The Good News, Part 1
By Josephine

Date Posted: January 29, 2001

DISCLAIMER: I own none of these characters and yada yada yada...

Well, here's my third installment to my wedding series. I hope you guys are still not mad at me for 'hurting' Sam.

He's okay; he's a big boy. He'll make it up to Josie in this one...As always, I'd like to know what you think, so please email me at [email protected] or leave a message for me on the message board. Enjoy...

Click here to hear "Close To Me" by The Cure

* * *

When Josie awoke the next morning, she at first thought that she had dreamed the events of the night before. It was just too amazing to think that it might actually be true that she were engaged to the man of her dreams. She turned to see if Sam was still lying next to her�and he was. He appeared to be in a deep sleep. Josie still wasn't sure if what had happened last night really did occur, so she immediately brought her left hand out from under the covers and inspected it. There on her ring finger was the engagement ring: proof that the events last night were not a dream, but a reality.

Josie put her left arm up and her hand caught a beam of sunlight. Small rainbow colored sparkles glimmered all over the wall of her bedroom. This sight brought a huge smile to Josie's face, like a little girl with a new toy. She moved her hand about, causing the rainbows to move around the wall. Her movement shook the bed a little, waking Sam from his sweet slumber.

Sam opened up his eyes and watched Josie as her hand moved around in the light. Smiling, he thought how sweet she looked. 'She looks just like a little girl on Christmas morning that had just opened up a present that she really wanted and is playing with it,' he thought.

Sam wasn't ready to let Josie he was awake, so every time she turned in his direction, he would close his eyes and pretend that he was asleep, and then opened his eyes to watch her once more when she turned away.

As Sam lay next to Josie, he thought about how beautiful he knew she would look on their wedding day, and how wonderful she would be as a wife and a mother. He also wondered if their kids would look like her instead of him. Personally, he liked that idea better, because he didn't think that he was good looking enough.

'With Josie's features, our kids would look as beautiful as she would,' Sam thought. He also wondered how he and Josie would look as they grew old together. Would they still be having fun as they are now? Would they have grandkids? Would they be together forever?

Josie had a feeling that she was being watched. A slow smile creeping across her face, she turned just slightly and peeked out of the corner of her eye at Sam. Yep, he was watching her� She slowly turned towards Sam and caught him pretending to be asleep. "Aha, Sam Coulson�gotcha!" Josie exclaimed. She jumped on top of Sam and clasped her hands over his. "Now, what do you think you were doing?" Josie joked.

Sam, also feeling frisky this morning, decided to play Josie's game. "I was just thinking how beautiful and sexy you look this morning," he answered. Sam quickly pulled himself up from the bed and wrestled Josie down on the other side of the bed. Now he was on top of her.

"Now that's not fair, Sam," Josie giggled as Sam kissed along her face and neck. She pulled him closer to her and decided that two could play this game�and often they did. And inevitably, it always ended up the same: driving each other crazy until they made passionate love together.

Josie's hands got free from Sam's grasp and she placed it around Sam's neck. Josie started kissing his neck and began nibbling on his ear.

"Now that's not fair, either�" Sam responded. He didn't want it to stop, but it was driving him crazy. Trying to regain control of himself, he tried to pull away from Josie, but her grasp on him around his neck was too tight. Then she reached that ultra sensitive spot at the base of his neck, and all thoughts of stopping fled from his mind. He put his neck back and groaned. Sam placed his hands under Josie's back and pulled her head out from his neck, fervently kissing her lips, almost attacking them, and placed his other hand on her chest between her breasts.

Josie sighed and threw her head back against the pillow, causing her back to arch and her breasts to press heavily against the thin material of her nightshirt.

Sam smiled as he unbuttoned the first button of her makeshift pajamas, placing a kiss on the patch of skin exposed. And so he went, unbuttoning and kissing until her shirt was completely undone. He pushed the lapels aside and then sat up a little from the bed to get a better view of her. Desire smoldered in his eyes as he softly caressed her stomach with his fingers and then bent down to lap at her neck with his tongue.

Josie let out a soft moan. She adored the feel of his warm bare chest pressed against her own. Even if this weren't the first time, it always seemed to feel as if it were. Every touch of his burned her skin and made it tingle long after his hands or lips had moved. She felt so powerless in the wake of desire and arousal that Sam always created within her. It had taken her a while, but now she realized that the very surrender to those feelings he had created had the power to seduce Sam as well. She rejoiced in the knowledge that, as he fanned the flames higher within her, her responses to him excited him as well.

Watching and listening to Josie's enthusiastic response to him made Sam have to touch even more of her. Gently, he licked his way down from her neck to circle her round, full breast, slower getting ever closer to her taut nipple, but not touching it. Finally, he bathed it with his tongue and then blew on it, his hot breath connecting with her wet nipple, causing shivers of delight to course through her body. This form of teasing always drove Josie crazy�and Sam knew it.

