No Sooner Looked Than Loved, Part 5
By Sandy

Date Posted: March 22, 2001
Click here to hear "Saving All My Love For You" by Whitney Houston

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Josie rested her head on Sam's chest for a moment, listening to his heart beating madly in time with hers. The feelings swirling through her mind and body made her feel as if she was about to explode with sheer sensation. She shivered slightly, and felt Sam's body echo in response.

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Sam took a deep breath as Josie nestled her head against his chest. The kiss had left him feeling exhilarated and scared all at once. He felt as if every nerve ending in his body had sparked to life, and now the rush of emotion was almost making him feel light headed. He gently stroked Josie's hair, then leaned his head against hers, closing his eyes.

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Josie ran her hands slowly up Sam's back, then leaned back slightly to look at him. He had opened his eyes when he felt her move, and stared silently back at her. She raised herself slightly on her toes, and leaned closer to brush the lightest of kisses across his lips. As their lips parted, she whispered "Sam ... make love to me."

* * *

Sam stoked Josie's hair again, and then cupped her face in his hands. She smiled and sighed gently, staring into his eyes. Sam swallowed hard as he looked at her. Her eyes were half closed in drowsy pleasure, and her lips were slightly swollen from their passionate kisses.

"Sweetheart... Are you sure about this?" hardly daring to believe what he'd heard.

She didn't use words to give permission, but allowed her body to say yes. She opened her mouth under his, allowed her body to soften against his hardness, leaning into him for another searing kiss. Sam moaned deep in his throat and wrapped his arms tightly around her, trying to draw her even closer.

Josie squeezed Sam tighter in response, lifting her head slightly to blaze a trail of kisses down the column of his throat, before wriggling a little to step out of his embrace.

When Sam released her, he took an unsteady step forwards. The intensity of their embrace was making him feel a little light-headed.

Josie looked at him, her eyes huge in the candlelight. A gentle smile curved her lips as she reached for his hand to lead him into the bedroom, pausing only to pick up one of the glass hurricane lamps.

To Sam, she looked like a creature from another realm. The candlelight turned her skin and hair to gold, and the flame glowed in her eyes as she turned towards him. They seemed to float towards the bed silently. Sam took the lamp from Josie and set it down on the bedside table, before turning to Josie and holding out his arms.

She had been expecting him to hold her, but let out a soft gasp as he picked her up. He stood cradling her next to his chest for a moment, before gently lowering her to the bed and stretching out beside her.

"Sam," whispered Josie hesitantly, as he began to nuzzle her neck.

"Mmmm .... What?" was the muffled response. She shivered with delight as he gently bit her earlobe before continuing. "I haven't done this before...I...I don't know what to do."

Sam paused and looked at her with an understanding smile. He gently brushed her hair back from her face. "Just follow your instincts my love...that's all you need to do." With that, he dipped his head to kiss her deeply, and then began to slowly kiss her throat.

Josie took a deep breath and sighed, feeling a great sense of peace flow over her. Sam was kissing her collarbone now, and she reached up to twine her fingers in his hair. He eased the straps of her dress off each shoulder, running his hands up from her hip until he found the zipper, slowly unzipping it and running his hands inside so that he could feel her soft breasts. He was pleasantly surprised to discover she wasn't wearing a bra, and cuffed a breast caressingly, rubbing his thumb over her nipple as she sighed into his kiss.

He gently urged her into a sitting position so that he could ease off her dress. As she lay back down, she smiled at him lovingly, and reached up to pull him down to kiss her, writhing gently underneath his body as she felt his arousal.

He ran his strong hands over smooth curve of her legs. To think that his beautiful Josie had never done this with another man! That this incredible woman had never been touched by another man made him feel that she was his in a way that nothing else could. He ran his hands up her thighs, and gently hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, pressing a hot kiss into her navel as he urged her to lift her hips so that he could draw them off. Tossing them onto the floor, he moved up over her to gently take a nipple into his mouth, then moving to the other.

Josie closed her eyes in bliss, basking in the feeling of Sam's lips and hands caressing her body. Dreams alone in bed had nothing to do with reality!

