True Trust
By Michelle

Date Posted: February 29 ,2000

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Josie was sitting in her office going through some paperwork when Gus came, opened the door, and let himself in. "Geller!" Gus growled to get Josie's attention.

"Yes Gus, what now?" Josie replied, not actually bothering to look up.

"Geller, pack your bags; you're leaving in the morning at eight o'clock sharp. Anita will tell you the rest of what you need to know," Gus answered and turned to leave.

"Gus wait, where am I going?" Josie asked, standing up in shock.

"You know that article you wrote? Well, the paper entered it in a contest for Features articles, and it's been nominated for an award," Gus said, wandering back into the room and grabbing one of Josie many pencils from her pencil holder, rolling it between his palms.

"You're kidding!" Josie exclaimed, amazed.

"Geller, I don't kid, do I?" and with that Gus turned around and left, yelling to the bullpen in general to get to work with his trademark retort, "Hey, the news doesn't sleep, you know!"

As Josie expected, Anita burst into her office just as Gus left. "So, what do you think? And I even get to go with you, isn't that great!?" Anita hooted, grinning broadly and leaning against the doorjamb.

"Anita, when will we be back, and where are we going?" Josie inquired.

"Were going to New York, baby!" Anita crowed. Josie quelled her with a pointed look. Anita, abashed, came inside the office and shut the door.

"Anita�I've never been to New York City." Heck, she'd never been out of the Midwest� "How are we going to find our way in such a huge place?" Josie felt decidedly queasy.

Grinning, Anita said, "Wait right here, okay? Don't move�" and she disappeared around the corner out of the office. Josie stared out the door, pondering what Anita had up her sleeve now.

When Anita returned, she was not alone. "Josie� I'd like you to meet James," motioning to the man who had stepped into the office in front of her. "James is from New York. Mr. Rigfort is sending him along with us to play tour guide," Anita said while hanging on the poor man's arm and beaming at him.

Politely detaching himself from Anita, the man came closer, extended a welcoming hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Josie."

Josie got up and shook his hand firmly. "Likewise," she replied with a friendly smile. Josie made direct eye contact with James in order to keep from bursting out laughing. Anita was standing behind him waving herself with her hand and mouthing at Josie, 'Isn't he hot?'

James scanned Josie up and down with an appreciative eye before clearing his throat and explaining, "Well, I need to go pack�I will see you and Anita tomorrow then, okay?" With that, James left the office.

"He is so cute," Anita sighed once James had left. Josie simply shook her head. This was just good old Anita at her finest.

"If you say so," Josie said noncommittally, her eyes straying to a framed photo of Sam on her desk.

The object of Josie's gaze did not escape Anita's notice. "Yes Josie, I know," she teased, "he might not be a Sam Coulson, but he runs a close second." Anita walked over to Josie's desk and picked up the picture of Sam, studying it for a moment before placing back down again.

"You know Josie, you're so lucky. Sam is so completely handsome and he has that gorgeous bod� I'll bet he'd be good in bed, too�" Anita teased.

Josie interrupted Anita's speech on Sam's finer points. "Anita! Please� I'm very busy�" Then changing the subject, she asked, "Why don't you just quickly run tomorrow morning by me, okay?"

"All right," agreed Anita, not in the least insulted by Josie's behavior. "James and I will pick you up tomorrow morning at your place at eight o'clock sharp for the flight out of O'Hare at 9:30. We will be gone for three days. Oh, and make sure to pack some formal and informal party clothes," Anita said with a twinkle in her eye, then smiled and walked out of the office. Josie sat and shook her head at Anita's antics, grinning. Then Anita peered her head back into the room. "See you tomorrow!"

* * *

Returning home from work, Josie was surprised to find Sam in her apartment cooking. "Sam�what are you doing?" Josie inquired.

He looked up from a couple pots bubbling on the stove. "I'm slaving over a hot stove, what does it look like?" Sam replied with a chuckle.

"So�what are you going to feed me tonight?" Josie said, walking over to stand behind Sam and playfully tightening the knot of the apron.

"One of your favorites� Chicken a La King," Sam announced.

From the moment Josie had seen Sam standing in front of her stove, looking both ridiculous and adorable in her cooking apron, she had completely forgotten about her upcoming trip. It wasn't until they were sitting down to dinner and Sam asked innocently, " So, how was work?" that it hit her. She was immediately contrite, "Oh, I almost forgot! I'm being sent out of town for three days," Josie said, putting her fork down.

