With Everything I Am
by Kristin

Date Posted: February 2, 2001

Click here to hear "Here Comes The Bride"

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The organ began to play soft music. The wedding was about to begin, and Sam stood nervously at the front of the church, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. 'Simmer down, Sam!' he told himself. 'Get a grip. You're marrying the most wonderful woman in the world, not some ogre. There's nothing to be nervous about...' which, of course, only made him feel more nervous.

'Don't lock your knees,' he thought, trying not to hyperventilate. He didn't want to end up like those poor grooms on America's Funniest Home Videos that fell over in a dead faint.

His heart pounded as he heard the processional music begin. Trying to hide his nervousness, he cast his eyes down to focus on the feet of all the smiling bridesmaids: first Aldys, on the arm of Guy Perkins; then Anita, escorted by Sam's friend Matt. Next came Caroline, proudly escorted by her boyfriend, Josie's brother Rob. Abby, Sam's sister, came next by the side of her husband, Bill. Behind them was the little flower girl, Sam's 5-year- old niece, Emma, Abby's daughter. Sam smiled at her and gave her a little wave as she started to turn to take her place beside her mother on the opposite side of the church.

Suddenly, she turned and ran toward Sam, and giving him a big hug, she said softly, "I love you, Uncle Sammy!"

Sam smiled and hugged the girl back, saying, "Thank you, honey. I love you, too."

Emma giggled, and when she turned to take her place, she said, pointing down the aisle. "Look! Look at Aunt Josie!"

Almost on cue, "Here Comes the Bride" started to play. When the music started playing, everyone stood up and to look Josie on the arm of her proud father. Everyone marveled at the incredible beauty walking up the aisle.

Sam took a deep breath and then looked up and saw Josie walking slowly down the aisle. Sam had to look twice, shaking his head; not believing how angelic she looked, and said to himself, 'Oh my God, how did I ever get so lucky?'

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Josie couldn't stop smiling. A moment ago, she had had the worst butterflies in her stomach, but one look at Sam had cured her of that. She knew the moment he had first seen her, because she saw Sam blink suddenly and almost shake his head as if he didn't believe what he was seeing, then he just stared at her like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life. Just as if she had read his mind, she said to herself, 'Oh my God, how did I ever get so lucky?'

When Josie reached the front of the church and took Sam's hand in hers, their eyes connected. After that, everything around her became hazy. The only thing in focus was her and Sam. The rest of the ceremony went like a dream. She was on autopilot, and she gave the responses automatically, without thinking. All she could think of was Sam's warm hand in hers and his incredible green eyes. Finally, the minister said, "I now pronounce you man and wife." Turning to Sam, he said, "You may kiss the bride."

Sam turned Josie to face him and slowly lifted the veil. He couldn't believe it; it was actually happening. Josie was a kiss away from being his forever. Then all the passion that had been bottled up inside him all day just let loose, and he gave her the most passionate kiss they had ever shared.

Josie was surprised at the intensity of his kiss, yet she didn't mind at all. All the other weddings she had been to involved just a quick ceremonial kiss, but it was clear that Sam meant business. It was as if someone opened the floodgates and then...it was over.

Sam pulled back, in a daze himself. Behind him, sounding very far away, he heard the minister's voice saying, "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you�Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Coulson�" Turning to face the crowd, a bit of embarrassment crept over his face. 'Oh my God,' he thought to himself. 'Did I just kiss her like that in front of everyone? My parents? Her parents!? I'll never look them in the face again�' His train of thought was derailed by another one: 'Wait a second, Sam, this isn't the first time you've ever kissed her like that in public! Remember the first time?'

Sam's mind flashed back to three years ago when he reached the top of the bleachers before the State Championship baseball game. The clock had just turned to zero. He remembered seeing the crushed look on her face as she dropped the microphone, truly believing he wasn't coming. He heard the silence of the crowd, sympathizing with Josie. They too, believed he wasn't coming. 'I'm not gonna let her down,' he had thought. And with that he rushed down the bleacher steps. He didn't hear the crowd cheering, only saw her face light up when she saw that it was really him. And then he kissed her. Kissed her with all the passion built up for the past two months, when he thought she was seventeen. She kissed him back, too, with all the built-up emotion from the past two months, when she was his student. 'Mr. Coulson' had been off limits. Not anymore!

Sam took Josie's arm, and the organist began playing the recessional. Josie looped her arm through his and he led her down the aisle, much like he had led her off the baseball field that Sunday night. Only this time, there were no doubts as to what they would be doing next.

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