Josie dug her fingers into Sam's hair as she moved restlessly beneath him. Unconsciously, she tried to move his head toward her breast, trying to convey to him that she'd had enough teasing: she wanted his mouth on her nipple, and she wanted it now.

But Sam was not quite ready to oblige. Instead, Sam began the ritual with her other breast while using his finger to mimic the action on the first. When he finally placed his mouth over her right nipple and flicked at it with his tongue, Josie gasped and felt her bones melt in response. She couldn't move�couldn't have moved if her life depended on it.

A knowing smile touching his lips, Sam reached over and rolled the left nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger, while still suckling at the right one.

Josie let out another gasp and then a long, low moan as Sam's ministrations continued. Impatiently, Josie sat up in mid-lick, ripping her arms from the shirt and tossing it aside roughly.

Sam didn't bother to stop; he simply moved with her and allowed her to undress, all the while keeping up the maddening teasing of her breasts. Josie leaned her weight back on her arms, arching her chest toward him even more. Sam's mouth finally gravitated to the space between her breasts and then down her torso to her bellybutton, where he ran his tongue around it and then in and out of it, mimicking their impending encounter.

That was it. She was a goner. Josie felt the passion ignite within her and she knew she just had to taste and touch Sam the way he'd been doing to her. She wanted him to feel weak and helpless like a kitten as she just had moments ago. She wanted to make him lose control so that he had to have her. And she was going to start right now.

She'd wanted him last night, but couldn't be with him like this because of the incident in the car�but she could have him now. She pulled his head up and away from her, and then she roughly pushed against his chest, indicating the she intended for him to lie down. He obliged. She climbed on top of him, pushing her breasts into his chest as she attacked the sensitive spot on his neck.

Sam moaned and closed his eyes, and then groaned again as Josie rubbed her hips against his now full-grown manhood. Then she reached down to loop her fingers under the waistband of his sweats and start to push them downward. Obliging her, he lifted his hips and allowed her to slide them down to his knees, where he then pushed them the rest of the way off himself.

Josie was pleasantly surprised to find that Sam had not been wearing any underwear. Looking down for a moment, she reconnected with Sam's eyes and the slow, sensual smile that grew on her lips made him quiver. Oh, she was going to make him pay for his unmerciful teasing of her�and he was going to love every maddening minute of it!

For a moment, she was content to simply lay herself back on top of him, allowing her the soft skin of her stomach rub against him as she continued to seduce him with her drugging kisses and magical tongue. Soon, she kissed a path down to his chest, sliding herself tantalizingly down the length of his body as she went. As she kissed the washboard of his stomach and softly tickled his sides with her fingers, she slid down further, until he was nestled between her breasts. When she looked up to gauge his expression, Sam's eyes were closed and she could feel him rubbing against her just slightly, as if he were trying to maintain control, but wasn't quite winning the battle.

Smiling to herself, she slid partially off his body so that she could lie on her left side and have full access to him. She reached over with her right hand, wrapping her fingers around him, and then she started to slowly move them, caressing the length of him.

Sam's mouth dropped open and he gasped as Josie's hand began to move. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about her technique that made him forget everything from the second she laid a finger on him. Once she got started, he couldn't have remembered his own name, let alone be able to put two coherent words together. That was a pretty impressive feat, considering he was an English teacher. As she varied the speed and intensity of her movement, Sam felt the waves of desire building to a fever pitch within him, and he became more and more vocal about her ministrations. Soon every single stroke caused him to gasp, and he was already breathing heavily and his heart was racing.

Then suddenly, he snapped. He couldn't take the torture for a second longer. He needed to feel Josie surrounding him and he needed it now. Sam pushed her over and pinned her beneath him, attacking her lips and neck while he fondled her breasts. It was Josie's turn to moan as Sam ground his hips into hers. Sam recaptured one of her nipples with his mouth while his left hand slid down and between her legs, touching her through the cotton of her underwear.

As Sam's hand unerringly found her most sensitive spot, Josie's strength ebbed and her head fell back limply. The ability for conscious thought left her as her every breath came out with a whimper of incredible longing.

It was obvious to Sam that Josie was more than ready for him. He stilled his hand, and after a moment, said softly, teasingly, "Seems like someone here is overdressed�"

It took Josie a long moment for it to register that Sam was talking about her. Nodding dumbly, she did all she could do: lift her hips up enough for Sam to slide her panties off.

Sam kneeled on the bed and stared at Josie's beautiful and curvaceous body. Overwhelmed by tenderness, he leaned over and kissed Josie softly, reverently on the lips. Then, without breaking eye contact with Josie, he slowly slid his left hand downward. He glided it over one breast, then the other, onto her stomach, and then right down to the heart of her femininity. His fingers delved even lower for a moment, but then he glided upward to caress her again with a feather-light, achingly slow touch.

