Sam's Awakening, Part 6:
Sizing Up The Competition
By Carol

Date Posted: July 10, 2000

All comments welcome here, or on the Message Board. Thanks for your interest!

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Rob Geller was a man on a mission, and his mission was to make Josie popular. He knew he could do it; he just had to whisper the right things into the right person's ears and "Voila!": instant popularity.

Rob made sure that as many people as possible saw him hanging out with Josie. If he'd see her walking by he'd call her over and include her in his conversations. No one in any crowd dared say anything to him about his deliberate inclusion of a "geek." Moreover, when he wasn't actually with her, he was campaigning for her. He talked about how wonderful she was all the time to anyone who would listen. Interestingly enough, one of his most attentive listeners was definitely Guy Perkins. Rob could see that Guy was already attracted to Josie, so he knew if he could say the right things to Guy, he would be Josie's ticket into the "in- crowd." And although no overt moves had been made to include Josie, the popular crowd, due to his influence, was certainly giving Josie Geller a second look.

Rob had also noticed that the popular crowd was not the only one giving Josie a second look: Josie's English teacher Mr. Coulson was not only giving her a second look, but third and fourth looks, too. Rob knew he wasn't book smart the way Josie was, but he knew attraction when he saw it and Mr. Coulson was attracted to Josie in spades.

At first Rob thought that because of all the attention he was directing toward Josie, Mr. Coulson might actually be suspicious of her. But the more Rob observed the man, the more Rob realized that Mr. Coulson looked more jealous than suspicious. And then Rob noticed the way that Mr. Coulson looked at his sister when he thought no one would notice. Rob had never seen anyone look at her with such, well such adoration. He knew that Josie would never believe it, but to Rob it was obvious that the guy was in love with his sister.

And, well, he couldn't really blame him, because since Josie had started attending South Glen South, she had changed, and changed remarkably. Suddenly, on top of being sweet and really smart, she was a beautiful woman, although she didn't yet realize it. The way she looked now definitely didn't hurt his mission to get her crowned Prom Queen, he thought to himself with a smile.

* * *

A glorious weekend with Josie had led to a difficult week for Sam. It became obvious immediately that other people were starting to discover what he'd known for weeks�Josie was adorable, smart, fun and sexy�and it was driving him crazy. Take for example, all the sudden attention she was getting from that new kid, Rob. Every time he saw Rob in the halls he was talking about Josie and how wonderful she was. And when Sam saw them together, which was a lot of the time, they were either laughing or talking or punching each other playfully on the arm. He saw them arm wrestling in the cafeteria and then he saw Rob messing up Josie's hair when he beat her at arm wrestling. It killed Sam to see anyone else touch Josie, but after a while he realized that their relationship seemed�well, platonic.

And because of that, Sam didn't know quite what to make of Rob. He'd even seen them hug each other a time or two, but they'd never kissed or done anything together that would connect them as a 'couple.' Sam was more puzzled by Rob than threatened. Sometimes Sam could swear that Rob was somehow studying him, but he figured he was just overreacting� He didn't really think that Rob or anyone else suspected anything about his feelings for Josie.

Sam had another good reason for thinking that Rob was more of a friend to Josie, as opposed to competition for her affections. He had noticed a junior named Tracie hanging around with Rob quite a bit, and it was obvious that Tracie adored Rob. She would constantly cling to his arm and hang on his every word�and Rob didn't seem to mind one bit. And when Sam saw Tracie, Rob and Josie together, Josie didn't seem to be at all jealous over the fact that Tracie was there�although Josie did seem exasperated with Rob now and then.

So Sam determined that Josie and Rob must have been friends before they came to South Glen. And when Rob had become instantly popular because of his cafeteria antics, he decided to use that popularity to help Josie fit in with the popular group. Jeez, he thought, the kid was like a press agent for Josie, the way he was constantly promoting her. So, although they were more physical with each other than Sam would have liked, overall, he was glad for Rob's presence because maybe it would make Josie's path easier. Still, Josie's emerging popularity opened a whole new can of worms on the competition front.

Now, looming on the horizon was the real threat: Guy Perkins. He was good-looking, very popular, and worst of all, smart, although at times, he took great pains to hide it. Sam hadn't missed that the most avid listener to Rob's praises of Josie (besides himself, that was) was Guy.

