High School Dreams, Part 5
By Gwyneth

Date Posted: October 20, 2000

Click here to hear "I Only Have Eyes For You" by Art Garfunkel

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Josie was a little cross with herself throughout the second act. She had wanted to see a good Shakespeare play performed in England for a long time, and now she was actually there she wasn't concentrating on the play at all! Instead her conversation with Sam kept replaying over and over in her head, a strong mental image of his handsome face completely blotting out everything infront of her eyes.

However her conscience forced her attention back to the play as it neared it's climax. Her uncle and aunt had bought her a wonderful ticket and she owed it to them to at least pay attention to some of the play. However as the Duke realized that Viola was indeed a woman and that he loved her, Josie could not help but substitute them for her and Sam. She fantasized that it was Sam seeing her as a beautiful attractive woman for the first time, that it was Sam falling in love with her, and as the final curtain dropped on the stage Josie applauded with more vehemence than anyone else in the audience, a supremely dreamy look on her face.

As the lights were raised on the audience and people gathered their belongings, chattering animatedly to each other about the prowess of the performers, Josie virtually floated out of the theatre, still on a high from her little dream world.

It was only when she saw Sam and Peter standing next to a pillar close to the bar that she was brought back down to Earth. What was she thinking? Her fantasies were starting to get out of control. To even start to believe Sam might be attracted to her was just�absurd.

His manner around her was polite, kind even, but Josie knew this was just his nature. He was simply a good-hearted person. She was sure that she was receiving no special attention: it was only the bizarre circumstances of their reunion that was keeping him near to her. If they were back in Chicago and they had run into each other, Josie was sure he would probably have just said hello, enquired after her health and then probably would have been on his way.

Smiling nervously, she walked towards where they stood, inwardly chastising herself for being so confident in his affections.

"Hi again! So, what did you think of the play?" Sam asked, looking at her intently. He sensed her previously chatty nature had been somewhat subdued, but by what he couldn't determine.

"Oh, I thought it was marvelous! I was completely riveted!" Josie replied, a slight exaggeration, but she was sure she would have been if she didn't have such an overzealous imagination.

"It really was something, huh? The delivery of the players was so precise you could have believed Shakespeare was in the theatre directing it himself!" Sam said with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah; it was fantastic. Right, lets go and find some liquid refreshment, shall we? I know just the place�" Peter said with a sigh of exasperation, starting to tire of Shakespeare. He put his arm through Josie's and led her toward the exit, Sam following just behind. He took them a little further down the river and then branched off away from it down a small street. He stopped them outside a small caf� bar, which now at 10pm was reasonably full but not overcrowded.

It was definitely a yuppie hangout and Josie had to try hard not to laugh at the people inside, carefully arranged on futuristic plastic furniture, trying their damnedest to look like they were young, rich, and successful.

Thankfully there was an upstairs, where the atmosphere was a stark contrast: it was dimly lit and quiet. There were only around 6 or 7 other people there all sitting in booths. Discussions were held at a low level, there was no shouting or raucous laughter, however the mood was definitely upbeat. The music being played at that moment was some kind of electronica; it was quiet and unobtrusive, only aiding the atmosphere.

Peter steered them towards an empty booth right at the back. As they passed the bar, he ordered them all drinks.

Josie was feeling extremely self-conscious. Somehow being out with two good-looking young men in a fashionable bar was different from doing so with her uncle and aunt. She was terribly worried about making some hideous mistake while in their company, despite having been to such places many times now. She scooted along the bench to sit by the wall and was a little surprised when Sam jumped ahead of Peter and sat down next to her. She had thought they would sit opposite each other.

An attractive brunette came over with their drinks and Peter proceeded to pour the wine.

"So, Josie, how long are you here for?" Sam asked after a moment.

"I've been here for a month or so already and I have just under a month to go until I go home," she replied.

"That's a long time! You're going to have an English accent by the time you get back!" Sam remarked with a smile.

