Home At Last
By Roxane

Date Posted: July 26, 2000

Author's note: This is the fourth fic I've done for this movie. Funny, I've been an X- Files fanatic for years and only managed one fic in all that time, but this movie just inspires me. I hope you guys like it. And for you young 'uns out there ("You know who you are"), this piece is going to be rated NC-17, so don't read it unless you're old enough! :)

Feedback would be so heavenly! Please send it to: [email protected]

Disclaimer: I don't own these wonderful characters, I'm just borrowing them for some fun.

Click here to hear "Tonight, I Celebrate My Love" by Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack

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Josie Geller had a man in her bedroom.

For most twenty-five-year-old women in today's world, this might not have been such a monumental thing, but most women in today's world hadn't lived the life Josie had lived. Not to mention, this wasn't just any man. This was Sam Coulson, her former teacher. Sam Coulson, the man she loved and the man who, incredibly enough, loved her in return. Sam Coulson, sweet, funny, gorgeous Sam Coulson, a man any woman in her right mind would be thrilled to find in her bedroom.

And, oh, was Josie thrilled. Anticipation hummed in her veins. Excitement danced along her nerves endings. Joy sang in her heart.

Anxiety fluttered in her stomach.

Not the kind of what-am-I-thinking anxiety that makes you wish you had never started something. More like the I've-never-done-this-before-and-I hope-he's-not-disappointed kind of anxiety. Oh, she knew the mechanics of this. She knew how it was supposed to be done. She read. She watched movies. She dreamed and fantasized more than her share.

But...this was the real thing. The only thing she'd ever been really good at in her entire life was dealing with words, and somehow, she didn't think there was going to be a whole lot of talking going on. And there were certainly no essay questions.

So, of course, she began to babble.

"Oh, I really should clear off the bed, shouldn't I? Those pillows are more decorative than for comfort and I don't think we'll need the blanket. It's funny... The word "blanket" comes from the Old French word "blanc" which means "white" but this is more of a gray col - "

Her torrent of words came to an abrupt halt when she felt herself being taken by the elbow and whirled around. Her mouth opened on a startled gasp as Sam pulled her body into full contact with his and lowered his mouth to hers. The blanket fell unnoticed from her hands as every cell in her body focused on Sam and the sensations he was creating. She clutched his shoulders and widened her mouth, and a small, sighing whimper escaped her throat as she felt his tongue come to rub against hers. Sam wrapped his arms the small of her back and pressed her even more firmly against him, making a low hum of satisfaction when her breasts rubbed against his chest.

When the need for air became desperate, Sam reluctantly eased his mouth away from hers, but stayed to lay slow, lingering kisses on her cheeks and neck. In a gruff voice, he murmured, "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

Josie tried to make her brain work through the sensual haze that enveloped it, but didn't have much success. "Saying?"

"Mmm-hmm." He nibbled gently on her neck then lapped soothingly at the area with his tongue. "You were reciting the etymology of the word "blanket" when I so rudely interrupted you."

"Oh, that's quite all right." Oh, Lord, this man had a mouth made in heaven! "It wasn't really that important."

His lips traveled slowly across her collarbone and then followed the V-line neck of her dress to nuzzle against the upper curve of her breast. "Are you sure?"

"Oh, God, yes. Positive." She was never going to make it. He'd barely even touched her, and already she felt as though she was likely to erupt into spontaneous combustion at any moment.

He chuckled, a soft, vibrating sound that sent warm, moist air across her skin, and Josie shivered in response. She inhaled sharply and slowly exhaled, her hands burying themselves in his hair to hold his head to her breast. His lips found her the tip of her breast and rubbed lightly back and forth. Even through two layers of clothing, the sensation was electrifying and Josie bit her lower lip to stifle a moan.