Josie's heart drummed a staccato beat in her chest and she gasped and moaned and whimpered until she was practically begging Sam to satisfy her. "Please�please�" she breathed, not even aware of what she was saying.

Leaning over toward the nightstand, Sam finally removed his hand from her to grab a foil packet, plopping it down on the pillow next to Josie's head.

As Sam nudged Josie's legs apart and placed himself between them, Josie grabbed the packet and removed the condom, efficiently sheathing him in it.

With a smile, Sam thought, although it was difficult to think about anything in his state, about how Josie had been so awkward during the sex education course that Anita had instructed, and now Josie was a professional with a condom.

Sam took hold of her and pressed her back onto the bed. Slowly, he pushed himself into her until they were fully joined. As Sam adjusted to the incredible feeling, Josie sighed blissfully, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Then Sam began to move, gliding slowly in and out of her the way he knew that she liked. He nuzzled his face in between her face and neck, and began to kiss her there. Fighting his own building tension, Sam continued to push Josie higher and higher. A fine mist of perspiration covered her as her muscles quivered, waiting for release.

When he felt that Josie was ready, Sam placed his hands on either side of Josie's head and held his upper body up so that they could make eye contact. He waited until she opened her dazed eyes to stare at him.

She grazed her nails lightly along his shoulders, fighting the blazing pleasure to keep her eyes open. She wanted to see Sam's face. The molten heat inside his eyes and the look of impending rapture on his face was the only impetus she needed. With a gasp she said, "Oh, God�I think I�" and then the final wave of pleasure crashed over her, carrying her words away with it.

Watching the look of ecstasy overtake her features and feeling her body pulsing around him, pushed Sam beyond the limits of his control. Letting go of the tight rein he'd held over his actions, he sped up his movements and plunged into Josie again and again until he too was shaking and gasping with the force of his release.

After several moments of lying sated and limp against each other, Sam rolled over and pulled the pliant Josie into his arms. Both on their side, they lay on the bed in a spoon position. Josie started to play with Sam's hand. She circled her fingers in the palm of his hand and tickled the center part of it.

As part of the ritual whenever they played this game, Josie smiled and asked, "So who won today?"

His response was always the same. "I'd have to say we both did�" Then he leaned in a kissed her neck while she laughed gleefully.

Sam chuckled too. He smiled and turned over to kiss her. "I guess I'm feeling much better now," he snickered. "You nursed me back to health, Nurse Josie," he added with a guffaw.

Josie joined in.

They lied in bed in each other's embrace for another half-hour. During that time, they caressed each other's faces and ran their hands through each other's hair. They confessed their love for one another repeatedly and intermittently kissed.

Their short romantic interlude was finally interrupted by a phone call. Josie extended her body across Sam's to answer the phone.

"Hello?" It was Anita.

"Hey, you. Are you up? Or am I interrupting something?" Anita teased.

"Um no, not at all," Josie answered. "What's going on, Anita?" As she was conversing with Anita, Sam began to kiss Josie's neck, causing her to giggle into the phone. Covering up the phone, Josie shot a look at Sam and said, "Stop it. It's Anita!"

"So?" Sam answered. He continued kissing her neck and proceeded to nibble on her ear.

"Okay, Josie. Tell that horndog of a boyfriend of yours to settle down," Anita bantered. "And also tell him that you're late for our morning run, or did you forget?"

Josie sat up abruptly, pulling the telephone cord from the nightstand and causing it to knock over Sam's wallet and other knickknacks that Josie had on the nightstand. "Oh my God, Anita, I forgot! Where are you? Are you at the track?"

"No, not yet. I just called to let you know that I was going to be late. But I'm glad I called otherwise you would've completely forgot and never showed up." Anita paused to deliberate. "Actually, that would've been okay. I could jog by myself with all those cute young track hunks there..." Anita gasped. Then she trailed off to her thoughts of the 'hunks'.

Josie couldn't help but laugh at what Anita just described. "Anita, Anita? to Anita."

Finally Anita answered, "Yes, Jos, I'm here."

"Do you still want you to meet you there at the track?" Josie inquired. Wrapped in her sheets from the bed, Josie got up and sat at the end of the bed next to Sam, to rest the telephone on the nightstand. "I could be there..." Josie turned to look at her alarm clock, " nine that's in about a half hour from now." There was no answer from Anita. "Anita?" Josie asked again.

"Yes, I'm here, Jos. I'll be there in a half-hour. See 'ya then." Anita hung up the phone.

Josie did the same. She took Sam's hand to her lips and gently kissed them. "Sam, I have to go. I forgot that I was suppose to meet Anita at the track this morning to run with her." She gave Sam a warm and affectionate smile while kissing the back of his hand.