And, what was worse, Sam had been frustrated so far in his efforts to contact Lara to break things off. She hadn't been home all weekend and hadn't returned the phone calls he'd made so far to her office. He assumed that she was sulking about him sending her home early, but this time her tantrum was very poorly timed. Sam knew that the longer it took to break things off with Lara, the more risk he was taking that Josie would find someone else before he could tell her how he felt. More and more he felt a sense of urgency to have it out with Lara and put that behind him.

* * *

Josie had had a wonderful weekend�she couldn't believe she'd seen Sam so much. She had especially enjoyed seeing him at the Driving Range and spending the afternoon with him. She had to keep telling herself to face the fact that he was just a nice guy who was in love with someone else and was kind enough to spend time with someone he obviously felt sorry for.

But in the back of her mind she was starting to see that there was more to it than that - that they were slowly but surely becoming friends. And he certainly encouraged her in her writing�writing long notes and comments on all of her papers. He seemed to believe in her and, in turn, that helped her to believe in herself. She wanted so badly to believe that maybe there was more going on between them, to tell Sam the truth, as her mother had urged, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She thought he could and would keep her secret, but she feared the inevitable humiliation when he told her that he had never intended anything romantic towards her. She could just hear that conversation, when he would say, "Josie, I hope I haven't misled you, I want to be your friend, but I don't love you. I am in love with Lara."

She had admitted to herself that she was in love with him and told herself she should just get over it. Hadn't Billy Prince taught her anything, she wondered? She should focus on her career and getting her story. Maybe if she were successful as a writer, she would finally feel worthy of someone's love. She knew in her heart she could never hope to attract anyone as wonderful as Sam Coulson. But yet she felt more drawn to him every day, she thought with a sigh.

* * *

It was Wednesday morning. Sam had been asked to fill in for Ms. Knox and oversee the Sex Education Seminar for juniors and seniors during fourth period. Ms. Knox was out sick. Sam knew that Josie would be in the class so he was kind of looking forward to it, especially since an outside speaker would be there to lead the discussion. Sam could just sit and observe her once the speaker arrived. He just prayed that the speaker would show up on time, because if she didn't, he'd have to conduct the class himself, and that thought gave him chills. The prospect of teaching Sex-ed in itself was embarrassing, but teaching it to a class that included Josie would be impossible.

They were on a modified schedule because of the seminars, so Sam also third period free today as well as his regular free seventh period. He decided to use the phone in the deserted teacher's lounge to try to call Lara one more time. She hadn't returned any of his phone calls and, as far as he knew, hadn't even been home since Saturday evening when he first started trying to call her. He had debated whether to just send her a certified letter and be done with it, but he felt that he should do the honorable thing and tell her honestly how he felt in person.

He dialed the number in her office and a woman answered. He didn't recognize the voice, but he didn't really call Lara much at work, since she was always busy.

"Hi, is Lara Patton there?" Sam asked.

"I don't see her, I was just walking by though and picked up the phone, can you hold on and I'll try to find someone who knows where she is?" the woman asked pleasantly.

"Sure, thanks for your help." Sam was surprised that someone in her office was being so helpful. Usually he was treated rather abruptly, another reason why he didn't like to call.

He waited for the blare of annoying classical music Lara's office used for customers on hold. But it didn't come. Instead, he heard the clatter of the receiver as the woman put the phone down on the desk. Sam instantly realized that for some reason, she had failed to put him on hold, and now he could hear everything going on.

The woman who answered the phone asked someone in the background, "Hey, have you seen Lara Patton?"

Sam recognized the other voice as Susan, Lara's personal assistant. "Yeah, she's out to lunch with her newest boy toy, a Mark somebody�um, Jenkins I think it is. Knowing her�and unfortunately, I do�she'll probably be gone the rest of the day. I think this one's married; they have to use their afternoons wisely if you know what I mean�"

"Well, there's a guy on the phone for her, what should I tell him?"

"Tell him to take a number! No, just kidding�she'd kill me." Susan paused, as if thinking and then asked, "Do you know who it is?"

"No, he didn't say."

