My Friend Rabbit
Rohmann, Eric. 2002. My friend Rabbit. Brookfield, Connecticut: Roaring Brook Press.
       ISBN: 0761315357.

This story is about Mouse and Rabbit, who is always getting the two of them into trouble.  After Rabbit gets a toy airplane stuck in a tree, he gets the idea to pile animals on top of one another so that the tree branch can be reached.  Rabbit and Mouse get to the top of the pile and then the animals come crashing down and are angry with Rabbit.  Mouse flies the plane to Rabbit's rescue, but then the plane ends up stuck in the tree again, with them in it, thanks to Rabbit covering up Mouse's eyes while they are flying.

The story is very humorous and the reader will be interested in finding out what will happen next.  The colors are bright and colorful and the looks on the animals' faces are some of the best and funniest parts of the illustrations.

The text is very minimal because the pictures speak for themselves.  The reader can see Rabbit carrying the elephant and the hippo and all the other animals through the grass and then piling them on top of one another.  Even with the minimal amount of text, Rohmann provides characterization through the illustrations.  By looking at the pictures, the reader can tell that Rabbit is big on ideas but doesn't always think them through.  We also see how Mouse is aware that these might not be the greatest ideas, but Mouse goes along with them anyway.  This is probably something that children as well as parents can identify with.

This book is appealing to children and adults because of its story, theme, and amusing pictures.
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