A Shock to the System, Part 5
By Mari

Date Posted: January 2, 2001

Click here to hear "Tonight's The Night" by Rod Stewart

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"Lara Patton…? Yes, I do know her," answered Sam, dread starting to creep into his voice.

"Well, Mr. Coulson, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Miss Patton was in an accident last night."

Suddenly, Sam had to sit down. "Is…is she all right?" he asked concerned.

"Well, she has a head injury, but we took X-rays of her skull and fortunately there is less damage than what we had feared, but she does have a severe concussion. She was driving, and her car went off the road."

"Christ," mumbled Sam under his breath, running his hand through his hair.

"Excuse me?" said the doctor. When Sam didn't answer, he said, "Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Mr. Coulson?"

"I'm sorry, doctor. I'm still here," sighed Sam. "Well, how is she now?"

"Actually Mr. Coulson, Miss Patton was unconscious when she arrived. But this morning she woke up and specifically asked for you. We found your phone number in her bag and we naturally assumed… "

"Well, I'm not her family," Sam said, interrupting. "We…I'm just …" He didn't know how to explain. "We're old friends," he said finally.

"Oh," said the doctor. "I was under the impression…."

"What?" asked Sam. He had the feeling there was something more. Something this doctor wasn't telling him. Getting a grip on himself, Sam decided it was better to explain.

"Look doctor, Lara is my ex-girlfriend. She and I broke up a couple of weeks ago. I talked to her a few days ago. That's probably why you found my number still in her bag."

"Oh, I see."

"Can I talk to her?" asked Sam.

"Well, she's resting right now. We had to give her a sedative for the head pain. She'll be fine, but I do suggest you try to come here so. I think the situation can be better explained in person."

Sam was afraid now. What situation? Why couldn't he tell him now? Instead of asking, he only sighed and said, "All right. I'll try to be there as soon as possible."

"Good, I'm on a 48 hour shift. We can talk as soon as you arrive." With that the phone went dead.

Sam just sat with the phone still in his hand, speechless. He shut it off and looked over at Josie, who in the meantime had sat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"I can't believe this, " he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Sam, what happened? Who was that on the phone?" she asked almost fearfully. He had an awful look on his face.

"It was some doctor from a hospital in New York. He called about Lara. He said she had an accident last night. Her car went off the road. She arrived at the hospital unconscious due to a severe concussion." Sam hesitated before going on. " She's better now, but he wants me to go to New York to meet with him and discuss her condition."

"I don't understand, Sam… Why do you have to go?" asked Josie suddenly afraid. "Doesn't she have any immediate family who can go and be with her? Why did they call you?"

Sam heard Josie's voice crack. He looked at her and saw that she was watching his face, searching for an explanation. He knew why she sounded so afraid. He was feeling the same queasiness. He didn't like the tone of the doctor's voice. It was as if he was keeping something from him. Lara had a brother who lived in New Jersey, not to mention dozens of friends and colleagues. Sam couldn't understand why she had had him called.

"I don't know, Josie. I don't understand it either. The doctor said she woke up this morning and specifically asked for me."

Sam looked at Josie, not knowing what else to say. He was shocked. What did Lara want from him? He had to admit that their break-up hadn't been a friendly one. It ended with Lara raving and screaming and giving him all the blame for wasting the last five years of her life. It was no use telling her that they had nothing in common anymore. They lived in two different worlds, and neither one was willing to give up their way of living for the other, so what was the use? Sam knew that Lara would never admit to having anything to do with the failure of their relationship. It was all Sam's fault. Sam was the one that didn't want to make the commitment and move to New York, where he could improve his social position and apply for a teaching job in a college. No, he wanted to stay in Chicago and continue teaching in a high school. He didn't want to 'Grow up,' as she put it.

Sam watched Josie's face. She was so different from Lara. Josie accepted him for what he was. She didn't care if he loved hanging out with his students. She understood his love for teaching. She understood everything about him. She made him feel important just for being himself. Even though they had known each other for a short time he loved her with such intensity that sometimes it was overwhelming. He needed her like he needed air to breathe.