"Do you have to go, Mrs. Coulson?" Sam asked grimacing. He took Josie in his arms and rested her next to him.

Josie nestling into Sam's arms, answered, "Mmm, that sounds nice. Sam, can you please repeat that?"

Sam whispered in Josie's ears, "Mrs. Coulson. Mrs. Coulson. Mrs. Coulson." Sam wrapped his arms around Josie's body and kissed the back of neck. "I can't wait for you to be my wife."

Josie smiled at that thought. "Sam?"

Burying his face in Josie's hair, Sam answered, "Yes, honey?"

Sincerely, Josie replied, "I love you."

"I love you, too," Sam whispered, but loud enough for Josie to hear.

* * *

Josie did not want to leave Sam's embrace, but she had just promised to meet her best friend at the track and field. Plus she was also anxious to reveal her engagement to Anita. Josie was so anxious, that when she arrived at the track, she realized that she had driven so fast; she was ten minutes early. This gave her time to think about what to say to Anita, and to stretch before their run.

Anita finally arrived a little after nine; as usual, a little late. Anita sometimes had no concept of time. She went by the phrase, 'Better late than never.' When she approached Josie at a bench on the side of the track, she noticed something different about her, as if Josie was glowing. But not exactly glowing, she thought. It was as if Josie had 'grown up' overnight. Anita knew that her best friend had finally given up her virginity to Sam a while back, so that couldn't be it. It was something about Josie; she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"Hey, Jos, sorry I'm late." Anita examined Josie from head to toe. "You know, if I'm not mistaken, Miss Josie Geller," Anita paused, "there's something different about you today."

Josie, who had one leg extended on the bench, stretched over her leg to touch her toes, answered, "What do you mean, Miss Anita Brandt?" Also emphasizing the Miss.

Anita began to stretch alongside Josie on the bench, and blatantly replied, "Well, you have that same look you had the first time you did it with Sam. Now what are you hiding from me?"

"Oh nothing," Josie answered with a smirk. She extended her left arm over her head and bent over on her side. While stretching, her left hand reached over near Anita's face. With close distance to Josie's hand, Anita noticed something on her finger, her ring finger. Anita ceased her stretching and immediately grabbed hold of Josie's hand.

Staring right at the ring, then at Josie, and then back at the ring, Anita screamed. "Oh my God, Josie! When...what...Josie? Oh my God..." Anita was speechless. Anita was never one to not have anything to say, but this time she did.

Anita took hold of both of Josie's hands and motioned her to sit. "Oh Gosh, Jos. You have to tell me what happened last night!" Anita exclaimed.

Josie sat opposite Anita on the bench and still in her grasp, Josie let go of Anita's hands and reached over to hug her best friend. "Oh Anita, it was so romantic!"

Josie began her story of the previous night's events. Josie and Anita laughed, cried and celebrated with each event Josie unfolded to her. It seemed like an hour had passed before they realized that they haven't begun what they had set out to do, which was to run.

Admiring the ring again, Anita declared, "The ring is so beautiful, Jos. I think I'm jealous of you. I spend all this time dating all these different guys, and here you are, three months into a relationship, and you have a ring to show for it." Anita, with a tear running down her cheek, leaned over to Josie and gave her another hug. "I hope someday, I'll meet someone as wonderful as Sam." Anita sighed.

Josie thoughtfully responded, "Anita, you will...someday." She was thinking of Gus when she said that. Josie continued, "I have something very important to ask you."

Anita eagerly looked at Josie, "What, Jos?"

"Well, since you are my best friend, and you are the first person, close to me, that I've told this to...I was wondering if you'd like to be my maid of honor?" Josie asked sincerely and with zeal.

Again, Anita screamed, "Yes, Josie. I'd love to!" She reached over to Josie and they hugged once more.

As they were hugging, a group of runners ran by them. Anita could not help but turn and glance at the runners. They were the 'hunks' that Anita was referring to earlier on the phone. Cheerfully, Anita stared in wonderment at the herd of men that just ran passed them.

"Maybe, one of those guys can be my Sam, if you know what I mean." Anita joked.

Josie began to laugh.

Anita stood up from the bench and intentionally bent over to stretch with her behind facing the runner's views. Josie turned to watch one of the runners jog by slowly and gawk at Anita bending over to stretch. Josie shook her head and laughed to herself. 'Typical Anita,' she thought.

Josie glanced at her watch and realized what time it was. "Anita, I think I have time to just run half a mile now because I have to be back at my apartment to meet Sam. We still need to get a present for Rob for his birthday party tomorrow. Hey Anita, will you be stopping by at my parent's house for the barbecue?"

Anita replied, "Yeah, Jos. I'll be there. I haven't gotten anything for him either. What would Rob like?"