"Sam," she tried to say, but he was gently running his hands all over her, and his gentle kisses that followed were sending such shivers of delight through her that she could hardly speak. 'Your ..." she broke off because she couldn't remember what she had been about say. She had no words for what Sam was making her feel. Who could remember something as complicated as words when he was touching her like that? Josie felt as if she was floating. Her body felt warm, soft, pliant...


"My what?" Sam managed to whisper, his voice husky with the pleasure he was experiencing.

She tugged at his shirt collar. She was fully, deliciously nude and open to Sam's eyes and hands, but he was still fully clothed. He looked at his shirt, then grinned in understanding and swiftly discarded his clothes.

Josie's eyes glowed as she looked at him. He was so beautiful. She wouldn't have thought it possible, but the sight of him made her even more limp with desire. Eagerly her hands sought any and all of him that she could touch, then she twisted her body so that she could put her mouth on his clean, bare shoulder, and her hand slowly moved downward. She was not prepared for the rapture on Sam's face as she took the most private parts of him in her hands.

Sam watched Josie's face as she tentatively fondled him. It was all he could do to maintain control. He gently kissed her and whispered, "Jos, I've got to get some protection..."

She looked at him and nodded, watching as he sat up and reached for one of the condoms he had in the bedside drawer (sending up a moment's thanks that he had thought to get some a few weeks back).

He swiftly rolled it on, and then turned back to where Josie lay smiling at him. When he moved his body on top of hers and prepared to slip inside her, she instinctively arched her hips to meet him. Never had anything felt as right as the joining of his body with hers.

"Sweetheart," he whispered. "I'm going to have to hurt you a little..."

"Hmmm... Oh!" said Josie, her eyes flying open with surprise. She looked at Sam, who was laying perfectly still on top of her now, trying to keep his weight off her.

"Honey...are you okay?"

"Yes...just give me a second." Josie closed her eyes as she felt her body relax to accept him. She opened her eyes again as the sensation began to ease. Sam began to move slowly inside her. He seemed to be touching some deep, remote part of her that had never been touched before. He bent his head to kiss her, blocking out the candlelight, and she saw nothing but a dim glow and the gleam of his skin as his mouth touched hers. Gently, brushing, then pressing, warm. She opened to him with a little gasp, his tongue seeking hers.

Drawing back from her, he looked down into her eyes, saw that they were full of wonder. She put her hands up and touched his hair at his temples, then slid her hands down his arms, across his back to cup his buttocks gently as he moved within her.

They lay pressed together, shuddering. Josie could feel the pounding against her ribs, but couldn't tell if it was her heart or his. He moved in her, very slightly, his body questioning. Her body convulsed in answer as the spasms rippled through her, feeling her body seize and stroke his, as if urging him to join her.

Sam reared back, back arched and head thrown back, eyes closed and breathing hard. Very slowly, he bent his head forward to look at Josie with unutterable tenderness, and the candlelight gleamed briefly on the wetness on his cheek, on maybe sweat or tears.

"Oh, Josie," he whispered, as his release began, deep inside her, shivering through his body so that his arms trembled. When it was over, he held himself over her for a long moment, then very gently lowered himself, pressed his head against hers. Josie wrapped her arms tightly around him, wanting to stay melded with him forever, glorying in the way her body was feeling.

Moving so that he lay beside her, Sam gathered her close for a long gentle kiss.

Josie felt a bubble of happiness expand within her as they gazed into each other's eyes. She stretched luxuriously before sighing, "Sam, you are woooonnnnderful."

Sam laughed breathlessly, gathering her close to nuzzle her neck.

"I love you so much..." he whispered.

Josie's eyes shimmered with tears of happiness as she whispered back "... and I love you."

He gathered Josie to him, breathing a deep sigh of contentment as their bodies curved into each other's. After a few moments, their breathing became slower and deeper as they drifted off to sleep. The candle gradually grew fainter as it burned down to its base. With a faint hiss, it extinguished, leaving the dreaming couple in a velvet cocoon of darkness.

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