Now this new turn of events frightened him. From what the doctor had said, Lara seemed to be okay, or would be. He wondered what it was about her that couldn't be told over the phone. Mostly, what did it have to do with him?

"Look Josie, I can try to get a hold of Lara's brother. I can tell him to go to her. I'm sure that Lara made a mistake in asking for me," said Sam wishing it was true, but somehow knowing better.

"No, Sam," Josie said. "You've got to go. She asked for you. After all, she was your girlfriend. I know you. You won't be at peace until you've seen her," said Josie with more conviction than she actually felt.

Sam leaned over and took Josie into his arms. He closed his eyes and held her close. Then suddenly, he had a thought and he pulled her away slightly.

"Josie, come with me," asked Sam hopefully.

Josie looked up at Sam questioningly. " Huh? Me come with you to New York?"

Sam nodded and sat up straighter on the couch.

"I…I don't know, Sam. Do you think it's a good idea?" asked Josie uncertainly.

"Yes I do, Josie," Sam put his hands on her shoulders and turned to look straight into her eyes.

"Please come with me. I need you to be with me. I can't even bear the thought of leaving you here and going alone. I know that if you're with me everything will be all right." Sam reached up, pulled a lock of her hair away from her face and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

Josie turned around and stood up, walking towards the fireplace. She stood staring at the fire pondering his question. Sam got up from the couch went to stand behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and bent his head putting his cheek next to hers.

Josie closed her eyes for a moment dwelling in the feeling of his closeness. Sam's nearness was so overwhelming. Her heart skipped a beat as his breath grazed her cheek.


Josie turned around and raised her arms and rested them on his chest. She looked up at him, into his eyes. They were searching hers for an answer. She sighed while raising her hand to brush a lock of hair back into place. All her fears and insecurities were starting to creep back. She didn't know what to do. She wasn't sure going with Sam was such a good idea. Obviously, even if he and Lara had broken up she still felt the need for him to be near her. She couldn't expect him to come running to her every time she was in trouble though, could she?

"Josie, talk to me," said Sam watching her face, trying to read her thoughts.

"Sam, I really am not sure about this," she said shaking her head. " Maybe, it's better you go to her alone."

"Josie, why? Look, I don't know why she had me called. When we broke up we didn't leave it as the best of friends so the fact that she wants to see me comes as a surprise."

Sam walked over to the couch and sat down running a hand through his hair. "I do know though that I want you come with me. I need you to be there with me." He looked up at her, his eyes pleading.

Wringing her hands, Josie walked over to the couch and sat down next to Sam. She took a deep breath and reached over to Sam and softly put her hand on his thigh.

"Sam, sweetheart. I… I'm really torn about this. I want to be there for you…and I am, but maybe you should go and see her alone. Maybe she needs you to be there for her this one last time. I don't think it was easy for her when you broke up and after all you were together for five years. You're not someone easy to forget, Sam Coulson," she smiled reaching over turning his head towards her. " I can see why she still asks for you."

"But…." started Sam.

"No buts, Sam," said Josie. "The doctor told you she was okay, didn't he?" Sam nodded. "Well then I'm sure she just needs to see someone who has been close to her."

"That's just the point, Josie. Lara and I haven't been close in years. When she moved to New York everything changed between us. She had her upscale life in the city, with all her big shot friends and fancy job. I continued to live here with my humble teaching job and hockey buddies. Our lives just didn't interlace and at a certain point, we had nothing in common anymore. There was just no use staying together. At any rate, I didn't want to give up my life here any more than she wanted to give up hers in New York, and frankly I didn't want her to. I think I fell out of love with Lara a long time ago, I just didn't realize it."

He looked over at Josie and smiled lifting his hand up to caress her cheek with his thumb.

"When you came along, it was as if I suddenly woke up. You made me understand a lot of things. Even though you had had nothing to do with the reason of why Lara and I broke up, it was you who made me see the uselessness of being with her. With you I've discovered what it means to love and to feel loved."