"Anything to do with sports, specifically baseball." Josie answered.

Anita and Josie started their jog on the track alongside other runners, including the 'hunks'. As one of the runners pass them by, Anita couldn't help but notice that he was wearing one of those short jogging shorts. She ran a little faster to catch up with him, leaving Josie to run by herself. Anita turned to Josie for approval and pointed at the runner. While pointing at the runner, she mouthed something with her lips, something like, "Check out his butt..."

All Josie could do was shake her head and laugh again at her friend's behavior. Then she yelled out to Anita, "Call me later, okay?"

Anita glanced back at Josie, and gave her the universal sign of 'okay'. She was now jogging with the runner and conversing with him at the same time.

* * *

When Josie arrived at her apartment, she noticed that Sam's car was gone. As she laid her keys on the dining table, she picked up a note from him. It read, 'Jos- Went to play pick-up hockey with the boys. I'll meet you back here at around noon- lunch? I LOVE YOU, Sam.' She brought it to her lips and kissed the note. Under her breath she said, "I love you too."

With Sam gone for a while, this gave Josie time to start planning a little for their wedding. She brought out a legal pad of paper from her briefcase and plopped herself down on her couch. She began to think about what she wanted, and jotted them down on the legal pad.

By the time it was time for her to get ready for lunch and shopping with Sam, Josie had written four pages of notes for the wedding. 'I better show this to Sam when he gets here.' She thought. 'He did after all say that he wanted to be involved with the decisions of our dream wedding.'

She put the pad down on the coffee table and proceeded to the bathroom to get ready.

* * *

Sam had gone home to his apartment first to grab his hockey bag full of equipment and his stick. He met his friends, Jonathan, Matt and Andy at the ice center. When he arrived at the rink, his friends were already on the ice warming up.

"Hey, you guys couldn't wait for me or what?" Sam yelled out to his friends. He dropped his heavy hockey bag down and quickly brought out his skates, knee and shoulder pads and other hockey gears he needed to wear to play. As he was dressing himself, Jonathan skated towards Sam.

"Finally decided to show up, huh?" Jonathan had a sinister smile on his face. "So?"

Sam answered, "So what?" Sam knew what his friend was referring to.

"Aw, come on Sam. Don't be coy with me. I heard you on the phone this morning when I called you." Jonathan responded wryly. "You sounded so giddy on the phone like a little girl." He said little in a high pitched voice. "Well?"

Sam was lacing up his skates when he finally looked up at Jonathan; "Well...we're engaged." Sam disclosed. He finished with his laces and his equipment and walked over to the ice.

Sam climbed over the railing and skated over to where his friends were. As Sam was approaching, Jonathan removed his hockey glove and shook Sam's hand. "Hey boys, our boy Sammy here is turning over a new leaf." He announced to Matt and Andy. They were confused.

"Sam and Josie are engaged!" Jonathan proclaimed.

Matt also removed his gloves and shook Sam's hand. "Hey Sammy boy, congratulations, man!" Andy joined in. "Yeah Sam. Wow! Congratulations. When did this happen?"

"Last night over dinner. We were celebrating our three-month anniversary." Sam proudly answered.

"You're a lucky man, Sammy." Matt declared. "If you didn't scope out Josie first, I'd be the man you guys would be congratulating." Matt quipped.

Sam shot Matt a look and shook his head. "I don't think so, Matt. She loved me the first day she laid eyes on me, she said. Besides you are definitely not her type." Sam snickered.

Jonathan decided to end the exchange between Sam and Matt. "Okay girls, are we gonna play or what?"

Jonathan and Sam took their positions, as well as, Matt and Andy. Before Andy dropped the puck, Jonathan turned to Sam and said, "Hey, congratulations. I know you guys will be very happy." Then he smiled.

After an hour of playing pick-up hockey, Matt and Andy had to leave. "Sammy, give us a call about the bachelor party, okay?" Matt yelled out as he and Andy were leaving the rink.

Sam smiled at that thought. 'A bachelor party. Ha!' Sam laughed to himself.

Changing into their sweats, Sam and Jonathan were seated on the bleachers of the ice rink. "Jon, speaking of bachelor parties, I think you're gonna have to arrange that for me." Sam implied.

Surprised, Jonathan answered, "What?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to be my best man for Josie's and my wedding?" Sam asked in earnest.

Enthusiastic, Jonathan replied, "Sam, yeah, sure, I'd love to." Jonathan paused. "I'll tell you something though; Sam, I've never thrown a bachelor party before."

Sam quickly replied, "Jon, I really don't need one." He deliberated for a moment, then added, "You could always ask Matt and Andy to help you out. Remember your bachelor party?" Sam teased. His smile turned into a guffaw.

Jonathan shaking his head at the memory of his bachelor party responded, "Oh gosh, Sam, don't remind me." He joined Sam in the mirth. "That was a pretty crazy night, I must admit."