"I know! I've already started using English words instead of American!"

"Good," Peter interjected. "The less 'faucets' and 'sidewalks' we have in the world, the better." He grinned, sipping at his wine.

"I go back next week," Sam said. "I've been in Spain and France up until now, visiting another friend and my uncle, respectively."

Josie raised her eyebrows, impressed. "Wow, you're so lucky! I'd love to go around the rest of Europe. Where did you stay?"

Sam proceeded to tell Josie all about his trip, as she listened attentively.

Peter could not get a word in edgewise all evening. It seemed Josie and Sam had an endless list of things in common to talk about, despite the fact they had only met once before. Sam had told him when they had gone back in to the theatre that Josie didn't used to look like she did now, however Peter could not imagine her as anything other than a sexy curvy glamour-puss. He was aware that her personality was something of a contradiction to her appearance. She was obviously not aware of her own beauty, and blushed every time a reference was made to it. She was intelligent, sensitive and smart; qualities that were very appealing, however not of top importance to Peter, as he would go for anything with legs and breasts really.

Yet Peter was intensely aware of Sam's obvious attraction to her. He had not admitted it to Peter, even when Peter suggested the idea to him back at the theatre, but that was not necessary. Anyone looking at the way Sam gazed at Josie deeply, hanging on her every word, touching her arm softly every now and then, could tell he adored her. And Peter was in no doubt of Josie's mutual affection. She had not looked away from Sam other than to look down to her lap as she blushed (which she did often, it seemed), and her constant smiles showed exactly how much she thought of Sam.

Peter sat back in his seat and grinned to himself as he realized that despite the fact their mutual attraction was obvious to every onlooker, each of them was blind to it!

They didn't leave the bar until around midnight, when Sam insisted on putting Josie into a taxi and giving her money for it. They had all arranged to meet up the day after next to have dinner and visit an open-air concert in Hyde Park, and so saying goodbye until then, they went their separate ways.

"You fancy her!" Peter said laughing, as soon as the taxi was out of sight.

Sam looked up at Peter and laughed back. "Don't be stupid! We're just friends�"

Peter snorted in disbelief. "Mmhhmm, yes, because friends gaze at each other all night long with eyes filled with passion�" Peter stepped in front of Sam, batting his eyes at Sam in a parody. "See? Look at my eyes� Oh Sam� I want you! I need you!" Peter grabbed Sam and embraced him.

Sam laughed and pushed Peter off. He was quiet for a moment before replying, "Is it really that obvious?"

"Hmm, well you ignored me all evening, choosing instead to giggle like a love struck teenager and play footsy under the table."

"We were not playing footsy!" Sam said indignantly.

"You might as well have been! I mean, bloody hell! The electricity between you two was so strong you were in danger of shorting out the National Grid!"

Sam grinned and then sighed, "I don't think so. She's not interested in me. Why would she be? She's an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, worldly woman! What would she see in me?"

"An incredibly dashing, intelligent, worldly man, perchance?" Peter replied, rolling his eyes. "You two are bloody terrible! So self effacing and humble. You'll never get it together. 'Oh but he doesn't like me!' 'Ooo, I don't deserve her'. For gods sake! Sunday, you will make your move� even if it kills me!" Peter vowed, giving Sam a friendly shove.

* * *

The taxi ride back to Vicarage Gate was a longish one, giving Josie plenty of time to mull over the events of that evening.

Sam had been so gentlemanly, lending her his jacket as they left the bar, paying for her taxi. It was like something out of a film. Their conversation at the bar had been incredible. They had so much in common that they had not stopped talking all night. In fact, Josie was feeling a little guilty about how they had ignored Peter. But it couldn't have been helped! Josie just couldn't tear her eyes away from Sam. He had been so attentive and courteous; he had made her feel like she was the most important woman on Earth. Even though she was alone now, she felt her cheeks redden at the thought of Sam gazing at her the way he had been all night. If she didn't know better, she would have said his look contained more than friendly interest� Josie scolded herself. It was the wine and the poor lighting that had made the atmosphere seem so intimate. She was sure that when they all met on Sunday he would just be as polite as was necessary and no more.

