematch from last night. Lawler is horse from doing commentary last night. Trish and Jericho start with some jawing that ends with Jericho walking away and tagging Christian. Jericho goes to the top of the ring steps and stares off into space as Lita distracts Christian and Trish rolls him up for two from referee Charles Robinson. Christian shoves Trish down and Lita tags in. Christian ambushes her on the way in and goes for a slam, but Lita floats over and rakes his face and eyes. Jericho pulls Lita down to the mat by the hair. Christian buckles Lita's bean and then puts her on top, but Trish distracts him and Lita sends him back to the mat. Lita leaps off the top and blows the hurracuranna, almost landing on her head. The girls double-team Christian, but he soon regains the advantage and nails Trish with the Unprettier. 1-2-Christian is pulled off by Jericho. Jericho holds Christian back and tells the referee to stop the match because Trish can't continue. Befuddled at first, Robinson finally sees things Jericho's way and calls for the bell at 4:14. The referee has ruled that Trish Stratus cannot continue, therefore your winners by forfeit: Chris Jericho & Christian

Booker T & Maven vs. Mark Henry & Matt Hardy Version 1.0 w/Theodore Long
We see footage from last night of the Batista-aborted match between Maven and Matt Hardy. Matt always utilizes toilet seat covers, by the way. Hardy and Maven start with maven in control with right hands and a dropkick. Maven mounts Matt for punches, but Hardy goes to the injured ribs to get the advantage. Tag to Henry, who shoves Maven into the corner and then beals him out. Henry hammers away on Maven's back and Hardy tags back in. Side slam by Hardy. 1-2-broken up by Booker T. Hardy with a seated surfboard on the mat. Referee Jack Doan checks in, but Maven won't give it up. Maven fights up and kicks his way free, but Hardy grounds him for a near fall. Matt with reverse elbows in the corner and he powers Maven hard into the opposite corner. 1-2-kickout by Maven. Matt looks for a powerbomb, but Maven counters it into a side Russian leg sweep and both men are down. Tag to Booker T, who lights Matt up and knocks Henry off the apron. Spinebuster to Hardy. Spineroonie! Henry charges in, but Booker low bridges him back out. Maven goes to the top and dives out onto Henry as Hardy looks of the Twist of Fate, but Booker counters into the scissors kick and get the 1-2-3 at 4:39.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Booker T & Maven

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

December 8, 2003

Chris Jericho & Christian Interview
Before they take the tag titles from The Dudley Boyz, Y2J takes the stick to address Trish Stratus and Lita. He and Christian each have a bouquet of flowers in hand. They both apologize for what they said about Lita and Trish Stratus last week. Jericho doesn't know what he can do to make things up to Trish and here indeed come Lita and Trish Stratus to the ring. Trish holds up a Canadian dollar in Jericho's face, Y2J says the bet was all a joke. Trish knows the connection she and Jericho have, he would never jeopardize that for a bet. And Lita knows Christian feels the same way about her. Trish knows the real Jericho, please accept his apology. Chris is begging Trish. Trish turns away from Jericho, but he's never felt this way about anyone ever. Trish responds with a huge slap and the girls beat the boys upside the head with the flowers. Here come The Dudley Boyz as Trish and Lita head up the ramp.

Chris Jericho & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz for the World Tag Team Championship
We're already underway as Trish Stratus and Lita watch from ringside. The Dudleys control Jericho and D-Von scores a powerslam. The Dudleys pile both Canadians in the corner and Bubba lands an avalanche. Christian trips Bubba up from the outside and Jericho takes over. Y2J chokes Bubba over the middle rope and tags Christian in. Christian hammers away on Bubba's bean on the mat as referee Charles Robinson counts towards the DQ. Christian drags Bubba into the heel corner and makes the tag. Jericho makes the cover for one before settling into a reverse chinlock on the mat. Bubba fights up and elbows out, but Jericho floors him with a flying clothesline. 1-2-D-Von breaks it up. Christian tags in and rakes the face and kicks Bubba about the chest and stomach. 1-2-kickout. Christian tricks D-Von into the ring and he and Jericho work the double team as the ref ushers D-Von out. Bubba fights out of the corner and drops Jericho Samoan style. Both men are down. Robinson gets to six before both men tag and D-Von backdrops Christian to the mat. D-Van nails Jericho as well and side slams Christian. 1-2-broken up by Jericho. Bubba tosses Jericho out and the Dudleys look to finish Christian, but Y2J returns and takes D-Von to the outside. Bubba sets Christian up, but misses the reverse splash off the second rope. Jericho returns and nails Bubba with the Lionsault. Christian crawls over for the cover. 1-2-Bubba barely kicks out. Jericho grabs Bubba from the apron, but the charging Christian hits Jericho by accident. Bubbabomb to Christian. 1-2-Jericho pulls the referee out and drops him on the floor. All four men end up in the ring and the Dudleys set both heels up for the Whazzzup, which is delivered in stereo by Trish Stratus and Lita. Jericho rolls out as the Dudleys nail Christian with the 3-D and referee Robinson crawls back in the make the 1-2-3.
HERE are YOUR Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz

Booker T, The Hurricane & Rosey vs. Scott Steiner, Test & Mark Henry w/Theodore Long in a Six-Man Tag Team Match
Where the hell is Rodney Mack, by the way? Henry is wearing a red singlet that says "Mark Henry" across the chest in case he forgets. Rosey and Test start with some punches and basics. Bodyslam by Rosey, followed by a splash for a near fall from senior referee Earl Hebner. Tag to Hurricane. Test eats elbow on a corner charge, but regains control and hammers away on Hurricane's face on the mat. Tag to Steiner. Steiner clotheslines Our Hero down and drops the elbow. "Shut up, Booker T!" yells Steiner before belly-to-bellying Hurricane to the mat. Tag to Test, who stomps Hurricane into the mat. Hurricane manages a knee lift off the whip and tags Booker T. Booker with a sidekick to Test. Spineroonie! He looks for the scissor kick on Test, but Henry breaks it up. Henry, not the legal man, presses the charging Hurricane and drops him over the top to the floor. Rosey then charges in, but Henry catches him in a huge spinebuster as we go to...

Trish Stratus & Lita vs. Molly Holly & Victoria
We begin with action already under way as CHRIS JERICHO and CHRISTIAN have taken position on the ramp to watch. Trish gets a near fall on Molly after a dropkick, but Molly regroups and chokes Trish over the middle strand. 1-2-Trish kicks out. Bodyslam by Molly and Victoria comes in off the tag with a somersault legdrop from the apron for two from referee Jack Doan. Victoria works her tilt-a-whirl side slam for two. Victoria shoves Trish into the heel corner and tags Molly. Molly works a modified camel clutch on the mat. Molly shoots Trish into the corner, but Trish floats over the back handspring elbow. Trish lands on Molly's shoulders and looks for the victory roll, but Molly turns it into a nice powerbomb. Molly puts both feet on the ropes for the cover. 1-2-broken up by a Lita dropkick. Trish finally gets some separation and makes the hot tag to Lita, who cleans house on everyone until MATT HARDY appears on the apron. Lita goes after him and he hot shots her over the top back into the waiting arms of the heel girls, who plant her with a double sideslam. Victoria runs Trish off as Molly makes the cover and gets the 1-2-3 on Lita.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Molly Holly & Victoria

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

December 1, 2003

Trish is shown backstage looking for something. Lita then comes in and says she has what Lita is looking for, a Chris Jericho action figure. Lita then asks what's going on between them and Trish says that last week really did it for her. They hug out and talked about their feelings...their feelings, seems lame. Trish then shows Lita a present he made for Jericho. A Team Canada hockey jersey with his name on it and that she will wear that for him tonight with nothing but a bra on underneath. She then tells Lita that she thinks tonight is the night. The night for what?

Matt Hardy vs. Christian
Matt fact: Matt is more handsome then Christian. Last week highlights are shown in their tag team match. Christian comes out accompanied by Lita. Christian enters the ring and the two begin to brawl with Christian getting the upper hand. Christian continues his offense in the outside and then back inside. Hardy gets control of the match after a drop toe hold to the turnbuckle. Lita then tries to get Christian going, which works for a short amount of time. Hardy gets a near fail after second rope leg drop. Lita tries to get Christian going again and once again, it provided a short boost for Christian. V1 goes after Lita but is cut off by Christian. Lita makes a third attempt at getting Christian back in the match and this time it works. Christian gets a near fall after a reverse DDT. Molly then runs out and throws Lita into the ring steps as Christian sets Matt up for the Unprettier. Christian goes toward Lita and Hardy gets the pinfall after a school boy.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

November 24, 2003

We return to Salt Lake City with Lita’s music filling the arena. Bischoff comes on the big screen and says to cut the music. He tells Lita that she had a rough week last week after losing her boyfriend and her job. But he has decided that he does not want to fire her. He talks about her match tonight with Victoria and brings in the Women’s Champion Molly Holly. He lets Molly spin the RAW Roulette wheel and it lands on Steel Cage. That makes Victoria vs. Lita tonight in a steel cage! The steel cage lowers and Lita looks above.

Steel Cage
Lita vs. Victoria
The match kicks off with Lita throwing Victoria into the steel cage. The control shifts back and forth but Lita is the first to try and climb out of the cage. Victoria follows and tries to knock Lita off. But Lita is able to defend her. However, Victoria tries again and gets her off of the cage. Lita hits the mat hard as Victoria goes after the control. Lita gets up on the defensive. She tries to climb out but falls. Victoria gets up and tries to get out but is blocked. Victoria and Lita shift blows. Lita connects with a powerbomb to buy her some time. She looks like she is going to climb out but connects a moonsault and goes for the open door. But Matt Hardy is out and slams the door in Lita’s face! Victoria climbs out for the win.

Winner: Victoria

After the match Hardy goes for the attack on Lita, but Christian comes out for the save. He checks on her as RAW cuts backstage.

Hurricane and Rosey come out from no where to talk to Bischoff. Bischoff says that they have a match tonight against each other. He spins the Roulette wheel and it lands on “capture the midget.” Bischoff brings in a midget and explains Hurricane and Rosey the rules. Hurricane says what if they refuse the match, Bischoff says it will turn into a “loser gets fired match.”