"Oh man, Jon, you should've seen the statement on your face when the stripper revealed that she was really a man. It was classic." Sam could not refrain from his laughter.

"Okay, okay, Sam enough." At first he restrained himself from laughing, but couldn't contain it anymore, and let out in hysteria with tears almost running down his face. "That was hilarious. I was so petrified of her...him! I still don't believe Matt hired that stripper. He looked like a woman!" Jonathan declared.

Sam's laughter died down, "Yeah, he sort of did, except for that..." Sam's laughter became boisterous again. He was holding his hockey stick in mid air and motioned it up as an implication. "Aw come on, Jon, you didn't notice that at all?"

"I think I drank myself to almost death that night, Sam." Jonathan shrugged his shoulders. "You just wait for yours, Sammy boy." Jonathan jokingly threatened.

Sam and Jonathan packed their equipment in their duffel bags. They walked out to their cars and placed it in the trunk of their cars.

"Sam, maybe you and Josie can come over our house for dinner tomorrow night. Joanna has been bugging me to ask you two over. How 'bout it?" Jonathan asked as he shut the trunk of his car.

"Sorry, Jon. Josie and I have a birthday party to go to at her parent's house tomorrow night. It's her brother, Rob's birthday. And it's also our chance to announce to her family and friends that we're getting married." Sam answered.

"Well some other night then. Just call us when you two are available." Jonathan extended his hand to Sam. Again they shook hands. "Congratulations, Sam. Give Josie a kiss for me, okay."

"Thanks, Jon. You too, give Jo a kiss for me also." Sam leaned over to Jonathan and gave him a brotherly hug. Jonathan returned the hug.

Sam got into his car and merrily drove to his apartment. On the way, he thought about Josie. He thought about their liaison earlier in the morning and how wonderful Josie made him feel. Sam was ecstatic and he was walking on air. Last night, the woman of his dreams just accepted his proposal. How could he not be happy? 'Everything I've ever dreamt of is finally coming true,' Sam thought.

* * *

The mall was unusually peaceful for a Saturday afternoon. Sam and Josie just bought a signed autograph baseball by Cal Ripken for Rob's birthday. They knew he'd love it. They were standing in line at a gift shop to purchase a card and gift-wrap for Rob's present when they saw Aldys also in line.

"Aldys!" Josie called out to her. "Wow, you look great!" Aldys threw her arms around Josie and embraced her tightly. Josie reciprocated the embrace. "Aldys, when did you get back from France?" Josie asked as they parted.

Aldys ardently answered, "Yesterday! Oh Josie, it was so amazing! I never knew that I had so many relatives there; especially in this little town in Normandy, called Fleury. Oh, and the scenery is so magnificent and the..." Aldys paused as she finally noticed that Sam was there also. "Oh, hi Mr. Coulson."

"Aldys, I'd prefer it if you called me Sam now." Sam approvingly shook his head. "It's so nice to see you." Sam leaned over to Aldys and gave her a brief yet sincere hug.

"Yes, it is," Aldys replied. "I'm sorry, I'm going on about myself, I didn't even ask how you two are doing?"

Just then a sales clerk at the gift shop called out for the next available customer in line. "I guess that's me, Jos." Aldys placed her items on the counter and paid for them. Sam and Josie were next in line. After they purchased the gift items, they met up with Aldys who was waiting for them outside of the store.

"Aldys, so tell us more about your vacation?" Sam inquired as they approached her.

"Well, even though it was a family vacation, it was the best vacation I have ever had. My sister didn't seem to think it was all that great. She hated the food, the language barrier, she thought Paris was dirty, and she hated the countryside. That's where we were most of the time." Aldys' eyes grew bigger as she fervently described her vacation. She took a deep breath and continued. "I loved being out in the country, especially that little town we were in, Fleury, you know the one I told you about earlier. It had so much history. The house we stayed in was fairly small and quaint, but it was very homey. I got to meet a lot of my mother's relatives who are still living in Fleury."

Sam found a bench for them to sit. As he listened to Aldys recount her vacation; he watched Josie as she thoughtfully and intensely listened to her friend. Josie all the while was fiddling with the engagement ring on her finger; wanting to tell her friend about her good news.

Aldys stammered, "Anyway, I met one of the villagers, who I believe might be a cousin of mine, fourth or fifth maybe, who took me around the country side. His name is Jean. He showed me all the wonderful scenery and views of Fleury and the outskirts. He's amazing too. I'm glad I took French instead of Italian in school because as broken as my French was, I got to communicate with Jean, my relatives and the other townspeople." Aldys paused again, this time to grasp some air.

