Disguises, Part 8
By Lori

Date Posted: October 24, 2000

Click here to hear "The Heat Is On" by Glenn Frey

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Josie shivered and her heart began beating fast at what Sam had just said. Did she hear him right? He saw her license? He looked Josie squarely in the eye as he waited for her to respond.

"You... you saw my license?" she said shakily, feeling both her migraine and nausea return with a vengeance. "I... I can explain."

"Josie, I have to say I'm really surprised. And, I guess�a little disappointed." Sam continued looking at her with his intense, questioning eyes.

Josie knew what this meant. She now had to tell him the truth. All of it.

"I wanted to tell you." She said quietly, noticing the expression on Sam's face. She looked down at the table, trying to avoid his gaze. She knew she was about to hurt him with what she was going to say. "Let me start at the beginning." She took a deep breath and was about to continue.

Sam fixated on Josie's flushed complexion and realized she was embarrassed and flustered by his bringing the subject up. He had only intended to change the subject; he didn't mean to make her any more uncomfortable than she already was.

Josie was about to open her mouth to begin her long explanation about whom she was, where she worked and her real age, when she saw Sam reach over and placed his hand over hers. "Josie," he said. "Look at me."

Josie looked up and was somewhat surprised to see Sam smiling. "Would it make you feel any better if I told you some of my best friends did the same thing when I was in high school?"

Josie was completely confused. What was he talking about?

"That doesn't mean I condone it," he continued, "I guess I'm just surprised is all." Sam tried to read Josie's confused expression. "I just didn't picture you as the kind of person who would have or need a fake ID."

Josie's heart was still racing from the idea of being revealed, when what he had just said sank in.

"Fake ID?" she found herself asking in a whisper out loud. "Oh..." she inhaled a long, deep breath, feeling her nerves settle a bit. "Fake ID. Yes, well, right. You found me out. Busted." she stammered. It looked like she wouldn't have to tell him now, after all. She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she wasn't ready to have that conversation now, at this moment. It would have to wait until she was mentally prepared to tell him everything. She knew that day would be coming soon. But right now, she wasn't thinking straight.

Sam smiled grimly at her flustered reaction. He felt guilty for the subtle reprimand, but he was, after all, her teacher, even though he once was seventeen himself and hadn't acted that differently.

"Josie, don't worry about it," he reassured her. "I won't tell anyone. It will be our secret. I was just surprised is all. And..." he continued "I wish you would have had your real license instead of that fake one last night. Maybe then I could have taken you home to your parents and you wouldn't have had to settle for my meager accommodations." His smile lit up his face and Josie grinned back.

"Not meager at all," she returned. "In fact, I really appreciate it." Her face turned serious. " Thank you." For a moment, their eyes locked and they were both transfixed on each other.

"So�" Sam decided to change the subject. "Do you think you're feeling well enough to maybe get dressed so I can take you home? Your parents must be worried sick about you."

"Oh, right," Josie said, still somewhat dazed from their intense eye contact. "I probably should get going. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you last night. I... I just can't believe that I lost control like that. I'm so embarrassed." She shook her head lightly and tears began to well up in her eyes once again.

"Josie, hey..." he lightly turned her chin up so she would look at him. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Nothing at all." He looked deep into her eyes. His hand dropped from her chin and he lightly grasped her hand. "In some ways, I'm glad this happened. If I hadn't found you last night, I would have been worried all night long. At least now I know for sure that you're okay." He smiled again as he slowly let go of her hand and stood up to take their half- empty mugs to the kitchen.

Still mesmerized by Sam's affectionate gesture, Josie sat for a moment at the table, looking off in the distance. She knew the situation wasn't ideal, but at the very least she knew without a doubt that Sam Coulson cared very much about her, even if it was only as a friend. The idea warmed her heart.

* * *

Jack Kerdan, principal of South Glen South High School was reading the Sunday paper outside on his back patio when his wife called out "Jack, telephone." Turning his head slightly to his wife who was standing on the other side of the patio screen door, he wondered who would be calling him on a Sunday morning. Sighing heavily, he lowered the paper and walked over to his wife to retrieve the cordless phone.

"Hello?" he spoke into the phone.

"Yes, is this Principal Kerdan?" he heard a female voice ask.

"Speaking," he responded. Great, he thought, not only was his Sunday morning interrupted but it was obviously related to work. He hated that.

"My name is Lara Patton. I don't think we've met in person. I'm Sam Coulson's girlfriend. Maybe he's mentioned me to you?"

"No, I don't believe he has," he replied flatly.

"Well, Mr. Kerdan, I do apologize for interrupting your Sunday morning. I wouldn't have bothered you with this on the weekend, but I'm going out of town and it was urgent that I speak with you."

"What can I help you with?" he asked, more than a little put off by her call.

"I think you need to be aware of something. Something about Sam."

Sam? he thought. Hmmm... "Go on," he urged.

"It is really difficult for me to say this, especially where Sam is my boyfriend and all...but I felt I had to. You see, Sam is, well, how should I say it..."

