Distress, Worries, Who Knows?
By Michelle

Date Posted: April 20, 2001

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Josie wandered the streets looking to find a taxi or some sort of public transport, she had to get back and she heard of the dangers New York held for a girl walking the streets alone. It was much more dangerous, at least in her mind, than Chicago could ever be. Hell, every day there are muggings, murders, rapes.

At the thought of being raped, Josie dashed to the first apartment block. Looking up only one light was burning. "Maybe it is a little early to expect all the people to be home," she thought and started studying the buildings.

It was a huge building, eight stories to be exact and it held a name of excellence, you could see it was where the rich lived. "Let's hope the rich are kind," Josie said and walked to stand at the entrance. There were no people inside so the only option was to ring the bell.

She did a quick sum of where the light was burning and pushed the button. "I would kinda like to know what kind of person lives in an apartment marked 666," Josie said turning her head and smiling.

The buzzer went off and a polished, female voice answered, "Yes?"

"Hi I was wondering if I could use your phone, I have to call a taxi�I�Saw your light in the window, and�I'm lost," Josie said politely, actually wondering if people opened they're doors in New York for a request like that.

"Come on in," the voice said and the door clicked open.

"Well, I guess they do," Josie said and made her way up the elevator to the door marked in gold letters 666.

* * *

Anita watched Sam closely. "Sam are you mad at me?" she blurted out awkwardly. Sam raised his head to look at her, despair on his face.

"No Anita, why would I be mad at you?" Sam asked lowering his head again to rest in his hands.

"Well if I just went with Josie this wouldn't have happened," she shot back, falling into the chair next to Sam's. "If anybody is to blame its me, I knew she would go to a place I suggested and look at what this got her into, what if something happens to her?"

As those words came out Sam shivered, cold vibes rushing through his body.

"Oh come now, Josie's smart� She can take care of herself," Anita reassured.

"Then why hasn't she called? If she were stuck in traffic she would call�" Sam said, now sure of the unspeakable.

"Well, she kinda left her cell phone here, and maybe she doesn't have change, or she's in a taxi, it happens�" she said rubbing Sam on the back.

"I don't know Anita, this is not like her, she is stubborn; we all know that�but God help me, I love her," Sam said, his eyes getting teary.

* * *

The door opened and to Josie's surprise a hand came out. "May I see your ID?" came a reply. Josie opened her wallet and searched for her ID and handed it to 'the hand'.

Lara took a look at the ID and almost jumped. "Well the one and only Josie Geller at my door, thank you fate�" she gave a little prayer and opened the door.

Josie took the invitation and walked in. "Thank you, I don't know what I would have done without you here," she said kindly giving a warm friendly smile.

"So what is a girl like you doing wondering the streets at night? It could be dangerous, you know?" Lara said smiling to herself.

"Well, I'm not from around here. I lost track of the time and wandered off�" Josie clarified, looking around. Well it seems she was right, this block of apartments were for the rich. The woman had an angora rug on the floor which Josie knew was worth a bundle of money and the rest of the apartment was decorated in black and white, very stylish indeed, and maybe a little cold, too.

Lara watched Josie like an eagle waiting to strike. This "woman" was a real goad to her. She was going to make this night for Josie one she wouldn't forget, but how would she break the ice?

Lara excused herself and walked to the bathroom. Josie took the time to further study the apartment. It wasn't inviting, but had some style, she thought, moving to study some photos on an iron and glass side table. Looking through the photos, suddenly she got cold and fear pierced her stomach. "Is that Sam?" she thought, but she knew the obvious answer. Realization dawn on her. 'This is no ordinary woman; its Lara�' she thought walking over to sit down, since she felt her knees were about to give way.

'Does she recognise me?' Josie thought, her mind racing. 'Of course she does, you dummy. She looked at your ID,' she said to herself, shaking her head. Josie decided she would make her call and leave as politely as possible. She just hoped Lara had the same intentions.

Lara took one last look in the mirror and left. She was ready to strike, but then again, she thought, maybe she should play it good instead. Like she always said, "Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer�" It might be a good shot at seducing Sam. She smiled at that, she knew just how to press his buttons and she knew that by fighting with Josie it would make her job more unpleasant.

"Can I get you something to drink Josie, you look parched and maybe a bit pale," Lara said, trying to sound worried.

