No Sooner Looked Than Loved, Part 12
By Sandy

Date Posted: May 12, 2001

* * *

Maria looked up as the door to Luigi's opened, and gave a cry of delight as she saw Sam and Josie enter. She hurried over to welcome them, clasping each of them in her usual bear hug and kisses.

"Sam! (kiss) Josie! (kiss) Great to see you again." She stepped back to look at them. "Josie, you look absolutely beautiful tonight ... and Sam, you're looking very handsome." She commented, nodding with approval.

"Thanks Maria - it's good to see you too." said Sam, still beaming. Josie giggled. Maria cocked her head to look at them both thoughtfully. She hadn't seen them for about a month, but there was something about them tonight ... they were ....glowing. As she looked at them both, Josie held up her left hand. Maria's eyes widened with comprehension as soon as she saw the ring, and launched herself at them for another hug. Sam and Josie burst into laughter at Maria's exuberant reaction, hugging and kissing her back.

"This is wonderful! Come, come, you must take a seat. No, wait, I have to get Luigi. No, have a seat first!" Maria was so excited and pleased for them both she didn't know what to do first. Sam put his hand on her shoulder.

"How about we take a seat and you get Luigi." Maria blinked at him, still beaming.

"Yes, you're right." She peered around the restaurant. "Excellent - your usual booth is available. Oh - I'm so happy!" she exclaimed giving them both another kiss. "Go take a seat and I'll be out with Luigi!" She gave Sam a gentle push towards the booth then hurried towards the kitchen. Sam took Josie's hand, and they headed towards the booth. They had just reached it when there was a loud shout from the kitchen, and Luigi and Maria both reappeared, their faces wreathed in smiles. Luigi walked towards them, his arms outstretched, face alight with joy.

"Molto bella!" He enveloped Josie in a warm hug, kissing her three times, then moved to Sam and did the same. Maria watched, and then if unable to contain herself, grabbed them again and did the same. Luigi stepped back and turned to face the dinner crowd in the restaurant, some of whom were watching the goings on with interest. "Wonderful news! Our two friends here have just gotten engaged!" Josie and Sam were by now a little embarrassed at the attention they were getting, but were touched nonetheless as several other diners smiled at them and raised their glasses, and called out congratulations. Finally, they took at seat as Maria and Luigi fussed around them, fetching them a bottle of wine and some glasses.

"Now, you two just sit back and let us take care of you tonight. We'll make something extra special with our compliments, no bill, no arguments." She held up her hand as Sam opened his mouth. "No Sam, we go through this every time, but tonight you are going to let us indulge you!" Sam closed his mouth again and gave Maria a wink.

"Alright Maria - we're too happy to possibly find anything to argue about tonight." As he said this, he looked at Josie and reached his hand out across the table, just as Josie did the same. As Maria left them, Sam looked at the ring on Josie's finger. The gold gleamed against the warm ivory of her skin. He raised his eyes to look at her, and saw that she too was gazing at the ring.

"Do you like it?" he asked softly. He held his breath, waiting for her answer. Josie raised shining eyes to look at him.

"It's perfect. It's just so beautiful ... it reminds me of Shakespeare."

Sam nodded, pleased with her response. "That's what I thought when I saw it."

Josie rolled the ring slightly on her finger. "And it fits so perfectly." Josie said wonderingly. "How did you manage it?"

"I noticed one of your rings on the bedside table when I was making the bed one morning. It took me three days of watching you to find out that you wore it on the ring finger of your right hand, so I took a chance and traced it, then took the tracing to the jeweler for sizing." he explained.

Josie raised an eyebrow. "That's very ingenious of you, Mr. Coulson." She commented.

"Well, you can't spend every working day with teenagers and not pick up a trick or two."

Josie tilted her head and regarded him lovingly. "What about the scroll?"