Jack was annoyed that she was beating around the bush. "Why don't you say it like it is?"

"Okay. Sam is having an inappropriate relationship with one of your students."

Jack stopped pacing as the meaning of her statement sunk in. "Sam? Sam Coulson?" he asked, completely shocked. "Sam Coulson is one of the best teachers I have on staff. I'm sorry, Miss...?"

"Patton," Lara supplied. "Lara Patton."

"Well Miss Patton, I have to admit I find this a little hard to believe. This is quite a serious charge you're making... Are you sure that...?"

"I have proof," Lara cut him off. "You see, Mr. Kerdan, Sam and I have always had a very strong relationship, even though it is long distance. But lately, he just hadn't been the same. He seemed...preoccupied. Thinking that maybe he was just missing us being together, I decided to surprise him and showed up to Prom unnanounced. I was shocked to find out that he had 'other plans'."

"Uh huh," Jack said with more than a little doubt lacing his voice. "So, what were these supposed 'other plans' of his?"

"Well, I'm not certain of the details," Lara said, "since it was not a subject he was interested in discussing with me... but I do know from a very reliable source that he was seen with the girl - who was quite intoxicated at the time, I might add - in the lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel."

Jack's stomach tightened with tension at that news. This was sounding worse by the minute. Still, he would never accuse a good teacher of something like this without facts to back it up. "So far, what you've given me is rumor and heresay, Ms. Patton. I can't suspend a man's job over a rumor. I need to know what kind of proof you have, exactly."

"Well, I can give you the hotel front desk clerk's name -- he can verify that they were there together... and that they left together." Lara made a tsking sound. "The poor girl couldn't even walk, I understand... He was practically carrying her out. And they were seen by the valet in the parking lot as they got into Sam's car together. I have good reason to believe that he is with her right now. As in, they were together all night. In fact, if Sam can be found, I'm pretty sure that the girl will be with him."

Jack was still reluctant to believe what Lara was telling him. Jack just could not imagine Sam Coulson acting in such a manner with one of his underaged students. Sam had certainly proven himself, both as a wonderful teacher and a decent, thoughtful human being in the three years he'd been teaching. But seeing that she had names of witnesses and all, he knew he had to consider it. Sam was still a handsome, available young teacher, and this wouldn't be the first time Jack would have dealt with this issue.

"I must tell you, Ms. Patton," Jack offered, "that I happen to be huge fan of Sam Coulson, and I have a hard time accepting what you're saying. However, as the school principal, I certainly cannot ignore it such a serious charge." "I'll tell you what... I live a few blocks away from Sam. If he happens to be home, I'll check it out. Otherwise, I'll have a chat with him tomorrow. Will that satisfy you?"

"Mr. Kerdan, I can assure you that I'm not satisfied with any of this. I'm very disturbed and distraught about my relationship with the man I love, and I feel as if I've betrayed him by doing this, even though it seems that he has betrayed me. Like I said, I'm only coming forward with this because I think it's the right thing to do. The girl can't possibly be old enough to know what she's getting into..."

Jack sighed heavily. "Is there a number I can reach you at if I have any questions?"

Lara gave him the number at the hotel and her home number in case he called her later in the week.

"Oh, one more thing," Jack added. "Who exactly is this student that Sam is allegedly involved with?"

"Her name is Josie Geller. Goodbye, Mr. Kerdan," and then she hung up.

Jack looked at the phone as if it were a foreign object as his mind began to spin. Josie Geller? Wasn't she that new student? Jack looked out the window, absorbing the accusation. He had noticed that Sam had spent a lot of time with Josie of late, but it didn't seem anything out of the ordinary. It seemed more likely to him that this Lara person was trying to hurt Sam for some reason, but he needed to check out all options.

"Barbara..." Jack called to his wife who had disappeared somewhere to the back of the house. "I'm going out for a little while. I'll be back in ten minutes." He grabbed his car keys and then he changed his mind. 'It's not far. I may as well walk, he said to himself. "Make that a half hour," he called out to her and walked out the door.

* * *

Josie emerged from the bathroom, wearing her sundress from the night before. She had freshened up a little, but was looking forward to going home and taking a long, hot shower.

Sam was sitting in his leather recliner, waiting for Josie to get dressed, thinking about everything they had said this morning. He had come close to telling her his true feelings, but was glad that he had restrained himself. The timing wasn't right -- she was already overwhelmed with what had happened to her last night, waking up in her teacher's apartment, and unsure of what she couldn't remember. It really was best that he wait to tell her everything at the right time. This definitely wasn't it. He saw her coming down the hall and slowly stood up.

"Ready?" he asked as he smiled at her.

Still slightly embarrassed about the whole situation, Josie looked down to the floor. "Yes, thanks." She paused for a moment before walking in front of him toward the front door. Just as she grasped the doorknob, she turned slightly to look at Sam, who was right behind her. He almost bumped into her.

Still looking down at the floor, she said "I want to thank you again for everything. For making sure I was okay." Her eyes shifted upward and locked with his. "You have no idea how much I appreciate it." Before he could respond, she quickly turned and opened the door, walking outside.