With a questioning look, Sam asked with sad eyes, "What for?"

"It has to do with that story I wrote� You know which one�" Josie said, while giving Sam a knowing smile.

Sam pretended to think for a moment before saying, "Oh, yes� that story, but I still don't know why�"

"Gus said something about it being nominated for an award, but he didn't give me the details," Josie admitted.

"Really?" Sam beamed with pride for Josie. "Well then, when are you leaving?" Sam asked.

Josie didn't want to tell Sam but, knowing she had to, she finally answered "Eight o'clock tomorrow morning." She sighed.

"Might I ask where you're planning to go, while leaving me here dying of loneliness?" Sam teased.

"The awards banquet is in New York City," Josie said, excitement coloring her voice.

"New York?" Sam had been there many times�it could be a very daunting and confusing place for newcomers. "How are you going to find your way?"

"Well, Mr. Rigfort was kind enough to hire us�Oh, I didn't tell you! Anita is going, too-- a kind of tour guide who is going to help us with that. His name is James; he seemed very nice," Josie answered while taking a napkin to wipe her mouth.

"Now I see�" Sam said with mock-anger, "� you're leaving me for a tour guide." He couldn't hold back his smile.

Rolling her eyes, Josie teased, "How did you know?" while resting back in her chair.

Sobering, Sam asked, "But seriously Josie, what do you really know about this James character?"

"Not much�" Josie admitted, "�only that Anita has the hots for him," she said while standing up and carrying her and Sam's plate to the sink. "But I certainly wouldn't think that Mr. Rigfort would put us in harm's way."

Although Sam did not necessarily agree with Josie's assessment of Hyram Rigfort, he did not comment. Instead he said, "The hots, huh? What about you? Do you think this guy attractive?" he continued, looking Josie straight in the eye.

Josie sneaked a peek at Sam. Was he jealous? She wondered� "Well, actually, he's not all that bad. He's pretty good-looking actually�" she teased, " but he definitely doesn't have one quality I love about you�"

"Which quality?" Sam asked, intrigued.

"Nope, don't even think I'm going to tell you, because I'm not; it's my little secret," Josie said over her shoulder as she headed toward her bedroom to pack her clothes.

Sam knew he would get her to tell him, so he bided his time.

After about five minutes had passed and Josie did not return to the living room, Sam walked over to her bedroom and knocked on the door, and when he got permission he entered. Sam and Josie had never been together in her bedroom before, and seeing Josie's underwear laid out on the bed was making him extremely uncomfortable.

Josie was a very beautiful woman, Sam mused. She had a slim waist, hair like silk, and incredible eyes. He found it almost unthinkable that such a beautiful woman never had a real kiss before his. After all, he thought to himself, she was everything a man could wish for in a woman and even more.

Coming out of his reverie, Sam found himself in dangerous territory. Josie's bedroom wasn't a good place to be thinking about these things; he had enough to deal with. The short nightgown that she had put on before starting her packing rose up to show off her cute butt every time she leaned over to pick something up.

"I better get out of here," Sam thought�not knowing that he had actually spoken that thought out loud.

"Why do you have to get out of here, Sam?" Josie questioned, and then looked at him over her shoulder. She saw that Sam's eyes had become dark and dangerous; the way they always did when they got into "tight" positions.

The moment Sam realized that Josie was aware of his desire; he forced himself to concentrate, and found it in him to apologize and escape to the living room.

Josie took a minute to replay the scene that just happened. She knew Sam had desires, but she noticed then and there that her desire was probably the dangerous one in this relationship. If Sam didn't have a strong enough sense of self-control for the both of them, she knew that she would have given in to him a long time ago.

In the living room Sam was feeling very hot and uncomfortable, and when Josie came out of the room, he became shy as well. He didn't want to look Josie in the eyes; afraid she would think less of him after that embarrassing moment a few minutes ago.

He was standing with his back to Josie, pretending to study her books, but Josie knew he was stalling; he knew all her bookshelves by heart. Josie walked over to Sam and turned him around. At that moment, Sam knew Josie was feeling the same emotions as he and the kiss they shared was passionate and loving.