"Oh, Josie, I was so devastated when I had to leave. I really loved it there! I became really close to Jean. He and I went everywhere. One night he and I sneaked out and he took me to this old abandoned village near Fleury. The buildings were not all that intact, but they were still standing. There was this round dried up water fountain in the middle of the town. And there were even some remnants of gold dust in the well nearby. The nights there are so beautiful and warm. I think that if I wasn't going to Northwestern this fall, I might've stayed there for another month or two." Aldys sighed, wishing that her vacation hadn't ended.

"Looks like you met someone nice there, Aldys?" Josie asked. She noticed that Aldys became stimulated every time she mentioned Jean's name.

Demurely Aldys answered, "Yes, I did. Jean was such a perfect gentleman." She sighed, then continued. "Oh Josie, I think I like him. I mean not just like him, I like him like him. I'm sure you know what that feels like Jos. Here you are with Mr....uh, I mean Sam, and so you know what I'm talking about." Aldys sighed again and looked down at the bench. "I know Jean feels the same way, he told me so the night before we left for home. I don't know, Josie, I'm here and he's all the way in France."

Josie glanced at Sam and smiled at him, and then she looked back at her friend. "Aldys, all I know is if this boy feels the same way you feel about him, like you say, I'm sure that everything will work out the way it should be." She smiled at her friend and leaned over to give her a hug. "Everything will work its magic if it's right, and you believe that it's right." She sincerely reassured her friend.

Sam added, "Yes, Aldys, it's true." He took Josie's hand in his and kissed it. "I knew the first time I laid eyes on Josie, I knew she was the one. I never gave up hope, and you shouldn't either."

"Thank you, Josie and Sam. I really take what you have to say to heart. You two have been an inspiration to me, and I'm glad that you two are finally together." Aldys responded wholeheartedly.

"Me too, Aldys." Josie replied. "You know I was going to call you tonight. I wasn't sure when you were coming back from France, but I was going to try anyway."

"You were? Why?" Aldys asked. She was now curious.

"Well, Aldys since you're here in person, it's probably the best time to tell you then." Josie's face brightened at the thought of telling her other best friend about their good news.

"What Josie, what do you need to tell me?" Aldys eagerly asked.

Sam and Josie, now holding hands, glanced at one another and smiled. Josie took a deep breath and finally answered, "Aldys, Sam and I are engaged." She then smiled at her friend for approval.

Aldys without hesitation threw her arms around Sam and Josie's necks, and embraced them so tight that it caused them to bump their heads together. "Oh, Josie, I'm so happy for the both of you. I knew that you two would be getting married someday, but I didn't think that it would be this soon."

As they separated, they noticed that tears had run down Aldys' cheeks. Josie leaned over to her friend again and held her. "Thank you, Aldys. I wanted to tell you right away, and I'm so glad that I got to share this with you in person instead of over the phone."

Sam searched for his handkerchief in his pocket, and when he found it, he handed it over to Aldys. "Here Aldys." He quietly offered. Aldys took the handkerchief and smiled at Sam.

"So, when's the big day?" Aldys joyfully asked as she wiped the tears from her face. "First, when did this happen? Don't tell me that I've been gone for a month, and you've been engaged for that long, and didn't even try to contact me with this news."

Josie interjected, "No, no...this just happened last night, on our three-month anniversary dinner. That's why I was going to call you tonight to tell you."

"As far as a date, though, Josie and I just decided last night that we wanted to get married in the new year, January first. The millenium." Sam proudly answered.

Aldys eyes brightened as she looked at Josie's engagement ring. "Wow, how romantic that is...I mean to start the New Year as a married couple. Have you guys told anyone else?" Aldys asked.

"Not everyone knows yet. Sam told his friends this morning during their hockey game, and I've only told Anita the good news this morning also." Josie paused. "As a matter of fact, I was also going to call you to ask if you would do the honors of being one of my bridesmaids?" Josie solicited.

"Me?" Aldys asked. Josie smiled at her friend and nodded. "Yes, Josie. I'd love to."

"Aldys what are you doing tomorrow afternoon?" Josie asked. Aldys shook her head. "Well, I was wondering if you don't have plans tomorrow, maybe you could stop by my parent's house for our announcement. I'd really like it if you could join us. I'd like all my close friends there also." Josie reached for Aldys hands and tightly squeezed them. "Well?"

"Sure," Aldys agreed. "What time should I show up?"

"I guess, maybe after six. Does that that sound right, Sam?" Josie glanced at Sam for some approval. Sam nodded in agreement. "Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow, Aldys."

Sam and Josie said their good byes to Aldys and headed for Sam's apartment. On the way to his apartment, they stopped at the local grocery store to pick up some groceries that Sam needed to make for their dinner tonight. They had spent the night at Josie's the night before, and Sam wanted to cook dinner for Josie at his place.

* * *

The answering machine was blinking when Sam and Josie arrived at Sam's apartment. Sam pressed the play button on the answering machine and it had announced that he had three new messages.

