Meeting the Parents, Part 1
By Brittany

Date Posted: February 28, 2001

Author's Note: This is my very first story that has been on a website. I hope you all like my story about Josie Geller and Sam Coulson. They've been dating for 2 months, and have decided that it was time to introduce their families to each other. You can e-mail me for any comments or other story ides at [email protected]! I'd love to hear from you.

Click here to hear "To Love You More" by Celine Dion

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"I'm telling you Anita, Sam just isn't into that kind of stuff�" Josie Geller said while watching Saturday morning TV. She was sitting on her nice quilted rug, which she had made all by herself, while painting her toenails.

"How do you know? Maybe there's something you don't know about him."

Josie just sat there with a puzzled grin. "Like what?"

"Well, maybe he's into drama, and he just feels awkward to say so." Josie's grin turned into a big laugh, she almost tipped her nail polish over. Just then Josie heard the call-waiting beep, signaling that someone was on the other line.

"Oh, Anita someone's on the other line. I'll phone you back after my date with Sam."

"All right, bye Jos," Anita agreed and then hung up.

"Hello?" Josie said into the phone casually.

"Hi, hon� Its Sam."

Josie smiled as she twirled a strand of her short blond hair. "Hi."

"So are we still on for lunch at your place?" Sam asked with amusement in his voice.

"Yup," Josie answered. "Sorry I didn't answer right away, Anita was on the phone."

"Oh, no problem�I know how you two are�" Sam smiled and continued, "So I'll see you at 11:30 then?"


"I love you, Jos," Sam said quietly.

Josie turned red from Sam's flattery. "I love you, too, Sam� See you later." Josie then waited for Sam to hang up then held the phone to her heart. She was so happy she had a man like Sam in her life; she wouldn't have been the same without him. Josie smiled as her eye caught on a picture of the two of them together at Luigi's. Sam was so amazingly handsome, Josie thought.

" Oh, my gosh," Josie said aloud when she looked at her watch. It was already 10:45 and she was not ready for Sam yet. Well, at least not dressed in her flowered bathrobe and her toenails half done.

* * *

It was now exactly 11:28pm and Josie had finished her toenails and dressed sophisticatedly with success with a soft pink blouse Sam had bought her on the first night they spent together at Luigi's and a purple flowered print silky skirt that went down about to her knees. She wore her silky blonde hair half up in a pink elastic band.

Then she heard the phone ring, and her heart sank. Maybe it was Sam; maybe he couldn't make it to lunch after all.

Josie ran over and picked the phone up. "Hello, Josie speaking."

"Hey, Jos."

Josie's mouth opened wide, her soft blue eyes squinted, "Rob?"

Rob smiled his famous smile. "Yeah, its Rob, I have some bad news."

Josie sighed. "Why, what's wrong?"

"Mom was wondering if you would come over later this afternoon to help build a new fence for the back yard."

"Why? Can't you help? I have a date with Sam." Josie stammered. Then Josie heard someone coming inside from the front door, it was Sam. Josie smiled and motioned with her fingers that she would be off in a minute. Sam nodded and went into Josie's living room and sat down.

"Jos, I can't; I have to go out of town this weekend."

Josie rolled her eyes. Rob and his stupid excuses.

"And Mom thought maybe you could also bring Sam along. They need all the help they can get."

Josie shivered slightly. "All right. Fine," Josie murmured dispassionately.

Meanwhile, puzzled at what Josie was saying and the way she was acting, Sam watched Josie hang up the phone with a small clang. "What's wrong?" Sam asked, getting up and walking over to Josie, rubbing his arms up and down her arms comfortingly.

Josie gave Sam a weak smile. "I'm afraid there's been a sudden change of plans� Um, how can I say this? Well�my brother Rob said that my mom and dad need my help in making a new fence in their backyard, and so it seems that Rob is "going out of town" this weekend."

Sam smiled, "Oh don't worry Josie, honey; that's okay. We can always have lunch another time." Sam pushed a small piece of her hair behind her ears and gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

" Oh, but it so happens that they were wondering if you could also come along and help so they would meet you."

"Really? Oh well, that's great!"

Josie shrugged in embarrassment. "Well, you don't have to come over if you don't want to�"

Sam was puzzled. " Of course I want to come. I would love to meet your parents and see your old house."