The midget runs through with Rosey and Hurricane trying to catch them. Val and Storm they have no idea who that was in order to play it off for the girls.

Back to the Roulette wheel we go with Bischoff and Matt Hardy. Hardy tells Bischoff he has officially slammed the door on Lita. Bischoff tells Hardy that he has a new coaster for his drink. It is Stone Cold’s book. Bischoff teases Austin by saying he will never step foot on RAW again.

Bischoff tells Hardy his match is up next, so he needs to spin the wheel. It lands on “strange bedfellows.” Bischoff tells Hardy he’s going to love it. We see shots of Goldberg pretending to workout, but it looks like he is using a jump rope (Haha).

Strange Bedfellows
Matt Hardy & Christian vs. Bubba Ray Dudley & Garrison Cade
We start with Hardy and Bubba Dudley. Christian isn’t able to get any control, as Bubba dominates with a couple of slams before tagging in Cade. Christian counters against him, but not for long as he is met with backhand chops. Christian is able to get a two count, but not enough for the win. He connects some boots and right hands on Cade and goes to the top for more rights. Cade counters off of the top rope. Bubba is tagged in. Bubba connects an inverted back body drop. Hardy leaves Christian and Cade is able to get the three count.

Winners: Bubba Ray Dudley & Garrison Cade

We’re in the parking lot and see Fernando (the midget) still running from Hurricane and Rosey.

While J.R. and King are talking the midget runs down the entrance ramp and jumps into Ross’ arms. Fernando puts J.R.’s hat on and he is declared the winner of the match. Therefore, J.R. has won a midget? Back to the ring...

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

November 17, 2003

Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel
Jericho congratulates himself on eliminating Stone Cold Steve Austin from WWE last night. He then introduces Lita as his guest and she comes on down. Jericho feels so bad for Lita as she was unable to capture the Women's Championship last night. Lita knows she lost last night, but she didn't come out here to be insulted by a jackass like Jericho. Wait, Lita has the wrong idea, Y2J doesn't want to see Lita down in the dumps, he wants to see her happy. If Jericho means Christian, she doesn't want to here it. Oh no, Jericho doesn't mean Christian, he means someone whose Smackdown contract has just expired. He means...OH YEAAAAAAAHHHHH, it's Matt Hardy Version 1.0! Lita and Matt embrace when he gets to the ring and Matt has a question. He takes Lita's hand and gets down on one knee. Lita, will you...music hits and WWE Women's Champion, Molly Holly appears on the stage. What does Molly have to do to get some respect around here? She beats Lita last night at Survivor Series and it's STILL all about Lita? Wait a minute Molly; Jericho would like to use this intensity to see some action. He's not the guy who makes matches around here, but what about Matt Hardy and Lita versus Molly and a male partner of her choosing. All right, says Molly, fine! Tonight, it'll be Matt and Lita against herself and her partner...Eric Bischoff!

In the back, Lita encourages Matt Hardy to finish asking her his question from before, but he wants that to be in front of the whole world. Matt leaves to plan their match for tonight as Trish Stratus comes up and giggles giddily with Lita over the prospect of a proposal.

Molly Holly & Eric Bischoff vs. Lita & Matt Hardy Version 1.0
Bischoff has made this an Intergender Match and is out there in his suit. The girls start and Molly scores a quick near fall from referee Charles Robinson. Molly with a face rake on the mat and the ref counts toward a DQ. Lita counters a slam and turns it into an inverted DDT. Both girls are down. The referee gets to six before Molly tags Bischoff. Lita nails Bischoff in desperation and crawls toward her corner, but Matt drops off the apron! Uh...uh-oh. A teary-eyed Lita asks Matt what's going on as Bischoff takes the opportunity to throw her on the mat and matchbook pin her for three at 2:35.
HERE are YOUR Winners: Eric Bischoff & Molly Holly

Bischoff gleefully fires Lita before he and Molly head up the ramp. Meanwhile, Matt takes the stick and says the question he had for Lita earlier is...why is she so selfish? When she had a broken neck, all she had to do was come and be with him on Smackdown, but no! She had to make this big comeback and keep everything about her. As of now, Matt and Lita are through! Matt throws the mic down and leaves Lita crying in the ring. Jeez...Lita's job AND her boyfriend are gone. Ouch.

In the back, Lita takes her bags and her dog and heads for the door. She drops her keys and notices Christian standing over her when she stoops to pick them up. Lita's already lost her job and her boyfriend, has Christian come to rub it in? No, nothing like that...and Lita hasn't lost her job. What? Eric Bischoff just fired Lita. Yes, but Christian used his special favor to get Lita her job back, no big deal. Lita starts to cry for a different reason now and Christian takes her out of the arena to get something to eat.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

