
every road is uphill; the ones that go somewhere that is
all the paths have rain, spare one; the desert
and the only thing that is certain is that every path is subject to a large amount of uncertainty
thats life, I'm told.


Keep throwing glass in your stone house.
Light the fire to burn the bridge under the water.
And I'll just keep pretending not to notice.


Soup's on and discovering memories of you
Winter nights brim full of passionate intensity
Your eyes, your smile, the way you believed
Feelings no one else could ever feel or say
Six simple words turned the world upside down
Yet the world could be held in my arms

Under moonlight at a secret place time and again
Heart racing, but not out of fright
Feeling came back to life and flooded my heart
Swept away in raging rapids without time to think
Indecision kept me from taking your hand
And pride let me drown


A dark cavern etched by the hands of thee
Eternal flames doused by ice cause hope to flee
Tempest winds ruthlessly strip a fruitful tree

Jagged claws tear at a wounded soul
Fellings burrowed as the mid-winter mole
Path of cart strays from the long-saught goal

Bricks on my heart
Spit in my eye
Plundered hope, battered soul


Warm beating light through round auburn panes
Flashes of white chase fleeting inhibitions
Only as days pass does a sweltering heat ebb
A photograph of intangible entities indelibly written on a withering soul.


Not every heart sprouts the same
A dream doused in a moment
Wounds hidden from all spare one
Hope's evil twin scars the heart

Soiled hearts never get completely clean
Feeling haunt their place of birth
Their roots linger like onion bulbs
And faint scents evoke tears in eyes


(written with those cute little fridge magnets. Thanks to Jenn C for the inspirational medium.)

Can't cuddle with one
Bitter romance when I look for your eyes
Let champagne flirt, chocolates melt, kittens purr
Desire deep inside me


New York city far behind
its like they're no longer part of me
I just feel numb and disassociated
I just don't care anymore
thats the problem
if you feel listless, untouched, numb
maybe your frame of mind needs to change
before things get out of control
before your tongue gets tied
before the soup gets cold
and you bury yourself not far from where you stand

:(a poem of IM quotes):

but the sanest schitzo I've ever known
because so much of what I say seem like crap after the childish side of me lets its frustrations out
a split persona: one that loves and embraces and the other that rejects and hates
but balance is hard to find in a world thats always changing
following my heart isn't neccesarily wise
you just gotta do the best you can
and lately I've been questioning what the best is
the one thing that didnt escape pandora's box: hope
theres always endless potential to be happy, its all about finding a way
yes, there will always be hope

The raven

A secret pain, a secret hates
The raven feeds on itself
Malevolence spilling from every broken vein.
Failing to grasp the present and past
Can�t see where there is to go
Cowering closely to humble roots and waning hope.
Spit, sweat, tears, blood, angst
Awaken! Drowning in fearful sweat
Rolling over and over and over and over and over..
Slowly the floodwaters rise
Quickly the sun sets
The last way out may be the only way out.
Reality and hope collide
Carnage consumes the dreams
Dreams are reserved for those who still breathe.
The last drop is spilled
Gray becomes the world.
The Raven has nothing left to give and flies away.

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stuff I've written along the way.
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