"I guess just take a message. I know she's getting calls from someone named Rick, another guy named Fred, and then there's that cute little teacher in Chicago who she keeps dangling, too, a Sam something, I think. It's hard to keep them all straight. I wish she'd just get married and quit; yeah, like that would ever happen. God, she's such a bitch! I'm tired of lying for her. I don't know how she ever gets any work done with that active social life of hers."

Sam hung up the phone. He knew that Jon's wife, Joanna, wouldn't have lied to him but still to have confirmation that Lara had made a fool of him and that people in her office knew it and talked about it was humiliating. He had always been honest with Lara and he couldn't really understand why she would lie to him like that for so long. He felt like he was still dangling, like the woman had said. He didn't feel particularly jealous, but it did make him feel sick.

He couldn't believe that he had actually considered uprooting his life and moving to New York to pacify her. He was starting to wonder if she had ever really seriously wanted him to move there, in light of her other activities. Also, he finally realized that Lara was just being her usual nasty self, not calling him back.

Sam sighed, because he knew he had to finalize things with Lara before he could ever think of telling Josie how he felt about her. And he knew that the longer he waited to do that the more likely it was that Josie would be with someone else. He felt like his hands were tied until Lara might decide to talk to him. Usually when they fought it took her a week or two to call him. He wondered now if all those times she had 'other things' going on with other men.

Sam looked at his watch, realizing that he had about twenty minutes before the seminar. He decided to go on ahead to the classroom and wait for the speaker to arrive.

* * *

Since her Physics teacher was monitoring another one of the seminars, Josie also had third period free. And although Rob was trying to coax her to come and sit with him and the rest of the "in-crowd" in study hall, she decided that she didn't feel like socializing. Actually she had spent quite a long time the previous evening arguing with Gus about her inability thus far to find a story and she felt really exhausted, both mentally and physically. She decided that she'd spend her free third period in the classroom where the seminar was to be held instead, and maybe even catch a little shuteye if she was lucky. Taking her books with her, she plopped herself in the aisle seat in the front row. Laughing softly to herself, she figured that with her lack of experience a Sex Ed Seminar couldn't hurt. She pulled out her paperback copy of As You Like It and tried to read, but her eyes kept drifting shut.

Finally, she spoke quietly into her microphone, "Listen guys, I'm beat, I'm going to take a little nap, here. I'll turn you back on when I wake up, okay?" Then, switching off the receiver, Josie put her book bag on her desk to use as a pillow and laid her head down on her arm and fell fast asleep.

* * *

As Sam opened the door to the darkened classroom, he noticed that someone was already in the room: Josie, all by herself and obviously sound asleep in the front row. Even though her head was turned away from him, Sam could tell by her soft, rhythmic breathing. He walked quietly around her to where he could see her face. He smiled softly as he looked down upon her sleeping form. She looked so beautiful and relaxed. He found himself imagining what it would be like to wake up next to her or even with her in his arms. He sighed. He knew he shouldn't go there, even in his imagination. That was just too remote a possibility at this point, especially since he hadn't even broken up with Lara yet.

He knew he needed to wake Josie before the other kids came in, but he decided to just watch her sleep for another minute. He didn't know how to go about waking her up without embarrassing her.

Finally, he knew he had to wake her so he walked up next to her and said her name, "Josie." But she didn't respond or stir. He could see that she was really in a deep sleep. He cleared his throat and said again, "Josie," a little louder this time. Still no response. As he was debating whether he should touch her arm to waken her, she stirred slightly. He could see she was still asleep, but to his surprise she answered him. She smiled in her sleep and breathed with a murmur that was barely audible, "Sam..."

Sam sucked in a painful breath at the wonderful sound of her sleepy voice saying his name. He wondered if she was dreaming about him or just recognized his voice. Again those thoughts of what it would be like to wake up next to her invaded his mind, and he pushed them away. He looked around guiltily and realized he needed to wake her before someone else came in and heard her saying his name in her sleep.

Sam touched her arm gently, hoping the pressure would waken her. Instead, to his delight and surprise, she put her hand over his. Sam closed his eyes against the shot of electricity that raced up his arm from the contact. He knew he had to do something before this got out of control, but he was so tempted to just stay like that with her hand touching his. Her hand felt so soft and warm; it felt so right to him.

Finally, Sam reluctantly he pulled his hand away and gently shook her arm, saying a little louder, "Josie, wake up!"