November 10, 2003

Lita Interview
Lita takes the stick and says that's she's been told her comeback is a great accomplishment, and maybe it is, but nothing will be better that beating Molly Holly at Survivor Series for the Women's Championship. TIME TO PLAY THE GAME...here comes Triple H, flanked by Batista and Randy Orton. Evolution slowly makes their way into the ring with Lita still standing in the center. Triple H really tries to soak it up from the crowd, but the reaction is not overly large. Can Lita help you, guys? Triple H grabs the mic and says unless Lita plans to get naked and dance for a dollar, she can take a hike. Not wanting any trouble, Lita complies. Triple H runs footage of Batista's ankle-injuring attack on Goldberg from several weeks ago. If Goldberg thinks he's going to beat Batista tonight and them Triple H on Sunday, he's crossed the line between bravery and stupidity. Triple H goads the crowd into chanting for Goldberg when the GLASS BREAKS...and RAW Co-General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin comes on down and hits the corners. Austin gets right up in Evolution's face and stares Triple H down. Stone Cold was nice enough to let Hunter come down here and say his piece, but like Triple H told Lita...take a hike. Hunter and Randy Orton taunt Austin about Survivor Series, but Austin is more interested in whether or not Triple H had planned on wrestling tonight. Hunter says no way, so Austin tells him to get his ass out of the building. What's Austin going to do about it if he doesn't? Nothing, says Batista, because Austin is a coward. Austin is glad he only has to put up with this stuff for another six days and with that, orders security to the ring to escort Triple H from the building. An army of event staff comes down as Austin heads up the ramp. Triple H will leave, but not because Austin told him to...because he wants to.

Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Hurricane & Rosey

This match arises from the events of last night's Sunday Night Heat. Dupree kisses Lillian Garcia's hand as she makes her way up the ramp. Ross advises her to wash it. The heels attack Hurricane and Rosey on the outside before it settles into Rosey and Dupree in the ring. Dupree dropkicks Rosey's knee and puts the boots to it. Tag to Conway, who continues to punish Rosey's knee. Tag to Dupree who does his annoying little dance before dropping the elbow to Rosey's knee. Rosey comes back and tries to slam Dupree, but his knee gives out. Rosey does manage the Samoan drop and both men are down. Both men tag and Hurricane takes on all comers. Eye of the Hurricane to Conway. 1-2-broken up by Dupree. Dupree and Rosey tumble to the outside as Hurricane looks for the chokeslam, but Conway elbows out. Conway Dupree gets the drop on Hurricane from the outside behind referee Chad Patton's back and Conway puts Our Hero down for the 1-2-3 at 3:07.

HERE are YOUR Winners: Rob Conway & Rene Dupree

In the back, Terri tells Lita that she will be absolutely no help to Lita in their tag team match later tonight. Lita assures Terri not to worry when Eric Bischoff sidles up. He dismisses Terri and tells Lita that she better learn to "play ball" with Easy E. After Survivor Series, Lita's savior Stone Cold Steve Austin won't be around anymore to protect her anymore.

Lita & Terri vs. Molly Holly & Gail Kim -Coach introduces Lita and Terri as weighhing a combined 310 pounds. He then intros Molly as the "greatest Women's Champion of all time" and I like him more and more. Terri, who came to interview rather than wrestle, is in there in a denim dress and high-heeled boots. The heels isolate Terri at the start and Gail works her over before tagging Molly. Molly easily subdues Terri on the mat and covers her, but pulls her up after referee Jack Doan counts one. Molly rakes away at Terri's face on the mat. Terri manages to get some separation in the corner and makes the tag to Lita. Lita is all over both heels, slamming Molly for a near fall. Gail comes in and gets tossed into the corner. Lita uses the downed Molly as a vault Hardyz-style to clothesline Kim in the corner. Lita appeals to the crowd, but Gail recovers and kicks her in the side of the head. Molly quickly follows up with a roll-up and grabs the middle rope for extra leverage and the 1-2-3 at 2:40. -HERE are YOUR Winners: Molly Holly & Gaiil Kim

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

November 3, 2003

In the back, Terri gets the word from Molly Holly. Molly is sick of hearing about Lita and her "miraculous comeback." Everyone assumes Lita is going to complete her comeback by beating Molly at Survivor Series, but that's not going to happen. Lita and Terri have something in common though; the women's champion has destroyed them both. With that, Molly slaps the taste out of Terri's mouth and begins pounding on her. Ross and Lawler are appalled as Molly beats Terri out onto the stage and down the ramp. She flips Terri into the ring. Terri tries to fight back, but Molly is all over her. Here comes Lita. Molly heads for the crowd, but Lita catches her. Someone in the crowd smacks Lita over the back with a wrench and hops the rail. It's Gail Kim. Molly and Gail pull Lita back into the ring and deliver the double DDT.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

October 27, 2003

In the back, Trish Stratus is checking her voice messages when Lita comes in. Lita wants to know if Chris Jericho has called Trish, and he has. Trish seems to believe Jericho's wish of good luck tonight was sincere, but Lita's not buying. Lita leaves to see what she can find out about Jericho and Christian's sudden interest in them.

In the back John Heidenreich talks to The Hurricane about their tag team match tonight, which will serve as Heidenreich's tryout match. Rosey arrives and takes a picture of them as John tells Hurricane whom "Little John" is. We don't hear what he says, but Hurricane is quite shocked at the information.

Elsewhere, Lita confronts Christian about the save he made for her last week. He says he was reading her book and was glad to see she talked about how they used to be close friends. Lita acknowledges the history, but is still mistrustful. Christian assures her all is well and wishes her luck in her match tonight.

