Happy Disclaimer and other info

Um sure, everything is copyrighted 1996 - 2003, just like every other personal home page that has a copyright notice.

The information on the NBSKY homepage is from my brain, which at times may not be functioning properly. If you find information which is completely misleading please email me at [email protected] . I will correct the issue as soon as possible.

Pictures, photos, composition, and illustrations are the property of me. Everyone is free to use this information if they wish but they must give credit where credit is do and not just cut and paste (ie. M.H.S, yes I'm bitter). Put my link on your page, get permission, or something. If someone would like a higher bit picture just email me and tell me what colour depth you would like.

unoffical means not offical but likely better than is currently available.


Giving Credit where credit is due.

SCADA Computer Display - Designed by Larry M., City of Moncton

Aerial Photo of Turtle Creek Watershed - New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources.

Marina Pic and Elephant Rock pictures - Anika L.



Tortora, G., B. Funke and C. Case. Microbiology: An Introduction. The Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Company Inc. Don Mills, Ontario. (1995)

02 March 2003




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