"Ahhh, now that was a little trickier. I found a calligrapher who could do special requests," Sam grinned at the memory. "She actually remembered us from all the press coverage - can you believe it? - and got really excited about the request, so I had to swear her to secrecy."

"Oh? And how did you do that?"

Sam leaned back in his chair, looking elaborately casual. "Weeeeell, I just told her that I would abuse my powers as a teacher, and see to it that she got her home and car thoroughly egged every Halloween until the end of time ... " He grinned as Josie threw her head back and laughed.

"Ohhh Sam, I had no idea you could be so vicious!"

Sam shrugged, then raised a hand to blow on his nails and polish them on his shirtfront. "Hey little lady, I'll do whatever it takes ..." he said, making Josie laugh again. He watched her, thinking how beautiful she was when she laughed. Her whole face lit up with joy. He gave a little sigh, and a bubble of happiness expanded in his chest. He didn't think that he had ever felt this good in his life. Josie reached over to twine her fingers through his.

"Are you having a happy attack?"

He nodded, the smile not leaving his face. "Now that you've said yes, I think I'll be having one for the rest of my life."

"Oh Sam, could you have ever doubted that I would say anything else?"

He squeezed her hand. "No, not really. But that ring has been burning a hole in my pocket for the last few days. I was really worrying over everything, wanting it all to be perfect..."

"And it was. Sam, you've given me the most romantic moment of my life."

* * *

Maria smiled to herself as she watched Sam and Josie through the viewing panel set in the kitchen door. She turned back to see Luigi about to serve up some pasta into two waiting bowls. "Is that for Sam and Josie?" she asked as she smoothed down the skirt of her floral dress. Luigi nodded, and to her surprise, served up two relatively small portions.

"Is that all? I thought that you would have gone all out tonight. Sam and Josie usually comment on how you give them such big serves."

Luigi looked up from under his eyebrows as he carefully sprinkled chopped parsley over the servings. "I know .. I know. But young couples in love rarely think about food when they're in that state." He jerked his head towards the door with a smile. "Have you had a look at them?" Maria nodded as she reached for a crisp white apron to tie around her waist. "How did they look?"

"Absolutely besotted with each other. They're in their own little world tonight."

Luigi nodded. "Bene, just the way it should be." He carefully brushed his shirt sleeves, making sure that he was neat and presentable, then picked up the plates and walked towards the door.

* * *

Sam and Josie looked up as Luigi neared their table. "Luigi - such restraint!" commented Sam with a wink. "I think you've only given us enough to feed four people!"

Luigi chuckled. "Well, at least Maria didn't think I was going to back a truck up to the table this time." Maria heard this as she came to stand beside him, and shot Luigi a look of fond exasperation. He stood back from the table and clasped both his hands together. "It's wonderful to see you both so happy, when did you get engaged?"

Sam looked at his watch, then smiled at Josie. "Oh, about half an hour ago."

Maria clapped her hands. "And you came here to celebrate? Oh!" she put her hand on her chest. "That's so lovely. We're so glad that you made us a part of your night!" Luigi's face split into a beam of delight. Maria looked as if she was about to cry. Luigi looked at her, and put his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her arm affectionately. Sam and Josie looked at each other with a smile.

Maria sniffed a couple of times and beamed at them both. "Oh look at me, I just can't help myself!"

Sam reached out to take Maria's hand. "That's okay Maria. The two of you are like another set of parents to me, it's great to be able to share our night with you."

Josie nodded and reached out to take Luigi's hand. "And that goes for me too." she added with a smile.

"We feel the same way about you two." Said Luigi, shaking Josie's hand gently for emphasis as Maria nodded in emphatic agreement. "Would you consider letting us host your wedding here?"

"To be honest, we haven't even considered wedding plans yet. But I do know that we want you two to be guests at our wedding - not working behind the scenes..."

Luigi nodded and squeezed Josie's hand. "We'll be looking forward to dancing at your wedding then. Now, we'll leave you to your meal."