The Hurricane & John Heidenreich vs. Rene Dupree & Rob Conway

Conway attacks Hurricane at the bell as our hero was looking to give his mask to a ringside fan. Hurricane surges back, taking Dupree out on the outside, but Conway corrals him with a swinging neck breaker. Conway tosses Hurricane out and fools Heidenreich into the ring as Dupree gets his kick on all over Hurricane. Hurricane is rolled back in and covered for two by Conway. Dupree tags in and hammers away before getting another near fall from referee Jack Doan. Conway tags in and continues the heel segment with a near fall as the crowd chants USA. Dupree returns and does his little dance over the Hurricane's carcass before making the cover for two. Hurricane manages a sunset flip, but Dupree is out at two. The heels tag again and Hurricane takes some more punishment from Conway. Dupree returns and works the neck vise, but our hero won't quit. Hurricane dodges a corner charge and goes for the chokeslam, but Dupree escapes. Hurricane manages a DDT and both men are down. Hurricane finally makes the tag and Heidenreich goes nuts all over both opponents. Bicycle kick to Conway. 1-2-Dupree breaks it up. Heidenreich hip tosses Dupree over the top and scores an elevated Rock Bottom type deal on Conway for the 1-2-3 at 5:55.

HERE are YOU Winners: John Heidenreich & The Hurricane

Heidenreich and Hurricane celebrate with some ringside US troops as Dupree returns to the ring to wave the French flag. Heidenreich's not having though and goes to the ring to lay Dupree out with his finisher.

Trish Stratus vs. Victoria w/Steven Richards vs. Lita vs. Gail Kim in a Fatal Four Way Match to determine the Number One Contender for the Women's Championship

Everyone's in there at once in this one, good luck to referee Charles Robinson. Trish drills Gail with a spinebuster for a near fall as a leather and denim clad MOLLY HOLLY appears on the stage to observe the proceedings. Victoria drops Lita with her tilt-a-whirl slam and gets two. Richards helps Victoria toss Trish to the outside and Gail and Victoria tram up on Lita. Lita shoves Victoria aside and powerbombs Kim. 1-2-broken up by Victoria. Victoria seizes Lita up and scores the Widow's Peak. 1-2-broken up by Kim. Victoria attacks Gail and tosses her from the ring. Richards grabs Lita from the apron and holds her for Victoria, but Lita dodges and Victoria nails Stevie. DDT by Lita, who gets 1-2-3 and the Survivor Series title shot at 2:52.

HERE is YOUR Winner and the Number One Contender for the Women's Championship: Lita

Molly stares at Lita from the stage as Lita celebrates her victory.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

October 20, 2003

Molly Holly & Victoria defeated Trish & Lita in 3:58. Molly and Victoria did fast tags, keeping Trish tied up in their corner. Steven Richards took a cheap shot at Trish. Molly went for the Molly-Go-Round but Trish rolled clear and Molly landed on her ass. Lita hot tagged and had the heel gals reeling. Trish did a huracanrana on Molly. But the finish saw Richards sneak into the ring and help Victoria double powerbomb Trish for the pin. Molly laid Lita out with the title belt afterward. Richards joined Molly & Victoria in doing a beatdown on the babyfaces until Christian ran in for the surprise save, destroying Richards. Like Jericho did with Trish last week, Christian helped Lita up and acted all concerned about her. Lita looked surprised. Christian was behaving like a total gentleman. Guess he's trying to follow Jericho's lead and hook up with a babe. We'll see.

October 13, 2003

Backstage, Hurricane is talking to citizen Rosey. Hurricane tells Rosey that superheroes don't change in lockerrooms, but in phone booths. Rosey goes into a phone booth and gets stuck.

Lita, Trish & Ivory vs. Gail, Molly & Victoria Lita comes down for a six woman tag match. Ivory comes down next with new music and hair extentions followed by Trish Stratus. Next comes Gail Kim, followed by the Diva of all Divas, Victoria w/ Steven Richards. Molly comes out next looking fine as usual. The women all go at it. Victoria goes after Trish, Ivory and Gail, and Lita and Molly. Ivory and Gail start the bout, and Ivory takes it to Gail and tags Lita in. Lita clubs Gail and delivers a suplex. Lita punches Gail and Molly cheap shots Lita. Molly is tagges in and Gail and Molly double team Lita. Molly elbows Lita, and works on Lita's neck. Molly nails a swinging neckbreaker. Molly takes out Ivory and taunts Trish. Molly slams Lita, and Victoria hits a flipping legdrop. 1-2 kick out. Molly tags Gail in, Molly and Gail double team Lita. Lita counters and buckles Molly. Lita tags out to Trish, who hits Gail and Stratusfears Molly. Victoria comes in and gets chick kicked. Lita twist of fates Molly. But, Gail kicks Lita in the head. Ivory runs in and poision Ivory's Gail. Victoria deliver's a spiders web on Ivory... and Trish comes in and tries a StratusFaction, but is denied with interference of Richards. Victoria sets up for the "Widow's Peak", but Trish counters out into a schoolgirl for the 1-2-3! After the match, Victoria holds Trish, as Richards gets ready to hit her. Jericho comes in and hits Richards and pushes Vicky down. He then throws Victoria out of the ring, and does the same to Richards. Jericho then helps Trish up, who is really confused and kinda repulsed. Jericho smiles at her and leaves.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