Sam's hands smoothed down her hips to reach the bottom of her dress, and Josie felt his warm palms slide up the backs of her thighs, taking the dress with them. She stepped back. His hands immediately stopped moving, and he raised his head with a concerned look, thinking he may have been going too fast for her. He face broke into an admiring grin as he saw her raise her hands, and he realized she was simply trying to make it easier for him to remove her dress. He lifted the dress over her head and tossed it onto the settee against the window. His grin faded as he looked at her.

She stood with her hands clasped in front of her, trying to hide her body without looking like she was trying to hide it. As she saw the grin disappear from his face, old, bad habits reared their ugly heads, and memories of voices chanting "Jo-sie Gro-ssie, Jo-sie Gro- ssie" played through her mind.

"Josie." His voiced cracked just the slightest, and he had to clear his throat before continuing. "Josie..."

A smile gradually came to Josie's face as she saw that not only was he not disgusted, but he seemed to have lost the ability to speak. She dropped her hands to her sides and straightened her shoulders, suddenly saying a silent thank you to Anita that she had convinced Josie to splurge on a matching set of tiny, lacy, pale pink bra and panties. She stepped out of her sandals and stood directly before Sam, and, looking him up and down, said, "Don't you think you're a little overdressed?"

Sam looked down at himself, and Josie's smile broadened as she saw that he still seemed a little dazed. She, Josie Geller, had sent this sexy, gorgeous man reeling.

She felt an amazing rush of power.

She reached out and ran both hands up his arms to his shoulders and down to his chest, watching her own hands touching him, basking in the glory of actually being able to touch him. His gray sweater made a soft cover for the firm muscles beneath, a cover that she was thinking was highly unnecessary. She bunched the sweater in her fists and raised it up, and he lifted his arms and ducked his head to make it easier for her. The sweater joined her dress on the settee and she started in on his T-shirt, another superfluous item. Her mouth formed a silent "Oh" as the shirt came off and his stomach and chest were revealed.

She trailed her fingers over smooth skin and well-defined muscles, the kind of muscles naturally developed by someone with a love of playing sports - sleek, toned, strong. The very tips of her hand brushed against one flat masculine nipple and her eyes widened, fascinated as the nipple contracted. She laid her hand flat, feeling his heart thudding in his chest, and dipped her head to lay a kiss right next to her hand. She breathed in, savoring his scent, a warm, clean, masculine smell with that certain something extra that just said "Sam." She dotted kisses along his chest and her tongue came out to lick at the hollow in his throat. She smiled against his skin as she heard his breath catch.


"Yes?" She discovered that the spot right behind his ear was particularly sensitive.

"Are you sure that you've never done this before?"

She laughed low in her throat. "No, I've never done this before. I'm just a quick study." She angled her head to look into his eyes. "And you're a great teacher."

He grinned and lowered his head to teach her a few more things. Within moments, she was breathless and clinging to him. She barely noticed as he reached around to unhook her bra, but gave a little cry in protest as he stepped away from her to remove the bra completely. The cry changed to a gasp as his hand came up to lovingly cup one breast in his hand. The gasp then turned into a moan as he leaned down and began laying soft kisses along the curve of her breast. Warmth and pleasure spread throughout her body. Her knees went weak, and Sam guided her down onto the bed, taking his mouth from her breast only long enough to switch to the other breast and give it equal treatment. Josie forced her heavy eyelids open to watch him, and she thought that the sight of his head nestled at her breast was the most incredible thing she had ever seen in her life.

Sam slowly kissed his way back up to her lips and Josie slid her hands into his hair as his mouth met hers. She felt her heart begin to pound and her breath come faster and faster as Sam continued to kiss and touch her. After a long while, Sam pulled his lips reluctantly from hers, sat back on his heels and unbuckled and unzipped his pants, shoving them along with his underwear down his legs and kicking them off. At the last second, he grabbed the pants before they fell to the floor and fished the box of condoms out of the pocket, setting the box on the bedside table. He then stretched out on his side next to Josie, leaning up on one elbow, and his eyes slowly wandered the length of her body, a visual caress. He followed with his hand, running it from thigh to hip to waist. "I love you," he said softly. The hand drifted across her breast and to her shoulder, a feather touch, never stopping. "Are you... sure?"

