By Linda

You are listening to "Final Countdown" by Europe
Date Posted: June 28, 2000

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or situations from the movie, I'm just borrowing them for a while. I promise to return them safe and sound, and, well, maybe a little more relaxed... :)

Rating: PG-13 Summary: Follow Josie through that one perfect moment in time... (Post-Never Been Kissed Fan Fiction)

Feedback will be appreciated more than you'll ever know I'd love to hear what you thought about it!!!!!

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For the first time in her life, Josie Geller felt time like a heartbeat.

The seconds were pumping in her breast like a reckoning. She could feel her pulse throbbing behind her closed eyelids as the adrenaline coursed through every capillary of her body.

She thought of the anticipation she had felt waiting on the ballfield for Sam to arrive. It wasn't a new feeling. She'd experienced it before, and she'd lost count of the times years ago. The feeling of expectancy... Of not wanting to get hurt another time, yet wanting to hold on to that last tingling feeling of hope, needing to believe so fiercely that it made her whole body ache... achr for that feeling of her world narrowing down to nothing but the amazing sensation of kissing -- really kissing -- the man that she loved.

She loved him, yes. In the article, she hadn't been all that brave -- writing that she thought that she might be falling in love with him was only a half-truth. That way, she'd learned, it didn't hurt quite as much when she was turned down or betrayed. Or at least, she'd kept telling herself that through the years. It was futile, though. Standing here, surrounded by thousands of people watching her more intensely than in that movie The Truman Show, she doubted that a few changed words in a sentence would really have saved her some of the humiliation, had he not shown up.

But he had shown up, dear God, he had, she thought, still stunned.

It had been the Final Countdown, indeed. That song had been one of the largest hits of the 80s, and she'd always secretly loved it in a way, even though she'd never been able to explain why. Until now.

They could have been standing there for hours or mere seconds -- she really couldn't tell, as she'd lost concept of time the moment Sam Coulson had touched his lips to hers for the very first time. She'd surrendered to the sensation, and had never felt as powerless in her whole life.

But it was a good feeling. Very much so, she smiled to herself as she thought about it. If a gigantic meteorite had eliminated the Earth that very second, she would have died as the happiest woman in the world. For the first time in her life, everything felt just right.

"Way to go, sis!"

The familiar voice made her slowly, and just a tad reluctantly, return back to the world of the living. Gently pulling back, she let her hand linger on Sam's cheek for a moment, letting herself get lost in his warm eyes for another second, before she let her hand glide down the side of his arm and capture his strong hand. Smiling broadly, she then turned to the source of the sound -- Rob.

"Thanks, Rob!" she yelled to her brother, who was smiling to her from the other side of the arena. "Now go get 'em!" Her words were muffled by the sound of the still-cheering audience, but he seemed to understand her anyway, and answered with giving her the sign of victory.

She was sure that she wasn't the other one who understood the double meaning.

She turned back to Sam.

"Well..." she said, almost shyly. "I guess that we should be going. I'm sure you didn't like couples kissing in the middle of the rink when you were playing hockey..."

That earned her a chuckle, and she found that the stars in his eyes, if possible, were twinkling even more.

"Oh, yeah, it was absolutely terrible when that happened," he joked back. He bent down to touch his lips to hers for one last time, and she smiled into the kiss. Then, never letting go of his hand, she started to lead them off the arena.

"I guess we'd better get off the field before they throw us off", she said, gently tugging at his hand.

He laughed again.

"Oh, definitely. The punishment should probably be to be thrown out of the game completely, so why don't we just get out of here and save them the trouble?" He looked around them, letting his gaze wander over the crowded bleachers, the team warming up down on the arena, and then back to her face again, studying it intently. "Someplace more... quiet?"

She laughed.

"Yeah. Audience has never been my strongest side..."

He looked at her then, his eyes growing soft.

"You did a great job out there," he told her.

She smiled, as she stood on tiptoe and leaned into him again.

"I'm glad I did it", she whispered, pressing her lips against his in a soft kiss.

"So am I..." Sam whispered back, as he pulled her closer. "Believe me, so am I..."

