The Obligatory "About Me" Thing

I consider myself to be Bohemian in spirit. The idea of a workshop in SoHo really suits me. (I would have preferred a loft, but there were no vacancies ; )

In reality I'm a just an ordinary wife, mom and grandma, whose outward appearance is more like that of a middle-aged librarian! Once I was a piano teacher but financial need forced me to abandon that profession. Subsequently I worked in an office for over twenty years, until I took a voluntary retirement a year or so ago.

I am a lover of music and the arts. My first love is classical music but I enjoy folk music - especially Celtic - and I like "Oldies" songs, including ragtime and jazz.

I do a little painting and have dabbled in a variety of different crafts. My house is cluttered with the results of my artistic endeavors! I also like needlework. I enjoy crocheting for small dolls, hence the afghans. In a nutshell, I like to create things, and I really love working with color. That's why the border/backgrounds I've done here tend to be so saturated with color!

And I read whenever I get the chance. Mysteries are my favorites. I'm especially fond of books by Tony Hillerman or the "Cat Who" series by Lillian Jackson Braun. Once in awhile I'll indulge in a fantasy-type book about dragons and unicorns and so forth.

Having said that, I decided to adopt a dragon. Her name is Hyacinthia. I once painted some ceramic dragons, one of which is fuchsia and silver. She seems to have mysteriously flown from her display case into my Web page.

(OK. This is where she really came from.)

And finally, I do enjoy my computer! I just can't seem to resist creating Web pages!




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