Josie looked at Sam, tears brimming in her eyes. Sam moved closer to her on the couch wrapping his arms around her pulling her towards him.

"Josie, I really want you to come with me, but if you decide not to then that's fine, too. Just think about it, okay?"

Without waiting for her to reply, Sam leaned in to kiss her. At first, the kiss was soft and tender. Then it became more insistent, as if Sam wanted to convey the feelings of all that he had said with this one kiss. His hand continued to touch the side of her face, tracing it so lightly that it felt like a feather against her skin. Josie melted into him and let the tingling feeling travel through her body, warming her. The tense moment the phone call had caused faded into the back of their minds and Sam and Josie couldn't imagine anything better than what was happening at this very moment.

The firelight dancing on the walls and the moonlight streaming in the window lent an almost unreal atmosphere around them as they both gave in to everything that had been building since the evening had begun.

Josie kissed Sam back. She felt his hand run up along her back and settle into her hair, burying his fingers in it. She ran her hands over his chest, feeling the tense muscles underneath his shirt. Her arms moved up and circled his neck, her fingers lightly playing with the hair at the nape of it.

Sam moaned softly at Josie's touch and he lifted his head to look tenderly into her eyes. So many feelings were going through him. He didn't want to get too carried away… He didn't want to push too fast, but God, how he wanted her.

Josie opened her eyes and met his. Even though she had never seen it before, the raw passion she saw in Sam's eyes stunned her. She was astounded by her growing need as well.

"Josie…" Sam said hoarsely. He started to pull away, not daring to continue. If he went on he knew he wouldn't be able to stop. "I…I'm sorry…I didn't mean to…to…" His hands were shaking as he tried to control his growing need for her.

Josie took both of his hands into hers and kissed the palm of each one and then placed them back on her waist. Then she reached up and took his face into her hands. She gazed into his eyes and read all the love Sam had for her. Now she knew she needed to show him just how much she loved him. Just how much she trusted him.

" Sam…please…don't pull away. I…. Can you… ? She bit the bottom of her lip and blushed, looking away shyly, not knowing how to ask him.

Sam watched the emotions playing across her face. His heart raced, not daring to believe what he thought she was trying to tell him.

"Josie…?" he sighed. He touched her chin and turned her face, making her look at him. Looking into her eyes, he tried to read them. "Josie?"

Closing her eyes, Josie paused before sitting up. Without speaking, she stood and took his hand and pulled him up also. She started to lead him into her bedroom when Sam grabbed her arm, stopping her, still uncertain.

'Could it…could she really want to…?' he dared to think.

"Josie, honey… Are you sure about this?"

Not hesitating to answer, in a husky voice she said, " Yes, Sam …I'm sure. I love you! Please, make love to me."

Sam slowly wrapped both arms around her and drew her against him, kissing her softly.

"Oh, Josie," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. "I love you…so much."

Sam walked over to the dinner table and picked up the two candles. Then, as if they were both in a dream, they walked into Josie's bedroom. Putting the lighted candles on the bureau by the bed, Sam walked back over to Josie and kissed her again, this time more passionately. Josie felt herself tremble with anticipation. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest as Sam pulled his lips from hers breathlessly. He softly kissed her forehead and in a gentle but throaty voice he said, "Josie… you're so lovely. I've never met a woman I wanted as much as I want you right now."

A tear spilled from Josie's eye and slowly it rolled down her cheek. Wiping it away with his thumb, Sam looked at her, troubled.

"Josie…are you all right? Did I misinterpret your intentions?" His voice was full of concern.

"Oh Sam, no. I…I'm… No one has ever said anything like that to me before. This is like a dream. I want you, too, trust me. I…just don't know what to do," she said embarrassed.

Sam smiled down at her tenderly. He brushed a lock of her hair away from her face and softly traced her lips. " Josie, you don't have to do anything. Just follow your instinct. I love you and only want to please you, so if there's anything you feel uncomfortable with, just say so, okay? We can stop anytime…promise."

Josie smiled and nodded. Never had she felt so safe and secure. Lara and Billy Prince all disappeared now that she was in his arms. All that mattered was this moment here and now with Sam.

