Love Isn't Easy, Part 1
By Amy

Date Posted: May 12, 2001

Author's Note: I don't live in New York and I didn't feel like researching so don't think I'm stupid because all the info on the Met is completely wrong. I know my writing style stinks, so feedback - OF ANY KIND would be greatly appreciated. This part is my take on what should have happened at Delloser. I personally would like to think that Josie was smart enough to figure out what "ganga cake" and vitamins "TH & C" meant. Also I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Carol who so kindly allowed me to use some of her characters and ideas. Read her story Sam's Awakening. It's fantastic! [email protected]

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Josie walked into Delloser Hall. She really didn't know what to think of it. She rarely came to places like this, only when Anita and Rhoda dragged her with them. She was kind of embarrassed already because she was here alone AND it was all being filmed. Suddenly she ran into Sam at the bar.

"Josie!Josie. Out on a school night?" What was he thinking? God, he was nervous.


"God that bathroom was disgusting!" Lara then attached herself to Sam like a clingy child. Josie on the other hand was taken aback by the presence of another female.

"Josie, I'd like you to meet Lara."

"His girlfriend."

Shit. She just had to mention that, didn't she? Sam thought.

With this new piece of evidence Josie took a step back, separating herself from the two of them.

Due to the fact that he was watching her so closely, none of this got by Sam. He wanted Josie to feel as comfortable as possible so he detached himself from Lara and took a step as well.

"No offense, I know you love this Sam, I just hope you get it all out of your system before you move to New York. My firm has season tickets to the Met."

Sam hung his head in shame. 'She's even trying to show off to my students, AND it's Josie. She must think so low of me, being with someone this terrible.' Then to his surprise his wonderful Josie managed to lighten the mood.

"Oh. Well, I love baseball!"

Sam burst out laughing much due to pride that wonderful Josie managed to make everything around her better.

However, Lara was not amused. She looked at Josie with disgust. "Nice to meet you." She said frigidly. She then walked past her, nose held high.

Sam followed reluctantly, flashing Josie an "I'm Sorry" smile.

Once they were out of earshot, Lara turned to Sam and took on her bitchy tone. "That was one of your students?!?"

Sam was totally shocked by her tone, what did Josie do that was so terrible? "Yes. Actually she's one of my star pupils. Why?"

"Because she's an AIRHEAD!!!! Doesn't she know the difference between Met and Mets?"

"Lara, she was making a joke. It was a really obvious one, too. I thought it was funny."

"Oh so now I'm stupid!?!?!?"

"Oh my god, Lara! I never said that."

"We'll just see who's the stupid one." And with that she was on her way over to Josie who still hadn't settled on a location for herself.

Sam now was starting to panic. What was Lara going to do to Josie? She was going to try and intimidate her. Once Lara got there, she put her hand on Josie's shoulder spinning her around.

Josie was totally shocked and taken off guard.

"So, Josie. You think you're so smart don't you? Making your little joke and everything. I'll bet you don't even know what the Met is."

"Lara!" Sam hissed in warning and mortification.

Josie just looked at her. She then switched her gaze to Sam, who was so obviously embarrassed as hell. She then looked back at Lara who was still giving her the death stare. Josie then decided how to respond best.

Tapping the side of her face with a finger for a moment, as if pondering the answer. Then she answered blithely, as if reading it directly from a tour book, "The Met: short for The Metropolitan Opera House. Opened at the original site on Broadway on October 22, 1883. Moved to Lincoln Center in 1966." Then her voice changed to an airheaded tone, and continued, "The Met? No, I have no idea. What's that?"

And with that she turned on her heel and marched off. Josie was quite pleased with herself that she had managed to return the sarcastic tone while maintaining her dignity� especially in front of Sam, which meant more to her than showing Lara up.

Meanwhile, Lara was fuming. She marched off to the table. Sam just stared at her with complete disbelief at the impertinence in her actions. He was also feeling an overwhelming amount of delight that Josie had handled it so magnificently. She never lost her cool. She left Lara so shocked that she was unable to return any comment. Josie definitely handled herself in that situation.

Sam then went to the table where he wouldn't even look at Lara he was so ashamed of her. He was also ashamed at himself for not realizing sooner how callous she could get. He had noticed it before but the scenario was always different and he always wrote it off as the "lawyer side" to her seeping through.


"Well what?" He still wouldn't even look at her.

"Aren't you going to say anything? She should be expelled!"

"For what? Standing up for herself when someone she doesn't know tries to belittle her for absolutely no reason?!?!?" She had managed to really piss him off with that one.

"Sam! I just wanted to show you that I am smart. That I was right, you know?" She could see that she had really pissed him off and she really wasn't in the mood to fight with him.

