No Sooner Looked Than Loved, Part 14
By Sandy

Date Posted: May 12, 2001

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"Hi mom."

"Sam! This is a nice surprise. What's that noise in the background?"

"Oh it's the car. Josie and I are out shopping, and I just felt like giving you a call to say hello."

"Well isn't that sweet. You'll go far, my boy."

"So, what are you and Dad up to?" asked Sam, glancing over at Josie who was driving.

"Not a lot. We're just fixing ourselves some lunch. We'll probably do some gardening this afternoon."

"You'd better pass on my sympathies to dad then." joked Sam. Josie had by now parked the car, and shut off the ignition. They both got out, and Sam opened the back door of the car to get out a couple of bags, then followed Josie up the path to the front door as he talked to his mother.

"What was that? Oh hang on Sam, I think there's someone at the door � your father's just gone to see who it is."

Tim Coulson opened the door to see Sam and Josie grinning excitedly at him. He stood gaping at them as Sam put his finger to his lips to signal for silence, then pointed to his mobile phone. Tim stared blankly at them for a moment, then his face lit up in understanding, and he nodded eagerly.

"Hmmm, he's taking his time at the door � I'll just � Oh my goodness!" Sarah had walked from the kitchen to the front door carrying her cordless phone, but nearly dropped it when she saw Sam and Josie. She looked at the phone, then back at them wonderingly. "But � I was just talking to you �'" she said, looking a little dazed.

"Surprise!" chorused Sam and Josie as they both dropped their bags. Tim started laughing as Josie launched herself at him for a hug, and Sam grabbed Sarah to do the same.

"Sam, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" said Sara as he let go of her.

"Because this way is more fun!" chirped Josie, letting go of Tim and crossing to hug her.

"So where's Abby?" asked Sam, looking around.

"Oh, Bill flew her and Emma to San Francisco for the weekend. He had a break from work, so they decided to make the most of it." Said Sarah.

"That's too bad, because we have some news for you." Sam drew Josie to his side. "Mom, Dad. Josie and I are engaged."

The hallway erupted into happy bedlam as another round of hugs and kisses started. Eventually things calmed down and the four of them headed back to the kitchen, where Sam and Josie sat down at the table, and Sarah went back to preparing lunch while they talked. Tim leaned against the kitchen bench and folded his arms, beaming at Sam and Josie.

"So, when did you two get engaged?" he asked.

"Last weekend. We're sorry that you had to wait and find out, but we wanted to be able to tell you face to face instead of just giving you a call." Sam explained.

"That's fine � how did your parents react Josie?"

Josie grinned at the memory. "Actually, pretty much the same way that you did � lots of whooping and hugging. We've had an amazing response from people�" she said as she reached out to take Sam's hand.

Sarah finished fixing the salad and carried the bowl to the table. "I'm not surprised � everyone loves seeing you two together! Now, have you two eaten?" Sam and Josie shook their heads. "Well, lunch won't be anything fancy, given that you've caught me on the hop," Sarah said, tousling Sam's hair as she headed back to the bench. "Just some cold cuts and salad. Will that do?"

"That'll be fine, thanks Mom. Do you need a hand with anything?"

"No no no, you just relax." Sarah got out some plates and carried them to the table, stopping to give Josie a quick hug.

"So, who else have you been telling?" asked Sarah as she grabbed some cutlery and came to the table to sit down.

"Well, Josie's folks, Jon and Joanna, Cliff � and that's it. We wanted to wait until you'd heard it from us before we did anything else." explained Sam.

"Have you thought about putting an announcement in the paper?" asked Tim as he started to help himself to some salad.

Josie grimaced as she nodded. "Yes, Rigfort my boss is already hounding us for a feature story. We're not so sure about it though. We first started out as public property there for a while, and I'm in no particular hurry to jump into that again." Tim and Sarah nodded understandingly.

"Well it's whatever the two of you are comfortable with. Have you set a date?" asked Sarah.

"Not really." answered Sam. "We've talked about it a little, but we've decided that we'll arrange the engagement party first, and then take it from there."

"Okay. When do you want to have the party � and where?" asked Tim.

"Actually, we thought that we'd have it at our place." said Josie. "We wanted to be somewhere really comfortable, and what better place than home? We'll get in some caterers and decorate the backyard. It'll be fun!"

"Are you sure you'll have enough room?" asked Sarah. Sam and Josie both nodded.

"Oh sure. Actually, our neighbor Cliff has suggested that the caterers work from his place so that our house isn't over-run." Said Sam.