After having forgotten about that "flirt" in the bedroom, Josie prepared the couch for Sam, since he had insisted he wanted to be there when she left.

"Sam, do you have enough blankets?" Josie inquired.

"I'm fine Josie, thanks," Sam replied.

After he got onto the couch, Josie sat down next to Sam, tucked him in, and gave him a goodnight kiss. "Can't I have a story, too?" Sam joked.

Josie smiled and shook her head. "Sam, go to sleep; you're going to be tired tomorrow�" She got up walked over to her bedroom door.

"Josie, can I ask you a question?" Sam asked.

"All right Sam, shoot," Josie said, stopping at the entrance of the bedroom.

"What was it that you like about me, the quality that James doesn't have?" Sam asked.

Josie sighed. "If I tell you, will you promise to never mention it again?"

Crossing his fingers under the blanket, he replied, "Yes, I promise," and waited in anticipation.

"Well, Sam� I would have to say� it's your cute butt," and with that Josie closed the bedroom door behind her.

After thinking a while about what Josie had said, he fell asleep smiling, knowing he was going to have to mention that to her tomorrow morning, just to see her response.

Sam woke Josie up the next morning at half past six, giving her enough time to dress. "So how did you sleep? Well, I hope�" Sam asked.

"I slept fine, thanks," Josie answered while stretching her body. The pajama dress folded around her bust, causing Sam take a few steps back, just in case.

God, Josie didn't know how dangerous it was to be around her, Sam thought, especially if you are in love with her. As Josie rolled out of bed, Sam took the time to examine the normal routine Josie followed, knowing he was going to do the same here some day. (Just on the other side of the bed�)

Sam was surprised at the way she followed the same routine as he did: first she brushed her teeth, and then she washed her face, and combed her hair neatly.

She picked out and put on a beautiful dress that must have been bought for this special occasion. Actually, Sam mused, Josie looked good no matter what she wore. "You look beautiful Josie, very beautiful," Sam complimented her.

"Thanks," and she walked over to kiss him. With the kiss, Sam also noted that Josie used the same toothpaste as he did. "We're so alike," Sam thought, smiling to himself.

As Josie walked over to the kitchen, Sam decided now was the time to test if Josie would react calmly to his mention of her secret. "So Josie," he teased, "why don't you tell me about that one quality you like about me again�" while turning his back to her to give her a clue as to which quality he was referring to.

"Sam�you promised," Josie said, blushing from embarrassment.

"Come on, tell me again..." Sam insisted, wiggling his eyebrows comically.

"That's it, mister�" Josie tossed the dishtowel she as holding in her hand at Sam's head and then started to chase him around the apartment.

As Josie and Sam ran past the front door, he grabbed her. "Do you give up, Miss Geller?" Sam joked.

As Josie tried to escape, the doorbell rang. Since Sam was in reach of the door, he held Josie with one hand and opened the door with the other.

"Well now, should we give you kids a couple of minutes? Say...twenty?" Josie heard Anita joke.

At that, Josie pulled herself out of Sam's arms and gave Anita a shy smile. "We will finish this another time, Sam�" Josie threatened, feeling awkward in front of Anita.

Before Sam could answer, Anita shot her a knowing look and said, "I'm sure you will, Josie," then grinned evilly.

"I think I'll go get my bags," Josie said, walking to the bedroom.

As Josie returned, she noticed that James was now also on her doorstep, introducing himself to Sam with a, "Hi, I'm James the guide�" and with that he held out his hand.

Sam shook it warmly and tightly, thinking to himself that Josie had called him attractive�and she was probably right because Anita couldn't seem to keep her hands off the man.

James took Josie's bags for her and went to the car with Anita. "So, that's the guy Anita has a thing for?" Sam asked.

"Yup, that's him. I can't say I blame her; he is cute," Josie deadpanned, trying to retaliate for Sam's teasing her earlier. "But I don't think you have to worry�you already know the one thing you have he doesn't, right?" Josie said with a smile. Then she kissed Sam and walked down to the car, waving from the back seat as they left.

Sam replayed in his head the look of male appreciation he'd noticed on James' face when he saw Josie appear from the bedroom and shook his head. 'Cute�' he thought, 'Josie finds him cute. This can't be good. I'm glad I can trust Josie, because I just don't trust that James.'

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