* * *

Neither of them had spoken much in the cab on the way home to Josie's place.

By mutual agreement (although it wasn't a very hard decision to make...) they'd decided to go there, since Sam's apartment was out of question. With any luck, the broker hadn't sold it yet, and Sam would be able to get it back the next day or so. Some of his things were already halfway to New York, but luckily, he'd discovered and read Josie's article before he'd had the chance to pack everything.

After paying for the ride, they'd walked the stairs up to the front door, both of them trying to cover up their own discomfort with jokes about nothing and everything at the same time. The natural ease, which had always seemed to surround them when they'd been in each other's company during the days at high school, seemed to be far away, and they both knew why. There were still some unresolved issues haunting both their minds...

"So... this is your family?" Sam asked, looking at one of the photos standing neatly on a bookshelf in the living room.

"Yeah," Josie replied. "That's my mother," she pointed as she spoke, "my father, and that's Rob." She looked down to the floor as she said her brother's name.

"Both you and your brother really had me fooled there," Sam said.

Josie sighed.

"I know. And I'm sorry. At the prom -- I was going to tell you about the assignment, but then everything just got out of hand... I saw them about to make a fool of Aldys, and I just couldn't let it happen." She glanced away. "I've seen it before. I've been there, and I knew I had to stop it. Just as I had to stop the assignment -- I only found out about my boss wanting me to write about you the day before the prom. I was going to tell you about that too, but..." she shrugged. "Anyway, I'm just sorry you had to hear it that way. I'm so sorry I hurt you."

She dared a glance up into Sam's face, praying that he'd understand. He was looking directly at her, his expression filled with hurt, shame, but no anger.

"Look..." he said, taking her hand, "Josie... don't apologise. I'm the one who should be sorry -- I love you, and I should have trusted you more than to listen to that guy out on the steps instead of you. I was just so confused... But what you did there in the arena, your article..."

He paused to cup her chin with his free hand, forcing her eyes to meet his. Their gazes immediately locked, like two spirits who have just found their way back to their long lost soulmates, and for a moment, there was nothing he could do but smile. He was rewarded by the corner of her mouth reluctantly turning upwards in a lop-sided smile, and he let his thumb trace the soft fullness of her lower lip.

"It saved me", he simply continued. "If I'd listened to my pride... If I'd moved after Lara to New York..." He shook his head, chuckling. "What can I say? You're a damn good writer!"

That made Josie smile as well.

"Thank you", she whispered. "Thank you for coming back...for everything."

Sam bent down to press a soft kiss to her lips.

"I should be the one to say thank you," he whispered softly. He pulled her face closer into his, as he deepened the kiss, and soon, their tongues were duelling fiercely as they kissed, breathlessly, endlessly.

For the second time that day, Josie felt her consciousness narrow down to nothing but the two of them, as they were kissing so desperately that she could hardly tell where one of them ended and the other one started. She felt light-headed, as if her brain had turned into cotton somehow, and all she could think of was how truly, deeply she loved this man. She felt her fingers, almost on their own command, work their way up his neck, his cheeks, his temples, to thread themselves through his silky hair, as she felt his hands restlessly roaming up and down the sides of her small frame.

What happened next was something she was going to remember as heartbeats only. A series of snapshots, each too bright and filled with too much love and emotion to be viewed any other way than one at a time.

Sam gently laying her down onto the comforter of her soft bed.
The brush of his hands as he slowly undressed her.
His admiring gaze as he let it caress her naked body.
The soft sprinkling of an Elysian waterfall of kisses all over her.
Her first sight of Sam as she undressed him.
Their bodies pressed tightly together, without any barriers between them for the first time.
The teasing whispers, laughter, and caresses they shared as they slowly stoked the fire of their passion.
The feelings and emotions expressed in Sam's incredible eyes as he made sweet love to her.
The pure heaven as they tumbled over the edge together.
Their perfectly synchronised heartbeats as they were lying in each other's arms, promising each other that they'd always be together.

And finally, the feeling she'd been longing for her whole life. That heartbeat of time, that thing, that moment, when everything in the world was just perfect.

*~* The End *~*

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