Josie gave a weak smile and then kissed Sam on the lips. " Great then, as long as you're okay with it. But that's not until this afternoon�so our lunch plans have not been cancelled."

They both grinned at the other, and then Sam offered the crook of his arm to Josie. "Well, then�Shall we?"

* * *

After having Josie's special macaroni and cheese, Sam was helping Josie by doing the dishes.

Meanwhile, Josie was reading her mail. "Bills, bills, bills, more bills, and more bills," she mumbled to herself.

"So Jos, what time are your parents expecting us?" Sam asked, slinging the damp dishtowel over his shoulder.

'Oh yeah,' Josie thought, less than thrilled. "That."

Sam stood for a long moment waiting for Josie to answer, but when he saw she was caught up in thought, he shrugged and went back to washing the dishes.

'I wonder what Mom and Dad with think of Sam?' Josie thought idly. Of course, her parents had had no big problem with Josie going to the prom with Billy Prince, and that was the last time she'd tried to "bring a boy home."

"Billy Prince," Josie said wryly under her breath. She remembered Billy Prince from high school: the most popular boy in the whole school. She still remembered every detail about how he asked her to the prom, how he invited her for a joke, how he threw eggs at her�

'Forget about that, Josie,' she tried to tell herself. 'The past is over, done for, history, you no longer have that problem. You're with Sam now; the past is over.'

Sam turned to look over his shoulder again and looked at Josie. Josie stood there like she saw a ghost: her skin was pure white. Sam walked over to her and put his hands on her shuddering shoulders. "What's wrong, Josie?"

After hearing Sam's voice, she had suddenly escaped from the terror of the past; she felt like she had just been rescued from a fairytale gone bad. Josie quickly found her voice. "Oh, yes, I'm fine thank you."

Sam shook his head. "No, I don't think you were fine, is something troubling you?" Josie turned around and looked deep into Sam's beautiful green eyes. How could she explain to Sam that she was a little nervous about introducing her parents to him? 'What if they embarrass me, or even worse, what if they don't like Sam? "Oh, no really. Everything's fine Sam, really."

Sam, though, was still not convinced. Raising his eyebrows, he said sympathetically, "Well, if you're sure."

Josie nodded.

"Well, as I was saying, when are your parents expecting us?"

Josie looked at the clock that hung beside her kitchen window. "Sometime after 1:00."

"Well, what are we waiting for, Miss Geller?" he joked.

Josie couldn't help but giggle. 'Maybe everything will be okay' Josie thought. 'Stop worrying you're self over such silly things.' Returning back to Sam, she smiled and teased, "Nothing at all�Mr. Coulson."

Then after cleaning the rest of the kitchen the two set off to Josie's parents house.

As Sam and Josie drove off, Josie heard on the radio "To Love You More" by Celine Dion, the song that had brought them closer together. She remembered that first night Sam had took her out, he had taken her to Luigi's and that same song had played on the radio in the restaurant. Josie sighed uncomfortably. Her stomach was doing major flips as they drove down the streets of Chicago.

'Why am I so nervous?' Josie thought, her body shaking slightly. 'I wonder what Sam will think of my parents?'

Suddenly, taking his eyes of the road for a moment, Sam looked at Josie with slight confusion. Josie looked like she was into deep thinking, like she was trying to make a decision. Sam, a little concerned, turned away from Josie and focused on the road.

They were now one block away from Josie's parent's house. Josie looked still a little nervous, but the feel of Sam's hand on her knee made her control herself a little. "Well, here we are: 1234 Lilystream Drive." Sam said proudly as he looked into Josie's sky blue eyes.

Josie took a big breath and then smiled back at him. 'Well, this is it.' She watched as Sam walked out of the car and came over and opened the door and helped Josie out. After she got out they both walked hand in hand together over to the door. Then, Sam rang the doorbell. Josie swallowed a lump of nervousness as she heard footsteps coming to the door. She shut her eyes and breathed deeply. Sam held her hand tightly as though he was a little nervous himself.

Then the door opened and there was Josie's mother, smiling kindly. "Hi Josie dear. Its so nice to see you!" Josie's mom came up her and gave her a hug. Turning to Sam she said, "And who is this handsome, young gentleman?"

To Be Continued

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