A Shock To The System
By Mari

Date Posted: September 8, 2000

Click here to hear "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benatar

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How can someone explain the feeling of overwhelming happiness when finally the realization of what you've always wanted has finally come true?

Josie still couldn't believe that Sam had decided to come after all. And that kiss�oh, how could she had ever imagined it would have been so wonderful?

The world reeled around them as their kiss intensified, and finally coming up for air, Sam looked at Josie and gently caressed her cheek. "Don't you think we should get out of here so that these guys can play their game?"

"Yeah, I think we should go," Josie said, smiling shyly.

Leaving the baseball field hand in hand and with a huge smile on their faces Josie and Sam walked toward the exit as the mob of news reporters started reeling question after question at them.

"Josie, so� how was your first real kiss?" said one reporter.

"It was fantastic!" Josie replied. "I don't think even Shakespeare could have described something as wonderful as this."

Sam looked down at Josie and softly brushed her lips. His eyes revealed all the feelings he was having at that moment.

"Can we know the name of your mystery man, Miss Geller?"

Sam turned to the reporter and answered for Josie, "Sam Coulson."

"Mr. Coulson, what took you so long getting here?"

"The traffic was awful," replied Sam with a shrug. "Now if you'll excuse us, I think it's time for us to get going."

As they continued their way towards the outside of the ballpark, Sam put his hand at the small of Josie's back and guided her to his car. He opened the door for her and as she went to get in Sam asked, " Josie, how about we go for a walk down on the waterfront?"

"Sure," said Josie.

They rode silently, each lost in each other's thoughts. Sam turned the car towards the lake and parked right on the waterfront. He got out and went around to the other side to open the door for Josie. He held out his hand and, as Josie took it, she smiled up at him and got out of the car.

They started walking hand in hand as the breeze from the lake hit their faces, cooling their peaked emotions. Both were still trying to digest all that had happened in the last few hours. Sam looked at Josie, desperately wanting to clear things up, to explain how he had been feeling in the past few days. Turning to face her, he looked into her eyes hoping that she would understand.

"Josie, I have to tell you one thing before we go on," he hesitated, sighing deeply before continuing. "I'm so sorry for not believing you. It's just that I was so hurt and felt so betrayed that night at Prom. Here, I was going to tell you how I really felt about you. I wanted to tell you that I had never before felt so much in tune with one person in so many ways. I wanted to apologize for the way I was feeling for you seeing that ours wasn't the most opportune of situations. I mean God, Josie, I was your teacher, and you were my student!" He ran a hand through his hair as he went on. "I was going against all that I believed in ethically. I wanted to say 'I'm sorry, but I can't help myself, I'm falling in love with you.' You, Josie Geller, came into my life like a warm spring day after a long cold winter, brightening up my whole existence with just one smile." Sam stopped, looking down into her eyes, trying to capture the emotions that were crossing her face.

Josie looked up at Sam, physically moved by what he had said. Without speaking, she raised her hand and softly caressed his cheek, feeling his unshaven beard, for the first time she thoroughly realized what he had been through the past few days�all because of her.

"Sam, I promise never to keep anything from you again. I was just so afraid that I had read too much in your manner. You were just so� so wonderful to me! No one has ever treated me like that before. I couldn't �I was terrified to believe that you were feeling even a fraction of what I was feeling for you. I was afraid that if I told you how I felt you'd�." Josie looked away from him closing her eyes as a tear escaped and ran down her cheek. Sam wiped the tear away and continuing the curve of her jaw line with his finger he tilted her chin and made her look into his eyes.

"You thought I'd what, Josie?" he said.

Josie looked into Sam's eyes suddenly not afraid anymore. She realized that she could trust him with her heart, her life, and her soul.

Sam opened his mouth to say something else when Josie raised up two fingers and touched his lips.

"Shhh, Sam please�all that matters is that we found each other at last. I've never been so happy as I am at this moment. Thank you�Thank you for forgiving me."

Sam gently took her into his arms and kissed her softly, then more feelingly trying to convey all the emotions that he was experiencing� had experienced since he'd met her. Astonishment, wonder, fear, tenderness, hurt, betrayal, and the realization of how much he loved her. Finally, the overwhelming happiness of finding out that she loved him in return.