He could tell that she heard him then because she grimaced a little and opened her eyes slightly. "Josie, wake up, the seminar's going to start in a few minutes." He smiled at her as she lifted her head up and looked at him and smiled drowsily. Her hair was slightly disheveled from her sleep and drooping into her eyes. She looked adorable, he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Josie looked up at Sam in confusion. 'What was he doing here?' she wondered. Then she pushed her hair back and rubbed her eyes, trying to regain her bearings.

"Thanks for waking me up. I must have dozed off." Josie sighed and then said, "I was so tired."

"Why? Are you feeling okay, Josie?" Sam searched her face for signs of illness, concerned.

"I feel fine, I just had a hard day yesterday and didn't get much sleep last night. What are you doing here? Are you teaching the seminar today?" She thought to herself how sweet it was that he was concerned about her.

Sam blushed just a little at the thought of having to teach Josie about sex in a roomful of people. "No, I'm just supposed to be monitoring during the seminar, assuming the speaker gets here, that is�I certainly don't want to be the one teaching this, considering the subject matter," He rolled his eyes and grinned sheepishly. He could tell from her actions that Josie didn't have any recollection of saying his name or touching his hand. He was glad of that because he knew she'd be embarrassed.

He was about to say more when Tracie and a couple of other kids arrived and Tracie sat next to Josie. Sam decided to stand next to the door and look for the speaker, a Ms. Pam Kitterman. Since he'd never chaperoned one of these things before, he had no idea who the woman was. He just hoped she got there, and fast. Just then, another student bumped into Sam's arm as they crossed the threshold and caused him to look away momentarily at the offender.

Heaving a quick sigh of relief, Josie took that opportunity to switch her camera and microphone back on for the seminar.

Sam found himself staring at Josie as she was talking to Tracie. Suddenly she turned to look at him and smiled. He felt his heart rate accelerate. He blinked and smiled back at her. They stared at each other for a little too long, but it was intoxicating. He felt a little off balance and finally looked away.

As it turned out Pam Kitterman was late and when she did show up, Sam observed that she was signaling at Josie from the open doorway. He noticed that Josie and this Ms. Kitterman seemed to somehow know each other. He couldn't imagine what they might have in common. He couldn't quite figure that one out. But at that point, he didn't care. He was just relieved that she had arrived and he wasn't going to have to teach the class.

However, he wasn't prepared for someone like Pam Kitterman. She was a tall, attractive brunette who started their conversation by flirting outrageously with him. He was totally unnerved to have a woman practically proposition him in front of a classroom full of students, not to mention in front of Josie. He hoped to God that none of the kids could hear her. He was so flustered that he had to duck out the door after introducing her just to compose himself.

When he came back into the room, he couldn't believe his ears. Right there in front of the class, Ms. Kitterman was describing her less-than-stellar "first time" experience to the kids. She was definitely the most direct Sex Ed Teacher he'd ever heard, but her direct approach seemed to work with the kids, because when she asked if there were any questions, almost every kid in the room raised their hand. But not Josie, he noticed� Well, maybe she was just too shy, he thought.

Just as he thought that things couldn't get any worse, here he was helping Ms. Kitterman pass out bananas for a hands-on instruction of the proper use of condoms. It was just too surreal. This almost-real simulation was almost more than he could take. He found himself wandering around the classroom trying not to look anyone in the eye. He knew he couldn't blithely sit up front with Ms. Kitterman while she instructed the class on this subject; that was certain.

As usual, he found himself drawn to Josie, because even as nervous as he was, he felt better being closer to her. It was almost as if she soothed something deep in side of him. As he ambled up the middle aisle and approached her desk, he noticed with a measure of relief that neither she nor Tracie had been able to figure out how to put their condoms on their bananas. He had guessed that Josie was pretty inexperienced sexually and was happy to see it confirmed.

Without really meaning to, he found himself listening in on a conversation between the two. It sounded as if Josie were trying to counsel Tracie against rushing into sex. Very interesting. Josie told Tracie that it was important to wait to have sex until you found the right person, and then spend the rest of your life with that person, although Tracie didn't look all that convinced. So Josie used an analogy involving Adele Penguins, explaining how they spend their whole lives looking for the right mate and when they find them spend the rest of their lives together. Smiling to himself at what Josie was trying to say, he noticed that Tracie's reaction clearly indicated that she didn't follow, and she proved it by saying, "But�I'm not a penguin�"

Sam felt badly that Josie couldn't seem to make her point clear to Tracie and suddenly felt that he needed to step in. Looking at Tracie over Josie's head, he explained, "Oh... It's an analogy."

