The Frog Prince Continued
Scieszka, Jon. 1991. The frog prince continued. Ill by Steve Johnson. New York: Viking
        Penguin. ISBN: 0670834211

This story continues where the first story left off.  The Frog Prince and the Princess aren't getting along very well.  He still has frog tendencies like sticking his tongue out and this annoys the Princess.  He isn't happy because he misses being a frog.  So he goes in search of a witch who can turn him into a frog, but none of the witches he finds are the right ones.  He finally makes it back to the castle after some close calls with the witches and the Princess is so happy to see that he's alright.  He realizes how much he loves her.  So they kiss and both turn into frogs and live happily ever after.

The plot itself is quite humorous, as are the illustrations.  For instance, the first witch the Prince comes to is sitting in the middle of the woods in a recliner next to a TV.  The remote control has buttons for different nasty spells on it.  Children and adults will enjoy seeing how Scieszka incorporated well known witches from other fairy tales into the story.

The plot was simple and involved a straightforward goal - the Prince wanted to be a frog again.  They different encounters with the witches provided plenty of action to keep the reader interested and the ending of the story was not necessarily the expected outcome, but still a happy one,

The ending was similar to the ending in the movie,
Shrek, where the princess turns into an ogre instead of Shrek turning into a handsome prince.  In both stories the theme applies that as long as the two characters are together, they are happy.
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