"Now that's a kind offer. What a landlord!" commented Sarah admiringly.

"He's more like a best friend these days." smiled Josie.

"Well, if you're going to decorate the backyard, we've got plenty of fairy lights that we use on the house at Christmas." Tim thought aloud.

Sam and Josie both nodded slowly, as they thought about Tim's suggestion. "You know, that sounds like a pretty good idea." mused Sam. "The garden is looking really nice � the lights would be about all we would need in the way of decoration �"

Josie nodded excitedly. "And Mom's got strings of Chinese lanterns that we can string along the back porch as well � the place will look fantastic! That's a great idea Tim � thank you! Maybe this will be easier to arrange than I thought�"

Tim and Sarah smiled, and Tim reached over to pat her hand. "Well Josie, you just tell us what we can do to help, and when you want us to show up, and we'll be there. We're really looking forward to you becoming a part of the family."

Josie blushed slightly and glanced down at her lap before looking back at them. "Thank you � that means a lot." She said softly. Sam looked at her lovingly, and reached out to rub his hand on her back.

"How long can you stay this time?" asked Sarah.

"Just overnight � we've both got a fair bit of work to get back to � as usual!" explained Josie with a laugh and a shrug. "We've been dying to call and tell you our news all week, but made ourselves wait until we saw you face to face. It really feels like we're just dumping the news in your lap and shooting back home again."

Tim chuckled. "Oh I'm sure we'll manage somehow."

"Back to wedding talk � I know that you just want to have the engagement party first � but have you given any thought to what sort of wedding you want?" asked Sarah.

Sam and Josie both looked at each other for a moment, then Josie turned back to Sarah. "Well, at this stage we'd like to keep it pretty informal. Neither of our families are church goers, and we've been together for a year already � and living together for most of that � so we certainly aren't focusing on a big formal wedding." she explained. She was silent for a second, then giggled. "And one of my friends at work � Anita � has made me promise that I won't do the bridal meringue thing."

"What's that?" asked Tim with a chuckle.

Josie began to giggle harder. "Oh you know � those enormous dresses with huge trains and veils. Anita says that they must open a trapdoor in the back of the dress, and the bride just walks into it and pokes her arms through the sleeves."

"Oh my god! I know exactly what she's talking about," hooted Sarah. "Those things are horrible!"

"I quite agree. Anita knows that I have pretty simple taste though, so she thinks we're safe."

"Ahh � but that's until the wedding gene kicks in." added Sam. Seeing Tim and Sarah's blank expressions, he explained Jon's definition, making them both laugh again.

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Later in bed that night, Sam felt Josie shake with silent laughter. "What's tickled your funny bone?" he murmured. Josie lifted her head from his shoulder to look at him.

"I was just thinking about Anita, and her meringue description. Her whole reaction was priceless!"

* * *

The Monday after Sam's proposal, Josie had all but skipped into the office. She was beaming at everyone, calling out greets to people she passed as she breezily made her way to her office. Once there, she sat down and began to sort through her work for the day. She had barely begun when Anita burst in. Josie looked up, and almost did a double take. Usually Anita dressed her ripe curved in clinging vibrant clothes. That morning however, Anita was wearing a soft white cotton blouse with short sleeves, tucked into a pair of loose flowing dove grey trousers. Even her make up was toned down to neutral shades. The one thing that could never be tamed though, was her hair. Anita's brown curls tumbled in a riot around her face as she burst into the office. The whole effect was � well, refreshing, Josie had to conclude in amazement.

"Anita, look at you. You look fantastic!"

Anita self-consciously smoothed down the front of her blouse. "You don't think it's too � dowdy? Not too �. Too �" she waved her hands as she searched for a description.

"Not too Josie Grossie?" finished Josie gently.

"Yeah," Anita nodded, then immediately looked horrified. "Ohmygod no, I didn't mean that, I�"

"Relax!" laughed Josie. "I'm the one that said it. You look amazing. What brought this on?"

Anita looked sheepish. "Well, since Gus and I had our talk a few weeks back, we've agreed to take things really slow." Anita paused for a moment. "But GOD! I didn't think it would be this slow! Josie, honey, I'm dying!"

"Why? What's wrong?" asked Josie, her forehead wrinkling in concern.