Slowly she wrapped both of her arms around him and drew him against her, kissing him softly on the base of his throat. Her hands went up to his face and used her fingers to trace the outline of his lips before kissing them. Looking into his eyes, she un-tucked his shirt and slowly began pulling it out of his pants. Once completely loose, she pulled it upward over his torso. Raising his arms, she slipped the shirt over his head and dropped it onto the floor.

Secure in the knowledge that Sam would keep his word and stop if she asked him to, she felt suddenly freer and bolder. She leaned in to kiss the patch of hair that covered the middle of his chest, and then moved over to place a hand and then kiss the area where his heart was. Then she slowly moved upward, planting a small trail of kisses up to the base of his neck where she could feel his pulse throbbing. She shivered as she felt Sam's hands run restlessly up her arms to rest on her shoulders to allow his thumbs to caress the soft spot at the base of either side of her neck.

" Oh, Josie…" he moaned as her lips connected with a particularly sensitive place along his collarbone.

Sam leaned in to kiss her neck and as his lips moved up to take her earlobe into his mouth, his hands traced the outline of her spine. His fingers found the zipper pull on her dress and slowly slid it downward, exposing a large patch of her soft skin. He feathered his fingers up along her bare back until he reached her shoulders, then he pulled the straps over her shoulders, leaning back a little to give room for the pretty blue silk dress to softly fall to the ground and puddle around Josie's ankles.

Sam caught his breath as he took in the sight of her. The soft light from the candles glowed around her and gleamed on her skin. It was almost like a dream. She looked so ethereal, like his own private angel.

Sighing huskily he said, "My God Josie, you're so beautiful. You take my breath away…do you know that?"

Josie smiled at him as he kissed her again, and then he lifted her easily in his arms and gently carried her across the room, laying her across the bed. As his eyes burned into hers, he lay down beside her and took her face into his hands. He looked into her eyes with such love and longing that Josie was astonished. The passion he was unleashing in her also took her by surprise. It was as if her body had a will of its own, and she was powerless against it. As he wrapped his arms around her, she was overwhelmed by the intensity and force, yet the gentleness with which he held her to him.

Her breath caught as Sam kissed her shoulder and then down the front of her, hovering just above where her lacy bra covered her. He lifted his head, staring at her for a long moment, as if to ask permission to continue. Smiling at him she caressed his cheek and bent down to kiss him on the lips. "Sam…" she whispered fervently, "I love you…!"

After a moment, Josie felt the back of her bra fall apart as Sam unfastened it. Then he slowly pulled the straps from her shoulders and off, freeing her breasts. Josie felt the momentary urge to cover herself, but as soon as she saw the heat flare in Sam's eyes, she relaxed again.

Sam was in awe of Josie's natural beauty. He bent down to tenderly kiss first one breast and then the other. Then Sam moved to lie on top of her, his weight resting on his elbows at the side of her head. He pulled her hair away from her face and started planting kisses all over her face starting with her eyes, her temple, her nose, the corner of her mouth, and finally her lips. She parted them and took him in. His tongue darted back and forth, intertwining with hers. He moved down to her neck as Josie leaned her head back, feeling his hot breath and the moisture of his mouth on her skin. His mouth now moved to one of her breasts. Josie felt the prickly feel of the stubble on his chin on her tender skin and wrapped her hands around his head to pull him closer. He fondled one breast with a hand as he softly kissed and then took the other into his mouth. He circled the nipple with his tongue as Josie started to squirm with pleasure beneath him. She had never felt this sensation before and she wanted to, needed to, feel more.

Not wanting to rush the moment, Sam continued to kiss down her body. His lips traveled from one breast to the other and then his mouth moved to her belly. His tongue circled around her belly button and he lingered there suckling gently, listening to Josie's breath quickening. He moved even lower to outline the rim of her panty line with his tongue, alternating a kiss with a lick. Sam then moved back up to caress her breasts.