She blinked. "You mean, you would stop?" Her eyes dropped, glancing at the most obvious sign of his arousal. "Even now?"

"Yes...even now, if that's what you wanted." He looked down himself, then back at her with that boyish grin of his. "I'm not saying it would be easy, but..." His face turned serious and his hand reached up to tuck a wandering strand of hair behind her ear. "I just want to make sure this is really what you want, that you're completely ready."

She stared in wonder at his face, unable to comprehend the kindness and compassion of this man. Unable to believe her luck in finding him. "I'm sure," she said, meeting his eyes and letting all the love she felt shine freely.

He nodded, patently relieved at her affirmative answer. He brought his lips to hers, rolling his body to cover hers, one leg going between hers. He kissed her thoroughly, leaving her gasping for air as he inched his way down her body, dropping kisses along the way. He lingered at her breasts, lavishing them with love and affection before lightly kissing his way down her stomach. He instructed her to raise her hips and stripped her panties down her legs when she did so. Just as she thought they were about to adventure into territory she was not quite prepared for, he dropped a quick kiss on her belly and raised himself back up. As he kissed her again, his hand moved slowly around, gliding down her side to her thigh and then to her knee, before it carefully made its way up the inside of her thigh. She stiffened involuntarily as it came to rest between her legs, but as he continued kissing her and his hand began to rub there, she relaxed and her legs fell apart, her hips rising to meet the heel of his palm as it pressed and circled her mound.


"Shh...it's okay." He whispered words of love and encouragement in her ear, and his slid his hand closer, gauging her readiness. He found her totally ready for him.

"Sam, please." She closed her eyes, and her hips rose even higher.

He quickly took care of protection, then moved between her legs and slowly began to enter her, watching her face for any sign of discomfort. He froze when she winced slightly, and every muscle in his body went taut with the effort of holding still.

"Are you okay?"

He started to withdraw, but she grabbed his shoulders and raised her knees to squeeze her thighs around him, holding him in place. "No, don't go."

Sam cautiously continued, pressing forward as far as he could go, and there he rested, snug inside of her, and gave her time to become adjusted to the unaccustomed fullness. Josie closed her eyes and exhaled little by little when she realized she had been holding her breath. Gradually, the discomfort faded and a restless feeling took its place.

Sam, watching her closely, began to slowly pull back, and he smiled as she opened her eyes to him. Supporting himself with his elbows, he kissed her as he pushed forward again, and this time, as Josie hungrily responded to his kiss, her hips lifted to meet his. Her tongue twined with his as the pace of their strokes increased, the tension rising, building, engulfing her in heat.

She tore her mouth from his, gasping as the tension built to a peak, and her whole body arched as wave upon wave of pure pleasure broke over her. She cried out and clutched Sam's shoulders, overwhelmed by the intensity of it. Moments later, she heard Sam groan her name as he too found release.

Sam slumped forward onto Josie, burying his face in her neck, and she wrapped arms that suddenly had the consistency of wet noodles around his back, hugging him close with what energy she had left. They both took deep, gulping breaths of air, and Josie found that she couldn't keep her lips from smiling.

Sam kissed her shoulder before raising his head to look at her. She blushed and laughed self-consciously. He smiled and brushed her lips softly with his. His eyes met hers, and so much love and tenderness shone there that tears filled her eyes. His voice was a husky whisper.

"I love you, Josie Geller. Thank you for finding me."

Josie smiled through her tears and pulled his head down for another kiss. Sam rolled to the side and pulled her to snuggle against his side, and as she drifted off to sleep cradled in his arms, Josie realized something...

Josie Geller had a man in her bedroom. And in her life. And in her heart.

And she would never be Josie Grossie again.

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To Be Continued

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