At that point Josie had been trying, to no avail to get her darned condom on her banana. She had no idea that the thing was actually inside out, so when she pulled on it in an attempt to unroll it, she succeeded only in stretching it like a rubber band over the end of the banana. But when she heard Sam's voice just behind her, she jumped and lost her grip on the condom. To her utter horror, she watched as it snapped off the end of the banana like a slingshot and hit Sam in the face just above his right eye.

Josie looked around, mortified, but it seemed that the only people who had seen her embarrassing display was Sam himself and Tracie, who giggled into her hand that she'd placed over her mouth. Unable to look Sam in the eye, she put her hands over her face and moaned, "Excuse me. I have to go die now�"

Sam was glad for Josie's sake that only he and Tracie knew what happened. At first, he had been surprised and embarrassed, but now he saw the humor in the situation...not to mention, he thought guiltily that it served him right for eavesdropping on her in the first place. He tried to surreptitiously get her attention again, wanting to let her know it was okay, but Josie kept her hands over her face.

Then the saccharinely cheerful voice of Sydney, the senior class president came over the loudspeaker. She wailed out the earth-shattering news that another area high school had chosen the same prom theme as South Glen. Suddenly pandemonium struck in the classroom. Kids stood, screaming, yelling and crying as they started to throw their bananas down in disgust. Sam raised his voice until he had to shout to be heard over the din. "Sit!" Then he tried to console the teens, trying to impress upon them that this was not a life-ending issue. "Okay, let's focus. Listen, it's a prom theme� All we need is a new idea."

The room was silent, as all eyes trained on Guy Perkins. He stood, and after a moment, he trained a confident eye toward the front of the room and said, "Josie."

Sam watched as Josie stood up in shock at being singled out by Guy. Guy continued, confidently explaining, "Josie will have the answer�"

Sam found that even he was holding his breath. He could see that Guy was giving Josie an opportunity to shine. Sam was mentally cheering her on as she looked around the room for inspiration. Then, as she looked at Tracie, a light seemed to go on in her brain. He could tell she was thinking of the Penguin analogy. She said hesitantly, "What about�Meant For Each Other: Famous Couples Throughout History�?"

He waited to see what the masses would think of her idea, but the masses looked at Guy for their lead. Guy considered it for a moment and then started shaking his head in the affirmative, saying, "Absolutely�absolutely!"

Cheers erupted in the classroom as Josie fidgeted and smiled. She looked up and made eye contact with Guy for what Sam thought was much longer than necessary, but then she turned and looked at him. She was obviously seeking his approval as well, and he gladly gave it with his eyes and his smile. He was incredibly proud of her, but also worried.

He found himself hoping that Josie would somehow know that he, Sam Coulson, was her penguin and they were meant for each other, but he feared that she had already eliminated him as a candidate because of the Lara situation. He just hoped that she wouldn't think that Guy Perkins was a better choice because he was closer to her own age and available.

And now�the popular crowd embraced her. All Sam could do was watch helplessly and be supportive. He felt totally frustrated, falling a little more in love with her all the time and unable to do a thing to stop it.

Sam had never been able to understand why being accepted was so important to Josie, but he knew that it was and he was happy for her to have more friends. After all, he had worried a lot about her being alone too much. He was happy and insanely jealous at the same time. He could see that the day had been a turning point for her by the way the popular kids surrounded her after the seminar. Josie just glowed and she seemed happier than he'd ever seen her when she came to his English Class that afternoon. He heard Gibby ask her to go shopping that weekend with her and the other popular girls. At least Josie wouldn't be alone so much now, he told himself dejectedly, wishing he could be the one spending time with her.

His spirits were lifted a little as she left his class. She hesitated by his desk, shifting her weight from foot to foot with unease and blushing. Sam gave her an easy smile and she was able to continue. "Um� I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry about�you, know�hitting you in the eye before," she said as she lowered her eyes again, obviously embarrassed.

