"Josie Grossie" No More, Part 1
By Sandy

Date Posted: January 29, 2001

Authors note: Okay guys, this is the first time I've tried writing anything like this. All comments – constructive or otherwise are gladly received. This is just a brief first effort, but there is more to come.

Click here to hear "I Can Hear Music"
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The bell rang, signalling the end of the last class for the day. Suddenly the group of previously apathetic students exploded in a frenzy of activity as they grabbed their books and fled for the day. As they surged forwards, Aldys hung back for a moment before approaching Sam has he began to sort through the papers what would need grading over the weekend. Hearing her approach, Sam looked up and smiled when he saw who it was.

"Hi, Aldys; anything I can do for you?"

Aldys smiled and blushed slightly.

"No, Mr Coulson; everything's fine. I just wanted to say have a good weekend, and .. uh" she paused and looked a bit flustered before continuing "and please say hi to Josie for me."

Sam smiled broadly and the mention of Josie's name.

"Sure, Aldys, and you have a great weekend as well. I know that Josie's been wanting to catch up with you soon to discuss your college options, so I'll pass on your message."

Aldys hitched her shoulder bag to a more comfortable position and smiled hesitantly at Sam. "You know, Mr Coulson, this is still taking a little getting used to – seeing the two of you together … " she rushed on as Sam's smile flickered. "I mean, not that I don't think it's great – I do! It's just that on Prom Night it was all such a shock, and then what with all that happened afterwards …".

Sam smiled wryly, "That's okay, Aldys; I know exactly what you mean. We've all been through a lot. I'm just glad that things are gradually getting back to normal."

Just then, Guy appeared in the doorway and smiled warmly when he saw Aldys.

"Hey, Aldys. All set?"

Sam glanced at Guy, then looked at Aldys and smiled, raising an eyebrow in a silent query. He was pleasantly startled to see Aldys perk up as soon as she saw Guy waiting for her. She smiled at Guy before turning back to Sam, a slight blush staining her cheeks.

"Well, thanks for that, Mr Coulson. I'll see you on Monday."

"No problem, Aldys," Sam turned to include Guy. "You have a good weekend, Guy."

Guy smiled and said "Sure, Mr Coulson. Coming Aldys?"

Aldys nodded, then glanced again at Sam and smiled before walking towards Guy. Sam bent over his papers pretending to be absorbed in his work, while watching the scene in the doorway from the corner of his eye. He saw Guy reach for Aldys' hand and give it a quick squeeze before they both walked casually out of the classroom.

Sam smiled to himself, then stood up and put the bundle of paperwork into his briefcase. Pausing for a moment, Sam rubbed the back of his neck, then stretched his arms out over his head, feeling himself finally start to relax now that he had the weekend ahead of him. A whole weekend with Josie! The thought of her made him smile as he grabbed his bag and headed out to his car.

* * *

As he drove, Sam thought about how far he and Josie had come over the last two months. It had taken the better part of a week for the public's curiosity to wane, and another week of tense meetings with the school board to satisfy their concerns.

For a few days, it seemed as if Sam's teaching career was in jeopardy, but a determined campaign spearheaded by Aldys had helped to sway the vote in Sam's favour. Even Gus had had to admit that while the attraction between Sam and Josie had been apparent, no "foul play" had occurred and had personally written an article saying as much in the Sun-Times. Once they had been given the all clear, it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders, and now they were free to begin their journey of mutual discovery. School still had another couple of weeks to go, and now that Josie was back at the Chicago Sun Times with her own column – courtesy of public demand – Sam was gradually adjusting to no longer having her in his class.

* * *

Parking outside Josie's apartment, Sam grabbed his overnight bag, then carefully picked up the bouquet of irises that he had bought on the way over. Fumbling for the keys, he let himself into the apartment, quietly closed the door behind him and put his bag on the floor before gently resting the flowers beside it. He smiled as he could hear Josie humming to herself in the bedroom.