This took Josie by surprise. "Is she being nice to me?" she thought turning up to smile at Lara. "A glass of water would be nice," she said and threw a smile Lara's way.

Lara came back and handed the water to Josie. "So how are you and Sam doing?" she asked. "Oh, well�we're both doing fine" she said and took a refreshing sip.

"That's good to hear. Sam and I never clicked; we were a total mismatch, but you two seem happy," Lara said smiling. She knew it was working wonders.

It took a minute for Josie to respond. 'Lara doesn't seem so bad,' she thought, 'actually seems like a really good person.' "Thank you, its great to hear that you think so too. You and Sam seemed close," Josie said feeling more at ease.

"We were. After five years anybody would be. Oh, by the way� Where are you staying? I have to pick up some stuff so I can drop you off. Waiting for a taxi would take for ever," Lara asked kindly.

"The Ritz," Josie replied, "but if its out of your way..."

Lara cut her off in mid sentence. "No, actually that was where I have to fetch some documents, so you're in luck, Josie. So what are you doing in New York?"

"Well I have to appear at the annual reporter's award ceremony for the article I wrote about Sam and my school experience," Josie clarified. "I have an extra ticket if you would like to come," Josie said, and then cursed her own polite ways. She still wasn't sure how much time she wanted to spend around Sam's ex-girlfriend.

Lara took a minute to think. "I would love to, thank you, Josie," she thanked smilingly.

* * *

Stopping in front of the Ritz, Josie and Lara made their way inside. "Thank you for your help, Lara. See you tomorrow," Josie said and gave Lara a quick hug.

"My pleasure Josie, have a nice night" Lara said and turned away with a devilish smile.

Josie made her way up to her room, unlocked the door and walked in. "Where in God's name have you been?" came a voice out of the blackness of the night. The light went on and James was standing, a look of utmost disgust on his face.

"I lost track of the time and couldn't find a taxi," Josie replied sorely and flopped wearily onto the couch.

"Well you had everyone worried sick! Anita and Sam are out looking for your sorry butt right now. They were beside themselves!" he replied dryly.

At the mention of Sam Josie shot up to a stand again."Sam!? He's here?!"

"Yeah he flew in earlier to be with you ..." as James was talking the door swung open James turned and said flatly, "speak of the devil�"

Josie ran to where Sam was standing, but instead of jumping into his arms she paused and stood face to face with him so close she could swear the hair on his face was touching her.

"Josie, where have you been? Don't ever do that to me again, okay?" Sam said and in an unspoken request her took her in for a hug.

"Okay, now what are the sleeping arrangements?" Anita said, walking in and punching Josie on the arm and winking audaciously at her.

For a moment, no one moved.

Anita finally piped up, "Well I think the two lovebirds should have their own room," she said, not caring about the other people's opinions. James shook his head agreeing to the terms and grabbed Anita's bag, leaving the room in a hurry. Anita followed close behind, "See you tomorrow, sleep tight!" and left closing the door behind her.

Sam looked around the room still holding Josie close, never wanting to let go, of fear that something might happen to her. "So Josie, and now is where you tell me what we are going to do tonight all alone?" Sam said detaching himself from Josie to grab his bag.

'I know exactly what to do' Josie thought smiling it off. "Maybe we can cuddle up and talk or something," she said smiling.

"Yeah, you could tell me why you were late and how your day in New York turned out to be," he said walking over to the bed.

Josie thought for a minute about what he said "Should I tell him about Lara, or should I let him find out for himself tomorrow?"

"I'll let him find out for himself, he won't be mad, since Lara is a really nice person after all�" Josie thought further and shrugged it off as she mad her way to stand slap bang next to Sam and folding her hands around him.

"So did you miss me?" she whispered seductively into his ear.

It took Sam a second to recover from Josie's hot breath on his ear lobe and his voice came out as barely a whisper, "Yes Josie, I think I did."

The pressure Josie's body was creating against his was quickly moving from, nice, to his kind of dangerous. He respected Josie's decision and he knew by stopping it now, even with Josie's permission it would cause this relationship some damage, but deep down he knew Josie was quickly moving from wanting to wait, to the point where her body won't let her wait. Sam of all people could explain the feeling of pure desire cursing through his body, and even though he had been able to control it, he knew Josie was needed to do so, he alone was not strong enough.