Josie moaned in pleasure as Sam's tongue circled the nipple and then she shivered as she felt the edges of his teeth ride against its hardened peak. Dwelling in the wonderful feelings he was giving her, she threaded her fingers in his hair, directing him to her other hungering breast. Josie felt his hand, warm and forceful against her buttocks, holding her tight while, for the first time in her life, she felt the proof of a man's desire pressing against her stomach.

Suddenly curious about this, and the rest of Sam's body, she moved her hand down toward the snap of his pants and unsnapped them, slowly sliding the zipper down. Looking up to meet his eyes, she tugged on the waist of the pants and loosened them. Sam moved back and lifted his hips so that Josie could finish removing them. She was short of breath as she once again ran her hands over his chest, which was now starting to get damp with perspiration. She leaned in to bite softly on his neck and smiled and she felt him shudder as she moved her hands to caress his back. Slowly, she slid her hands down to his buttocks, and then slid her right hand between their bodies to tentatively touch his most sensitive part through the thin material of his boxer shorts.

When Sam gasped, Josie jumped a little and started to pull her hand away, but Sam laid his hand over hers briefly as a sign not to stop. Josie looked up at his face, and slowly brushed her hand against him again. In response, Sam closed his eyes and hissed with pleasure. Josie's heart started to pound from the rush of power she felt from being able to so profoundly affect him. Her hand explored, cupped and thrilled until Sam went weak from the pleasure of her touch.

Sam couldn't take any more. Josie's light, teasing caresses were driving him completely out of his mind. He needed to feel her…all of her…against him. Even as she touched him, he moved his hands down to the waistband of her panties and began removing them. In the same swift movement he removed his own boxers, and when they were finally naked, he pressed their bodies together.

Now Josie was only aware of the feel of his flesh against hers. And then he was touching her. His hands explored and excited her, until she trembled no matter where he touched her. Deep in her body, a swirling of impatient sensations began to stir inside her. Tugging at his shoulders, she moaned softly and pressed herself even closer to him, longing, yearning for something but not knowing what.

However, Sam had a good idea of what it was. His hand traveled lower and moved to her thigh. He gently but firmly nudged her legs apart with his knee and then slid his hand over and down until it was barely touching the spot he was seeking. He moved his fingers once, just slightly, and Josie lurched and gasped audibly in response. Again his hand moved and again the lightning bolt of sensation rocketed through her. Shocked and just a little afraid of her sudden, immediate and almost overwhelming response, Josie's raised her eyes to Sam's for reassurance. Sam reached up with his other hand and cradled the side of her face. He soothed, "Shh, Josie…it's okay."

"But…but…it's so…much!" she cried softly.

With a soft smile, Sam agreed. "Yes. That's how it's supposed to feel."

"But what if I…? When you touch me that way, I feel like I'm going to lose control…" she breathed. Her hips arched slightly toward him, silently begging for Sam's continued ministrations, although she wasn't aware of it.

"Well, that is the point, Josie…to lose control of one's self so that you can more fully share your soul with the other. Trust me, okay?"

Josie nodded and relaxed against the bed, letting Sam have his way with her. He aroused her with butterfly touches, while her desire spiraled higher and higher. Once in a while, he would bend down to cover her breasts with kisses, his lips and tongue moving in time with his fingers.

Sam continued his attentions until Josie was quivering and moaning, her head thrashing back and forth against the pillow, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. It was then that Sam pulled back slightly and looked deeply into her eyes. He knew she was ready but he wanted to make absolutely sure this was what she wanted.

"Josie…" he began, sighing heavily.

She knew what he wanted, needed, her to say.

"Sam…please don't stop. I don't know what happens now…but I need…I don't know. I need you. Please…please, Sam," she sighed breathlessly, pulling him closer.

Sam nodded and then pulled away from her to reach his pants, which were in a heap by the side of the bed. Stuffing his hand in his right front pocket, he retrieved a foil packet.

Josie, hearing the rustle, opened her eyes just as Sam started to lean back in toward her. Knowing what it must be, she protested, moaning, "No, no…please don't…"

More than a little startled by her outburst, Sam looked from the packet in his hand to Josie's face, trying to make sense of what she was saying. "Josie, I have to protect you… It's the right thing to do."

