Questions for client team

Questions for client team :

The design team would like some further information on these areas. To enable us to better understand the structure of the VC and the services provided. This more in-depth understanding will help us create a better and more detailed design and implementation of the networking community.

  • What funding sources would there be for this community ? Would students pay a once-off or regular fee to use it. Would universities contribute funding ?
  • Is USVC intended to be a profit generating virtual community, with e-commerce possibilities ? Or is it intended as a not for profit community service ?
  • What is the relationship between USVC and universities ?
  • Would universities need to sign some sort of agreement to be part of USVC ?
  • Does USVC need the approval of unis before posting information related to their courses or activities ?
  • Would USVC staff or volunteers collect such information and post it on the website or would unis provide all the information to USVC ?
  • Should membership applications for USVC be cross checked with the relevant university's details for that student ?
  • If funding is provided by unis would they need to approve students before they can join USVC ?
  • How would information on courses, information days, social events, and other activities happening at unis be posted to this site ? Would unis provide this content to USVC administrators ?
  • Would companies, recruitment agencies, or other interested parties be allowed to advertise on this site ?
  • USVC Portal is described as the preferred news, lifestyle, and entertainment online destination for uni students. Would the site contain news from other sources eg. Nine MSN or ABC or newspapers ?
  • Would USVC require a full-time, paid support staff to maintain and update the site?
  • Is USVC open to students from around the world ? or just Australia ? or NSW unis ?
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