Maria leaned down and kissed Sam's cheek again. "Wonderful children - I'm so glad you found each other." Sam blushed a little, but smiled and said nothing. Maria and Luigi regarded them for a moment, then turned and went back to work.

Josie picked up her fork, then sat there with it poised in her hand as she looked at Sam. "So much goodwill - it's a wonderful feeling isn't it?"

Sam nodded. "It's incredible."

* * *

It was 9 o'clock when they quietly let themselves into the house. Josie put down her bag and flicked on the hall light as she took off her shoes. Sam walked ahead of her and lit the candles that Josie had in the living room. Josie walked into the room as Sam finished lighting the last candle. He straightened and looked at her, his expression serious.

"Anything wrong?" she asked.

Sam shook his head. "No, I'm just trying to remember everything about this moment, and I know what will make it even better." With that, he flicked through their CDs, selecting one and putting it on. Josie stood watching him, reaching out her arms as he walked towards her. Sam pulled her close and began to sway gently as the music softly filled the room, and Peter Gabriel's husky voice wrapped around them both.

Sam fanned his hand across the small of Josie's back, his other hand holding Josie's close to his heard. Josie rested her head on his shoulder, and wrapped her arm around his waist, closing her eyes as she listened to the song.

love I get so lost, sometimes
days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are

all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eye
s oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light
the heat I see in your eyes

love, I don't like to see so much pain
so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

and all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light,
the heat I see in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes

Josie shivered slightly as she felt Sam's lips on her hair. She raised her head to look at Sam. He gazed down at her, looking on the verge of tears. She raised her hand to gently run her fingers across his forehead, tracing the creases. He looked so vulnerable and scared, and she knew that she was feeling the same way.

Sam swallowed as he listened to the song. It seemed to capture exactly how he was feeling. This night was so perfect. Holding Josie in his arms made him feel so complete, he felt terrified at the idea of ever losing her. He gently brushed a kiss across her hair, gazing silently at her as she lifted her head to look at him, her eyes huge in the candlelight. They communicated without words, somehow knowing exactly how the other was feeling.

They both moved at the same instant, Sam lowering his head as Josie raised hers to kiss him. Their lips met in the lightest of kisses, gently returning to caress again and again. They shuddered and moved closer to each other as the kiss began deeper, more urgent.

Sam drew a deep breath as they parted, and walked towards the bedroom. They didn't turn on the light, but came together in the darkness, reaching out to remove the hindering fabrics to find the soft texture of each other's skin. In the velvet blackness, everything was sensation - hands gliding over smooth skin, the smooth curve of muscle, warmth as Sam settled himself between Josie's legs, and the moist heat as he entered her. Josie wrapped a smooth leg around Sam's hips as they rocked together silently, each of them transported by mutual feeling. Josie felt the incredible tension begin to build up inside her, and opened her mouth to cry out as it swept through her body. Sam claimed her mouth with his own as he felt his own release begin deep within him.

They stayed joined together for a long time, both shivering with the after effects of the intensity of their lovemaking. Sam gently left her body as Josie whimpered in protest, but subsided as he curled up behind her to clasp her to him, her head resting on his shoulder. Sam felt dampness on his arm, and realized that Josie was crying silently. He raised himself to look at her, gently reaching out to trace the path of her tears in the darkness.

"Sweetheart," he whispered. "What is it? What's wrong?"

She shook her head slowly, then rolled over so that they were laying face to face. Sam reached up to gently trace the silvery trail of her tears. "Nothing's wrong." She said. "It's just that everything is so wonderful, so intensive I almost feel as if I'm going to fly apart from it all. I love you so much, and I'm so happy that it's almost more than I can bear. It scares me a little sometimes, that's all."

"You think I don't feel the same way?"

Josie was silent. 'It was lonely without you, all those years." She whispered. "So lonely." Sam kissed her forehead and kept stroking the side of her face with his thumb.

"We're together now Josie, everything's going to be fine from now on."