October 6, 2003

Kane vs. Rosey

Rosey with a Samoan drop right off the bat followed by a splash. Rosey tosses his cape aside and hammers away, but Kane lands the big boot and punches Rosey on the mat. Kane hammers away in the corner with right hands and works a choke. Kane drives Rosey into the adjacent corner and works a back suplex. Kane drags Rosey to the apron and punches him from the floor. Kane slides back in and chokes Rosey with his knee as referee Jack Doan counts toward the DQ. Rosey tries some right hands, but Kane catches him coming in with a spinebuster. Kane to the top, but Rosey dodges the clothesline and scores a DDT. Rosey drops the leg, but Kane gets up. Rosey ducks a clothesline, but Kane catches him on the flip side with a chokeslam and gets the 1-2-3 at 3:24.

HERE is YOUR Winner: Kane

The Hurricane dashes to the ring after the bell, but he's soon chokeslammed for his trouble. Kane goes to light the posts, but...HERE COMES THE MONaaaaaaayyyy, Here Comes The Money. Shane McMahon appears in the ring and attacks Kane from behind, driving him from the ring.

Gail Kim vs. Lita

Molly Holly joins Ross and Lawler for commentary and is as shaken as they are about what's happened to Kane. Molly makes a good point, saying Lita should have to work her way back up through the ranks before getting any title shot. A tie-up leads to some Kim punches in the corner, but Lita soon takes over with a suplex for a near fall from referee Chad Patton. Lita grabs the top rope on a whip and Gail's dropkick finds only air. Lita with a unique roll-up for two before going for the corner splash, but Gail gets the knees up. Kim blocks a sunset flip and makes the cover for two. Kim applies the reverse chinlock, but Lita won't quit. Gail switches to a neck vise and Lita cries out on pain. Kim elbows Lita's neck and goes back to the vise. Gail elbows the neck again and gets a near fall. Kim appeals to the crowd and gets soundly booed. Ross actually says Molly is the top female competitor in WWE. Shockingly accurate. Kim works a dragon sleeper and soaks up more boos from the crowd. Seated surfboard by Kim, but Lita still won't quit. Lawler and Molly egg Ross into saying what happened to Kane was tragic. Lita escapes the surfboard and backdrops Kim out of the corner. Lita powers Gail into the corner and scores a tilt-a-whirl powerbomb for two. Kim blows a roll-up spot off the second rope and Lita has to turn it into a cover for a near fall. Lita signals for the Twist of Fate, but decides on a wicked DDT instead that knocks Kim completely cold for the easy 1-2-3 at 6:09. Good, good match overall.

HERE is YOUR Winner: Lita

Lita climbs the corner after the bell and has a staredown with Molly.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

September 29, 2003

Kane Interview

Big Red comes on down and takes the stick. Kane is glad for everything he's done to Shane McMahon and Shane's right, it's not over between them. As long as...STAND BACK! There's a Hurricane Coming Through! The Hurricane appears on stage and asks Kane if he remembers...this. The TitanTron shows footage of Kane & The Hurricane winning the World Tag Team Championship last year. Kane's gone from fan favorite to monster in less than a year...Whatsupwidat?! Kane says The Hurricane represents everything Kane used to hate about himself and he challenges Hurricane to a match. Our Hero declines and Kane begins to search the arena for a suitable opponent. He settles on a 10-year old kid sitting at ringside who happens to be wearing a Hurrimask. Did the kid's parents ever tell him there're no such things at monsters? Well guess what, they lied! Kane goes out after the kid, but The Hurricane gets him off. Kane quickly gets the advantage and tosses Our Hero into the ring. Kane goes for the chokeslam, but S.H.I.T. Rosey makes the save. Kane turns on Rosey, but Hurricane recovers and the heroes drive Kane from the ring.

Lita Interview

Terri is in the ring to conduct this one. She introduces Lita and Amy comes on down. Lita hits the corners and settles in with Terri for the interview. Terri plugs Lita's new autobiography before asking Lita how it feels to be back. Lita says hi to the fans and says she's past her broken neck. Like it or not, she's back. And no one is going to stop her from...here come Molly Holly and Gail Kim. Lawler says something about puppies and I ache for Coach and Snow. Molly takes the stick in disgust. Trish Stratus gets a DVD? Lita gets a book? Where's Gail's DVD? Where's Molly's book? Molly's the Women's Champion for crying out loud. Kim gets the drop on Lita and the heels hammer away until Trish Stratus comes out for the save. The faces have the advantage until Victoria storms the ring. Widow's Peak to Trish. Double DDT to Lita by Molly and Gail. Molly stands over the KO'd Lita and rips her book up before leaving with Gail and Victoria. Good, Christianesque mic work by Molly in that segment, by the way.

Kane vs. The Hurricane

This is obviously as a result of what happened earlier. Eric Bischoff has banned all outside parties from ringside for this match. Hurricane fakes Kane out of the ring at the bell and then dives out after him off the top. Kane throws Hurricane back in and gets the Shining Wizard for his troubles for two from referee Jack Doan. Kane quickly resumes control and scores the chokeslam for the 1-2-3 at an even 1:00.