* * *

Sunday was, by tradition, Walking Day in Jack and Katie's house. Every weekend they would journey out into the countryside for a walk, escaping the claustrophobic smoggy air that cloaked London. Their favorite destinations were invariably the national Trust properties, littering the outskirts of the city.

This weekend they had decided to go to Osterley Park in Hounslow. As Katie was now in the advanced stages of her pregnancy, Jack did not want her to be rushing around or going any great distances, and so he had booked them into a local B&B in the area. That way, they could enjoy a full day out, and also provide a little break away from everyday life.

Josie was in constant awe of the considerate loving relationship her uncle and aunt shared. Since she had been there, she had only heard them argue once, and that was over who was going to go food shopping. They were not simpering and submissive to one another, however. They challenged each other's thoughts and ideas, but managed to do so without upsetting the other. The harmony between them was incredible. If there was such a thing as being perfect for someone, Katie and Jack personified the notion.

So that Sunday Katie and Jack set off from home quite early. Josie was left to her own devices for the day, which did not bother her. She was going to spend most of it panicking about that evening.

Josie had, of course, confided in her aunt about Sam. She had not revealed the true extent of her feelings for him, but Katie had pretty much figured that out for herself. Katie's advice had been simple and obvious: she instructed Josie to be relaxed and herself, and then in quieter tones, said that if she needed a little courage of the Dutch variety she could have a sip of brandy before she left.

Jack was also aware of Josie's impending 'not a date' with Sam that evening. Jack had spent the entirety of the last evening teasing Josie about going on a date, and Josie had spent the entirety of the evening adamantly maintaining that it was not a date. That morning, he was no better.

"Well Josie, after your 'non-date' is over, do feel free to invite him back for 'coffee'," Jack said with a wink and grin as he helped Katie put on her jacket. "Jack! Don't embarrass her!" Katie said, laughing all the same.

Josie blushed cherry red. "It's not a date, Jack! His friend Peter will be there, too� I told you that!"

"Bloody good idea! Chaperone! I know what you kids get up to�" Jack replied, grinning evilly.

Josie sighed in exasperation. There was no point arguing any more; Jack would only come up with another way to tease her about it. She knew how much he loved to tease her.

"Fine," she said at last, turning the tables on Jack. "Have it your way. Is it okay if we use your bed?"

Katie laughed out loud as Jack pulled a face of mock horror. "Katie! Listen to your wicked wench of a niece! Use our bed indeed�" he said indignantly, as he headed out of the door to their Mercedes.

"Bye, Josie love. Have a great evening!!" Katie said, blowing a kiss to Josie before following Jack outside.

* * *

In the Sullivan's apartment in Finsbury, Sam was channel surfing. "Oh! Sam! Turn back to that channel," Peter asked from his seat on the sofa.

Sam did not respond. Peter looked up and saw that although Sam had control of the remote, it obviously was not his conscious mind controlling it, because from the glazed looked on his face, that part of his mind was elsewhere.

"Sam!" Peter said loudly.

Sam blinked and looked over. "Sorry, what did you say? Turn it off? Okay." He clicked the TV off.

Peter tutted loudly, "You are hopeless! You haven't been on this planet since Friday. I hope this girl realizes what she's letting herself in for�"

Sam smiled absentmindedly at Peter, showing that he had not even registered the comment Peter had made.

Peter shook his head in bafflement. "I think you need some fresh air, Sam. Go out, go for a walk, go shopping, go to a bar�just get your love sick arse out of my face!"

Sam grinned apologetically. "Sounds like a good idea. I'll leave you to watch the soccer game in peace."

"Fine by me!" Peter said cheerfully, grabbing the remote control and the bowl of chips, settling back into the sofa. "Oh and Sam?" he called without turning his head.