Josie shook her head, saying, "No, Sam. Please. I've waited 25 years for this moment, to be with the man I was meant to be with for the rest of my life. I want to experience all of it. I want us to be together the way we were meant to be…no barriers. Please?"

Sam sighed worriedly. "Josie…I don't feel right not protecting you. I love you."

"And do you honestly think we were meant to be together?" Josie asked.

"Yes, I do," Sam replied without any hesitation.

With a hint of a smile, Josie said, "Then what's the worst thing that could happen?"

Sam knew he was starting to cave in. Truthfully, the thought of being with Josie 'au natural' sent fire licking through his veins. Still, he tried to make her see reason one last time. "Josie, are you really sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, I'm sure," she replied.

Sam reached over and deposited his handful onto the bedside table. "Okay, if you're positive about this…?"

Josie nodded and sighed happily.

Sam balanced his weight on his elbows on either side of her head, and then he slid both his legs between hers. Staying like that for a moment, he reached for Josie's hands and kissed her fingertips one by one. Softly he said, "I'm sorry…it'll probably hurt a little at first."

"I know," she replied. It's okay… I expected that. Please, Sam…don't make me wait any longer." Josie closed her eyes pulling him even closer to her, arching her back to meet him.

Sam pressed himself against her and then slowly began to slide inside. As soon as he felt resistance he stopped, just waiting to allow Josie to get used to the feeling before he continued.

It was incredible. Josie could never have imagined this in all her wildest dreams. But now that they were joined, she wanted all of him inside her. Restlessly, she tried to arch upwards for that purpose, but Sam backed off.

"Whoa, whoa, Jos. Hold on. Let me do this, okay?"

As Josie nodded her agreement, Sam took a deep breath and then quickly pushed himself deeper, completely joining them. Sam froze when he heard her sharp intake of breath. Tenderly, he pushed a lock of hair off her face and soothed, "Shhh…just relax and breathe and it'll subside."

"Sam…" she breathed after a long moment. Just as he'd said, the pain had passed and now Josie just wanted…more. She let out a long dreamy sigh and wrapped her arms around Sam's shoulders.

Sam kissed her softly and he began to move, slowly at first. Learning quickly, Josie met his movements as she felt Sam kiss her continuously, his moist mouth burning, lingering wherever it touched. Aware of each other's needs, their bodies moved as one and Josie began to feel a tingling sensation all over her body. She was building up to something wonderful, something she had never felt before, but she didn't know what. Desperately wanting to know if Sam felt this way too, she looked up into his face, their eyes connecting.

In that moment, Josie made a wonderful discovery. Sam was absolutely feeling the same way she was. Incredible love and raw desire mingled in his eyes. With each movement, a barely audible moan escaped his lips. Beads of perspiration coated his chest and arms and underneath her touch, his muscles trembled. Seeing Sam like that sent Josie spinning…upward?…downward?…and then suddenly it seemed as if she her body was shattering into a million pieces, releasing her very soul. Pressing her fingers hard into Sam's back, Josie held on for dear life as her body shook and quivered.

Knowing that Josie had reached the summit of her pleasure, Sam finally let go of the tight rein he'd held over his reactions and allowed the wave to overtake him at last. Again and again, he felt the power course through him, ripping his soul free of his body and twining it with hers. Then, with his energy spent, Sam collapsed against Josie, melting into her embrace.

When they finished making love, Sam wrapped his arms around Josie and held her close. He felt her relax by his side as he continued to trace his hands on her skin.

He moved over and raised his head and leaned on his elbow. He looked down into her face and took a lock of hair, easing it back from her forehead. He noticed that her eyes were wet with tears and he suddenly he was afraid that maybe he had hurt her when he had released his hold over his control.

Reaching over to cup her cheek he asked," Josie…darling…What's wrong?"

Suddenly feeling timid, she hugged him close, burying her head in his shoulder so he couldn't see her face.

" Josie…?" he pressed.