Josie nodded slowly, not taking her eyes off his face. "Sam," she said quietly. "Tell me your heart."

He looked back at her, and began to speak quietly, brushing her hair with his hand as he spoke. "I feel more at peace with you than I ever have in my life, Josie. It's as if I can truly be myself. To everyone else I've always been Tim and Sarah's daughter, Abby's little brother, Uncle Sam, Mr. Coulson the teacher. But here, lying in the dark with you in my arms, I have no name. I can speak to you the way I speak to my own soul ... and your face is my heart."

Josie smiled and kissed Sam gently. "Thank you," she whispered.

Sam kept stroking her hair. "Let's get some sleep..." he whispered back. Josie nodded, and closed her eyes and she nestled closer to Sam. Holding her close, Sam lay thinking about how lucky he was to have her, to love and protect her as much as she loved and protected him. Eventually he heard her breathing become deeper and slower and he knew that she had fallen asleep. He kept stroking her hair gently. Gradually his hand slowed, and stilled as sleep claimed him.

* * *

Josie swam vaguely into consciousness, feeling Sam curled up behind her, his chest against her back, legs tangled together. His arm was a reassuring warm band around her waist, his hand cupping a breast. As she moved slightly, his hand tightened in reaction, then relaxed, his thumb sleepily rubbing across her nipple.

"Mmmm?" mumbled Sam, still more than half asleep. "Mmmm." He nuzzled closer, his morning whiskers rasping her shoulder. Josie moved her hips a little, gently pressing back against Sam. If she was dreaming, she didn't want to wake up yet. Soon Sam's arousal was nudging her insistently, igniting a warm reaction within her body. She pressed her hips back against him, inviting, and settled against him with a sleepy sigh of contentment as his hardness filled her. He held her against his chest and moved with her slowly, deeply. They moved gently against each other, wordlessly reaching and caressing, until they both yielded to sensation with a quivering sigh.

Josie rolled onto her back, and Sam lay on his side, his head propped on his arm. They smiled at each other, and Sam gently pushed a curl off her face.

"Morning beautiful," murmured Sam, making Josie smile sleepily at him. She stretched her legs and arched her back a little. Sam's eyes darkened with desire he watched her, and he gathered her to him with a low groan when she relaxed. They lay together, content for the moment. Eventually Josie stirred again, and sat up, turning to Sam as she spoke.

"We'd better get up soon - we've got a few people to tell today." She held up her hand, waggling it to show the ring.

"Who shall we tell first?" asked Sam. He lay with his hands behind his head, watching Josie as she got up and padded towards the bathroom.

"Well, Cliff will probably be the first. We can tell him over breakfast." She called over her shoulder as she stepped into the shower.

* * *

After they had both showered and dressed for the day, Sam brewed up some coffee and prepared some croissants and preserves for breakfast. Josie dusted off the table outside, and finished if with a crisp tablecloth and a vase of daisies from the garden. She stepped back and regarded the table, nodding with satisfaction. She popped her head into the kitchen to see Sam assembling the breakfast things on a large wooden tray. He looked up when he saw her and smiled. Josie was wearing one of his white linen shirts with her favorite pair of faded blue jeans, and bare feet.

"Are you nearly ready?" she asked. Sam nodded. "I'll go and see if Cliff's up and about yet." Sam nodded and turned towards the cupboard to get out some coffee mugs. Josie watched him for a moment. He was wearing his oldest jeans - soft and faded to a pale blue, with one of his pale blue linen shirts. He had left the shirt untucked, and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. His hair was still slightly damp and spiky from his shower, and he hadn't shaved for the day. Josie liked the look of his stubble on the weekends, thinking that it made him look even sexier ... if that was possible.

Sam turned back to the tray and saw Josie still standing there, a smile playing about her lips. He stopped and smiled back, unable to help himself. "What?" he asked.

She shrugged, smiling more broadly now. "Oh, I was just thinking how good you looked. You're wearing my favorites today," she replied.

