Double D Dudley

Name: Double D Dudley

Aliases (former gimmicks): Torn Quad Dudley, The D, Triple D, Big Lazy, El Gran Luchadore.

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 200 lbs.

Alignment: Heel extraordinaire

Hometown: Copenhagen, Denmark

Theme Music: "No Chance" (Parody of Vince MacMahon's intro music), (former) System of a Down - "Chop Suey", Johnny Cash - "Hurt", Rob Zombie - "Numb".

Finisher: Double D Destroyer (botched Ki Krusher '99)

Other finishers used: Tomko Boot (Botched Big Boot renamed after the worst practicioner of the move), Botch Power Bomb

Managers: N/A

Wrestles In: Leather pants with the nBo logo on the left leg and 3 D's on the other. Each knee has a "fragile - handle with care" label on them. T-shirt with nBo logo to hide gut and lack of muscle. Shoot fighting gloves (in a vain attempt at looking hard) and elbow pads.

Titles won/held:

Former 70 times WCF World Champion(mostly booked by himself)

Triple Crown Championship in Nawll Japan Pro Wrestling

WCF Tag Team Champion (w/ Scott AlcoHall)

EWT Tag Team Champion (w/ Scott AlcoHall)

Bio: While others paid their dues and worked their way up on smaller boards, Double D was discovered and immedeatly pushed to the moon on the WCF board because of his size. Possessing little to no skill or talent, DD got massively over when he was given an Unstoppable Monster Winning Streak, which will always get over with casuals because they automatically cheer for someone who can't be beat. This quickly lead him to his first WCF championship reign, which bombed massively. Blaming the cyclical nature of the business, management kept the belt on DD for almost a year, when he vacated it after management refused to give in to his outrageous demands in contract negotiations. This lead to a split from the WCF and sent Double D on his first tour of Japan.

Having some namevalue and size he was put in matches with japanese legends who carried him to good matches. Seeing that his lazy ways didn't work as well in japan, where people pop for workrate, DD adopted the Japanese Strong Style, which, in his case, meant that he could stick to punches and kicks, stiff people out "to make it seem more real" and do what all wrestlers with little talent or sense do: Use lots of weapons and blade in every match.

After several tours of Japan, including one where he won the Nawll Japan Pro Wrestling Triple Crown Championship from The Great Puta, Keiji Puto, he returned to the WCF, who had gotten desperate after their new main eventer, a hard worker with an impressive moveset, had injured himself and was on the shelf indefinately. Instead of trying to innovate, management panickly sought a quick fix and caved to DD's ridiculous terms for a guaranteed contract with creative control, so to garner a quick nostalgia pop. On his first night back Double D walked to the ring to cut a promo, when he tore both his quads. Insisting on proving how tough he was and gutting it out, he completed his promo (consiting, in it's entirety of "Hey Yo, I'm back!", before being wheeled away, heavily sedated.

Double D spent the next year at home, recouperating. Upon his return, he was team with real life friend and drinking partner, Scott AlcoHall to form The Insiders. Paranoid about his spot on the card, DD's proceeded to politick heavily backstage and squash every opponent in ways that made them look weak and ruined many a career.

Together with Scott AlcoHall and joined by Bollywood Spike Bogan and backed by then WCF president and booker, $lim Bi$choff, he formed the New Board Order on the new "Ugh" show and the rest is history.

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