Josie opened her eyes to look at him. She traced her hand up his arm toward his shoulder and up to his neck, resting it on his cheek.

"Oh, Sam…nothing's wrong. How could anything be wrong? That was…what we just did…it was so beautiful…I have no words to…to…"

Relieved, Sam smiled tenderly at her. He put two fingers on her lips, quieting her. Then he bent down to kiss her softly. He lifted his head and brushed his nose against hers.

" Josie, it was like that for me, too. I've never experienced something so wonderful before. It's as if all my life I'd been waiting for you…and now…now that I've found you, I'm never going to let you go. I love you, Josie Geller…with all my heart!" He bore his eyes into hers as he drew small circles with his thumb, caressing her cheek.

She felt her heart burst with joy at his words.

" Sam…I love you, too. So much."

Josie drew him close and lightly brushed her lips against his. Then she lay down and settled into his arms, resting her head beneath his shoulder. She could hear his heart beating against her ear as she formed odd shapes with her fingers on his chest.

At her touch, Sam immediately began to feel aroused again. As the candles on the dresser slowly burned to their base, they made love again and again, holding each other tightly afterward. As Josie fell asleep beside him, Sam watched her breathing slow to a constant rhythm. 'God, she is so beautiful.' He counted his blessing at having found her and slowly fell asleep.

* * *

Right before dawn, Josie opened her eyes. Immediately she found herself remembering the night before. Not even in her wildest dreams could she have imagined that making love to Sam would be so…so amazing. She smiled to herself as she remembered how self- conscious she had been in the beginning, and how at ease he had made her feel. He had been so sweet and tender and patient. Her first experience couldn't have been more perfect.

Realizing instinctively that he wasn't in bed, she turned and looked for him. As she was wondering where he was, the door to her bedroom opened and Sam walked in holding a breakfast tray. He was dressed in only his boxers. His was hair tousled and Josie gazed at him, noticing, not for the first time, how sexy he looked. Seeing that she was staring at him and smiling, he walked over and set the tray down on the floor and sat down on the bed next to her. He bent down and cupped her face in his hands and smiled at her kissing her softly on the lips.

"Good morning, my love."

Wrinkling her nose, shyly Josie looked up at him and grinned.

"Good morning to you, too. Boy, you're up early."

"Yeah, I know," he said grinning. "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed."

Josie looked over at the tray he had carried in. On it were two cups with steaming coffee, a plate with hot croissants, and on a smaller plate, butter and jam. On the corner of the tray, Sam had taken one of the roses he had given her the night before and put it in a small vase. She sat up on the bed and smiled at him. Leaning over to kiss him softly on the lips she said, " Sam, you're going to spoil me. I could really get used to this, you know."

Sam smiled down at her. " It would be my pleasure to spoil you for the rest of my life, Josie."

"Hmmm," said Josie mischievously. "I'm pretty tough to please, you know."

"Oh, is that right? Hmmm….that's not how I remember it…" grinned Sam, reaching over and cupping one of her breasts. He leaned in closer and started to twirl his finger around the nipple while he kissed the side of her neck.

Almost against her will, Josie felt her limbs start to grow heavy and warm in response. "Hey!" said Josie giggling, starting to squirm under his touch. "That's not fair!" But instead of making him stop, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him even closer. His touch was electric.

Sam lifted his head and kissed her on the lips. He softly pulled back and looked down at her. Her eyes were closed and she looked irresistible. He wanted to make love to her the whole day, the whole night…forever. But he knew that now he had to leave. He had to go to New York. He had to see what had happened with Lara. God knew he didn't want to. He wished Josie would decide to go with him. He decided to ask again…just one more time.


"Hmmm…?" she asked, lazily opening her eyes to look at him with a smile.

"Sweetheart…as much as I would love staying in bed with you all day…" he paused watching her face. "I have to go."

Josie looked up into Sam's eyes and reached up to touch the cleft in his chin with her forefinger.

"I know."

"You won't reconsider and come with me, will you?" he asked, his eyes pleading.

* * *

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