"Lara! Never. NEVER in my entire life have I ever seen anyone be as horrible as you were to Josie just now. NEVER."

"Sam, honey please don't be angry-"

"You know what? Let's just leave�because I am angry. I am ashamed because my favorite student now thinks that I associate with rude people like you and I am embarrassed for your sake because I'll bet Josie thinks really low of you right now."

Now he in turn had pissed Lara off. But she, unlike Sam got vindictive when angry.

"All right. FIRST of all. I don't give a shit what some stupid 17 year old thinks of me. SECOND of all. So she's your favorite student, huh? Should I be worried? I saw the way you were looking at her Sam, you're disgusting!!!" And with that she marched out of the club.

"Good riddance�" He muttered to himself under his breath. He then decided he wasn't going to go home for a while because he needed his distance from Lara. He was really starting to see things from a new perspective. He wanted to think long and hard about things before doing anything.

He was sitting on the upper level and had a perfect view of the entire dance floor. He noticed that Guy and his group had managed to get tables right in front of the stage. He didn't really think twice about it until he saw Josie walk up and touch one of the chairs and say something to Kirsten. Kirsten got up and started yelling, throwing her finger in Josie's face. Josie took a step backwards holding her hands in front of her in a defensive stance. Kirsten finally finished and then sat down. Josie put her head down and started to walk toward the bathroom.

She paused first, looking up at the balcony not at anything in particular but Sam could see quite clearly that Josie was very upset but before he could think, she was lost into the bathroom. Sam was then out of his seat on his way to get to her. He just felt obligated to do whatever he could to make her feel better. Sam made his way down the stairs and started to head to the bathroom. Luckily she was on her way out just as he was arriving.

"Josie? Are� are you okay?" He took her by surprise and she looked up suddenly.

"Oh, Mr. Coulson. Sorry you surprised me, yeah, I'm fine."

"It's just I saw Kirsten being her usual self to you and I don't, she can be kind of harsh sometimes."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, she just...she hurt my feelings is all."

Sam's heart went out to her. He thought she sounded completely beaten. And with good reason too, first yelled at by some buffoon in a pantsuit and then snubbed by the popular crowd.

"Do�do you wanna come sit with me? I have an empty seat at my table."

'Oh great' Josie thought. 'This is just what I need, pity.' "No thanks. I think I'm just going to go home."

"Are you sure? Because I would love it if you would sit with me." Sam pleaded. He really wanted to try and make up for the fact that from what he could see she was having a shitty evening. Josie felt that she couldn't handle much more that night so she decided to be frank with him

"No, I have sat in on a date before. It was uncomfortable for everyone and it was a terrible evening, but I really do appreciate the offer."

Sam felt totally depressed. He could see that Josie thought he was happy with Lara and was feeling totally low herself. He tried one last time in a desperate attempt to get her to stay.

"Actually, I yelled at Lara for what she did to you and she stormed out."

He watched Josie as her eyes lit up. "You did?"

"Of course, Josie. I'm so embarrassed that she would do that. It was totally uncalled for. I was so ashamed. But I was really happy that you managed to keep your cool like that. I know lots of people who would have totally lost it being talked to like that. You really showed Lara up which is a really hard thing to do. Anyways, I'm ah, I'm here alone right now."

"Wow. I am really happy that you would stick up for me like that. And that you saw I was upset and came to check if I was okay. That shows that you really care about your students and I really respect you for that. Oh and don't feel ashamed. I know that you would never treat anyone that shabbily. Besides, I don't know what Lara meant anyways."

Sam didn't know quite where she was going with this but he listened anyway. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Josie responded, "That bathroom wasn't disgusting at all." And at that they both broke into hysterics. "Anyways, Thanks for the offer but I would much rather go home."

Sam sensed the defeat and gave up. "Well at least let me walk you to your car." Sam was beaming. Josie respected him. Respect from students was something teachers often wanted from their students but it somehow felt amazing coming from her.

Meanwhile Josie couldn't quite figure out why he was trying so hard to help her but she just wrote it off as he felt guilty about Lara being so rude. They walked together to the parking lot. Sam was desperately searching for a conversation starter. "And Josie, don't worry about the popular kids. You don't need them."

"I know, I have a whole group of friends from my neighborhood who go to different schools," She lied, but then added a little truth to make herself feel better. "It's just that I was an outcast at my last school to and I just thought that having a fresh start at a new school, things could be different, you know?"

Sam looked into her eyes totally reading the despair he could see in her eyes. She had beautiful eyes. Did she ever have beautiful eyes�

"Well, I hope things work out for you, Josie. I really do. And once again, I apologize for Lara's behavior."

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. Bye, Mr. Coulson. " And with that she drove off.

Sam took his keys out and drove home himself.

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