"Jos, we've barely even made it past second base. Oh sure, there's plenty of kissing, and if nothing good conversation really DID it for me, if you know what I mean," Josie nodded automatically, "then I'd be One Happy Woman. But no sex for a couple of months now. It's a drought of extreme proportions!" Anita ran her fingers through her hair as she paced Josie's office. Josie on the other hand, was sitting at her desk, watching her friend bemusedly.

"Well Anita, it seems to me that Gus is wanting to make sure that you're serious." Ventured Josie, when Anita finally paused for breath. Anita regarded her for a moment, then plopped herself into a chair facing Josie.

"You think so?"

"Sure. I mean, look at all the guys around here you've dated. Gus is making sure that he's not just another conquest."

"How could he think that? Does he have any idea how many dates I've turned down? And look at what I'm wearing! If that isn't an expression of interest, I don't know what is!"

"I know � I know. I'm sure that Gus can see all of that � but he's not going to change overnight, and neither are you." Josie explained gently. "Give the guy some credit. He doesn't want to rush in and spoil it .. that means he's serious."

Anita subsided in her chair. "You're right. You're right. I know you're right. But I don't know if I can hold out much longer." She warned.

Josie shook her head. "Oh, I think you can."

Anita glanced down at her hands resting in her lap, then back at Josie with a vulnerable expression. "Do you � do you really like my outfit?" she ventured uncertainly.

Josie nodded. "I love it. But more importantly, how do you feel about it?"

Anita cocked her head to one side as she considered it. "You know, I really like it. It's kinda strange, but I feel more like myself, you know? All my loud gear was to attract guys, but now there's Gus, and I didn't want to be 'that Anita' anymore. And � people are treating me a little differently. Some people are actually considering what I say to them � just because I'm not dressing like I'm heading off to happy hour, it's as if they think I've suddenly grown a brain."

"Maybe you're growing up �" commented Josie with a smile.

"Ha! Let's not be too hasty here. Oh sure, I've got some nice work and casual clothes now, but my underwear's a completely different story." said Anita gleefully, her dimples showing as she grinned wickedly. 'if Gus is warm and cosy now, let's just say that when the drought breaks and he gets a look at the next layer, he's going to have a distinct comfort problem!" This was pronounced with such relish that Josie dissolved into giggles.

Anita watched Josie fondly. She was still struck sometimes at how attractive her friend had become since her undercover assignment. Josie was wearing the dress that Anita knew was one of Sam's favorites. It was a soft white dress with blue flowers scattered across it, with short sleeves and a crossover bodice. Josie's hair curled softly around her face and brushed her shoulders. As Josie reached up to wipe a tear of laughter from her eye, Anita's eyes were caught by a sparkle of light. She blinked, then stared harder. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she leaped up from her chair to grab Josie by the wrist. She looked at the ring, then back at Josie, who nodded happily.

* * *

Merkin jumped as he heard an excited scream come from Josie's office. Gus, on his way passed, stopped in his tracks, then hurried towards the door. He threw it open and strode inside. Merkin stood up from his chair and leaned over his desk to peer around the doorway.

"All right, break it up. What's going on here!" he barked.

Anita stopped hugging Josie as turned to face Gus. "Josie and Sam are engaged! Isn't it wonderful?"

Gus's face softened a fraction. "Really? Well �" he cleared his throat. "That's great news Geller � now get back to work! Don't make me send out another memo about intra-office hugging." He said gruffly, then grabbed Josie for a quick hug. "Rigfort's going to want to hear about this. It could be a great follow up story �" he said, touching Anita's elbow briefly in greeting, before turning to leave.

"Thanks Gus � but don't I get a say in any of this?" called Josie. Gus paused in the doorway, and thought it over before relenting.

"All right Geller, you'll get the final say." He amended.

Josie nodded. "Okay, we'll discuss this later. I'll want to run it past Sam too. Just don't publish a THING until we've had a chance to tell his family, okay? I want them to hear it from us in person."

Gus nodded, then as if noticing Anita for the first time looked at her with a very slight smile. "By the way, you're looking very nice this morning Anita." Josie was amazed to see Anita blush very slightly and stammer a thank you. She smiled to herself. This was going to be an interesting development to watch.

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Josie giggled softly to herself at the memory. As she lay in Sam's arms, she noticed that his breathing had become slow and steady. Moving very carefully, she raised herself so that she could watch him sleep. Reaching out, she gently ran a finger across Sam's forehead, tracing his eyebrows, smiling to herself when Sam's lips curled into a sweet smile before relaxing again. She watched him for a moment longer, then carefully lay down beside him and drifted off into sleep.

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