Sam and Josie listened as they were putting the groceries away. The first one was from Abby.

"Hi Sam, it's your sis. I got your message to call you and I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to call you back until now...guess you're not there. You didn't leave any good news on your message earlier, so I hope you didn't chicken out on proposing to Josie...or else. Well, call me as soon as you get this message. I better hear good news when I do finally talk to you. Bye."

Sam laughed when Abby said, "...or else." The next message was from Joanna.

"Sam, congratulations. Jon just told me and I had to call. I thought you two would be there, but I guess you're not. I called and left a message for Josie also at her apartment...Maybe you guys are there and just doing a little celebrating, huh? Well, I'll leave you two to your celebrating, then. Give us a call when you get the chance. We're so happy for you both. Bye."

Sam and Josie looked at each other and smiled. The next message shocked them. It was Sam's father.

"Hey kiddo, it's dad. I know you hate surprises but your mom and I are missing you and Josh, and even that sweet girlfriend of yours. We're gonna be in Chicago tomorrow visiting your brother and we wanted to know if you and Josie would like to meet us for dinner. Your mom is dying to see you and Josie. How is she, anyway? Well, son, give us a call when you get in. Good bye."

Sam and Josie stood frozen as they listened to the last message. They both looked at each other after it had played.

"Do you think Abby told them something?" Josie asked Sam. Josie's heart was racing.

"I don't think so. I haven't even spoken to Abby since yesterday. And I told her not to say anything to anyone, especially to our parents." Sam quickly replied. "Maybe I should give her a call."

Suddenly, the phone rang. Sam walked over to it and answered. "Hello?"

"Hi Sam, it's Dad."

Sam was surprised. "Oh, hi Dad. Josie and I just got home and I...I just got your message and I was just about to call you." Sam fibbed.

"Did I interrupt you kids? Sam, if I did, just call me later when you get the chance, okay?" Sam's father, Tim, retorted.

"No, no. So, uh, you and mom are coming here tomorrow, huh?" Sam glanced at Josie nervously.

"I know that it's short notice, but Josh called, and your mom was missing her boys, and frankly, I was too. So we told Josh that we would come up to visit him, and since you didn't live so far, we'd come and visit you too. Are you and Josie free for dinner tomorrow night?" Tim inquired.

Sam hesitated momentarily, he covered up the phone with his hands and whispered to Josie, "My parents wants us to have dinner with them tomorrow night." He then replied to his father, "Well, actually we have a barbecue to attend tomorrow afternoon. It's for Josie's brother's birthday party. Um..."

Suddenly Josie motioned Sam to give her the phone. "Uh dad, um, Josie wants to talk to you. Hold on, here she is," Sam said. He handed the receiver to Josie.

"Hello, Mr. Coulson, I mean Tim." Josie was always polite and she couldn't get used to calling Sam's parents by their first names, now she soon would have to get used to calling them mom and dad.

Tim chuckled at Josie's little blunder. "Hello Josie, how are you doing this evening? I hope I didn't call at a bad time."

Josie replied quickly, "Oh no, not at all Tim. I'm doing just fine. How are you and Sarah? I hear you two will be in town tomorrow."

"Yes, we are. We will be visiting Josh and we're hoping to see you and Sam also; that is if you two are free for dinner tomorrow evening." Tim repeated to Josie.

"Well, as Sam just told you we will be attending a barbecue at my parent's house for my brother's birthday, and I was hoping maybe you and Julia would like to come over also." Josie sincerely asked.

Sam watched and listened in awe as his sweet and darling fiancTe unfeignedly invited his parents over to her parents' house to meet. He thought how wonderful that would be. They could announce their engagement to both parents all at once; and everyone they were close to and loved would be there. Sam thought, 'I new I was marrying her for a reason. She was beautiful, smart and very intuitive.'

"I think that my parents won't mind if I invited you and Sarah. My mom is very fond of Sam and has been asking as to when she would be able to meet you both." Josie added.

"Well, I think that would be wonderful, Josie." Tim joyfully answered. "But are you sure your brother won't mind if we attended?"

Josie quickly replied, "Don't worry about my brother, Rob. To him, the more the merrier. And I'll let my mother know to make room for three more people." Josie paused. "Would you mind asking Josh if he can make it also?"

"I will Josie, and thank you very much for inviting us. Well, I better let you two go. We'll just see you and Sam and your family tomorrow then. Good night, Josie." Tim gushed.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you and Sarah also, Tim. And good night to you too." Josie hung up the phone and walked back to the kitchen.

Sam was still in awe. He couldn't believe what just happened. "Josie, you are amazing you know that?" was all that Sam could muster. He walked over to Josie and swiftly embraced her.

They now had to plan out their announcement to both families tomorrow.

* * *

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