"Umm Josie, back up a bit," Sam said awkwardly and with that Josie let go and moved to sit quite a distance from Sam. Sam could never tell how she felt, he didn't know if her reaction came because she though he was pushing her away, or because she understood his predicament, with a beautiful girl that has never been kissed, a question like that would be expected.

"Josie I didn't mean it like that, I'm just tired�" 'Nice comeback, Sam,' he thought and felt like ramming his head against the wall as hard as he could.

Josie sat in silence, just watching Sam, and this made him very uncomfortable, he felt like throwing his hands in the air and running out of the room, and the thought of acting like Spiderman again only way up her on the ninth story was another option. 'Which one to choose?' he thought to himself.

The emotions pulsing through Josie was that of despair. 'Did he want me away, why did he push me away?' These questions she couldn't explain. Josie's heart was pounding. 'Why does he do things like this? Maybe he doesn't want you to touch him,' a little voice broke the silence. 'Maybe he feels sorry for you and that's why he stays with you? Or maybe he is still in love with Lara?' At that tray of thoughts she closed her eyes.

He can't still be in love with her, Lara admitted that they were a total mismatch and that Sam and herself belonged together. "Josie, maybe he is just tired," she told herself, sending a smile Sam's way as he chose to look at her.

Sam walked across the room and sat down next to Josie on the bed. "Josie I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you away. I had to act on my feelings or something might have happened, you know how you make me feel," he said, his eyes not daring to catch a glimpse of this amazing woman next to him.

"Sam I understand, its hard for me too, when I was your student it always felt as if I had to keep my distance even though I wasn't actually your student, and now that I can touch you when I want, I guess I am going to do that as much as possible," Josie said, her shyness on her face.

Sam smiled softly at her, and without another word spoken between them, he leaned in for a soft and tender kiss. This kiss was different, it was shared between two people that shared the same soul, it was like one got the one half and the other the other half, and only if they joined would these two souls be happy.

After what seemed like an endless parade Sam broke away breathless and smiled crookedly. "I know what we can do tonight, we can read Shakespeare or any other good writer to each other," he suggested, waiting for a reply from Josie whose eyes were still closed.

"I would love to Sam, we could have a little competition. I'll quote a piece and you try to name it, and vice versa," Josie suggested.

"Its a deal, and what does the winner get?" Sam smiled.

"The winner, my dear Holmes, gets to choose what to do tomorrow during the day," Josie clarified and walked towards the beds.

"Are you going to help?" Josie asked as she started pushing the beds. Sam was use to sleeping next to Josie and he moved to push the beds together.

Not long after Josie and Sam were cuddled up and ready to begin. Sam was pure gentleman and let Josie go first. "Okay Josie give me your best shot," he said smiling devilishly.

'When I consider how my light is spent, ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, and that one talent which is death to hide, lodged with me useless, though my sole more bent.

To serve therewith my maker, and present my true account, lest he returning chide 'doth God exact day-labour, light denied? I fondly ask; but patience. To prevent.'

Josie finished and said proudly, "Ok, who is it?"

Sam sat for a moment and blurted out, "John Milton, am I right?"

Josie threw him a droll look and nodded. "Ok Sam, your turn," and she lay her head back on the pillow.

"Ok, I'll make it easy for you," he said, clearing his voice and started.

'Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, rage, rage against the dying of the light.'

Sam finished the poem and awaited Josie's response. "Umm I wonder who it could be?" she joked. "Could it be...Dylan Thomas, yes I believe it could," she finished, waving to her invisible crowd.

"It was an easy one Josie, I could make it harder," Sam suggested.

"Wait a minute its my turn now, and this time you wont get it right," she said smiling and started.

'It little profits that an idle king, by this still heart, among these barren crags, Matched with an aged wife, I mete a dole Unequal laws unto a savage rage, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know bot me.'

"Josie the poem's name is Ulysses," Sam said and flopped against the headboard.

"Sam I know the name, I want the author," Josie persisted.

"I don't know the author's name. Funnily enough, I never did," he said, admitting defeat. "That means I win," Josie said doing another little wave.

"So what is the author's name?" Sam asked sitting up to look Josie in the eye.

"How should I know, I actually quoted it so you could tell me" said Josie smiling and turning her face.

"Wise ass, aren't we?" Sam said and leaned over and started tickling Josie with furry. Josie squirmed around and before they knew it, it was a tight position, the kind of position Sam was trying to dodge all night long.

To be continued.

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