Placing a comforting hand on her arm, he assured her, "Oh, that's okay, Josie. No harm done." Thinking to put that subject behind them, he asked instead, "So�do you still want to help me on Friday?"

She looked up again and smiled. "Yes, of course! Um�should I just come here after school, or do you want to start during last period, since you and I both have that free?"

He was flattered to realize that she had paid attention to his schedule. "Seventh period sounds great Josie. We'll just go do it right after class in the courtyard. And be sure to wear something you won't mind getting paint on." He grinned at her.

"Okay, see you later." Josie turned to leave.

"Wait, I wanted to ask you something, Josie." Josie turned back to face Sam. "How do you know Ms. Kitterman?"

Josie hesitated. "Oh, she's a friend of my mother's� I couldn't believe it was her!" Josie tried to calm herself. Breathe, she told herself�don't give yourself away now� "She definitely has an unusual approach to the er�subject matter."

Sam laughed. "Yeah, she does. Okay, I'll see you later, Josie."

"Bye, Mr. Coulson."

Sam was a little disappointed that she was back to calling him Mr. Coulson, but he realized that even if she had wanted to call him Sam, she wouldn't. She was bright enough to understand why she couldn't. Still, it made him feel a little depressed to hear it�like she was moving away from him somehow and getting closer than ever to Guy Perkins. At least that was his perception. He was getting a sinking feeling that Guy Perkins would be taking Josie to the Prom. He felt more and more that Guy was the real competition, rather than Rob. Then a short time later something happened to confirm his feeling about Rob not being a threat.

* * *

Sam was in his classroom during his free seventh period when he heard two people arguing just outside his window. He immediately recognized Josie's voice, and he could tell she was upset about something. He looked out the window and down into the courtyard to see Josie shaking her finger at Rob, just as she had done with the Assistant Pro at the Driving Range. He couldn't quite hear what she was saying but he could see that she was very determined about something. Suddenly she raised her voice and he heard, "I mean it Rob, she's just 16 and if you hurt that girl, you'll answer to me, do you hear me!"

Sam could hear the smirk in Rob's voice as he replied, "Chill out Josephine! And get that stubby finger out of my face� I'm helping you remember?"

"I don't care, Rob. Don't help me if it means hurting that girl, I'm serious!"

"Oh you're really scaring me now, squirt!" And with that Rob grabbed Josie in a headlock under his arm.

Sam stared in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Rob was quite a bit bigger than Josie and the situation didn't look good. He couldn't stand there and allow someone to hurt Josie. Sam decided to intervene, but before he could even move one step towards the door, to his amazement, Josie stepped on Rob's foot and somehow flipped him over her back onto the ground. Josie had moved so fast to disable Rob that Sam couldn't see exactly what she had done, but it was obvious that she had done this before.

Rob was now curled up with in a fetal position begging for mercy with Josie standing over him, shaking her finger at his head. It was the funniest thing Sam had ever seen. He saw again what Josie's mother meant about her being stubborn. She was still determined that Rob should see things her way. When wagging her finger didn't seem to help, she tackled him and started to tickle him.

"Geez, Jos�don't tickle me! You'll make me pee my pants!" Rob begged helplessly.

But Josie didn't let up. "I mean it Rob, you promise me that you won't hurt Tracie!"

"Okay, okay�I promise. I wouldn't hurt her anyway, Josie. Now, let me up before somebody sees this, nagwoman! What if the guys on the team saw you doing this?"

Josie stood back to let him up but Sam could see that Rob was still cowering. They stared each other down and she punched his arm; then they walked off talking as if their skirmish had not occurred. Sam thought it was so sweet that Josie was defending Tracie like that, doing what she thought was right for someone younger than her. From what Sam had overheard between Tracie and Josie, he wasn't sure Tracie would appreciate it. At least, he thought, Josie could defend herself. He had to laugh as he pictured Josie standing over Rob, shaking her finger. That relationship sure was strange. But, at least now he knew that Josie had the upper hand� Rob didn't seem like much of a threat curled up on the ground. And Josie flipping Rob like that had made her more adorable to him than ever.

Sam wondered what he would do if she ever pointed that finger at him. Hoping he'd never find out, Sam just shook his head and laughed.

* * *

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