Sam raised and eyebrow and his smile widened as he looked at her. "I was thinking the same about you. That is one of my shirts isn't it?" he asked.

She glanced down at the shirt and plucked the collar with one hand. Looking back at him with an impish grin she said, "You don't mind do you? I kind of like wearing something that has a little bit of your aftershave on it. It's like carrying you around with me all day."

"Josie, one of the sexiest visions for a guy is seeing his girlfriend in a man's shirt ... provided that it's HIS shirt of course." he said, making her giggle. He finished stacking the cups and saucers on the tray, and got the milk out of the refrigerator. "You might want to give Cliff a yell, I'm about done."

"Okay, back in a sec." She turned and skipped down the back steps, strolling across the lawn with a light heart towards the gate to Cliff's backyard. She opened it, and headed up towards Cliff's back porch. Cliff was in his kitchen, and smiled when he turned at Josie's soft knock on his French doors.

"Good morning Josie, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he said as he opened the door.

"Hi Cliffy. Sam and I were wondering if you'd like to join us both for breakfast." Josie moved her hand slightly so that it was hidden against the folds of her shirt.

Cliff had been about to plug in his kettle, but smiled at Josie and made a show of extravagantly tossing aside the power cord so that it clattered on the kitchen counter. "You've talked me into it." He said with a cheeky grin. Josie stepped back onto the porch and waited as Cliff followed, closing the door carefully behind him. They crossed back to Sam and Josie's porch, and Cliff raised his eyebrows when he saw the carefully assembled breakfast.

"Well, well, well, doesn't this all look nice?" He looked back and forth between Josie and Sam. "Is it someone's birthday?" he asked as he sat down.

"Nope." Answered Sam with a broad grin as he looked at Josie.

Josie widened her eyes innocently as she picked up the milk jug. "Would you like some milk in your coffee Cliff? Here, let me." She leaned over to pour some milk into his cup, deliberately angling her hand so that Cliff would see the ring. It didn't take a long.

Cliff smiled his thanks as Josie poured, then did a double take. He looked excitedly to Sam, who beamed and nodded, then whooped with delight. His chair scraped on the porch as he quickly stood up to hug and kiss them both. "Congratulations! That's just marvelous!" he said as he finished hugging and kissing Josie. Sam and Josie were both laughing with happiness at Cliff's energetic response as the three of them sat down at the table. "When did it all happen?"

"Yesterday." Said Sam. "I took Josie out to pop the question, then we went out for dinner to celebrate."

Cliff leaned back in his chair and regarded them both with a warm look. "Lovely. Just lovely. Have you told anyone else yet?"

"No, not yet. We'll be doing the rounds today I think, but we thought that you could be the first to know."

Just then, the phone began to ring inside the house. Sam excused himself and went inside to answer it.

"Good morning!"

"Well, didn't we get out of the right side of the bed this morning!"

"Jon! How are you buddy?" asked Sam.

"Good, but it sounds like you're even better. What're you and Josie up to later on today? Joanna and I are going to be over near your place, so we thought we might drop in and see you guys."

Sam glanced back out towards the back porch, watching Josie as she gave Cliff another look at the ring, her face glowing with happiness. "That sounds great Jon. Josie and I have got a couple of errands to run today, so give us a call before you get here so that you can make sure we'll be home."

"No problem - we'll see you later on."

"All right - it'll be good to see you guys, bye!" Sam hung up and gleefully rubbed his hands together as he headed back out to the porch. Josie and Cliff both looked up as he sat down at the table. "That was Jon - he and Joanna are going to stop by this afternoon."

"Did you tell them?" asked Josie. Sam shook his head.

"Nope. I want to see the looks on their faces." Said Sam as he sipped his coffee.

"So ... we ought to tell our folks pretty soon...." mused Josie. Cliff was looking at them both with an indulgent smile. Josie looked at him inquiringly. Cliff smiled back, then lazily settled back in his chair, cradling his coffee.