"Thank you for loving me," he said.

Josie smiled up at him, still finding it hard to believe that all this was happening. They continued walking on the waterfront arm in arm basking in their newfound love for each other.

Suddenly Sam turned to Josie and asked, "Hey, are you hungry?"

"Actually, I'm starving!" said Josie.

"What do you say we grab a couple of steaks and a bottle of wine and head over to your place for dinner. I'd offer my apartment, but it's kind of a mess right now, " replied Sam thoughtfully.

"How come?" asked Josie, curious.

"Well," Sam looked at her a little embarrassed. "I had decided to leave town after that night at the Prom. I felt the need to get away! So, I decided to call my sister Abby in San Francisco. She has been telling me for some time to come out. I have a friend who works at a high school in San Jose, so I decided to give him a call. Which reminds me, I'm going to have to call him back. I don't think I'll be needing that job anymore," he said smiling to her.

"No, you won't!" she smiled back, but then Josie thought aloud, "What about your job at South Glen South?"

"Don't worry, I haven't quit yet. I took a leave of absence, just in case it didn't work out in San Jos�. I needed time to think. Being away from Chicago, work and�. you, was what I thought I needed." He hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. "How could I have been so stupid, not to even give you�us, a chance? I could have saved us a lot of trouble if I would've been a little less stubborn."

"Sam, you know, I think that probably anyone in your shoes would've acted the same way. Please, let's not talk about this anymore." She said sighing. "Let's concentrate on us being together. I'm dying to get to know you�all of you, every little tiny detail�. if you know what I mean�" Josie blushed at her own words almost not believing that she had actually said them. "Hey, let's go get those steaks and we can finish this conversation later�"

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The next day as Josie walked into her office she was surrounded by applause from her co- workers. They were all cheering for her, congratulating her for the previous night. She was still a little stunned by everything that had happened and filled with joy for the wonderful evening she had spend with Sam. They had spent practically the entire night getting to know one another. They had talked into the wee hours of the morning and then had fallen asleep in each other's arms on the sofa.

Anita ran up to her and hugged her. "Oh Josie, I'm so happy for you. Now let's go into your office so you can tell me all the details."

Josie looked at her friend and smiled and was about to answer her when she heard Gus calling to her.

"Geller!" yelled Gus from his office. Josie looked over to Gus's office and noticed that Mr. Rigfort was there also. "Could you come in here, please? Mr. Rigfort and I need to speak with you." Giving Anita an 'I'll talk to you later' look, she walked into Gus' office.

"Good morning, Mr. Rigfort�Gus." Josie said.

"Good morning, Miss Geller," said Mr. Rigfort. "Please sit down. First of all, I haven't yet had the chance to congratulate you on the article you wrote."

"Why thank you, Mr. Rigfort," replied Josie.

"I knew you were a good reporter and a good writer, Miss Geller. My hunch is always right, right Gus?"

"Yes, sir," replied Gus.

"So, I was thinking that maybe we could give you your own weekly column. You really know how to get to the heart of people, Miss Geller. That's a rare gift in our business. Barely able to conceal herself, she put her hand to her mouth. "But�" banging his walking stick on Gus's desk sending a few papers flying across the room. "I need you to do me a favor."

"Anything you like Mr. Rigfort," said Josie still stunned.

"I have a very good friend who's coming into town for a few months. He's a colleague that works for the Washington Post. He has a son that graduated from Penn State that majored in Journalism. Now this young man thinks that just because his old man works for the Post, means he can do whatever he wants, if you know what I mean."

Josie and Gus exchanged a knowing look.

"Well, what I want you to do Miss Geller is to take him under your wing and show him the ropes. Explain to him just how much work and effort goes into making a good newspaper. I need you to make him understand that it's not by goofing off that he'll get ahead in this business. He'll be working by your side for a couple of months, Miss Geller. You'll have to teach him how a paper gets put up. Oh, and of course I want you're weekly column in on time also. Come into my office at 11.30 and I'll introduce you to William. Congratulations again, Miss Geller." And with that he got up and left the office.