Sam sucked in a deep breath and followed Josie outside. He walked next to her in silence as he led her to his parked car, and then opened the door for her so she could get in the passenger seat and closed it behind her. He then got in the driver's side and turned on the ignition. Before putting the car in drive, he turned and smiled at Josie.

"So, Josie. Why don't you reveal the big mystery and tell me where you live."

"Oh, right." she smiled back and blushed, realizing that she couldn't go back to her apartment. She would have to go to her parent's house. "1024 Newberry Lane. Just off the corner of Newberry and Acacia."

"I think I know where it is." Sam replied as he put the car in drive. He knew exactly where it was.

* * *

As Jack Kerdan turned onto the block where he knew Sam's apartment was, he watched in shock as a black Jetta - Sam's car - carrying his best teacher and his brightest student drove past, slowly making its way down the street, just before turning the corner.

* * *

Josie saw the blinking red light on her answering machine and held her breath as she pressed play.

"GELLER!" she recognized the sound of Gus's voice shouting into the recording. She winced at what she knew was coming. "I want you in my office ASAP! If I don't hear from you soon, you're... you're fired! Do you hear me! You're fired! Rigfort is having a coronary over this and he wants blood. Call me!"

Josie took a deep breath as the next message played. "Josie, where the hell are you?!" It was Gus again. "Are you trying to get me fired? I want you in my office now!" he hung up.

As the next message played, a small grin formed on Josie's mouth as she predicted the caller. "Josie... Please! Please call me!" It was Gus. He hung up.

Playing the fourth and final message, Josie expected it to be Gus again, but was it was Anita. "So, girl... I want some details. Gus is going crazy here... oh, for god sakes... hold on..." Josie could here the phone fumble. "Geller," it was now Gus, "Please, if I've ever asked anything of you, please call in as soon as you get this message."

She shook her head slowly. She knew what she had to do. But first, she was going to take a long, hot shower and wash away everything bad from the night before. Everything good was safely tucked away in her mind and in her heart.

* * *

Whistling to himself as he walked down the hallway toward his classroom, Sam had to grin while thinking about his weekend. A lot had happened, but through everything, he knew that Josie had feelings for him. That was all he could think about.

Upon entering the classroom, Sam was startled to see Principal Kerdan sitting alone at Sam's desk, obviously awaiting his arrival.

"Good morning, Jack," Sam said, a little nervously as he walked toward him, lowering his briefcase to the floor. "Did you decide to take me up on my offer to sit through one of my English Lit classes?" Sam was trying to be playful, but he couldn't ignore the rather serious expression on Jack's face.

"Sam, I need to have a few words with you."

Simply from the tone in Jack's voice, Sam knew what those 'few words' would be about. His heart sunk as he realized that he was going to be confronted with what happened over the weekend.

"Okay..." Sam said slowly.

Jack stood up and looked Sam squarely in the eye. "In my office. Now." he commanded, as he turned to walk out of the room. Sam closed his eyes and opened them slowly, sucking in a deep breath, and then followed him to the principal's office.

* * *

All morning, Josie had been nervous about seeing Sam again. It was all she could think about. The minutes seemed to pass like hours, until it was finally time for his class. She was excited to see him, but also a little embarrassed about what had happened over the weekend.

As she walked through the door heading toward her seat, she glanced over at Sam's desk, which was empty. He apparently wasn't there yet. Sitting quietly at her desk, she found herself watching the doorway, focusing only on Sam's arrival. She wasn't prepared when instead of Sam walking through the door, Guy slowly sauntered toward her and paused in front of her desk.

"No one ditches Guy Perkins." he said quietly with an angry tone in his voice, and then walked away toward the back of the room. Josie felt off balance by his statement, and took a deep breath, trying to refocus on Sam. The class period began with the sound of the bell, and Josie was confused as to why Sam wasn't there. Suddenly, the door opened, and Principal Kerdan walked in with a woman.

"Class, this is Ms. Hamilton. She will be substitute teaching today in Mr. Coulson's absence." There was a collective groan from the class, which was unnoticed by Josie. Something was definitely not right... Where was Sam?

"Miss Geller?" Josie hadn't noticed that she was being addressed. "Miss Geller." Prinipal Kerdan repeated.

She snapped out of her daze and looked at him. "Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized.

"Would you please follow me? I'd like to see you in my office."

"Woooo!" everyone cheered in a sing-song.

Josie was a little confused and nervous, but slowly stood up and followed him out of the room. They walked in silence to the administrative offices. As they walked down the hallway, Josie saw Sam through the small glass pane in the door of the Guidance counselor's office. He was sitting across from two men and, with a frustrated look on his face, talked in a very animated way. She knew immediately that something was wrong and a small shiver went up her spine.

"Miss Geller, this way, please," Principal Kerdan gestured toward his office and she walked in, taking a seat in the chair in front of his desk. He slowly walked behind his desk and sat facing her, folding his hands together and resting them on the desk in front of him.

"It seems as though we have a great deal to talk about, Ms. Geller."

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