"Don't mind me, I'm just having a happy attack over you two."

Sam looked up from spreading some preserves on his croissant. "That phrase has really caught on ever since Josie did that column. People really seem to like it."

Josie, who had a mouthful of pastry, nodded energetically.

"Well that's joost grand isn't it?" said Cliff with an exaggerated accent, making Josie giggle. "Listen, if the two of you have any spare time, wander over to the studio and pick something out for an engagement present."

"Oh Cliff - really?" said Josie as she put down her cup to look at him.

"Absolutely. Just wander over anytime and see what takes your fancy." He said with a nod.

"Wonderful! Oh, there's the phone again..." said Josie as she turned her head towards the house.

"No, stay there Jos, I'll get it." Said Sam as he quickly stood up and headed inside. Josie turned back as Cliff leaned over to gently clasp her hand.

"My dear, you've no idea how happy your news has made me. I look upon the two of you as extended family you know."

"Do you?" Josie said with a shy smile.

"Absolutely. My sister is in Australia, and my brother is in the UK. When your family is that scattered, you tend to adopt people as you go..."

"Cliff, I don't want to pry, but Sam and I have often wondered if you've ever married." Josie watched Cliff's face carefully as she spoke. They loved Cliff dearly, but had noticed that he didn't often talk about his family or much of his personal life beyond his usual uproarious anecdotes.

Cliff was silent for a moment, gazing off into space as he began to speak. "Well of course I've had a few girlfriends. There was one girl - Rebecca her name was - that I was desperate to marry, but things just didn't work out that way. She ended up going to Yugoslavia to be with her family." Cliff was speaking almost absently, lost in his memories. "We kept in touch for a while, but eventually lost contact. That girl broke my heart you know." Cliff came back to the present and smiled a little wistfully at Josie. "After that, no one else could really measure up to her. Of course, over time she's become more and more perfect in my mind's eye, and who could compete with that? Anyway," he spread his hands, "that was all years ago, and these days my work and friends keep me more than occupied, so I'm well content."

Sam was standing quietly in the kitchen. He had heard Cliff's murmured conversation and hadn't wanted to intrude. When Cliff stopped speaking he strolled out and sat back down.

"Seems you're both pretty popular this morning." Commented Cliff with a wink.

"I know! Perhaps people are picking up on something." Said Sam with a laugh. "That was your mom, Josie. They were wanting to know what we're up to today. It sounded like they just wanted to catch up with us, so I suggested that we'd head over there this morning sometime for a coffee."

Josie nodded in agreement. "This is going to be fun seeing everyone's reactions today." She turned to Cliff with a grin. "Especially if yours is anything to go by!"

They sat talking idly for a while longer, then Cliff put down his empty cup with a relaxed sigh and stood up. "Well children, sounds like you've both got a bit of running around to do today, so I shall leave you to your endeavors. Have a lovely day." He leaned down to kiss Josie on the cheek, and reached across to pat Sam on the shoulder. "Don't forget to stop by the studio later on."

"We won't!" they chorused. "See you later Cliff."

Cliff waved over his shoulder as he strolled towards the gate. Sam and Josie watched him leave, then Sam glanced at his watch. "Holy ... it's nearly 10! We'd better make a move!". Sam carried the dishes inside and stacked the dishwasher while Josie cleared off the table. "Do we need to get changed?" called Sam from the kitchen. Josie strolled in folding up the tablecloth.

"No ... I think you look pretty good as is." She replied with a smile.

Sam stepped over to face Josie, and kissed her gently. "Why thank you Miss Geller, you're not looking too bad yourself." She wrinkled her nose at him affectionately and looped her arms around his neck.

"Why thank you kind sir ..." she said demurely. She leaned forward slightly so that her breasts were pressed against Sam's chest. He immediately drew her closer still so that he could kiss her thoroughly. When they eventually broke the kiss, they were both breathless.