Josie looked at Gus completely flabbergasted by what Rigfort had just told her. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and she could barely contain herself. She couldn't believe it! She, Josie Geller had her own weekly column. She had dreamed of this for as long as she could remember. She couldn't wait to tell Sam. Suddenly she got up and jumped into Gus's arms.

"Oh, Gus�tell me I'm not dreaming. It's finally happened!"

"Congrats," said Gus with a self-conscious pat her on the back. " Good job! Now get to work because I want your column for this week in by Friday at noon."

"Thanks Gus," said Josie still finding it hard to breath she was so excited. She headed for the door when Gus called out to her. "Hey Geller, good luck with the spoiled brat."

"Oh don't worry, Gus. It won't be a problem." On that happy note Josie turned and headed for her office.

As soon as she sat down in her desk Josie picked up the phone and called Sam. The phone rang and rang but no answer. Disappointed, she put down her phone and started doing some research on her computer.

After a few minutes Anita walked into her office with a huge smile on her face.

"So, I heard that we have a new columnist around here. Do you think she'll have time to talk to me or should I set up an appointment?" She held out her arms and Josie ran around her desk and gave her a hug.

"Don't be silly, I'm sure I can squeeze you in between lunch dates," Josie laughed kiddingly.

"Oh, Anita I can't believe all this is actually happening! First Sam and now the column."

"You deserve it, sweetie," smiled Anita." You've been through so much. By the way how'd it go last night with Sam?"

"Anita, he is the most wonderful person I've ever met. He's sweet, understanding, loving, and sexy all rolled up into one," sighed Josie.

"Not to mention very, very good looking," sighed Anita.

"Uh huh," nodded Josie.

"What about this guy you have to work with for the next two months? Who is he?" Anita asked changing the subject.

"I don't know. Supposedly, he's the son of a journalist friend off Mr. Rigfort's. I hope he won't be too much trouble. I've had enough with snobs and social climbers to last me a lifetime," said Josie.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. You'll be okay, kiddo; you can handle anything. Especially now that you have Sam," replied Anita. She got up to leave, when Gus walked in and handed Josie some paperwork.

Josie raised her eyebrows and looked at him inquiringly.

"What, did you think you were going to get out of doing some copy editing for me?" Gus asked. "You're the best copy editor I've got and the computer is on the blink again today. I need this by 5."

Josie rolled her eyes at Gus but was too happy to contest. Suddenly, she noticed Gus and Anita looking at each other strangely and as she was trying to figure out what was going on, Anita turned to her and said, "Gotta go Josie, talk to you later."

Josie looked at Gus, who shrugged his shoulders and left without commenting.

'Hmmm, I wonder what's going on there,' she thought. She made a mental note to ask Anita later and bent down to work.

At around 11:25, Merkin popped his head in the door. "Hey boss, it's just about time for you go to Rigfort's."

Surprised that Merkin had actually remembered to remind her, Josie thought, 'Hey, things are really changing around here!' She got up and headed towards Rigfort's office.

Josie took the elevator to the last floor and as soon as she stepped out she was greeted with Rigfort's private secretary.

"Hello Miss Geller, please go right on in Mr. Rigfort is waiting for you." She lowered her voice and smiled up to Josie. "Oh by the way, I thought what you did last night was just the most romantic thing. "

"Thank you," replied Josie smiling back.

As Josie reached the door she knocked.

"Come in," said Mr Rigfort.

Thank you," said Josie.

As Josie walked into the office, she saw Mr. Rigfort standing behind his desk and an older looking man in his early 60's standing next to him holding a glass of wine. Sitting the chair in front of his desk was a younger looking man around her age she guessed, only she wasn't sure seeing that he had his back towards her.

"Come right on in, Josie. I'd like you to meet my good friend Stanley and his son William. Stan, this is the reporter I was telling you about," said Mr. Rigfort.

"Nice to meet you, " said Josie holding out her hand to the older man.

"It's my pleasure," said the older man smiling to her, and they shook hands.

Then she turned to shake the younger man's hand and almost fainted when he turned around and she saw whom he was.

'Oh my God,' she thought, 'BILLY PRINCE!'

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