HERE is YOUR Winner: Kane

Kane adds a second chokeslam after the bell for fun.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

September 22, 2003

Molly Holly & Gail Kim vs. Trish Stratus & Lita

This is obviously a rematch from last night. Trish and Gail start with some basics on the mat. More basics leads to a Trish dropkick for two from referee Charles Robinson. Tag to Molly. Trish controls Molly with arm drags and works the Matrix Move to avoid a kick. Trish scores a near fall and scores some chops against the ropes. Thesz Press by Trish and here's a tag to Lita. Lita takes Molly over with a headscissors, but she catches a boot in the belly and Molly hammers away. Lita recovers and gets two after a nice roll-up. Kim drives the knee into Lita's back from the apron and Molly gets a near fall. Snapmare by Molly followed by a Hennig neck snap. 1-2-Lita kicks out. Tag to Kim. Gail hammers on Lita's neck and chokes her over the middle rope. Snapmare by Kim and she settles into a seated surfboard. Referee Robinson checks in but Lita won't quit. Lita fights up and drops Kim with a Russian leg sweep. Lita crawls toward her corner, but Kim cuts her off and tags Molly in. Molly uses her leg to choke Lita over the middle rope and then let's Gail take over as she distracts the referee. Lita manages to reverse a suplex and both women are down. Tag to Kim and she elbows Trish off the apron in a brilliant move. The heels go for the double-team, but Lita fires up and backdrops Kim. Lita takes Molly down and covers Gail. 1-2-Molly breaks it up. Trish charges into the ring and pulls Molly to the outside as Lita hits Gail with the Twist of Fate for the 1-2-3 at 7:02 to end a good match.

HERE are YOUR Winners: Lita & Trish Stratus

Rene Dupree & Rob Conway w/Sylvan Grenier vs. The Hurricane & Rosey

The Frenchmen lord their flag over the wounded U.S. soldiers. Classy. Meanwhile, what did The Hurricane do to deserve the angle he's currently in? Jeez. Anyway, he and Conway start things off and it soon breaks down with Rosey in the ring. Referee Chad Patton ushers Rosey out as Hurricane dives off the top to the floor on Conway, but Grenier nails Hurricane with the flag. Hurricane is tossed back in and Dupree tags in. Dupree drops a double ax handle and gets a near fall. Tag to Conway, who gets a two count of his own. Conway works the seated surfboard, but The Hurricane won't give. Hurricane fights out and scores the Eye. Both men are down. Tags to Rosey and Dupree. Rosey with a backdrop and a slam before dropping the big leg on Conway. 1-2-broken up by Dupree (who was legal, as far as I know). Now Conway tags in and he's promptly double-teamed by the faces for the 1-2-3.

HERE are YOUR Winners: The Hurricane & Rosey

The Dudleys music hits and the new tag champs hit the ring. They shake hands with Hurricane and Rosey and then go to ringside to greet the wounded troops.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

September 15, 2003

Earlier today, The Hurricane was unsuccessful in his attempt to teach S.H.I.T. Rosey to fly.

Molly and Gail KO Trish with a double DDT after the bell before Molly goes out and retrieves to steel chairs. They set one up and lay Trish's carcass over it, then place the other over Stratus's face. Molly goes to the top, presumably to break Trish's neck, but you know, sometimes it just feels right...it's LITA! Molly tries to warn Kim as Lita hits the ring, but it's no good, Lita is a house of fire in there. Wicked DDT to Molly! Massive powerbomb to Gail Kim! Twist of Fate to Molly! Both heels are totally KO'd as Lita takes her shirt off, hits the posts and helps Trish to the back. Crowd loved that whole segment.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

September 8, 2003

La Resistance, Rob Conway, Rodney Mack & Mark Henry w/Theodore Long vs. The Hurricane, Rosey, The Dudley Boyz & Spike Dudley in a Ten Man Tag Team Match

I have no idea why this is happening and it's complete chaos for quite while until the Dudleys score Whazzzup on Conway. All the faces go for tables but Henry puts a stop to it on the outside. Back in the ring it finally settles into an actual tag match with Rosey and Conway in the ring. Tag to Spike, who comes in with both feet to Conway's gut off the top. Conway gains control and tags Henry. Big beal out of the corner, but Spike dodges the corner charge and Henry spills to the outside. Tag to Hurricane, who cleans house on everyone. Bubba tags in and he and Hurricane jab Rene Dupree to the mat. More chaos ensues as Spike chases Sylvan Grenier to the back and Hurricane and Rosey double-team Conway. The Dudleys follow with 3-D, but Mack comes in and drives D-Von out of the ring. Henry (who was actually legal the whole time) returns to the ring and corrals Bubba for a huge, impressive powerslam for the 1-2-3 from referee Nick Patrick at 4:49. HERE are YOUR Winners: Mark Henry, Rodney Mack, La Resistance & Rob Conway