"Wow ..." said Josie dazedly.

Sam looked at her and ran his hand through his hair. "You can say that again." He murmured. He put his hands on Josie's shoulders, gently turned her around and began marching her towards the door. "Come on temptress, we'd better get going otherwise I'm not going to held responsible for my actions."

Josie looked over her shoulder at him, wide-eyed. "Sam! You make it sound as if I was making you a little ... uncomfortable ..." Sam mock glowered at her, and she giggled and held up her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. I'm going. I'll just grab my shoes." She turned and skipped towards the bedroom, pausing to drape one arm up the doorframe and arching her back in a classic femme fatale pose as she looked back at him with sultry eyes. Sam clasped his hands together and looked up at the ceiling.

"Whoever's up there .... cut me some slack - I'm only human!" Josie threw her head back and laughed, then went into the bedroom to grab a pair of leather sandals. Sam grinned at Josie's reaction. They both enjoyed baiting each other, and took great delight in unsettling each other whenever they could. Sam just hoped that Josie wouldn't feel the need for a repeat performance of what she had done when they were at her parents' house last time.

The family had been sitting on the back porch enjoying a barbeque, when Josie had gone inside to find something to drink. Sam had wandered in to wash his hands before dinner started, and on his way back down the corridor had been startled when Josie had pounced on him and hauled him into the hall closet. There she had proceeded to kiss him thoroughly, before grinning wickedly and strolling nonchalantly back out to join the others. Sam on the other hand, had to wait a few minutes before he was sufficiently 'calmed down' enough to face Josie's parents.

Sam shook his head wonderingly at the memory. Josie's confidence had certainly grown over the last twelve months. She was such a naturally positive person he couldn't believe that she had once been so shy. Since they had been together they had shared a mutual joy in discovering each other, and he didn't think that he had ever laughed as much in his life before. That wasn't to say that they hadn't had their ups and downs, but they always managed to talk things through before the situation ever deteriorated too rapidly. In their first week together, they had solemnly vowed that they would always be honest and open with each other. Josie had fervently agreed - her pain of lying to Sam during her assignment was enough to last her a lifetime.

* * *

Janet Geller looked up from her newspaper as she heard the front door open and shut. "Is that you Josie?" she called.

"Yup!" answered Josie. Seconds later she and Sam appeared in the kitchen doorway. Janet smiled as she saw them both. They were both dressed in soft blues and whites, and looked stunning. Josie's blond curls tumbled about her face, and her blue eyes were bright as she looked at her mother. Sam had a broad smile on his face as he waved at her over Josie's shoulder. Josie dropped a kiss on Janet's proffered cheek then wandered across to the kitchen counter to see if the coffee percolator needed filling.

"Morning Janet." Said Sam as he lightly kissed her cheek. "Oh ... sorry - I just realised that I didn't shave before we came over!" he said has rasped a hand over his stubble.

Janet waved a hand unconcernedly. "Don't worry Sam. It kind of suits you. "As a matter of fact, you look a bit like a film star .." she said saucily.

"Oh ... I don't know if I'd go that far." said Sam with a self-conscious chuckle.

Janet smiled inwardly at Sam's reaction to her compliment. Sam was very modest, and just like Josie somehow seemed unaware of how attractive he was. After hearing Josie's glowing comments about her English teacher while on her undercover assignment, Janet eventually met Sam when he bumped into the two of them when they were out buying plants. Janet had seen the mesmerized way they had looked at each other, and knew that it would only be a matter of time before they were together. Now it gladdened hear heart to look at them both, and to see how happy they were.

"Where's Dad?" asked Josie as Sam pulled up a chair and sat down. She moved to stand behind him, and draped her arms around his neck. Sam reached up and wrapped his fingers around her right wrist, his thumb rubbing her arm gently.