"It's football."

The weather was still hot and sunny, however a sharp breeze had crept up that morning and so Sam pulled on a lightweight sweater and headed out into the sleepy Sunday morning streets of Finsbury.

He caught a tube (subway train) to Covent Garden and spent the morning ambling around the smart boutiques and kitsch second hand shops.

He actually bought a few things on his travels, however when he returned later that afternoon, he found he couldn't remember buying anything.

He had spent all morning wrestling with his very confusing emotions. That Friday evening he had spent with Josie had been an entirely new experience for him. He had had a clue that Josie was a special kind of girl that day in the school library months ago, but he had not realized how well suited they were mentally until the end of Friday night.

After Peter had accused him of being attracted to Josie, he had at first denied it. However as he had thought it over, he began to believe that maybe the weird sensation that had been steadily building up in him since they had met at the theatre was attraction.

Josie made Sam think, made him use his brain yet was not an overbearing know-it-all.

Josie's views were complimentary to his without directly echoing them. There was no trace of fawning agreement in her opinions. She did not mind opposing Sam's beliefs if she felt strongly enough about them. Sam had instantly admired her for these qualities. In his personal experience, he had met very few girls who stood up to what he said if they disagreed. Most would either agree or start to disagree but then change their minds thinking that if they maintained their stance it would end up in an argument.

Sam was also intrigued by Josie's way of looking at things. She was far more open-minded and liberal in her views on pretty much everything. She couldn't accept anything at face value, in order to make a decision she had to be able to see the issue from every angle possible. This, Sam found, made her almost impossible to argue and win with, but made the argument infinitely more interesting.

Josie stimulated his senses. All of his senses. When he had first seen her at the library, he had been taken in by her penetrating, hypnotic eyes, and now, teamed with her sudden advance into womanhood physically, he had found himself unable to look away from her all evening. He had been sure she had noticed him staring at her, but he couldn't help it. Her beauty was not a classic cover girl kind; it was the combination of all of her features that made her irresistible. From her eyes, to her hair to her mind, all these things made her nothing short of a femme fatale in the sense that Sam knew that if he lost her, he would die of a broken heart.

Sam's thoughts turned to that evening, and a wave of panic flooded over him. He had only three hours until they were supposed to meet. He needed to get himself under control. He wanted to enjoy the evening, not spend it worrying about whether he was making a fool of himself. He went back into the lounge where Peter was still sat in front of the TV and suggested that they go out for a quick drink.

* * *

Josie had spent most of the afternoon alternating between the kitchen and the lounge. She had made cookies and bread, and had managed to watch two old black and white films in a bid to distract herself.

Despite the fact that, as she had continually pointed out to Jack, this evening was not a date, she had to admit it had all the hallmarks of one. Not that Josie had ever been on a date before�she just imagined that the knotted bundle of nerves she felt in the pit of her stomach and the quickened heart rate must be what it felt like. If it wasn't, then she was having a heart attack.

She had been telling herself off all day long for behaving this way�that there was no need for her to be so panicky. She was simply having dinner with two friends: a social occasion no more exciting than having dinner with her uncle and aunt. They were just whiling away some time.

But still Josie could not shake the image of Sam out of her mind. She saw them dancing together under a starry sky, Sam holding her close to him, caressing her hair gently and whispering softly in her ear that he loved her.

Josie was awakened from this daydream by the shrill beeping of the smoke alarm. Jumping up from the kitchen stool, she dashed over to the oven and pulled out the rather blackened cookies. She waved a pair of oven gloves under the smoke alarm until it stopped its shrieking and then she stopped to catch her breath.

'I need to relax' she thought, and so leaving the cookies on the side, she headed upstairs to run a bath.

Katie and Jack's bath was lovely: it was very big and deeper than normal, so it was possible to sit back in it comfortably and be completely up to your neck in bubbles and water. As it was running, Josie headed to her room to get undressed.