"Sam? Is that you?" called Josie.

Sam grinned before raising his voice to call back. "Hi honey, I'm hoooome!"

There was a snuffle of laughter from the bedroom, and then Josie appeared. She had changed out of her work clothes and was wearing a white t-shirt, denim cut-off shorts, and her feet were bare. Her face slight with happiness, she walked towards him and linked her arms around his neck. Sam wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her close and dropped a kiss on her nose.

"So, how's my favorite Sun-Time columnist?" he asked.

"Oh, much better now that my favorite teacher's here!" she twinkled back.

"What happened – bad day at the office?' he asked.

Josie shrugged. "Oh no – just the usual. Gus fired Anita again after they had a fight about a deadline. He was threatening to have nervous breakdowns all afternoon…"

"Same old, same old by the sounds of it," chuckled Sam.

While Josie had been talking, Sam had started to sway gently from side to side. Josie had unconsciously started to do the same. By the time they had stopped talking about work, they were slow dancing around the living room.

"Sam," smiled Josie, "we haven't got any music on."

"Really? Funny, but I can hear music when I look at you, Josie," Sam said in a deep sultry voice grinning crookedly at her.

"Oh that's so sweet!" she replied, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Looking over Josie's shoulder, his eyes fell on the flowers he had left next to his bag. Releasing Josie, he walked over to pick them up, then presented them to her with a flourish.

Josie looked at the flowers, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Sam, they're beautiful!" she cried, kissing him gently as she took them from him. "I love irises – but I'd better put them in some water right away."

Sam followed her into the kitchen, and leaned against the counter, watching her pick up a crystal vase from the windowsill and fill it with water.

"They reminded me of your eyes," he explained.

Josie flushed slightly, and bit her bottom lip as she arranged the stems. Sam saw this, and frowned slightly. He leaned over and put his hands on her shoulders so that he could turn her around to face him. Gently putting a finger under her chin, he lifted her fact until their eyes met.

"Josie…is there something wrong?" he asked gently.

Josie sniffed slightly and gave him a watery smile.

"Oh, Sam," she sighed. "I know I'm just being silly. It's just…" she floundered for words.

Sam smiled and nodded his encouragement for her to continue.

"It's just that after being 'Josie Grossie' for so long, I always hoped and dreamed that someone as wonderful as you would come along, but I never thought that it would happen. And now you're here…and you brought me flowers…" She broke up and drew in a shaky breath.

"Oh Josie," murmured Sam as he gently stroked her hair. "Don't you know how incredible you are? I was falling in love with you as soon as we met. What can I say that will …" he gazed into space for a moment, and then smiled as inspiration struck.

Reaching for her, he began to slowly waltz Josie around the kitchen, and out into the living room as he began to recite:

"For you and I no sooner met but we looked; no sooner looked but we loved; no sooner loved but we sighed; no sooner sighed by we asked ourselves the reason; no sooner knew the reason but we sought the remedy; so sooner sought the remedy but kissed on the pitchers mound before the start of the baseball game …"

Josie giggled, but Sam continued.

"We are in the very wrath of love, and…"

"…And clubs shall not part us," finished Josie.

Slowly, Sam brought them to a stop.

Josie smiled at Sam. "You make me feel so valuable," she said softly. "You make me feel as though I am the most precious object in the world."

Sam leaned forwards and very gently brushed his lips over hers, before resting their foreheads together. "You are," he whispered. There was such sincerity in his voice that Josie didn't know whether to be pleased or embarrassed. Deep within her, the chorus of "Josie Grossie" began to fade. She stepped closer into Sam's embrace, and nestled her face against his chest. The chorus was fainter now. Soon all she could hear was the sound of their breathing, and the steady beat of Sam's heart.

She gently kissed the base of Sam's throat that was exposed upon his shirt. The tears in her eyes that had threatened to fall were gone. Her eyes shone as she looked lovingly into Sam's eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered back and smiled.

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