"Ask and you shall receive - Hi Pussycat," said Tom Geller planting a quick kiss on Josie's cheek. "Hey Sam," he continued with a cheerful nod as he sat down. He gave Janet a hopeful look. "Coffee?"

Janet looked at him bemusedly. "No..." she said in a droll voice. 'I'm your wife, remember?"

"Hmmmm..." Tom said thoughtfully, then started suddenly as if he'd just realized who she was. "Janet! Darling!" He got up and stood beside her, bowing theatrically and kissing her hand.

"Yes, that's better," she said, shooting Josie and Sam a look of amusement.

"Do Dad, take a seat, I'll put the coffee on." Said Josie as Tom headed towards the kitchen counter.

"Thanks pussycat. So, what did you two lovebirds get up to last night?" asked Tom as he sat down again.

Sam glanced at Josie as she put the coffee on to brew. She winked back at him as she sauntered back to the table. "Ohhhh, you know. Stuff." She sat down next to Sam, who draped his arm around her shoulders. "Got engaged ... went out to dinner ..."

Josie spoke so casually that it took a few seconds for her parents to realize what she'd said.

"Wha.... Engaged? Really? You're engaged?" Janet gaped at them with an incredulous smile on her face, then quickly stood up to embrace them both. "Oh! Oh!" she said, raising a hand to her cheek as her eyes filled with happy tears.

"Congratulations Josie." Said Tom as he pulled her into a bear hug. Janet moved to Sam and did the same. Tom looked over the top of Josie's head to meet Sam's eyes. Wordlessly he released Josie and held his hand out to Sam. Shaking his hand warmly, Tom laughed and pulled Sam close, pounding him on the back. "Welcome to the family, son - we couldn't be more pleased."

Everyone was bubbling over with excitement as they sat back down at the table. "So have you set a date?" asked Janet, beaming at them expectantly.

Sam and Josie looked at each other. "Actually no. We thought we'd have an engagement party soon though, and take it from there." Sam glanced at Josie for confirmation as he said this, who nodded in agreement. "We just want to enjoy being engaged for a while without all the wedding planning stuff taking over just yet."

"Have you told your parents yet, Sam?" asked Tom. Sam shook his head. "Not yet, no. I thought we'd drive up there next weekend - I want to see the looks on their faces!"

"Looks on whose faces?" asked a voice from the doorway. Everyone turned to see Rob looking at them curiously.

"Hey Rob." Greeted Josie.

"Josie - what've I missed? The looks on whose faces?"

"The looks on people's faces when we tell them we're engaged!" said Sam with a grin.

Rob's face lit up. "Really? Alright man, that's AWESOME!" he said, bounding in to pump Sam's hand, then hauled Josie up out of her chair and began to waltz her around the kitchen. "Alright! My sister's getting' hitched!" Sam, Janet and Tom laughed at Rob's typically over the top response. Eventually Rob stopped dancing, and Josie wobbled her way back to her chair, breathless with laughter. Rob ruffled Sam's hair affectionately as he walked past him to take a seat at the table opposite them.

"Have you got a ring yet?" asked Janet.

"Yes! Oh I can't believe that I haven't waved it under your nose yet!" said Josie as she brandished her hand.

"It's gorgeous - did you pick it out?"

"No, Sam surprised me with it yesterday ... it's beautiful isn't it." Said Josie as she smiled proudly.

Janet clasped Josie's hand in her own. "This is so exciting! Now, tell me everything!"

As Josie and Sam began to talk, Tom got up and finished making the coffee. As he got out some cups, he was amused to see that even the usually ebullient Rob was listening to their every word, a goofy smile on his face. Tom couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of his little girl growing up, but watched as Sam rubbed Josie's back gently with his hand as she spoke. Sam watched Josie attentively as she spoke, nodding now and then, then gently reached up to tuck a curl of hair behind her ear. Tom smiled. He'd done that many a time himself. He nodded. Josie had chosen a kind and decent young man. They were going to be fine.

* * *

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