Grenier returns to the arena after the bell and waffles the Dudleys with a tag belt. La Résistance grab Spike and go to use their finisher to drive him through a ringside table, but they miss the table completely and Spike is driven directly to the arena floor on the back of his head. Very, very scary looking, folks. Nick Patrick and The Hurricane are over immediately to check on Spike and it seems he's saying he's ok, which is completely unbelievable. Meanwhile, La Resistance grab Hurricane and drive him through the table meant for Spike. The carnage finally ends with the Dudleys down and the heels gloating on the ramp.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

September 1, 2003

La Resistance vs. Rosey & Hurricane
This was a pretty short match. Back and forth action until Rosey gets tossed to the outside. Inside Hurricane tries to slam Sylvain Grenier but Rob Conway comes in and hits Hurricane with the title belt. Grenier covers the injured Hurricane and gets the 1-2-3. After the match, Rosey comes in and beats up Conway, but La Resistance overpowers him and then call for the tables. They set it up but the Dudley Boyz come running down and attack La Resistance and toss them to the outside. Bubba and D-Von set up the table and try for the 3-D into it but Conway is pulled out by La Resistance.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

August 25, 2003

In the back, Goldust and Lance Storm bicker over how boring Storm is as Mini-Dust humps Lance's leg. Super Hero In Training Rosey swoops onto the scene and asks if Storm knows what's going on in the ring. Lance had his own problems and stalks off. Rosey then asks a production girl what's up and she tells him there's a guy in the ring with a gun. Rosey charges off toward the arena as The Hurricane arrives. He asks after Rosey and the girl tells him he went after the guy in the ring with a gun...a T-SHIRT gun. Hurricane takes off after Rosey.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

August 18, 2003

Earlier today, a little girl's cat is seen stuck up in the tree. Rosey, the S-H-I-T, comes by for the rescue. He gets the cat down and as the girl is thanking Rosey, Hurricane flies in and starts talkig to the girl. In the background and as this is going on, the cat attacks Rosey so he slams it against the tree and chucks it away. Rosey tells Hurricane that they need to get out of here for another missio and with that, they fly away as the girl calls out for her (now dead) cat.

Rodney Mack vs. Rosey
Theodore Long is back and says that it seems like people are still keeping Rodney Mack down. Rosey comes out with Hurricane and the match gets underway. Mack gets the early advantage but Hurricane and Mack get into it which allows Rosey to capitalize. He hits a Samoan drop, punches Mack, then hits a Stinger splash into a side slam for the victory.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

August 11, 2003

They showed video of an old lady trying to cross a busy street. Rosey showed up as the superhero in training and helped her cross. In my day, it only took Boy Scouts, not superheroes, to help little old ladies cross streets. Rosey pointed out that his acronym is S-H-I-T. The old lady was offended by the foul language and hit him with her purse. Hurricane arrived and said it proves no good deed goes unpunished.

Hurricane beat Rodney Mack in 3:03. Lawler reported that Theodore Long is on a cruise. Actually, he's been sick, which is why he's been absent. Mack hit a powerslam and a suplex. Hurricane brawled back but Mack blocked the chokeslam. Hurricane scored two after a lariat before scoring the pin with a crossbody off the top. Mack was angry over the loss and beat Hurricane up afterward until Rosey made the save.

Credit: 1wrestling.com

August 4, 2003

In the back, Hurricane is working with Rosey, when Christian comes up. He jokes that Rosey's superpower will be the ability eat a stack of cheesburgers at one time. Christian tells Hurricane that he left Booker in a pile in Australia and he'll do the same to Helms tonight. Christian leaves and Rosey comes back with his Superhero In Training kit. Helms tells him that he's not ready, but Rosey insists that he is.

Christian vs. Hurricane
Christian starts by whipping Helms against the ropes, but Hurricane comes back with a headscissor takedown. Hurricane tosses Christian out of the ring, and then hits a sommersault plancha. Back in the ring, Helms goes up top and hits a flying cross body 1-2-shoulder up. Back elbow by Hurricane, who goes second rope and leaps over Christian, then locks in a choke. Christian elbows out, but Helms clotheslines him down 1-2-shoulder up. Christian quickly rolls Hurricane up, using Helms' tights for leverage 1-2-3! After the match, Hurricane tries to get the ref to restart the match, but Christian attacks Hurricane. Helms' music hits, and Rosey comes out with a towel cape and a bandana over his eyes. Christian tries to attack, but Rosey takes him down with a spinning sidewalk slam.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

July 28, 2003

In the back, Rosey has some apprehensions about becoming a Super Hero In Training, especially because of the acronym. Rosey asks if he gets a mask or cape. Hurricane says he can have half a mask and a towel. Rosey wants superpowers, but Helms tells him to just trust in The Hurricane. With that, Helms flies away. Rosey tries to accomplish the same measure, but can't.

Credit: Rajahwwf.com

July 7, 2003

The Hurricane vs. Rosey
As we return, The Hurricane comes out to take on Rosey. Rodney Mack tries to grab him, but Helms stomps on his fingers. Rosey brings Helms down and hits a legdrop. Elbows by Rosey, but Helms starts swinging back. Helms goes second rope and hits sommersault neckbreaker. Shining Wizard to Rodney Mack. Helms goes up top, but Rosey grabs him and hits a Samoan Drop 1-2-3!

Credit: Rajahwwf.com 1

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