The moment she entered her room, she noticed the box on her bed. It was a large flattish cardboard box, with a bow in one corner. Attached to it was a little card.

'Josie, Knock him dead! Love Katie and Jack.'

Josie carefully opened the box and pulled back the tissue lining. Her stomach did a little flip-flop as she pulled out a sheath of exquisite deep blue silk.

Holding it up to the sinking sunlight, it revealed itself to be a long silk dress. The material was light and flippy and around the neckline (which was low and straight, with straps that would rest on the curve of the shoulder) and hem line hundreds of beads in blue, silver and green were sewn in an intricate pattern. Turning it around she saw it was quite low cut at the back and strings of more beads wove across the gap, giving it a criss-cross finish.

Josie had never seen anything like it in her life, and was immediately worried that she would look awful in it. She toyed with the idea of trying it on immediately but she was hot and sticky from cooking and the bath was still running, so carefully placing it on the bed, she decided she would try it after her bath.

As she sank into the enormous heap of scented bubbles she exhaled audibly. The warm water slipped over and around her body like a warm blanket and as she rested her head back against the edge of the tub she felt waves of relaxation crash over her, and before she knew it she had drifted off into a pleasant light sleep.

When she awoke the water was still warm but nearly all of the bubbles had gone. She glanced up at the clock and did a double take.

It was 6 o'clock! That gave her an hour and a half to get ready before Sam and Peter arrived. She leapt out of the bath, and dried herself quickly. Pulling on her dressing gown she scurried downstairs and tidied up the kitchen and lounge. She nibbled the edge of one of the burnt cookies and decided they were best off in the trash bin.

Josie poured herself a cup of coffee and then went back upstairs to dress.

* * *

Sam and Peter had caught a taxi to Josie's place, as Peter wasn't sure he'd be able to find it. They arrived in Vicarage Gate at 7:35pm.

Sam was wearing black dress pants with a pale blue shirt, no tie and a black dinner jacket. The effect was that he looked smart, but not too overdressed. Peter was dressed similarly, except his suit was one of those with the fashionable satin-effect sheen finishes.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens; this is it. Do you want to knock or shall I?" Peter said, smirking at the nervous look in Sam's eyes.

"I'll do it, I wouldn't want her to be scared off." Sam replied, recovering his equanimity.

He stepped up to the mahogany door and knocked.

Through the tinted and frosted glass he could just about see the blurry outlines of objects in the room. None of them were moving, so he knocked again. This time he saw movement in the corner of the room; someone was coming towards the door.

He stepped back a little and swallowed his nerves, fixing what he hoped was a warm smile on his face.

The door opened and all Sam's efforts to look normal and composed failed. Behind him Peter quietly uttered an expletive, meant as a compliment. The sight of Josie took Sam's breath away.

Josie looked stunning, quite simply. The dress was a perfect fit, not too clingy or too sheer. It hung like it was designed for her. Josie had tied some of her hair up on top of her head so that loose curls fell down the back in a gentle cascade. She had borrowed a silvery shawl from her aunt and had it gently wrapped around her arms.

Sam's eyes traveled all the way up her in disbelief, disbelief that he was about to take this gorgeous creature out for the evening. As his eyes met with hers, Sam felt an undeniable surge of desire for her flood through him.

She looked nervous, and given that neither he nor Peter had spoken since she opened the door, Sam could understand why.

"Josie, I�you�you look gorgeous!" he finally managed to say, smiling earnestly at her.

Josie's face lit up, unfortunately making her look even better and Sam had to try again to regain his composure.

"You look nice too Sam, and you too Peter." Josie said happily.

"Are you ready to go? We have a taxi�" Sam said, still struggling to come to terms with how good she looked.

"Oh, yes, I'll just get my keys." She turned around and headed back in to the lounge.

"Bloody hell, Sam! She's amazing!" Peter said, laughing.

Sam did not answer, he was staring after Josie's retreating figure thinking to himself that he would never have the courage to tell her how he felt.

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