Disguises, Part 3
By Lori

Date Posted: August 2, 2000

This is a continuation from the first part. It's slightly different from what happened in the movie. If you like it, please let me know!

Click here to hear "The Way You Look Tonight" by Tony Bennett

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With her hair still wet from taking a long, relaxing shower, Josie wrapped a towel around herself and padded off barefoot to the bedroom. She opened the bottom drawer of her dresser and removed a package wrapped in tissue paper that she had brought home earlier in the week. Gently tearing the tissue aside, she lifted up a crimson colored silk slip by the straps and held it out in front of her.

It wasn't like Josie to pay attention to details as minor as lingerie, but tonight she wanted to feel pretty. When Josie saw the "Rosalind" dress in the costume store, her eyes had lit up, as she reflected on all the beautiful Shakespearean costumes she had seen in the theater over the years. This dress was more beautiful than any she could remember. All week she had been looking forward to wearing it and becoming someone other than Josie Geller, undercover reporter. She almost laughed at the idea of wanting a disguise for her disguise.

Letting the towel drop to the floor, Josie pulled the slip over her head and let it fall into place. As she walked back toward the bathroom to dry her hair, she caught her reflection in the full length mirror and stopped in her tracks. Inspecting herself more closely, she didn't recognize who was looking back at her. For the first time, she saw a beautiful woman.

* * *

As the limousine turned the corner and began slowly approaching Rob's house, Guy looked out the window and smiled to himself. This was going to be one unforgettable night. He watched as the front door opened to Rob's house, and then he saw her step outside.


She looked incredible.

Standing before him, Josie wore her elegant Rosalind dress, modestly ornate, yet extremely feminine. He remembered cringing a little when Josie had told him of her idea for their costumes, but this moment made everything worth it. The rose-colored bodice was fringed with gold lace, and tightly conformed to her bust, leaving very little to the imagination. The waist was tapered and transitioned into a full skirt, which accentuated Josie's curvaceous body. Her hair was swept up in a soft bun, with just a few loose tendrils surrounding her face.

Guy looked down at the flower he was holding in his hand and immediately regretted not having a full bouquet, but this would have to do. He opened the sunroof and stood up so he could get a better look at her. When she saw him, a troubled look flashed across her face.

Once again, Guy had the familiar difficulty trying to read Josie's expression. It seemed that just when he thought he had Josie figured out, something else would change and he would be confounded yet again. This was one of those times. Still, he figured now was a good time to start his romantic gestures. As the car slowed to a stop, he smiled warmly and extended the flower so Josie could see it, twirling it around in his fingers. "Come on, beautiful, let's go."

Josie grinned from ear to ear.

"Good," Guy thought to himself with a secret smile. "It was working."

* * *

After inspecting each other's costumes, Josie, Guy, and the others began filtering into the ballroom with all the other couples. As Josie walked into the room, she let the energy of bright flashing lights and music fill her. 'So, this is what Prom is all about,' she smiled to herself.

As they walked over the bridge through the prom props, several people turned to look at Josie, who was by far the most stunning woman in the room.

"Josie, great outfit!"

"Wow Josie, you look amazing!"

Walking to their table, Josie began scanning the room to find Sam. He was nowhere to be found. She reasoned that it was still a little early, so maybe he wasn't there yet. She then noticed the chaperones' table in the corner and saw Ms. Knox and several other teachers she didn't know laughing and talking together. The table was full, except for two empty chairs. She figured that they were for Sam and Lara.

Feeling satisfied that she found where Sam would be when he got there, Josie sat next to Kristen and turned to look over at Guy, who appeared to be showing off his sword to Tommy.

"Awesome!" Tommy said, inspecting the blade. Then in an almost whisper, Tommy asked, "So, is everything taken care of? Did you get the room?"

"Shh..." Guy said, as he looked over at Josie. But luckily, she was talking to Kristen about prom court and hadn't heard.

"She doesn't know yet," Guy had a mischievous grin on his face. "Everything is all set. We're still planning on meeting up with everyone after Prom like we arranged, but then Josie and I are going to go off for our own after-prom party, if you know what I mean." Tommy smiled and nodded, patting Guy on the shoulder before walking off to get some punch.

Turning back to Josie, who was still talking to Kristen, Guy walked over and gently tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me... May I have this dance?"

Josie looked down and blushed. She had never danced with anyone other than her father and Rob before. "I would love to," she smiled. "Thank you."

Guy led Josie to the dance floor and lightly placed his right hand on her waist and locked his left hand with hers in a diplomatic, yet gentlemanly manner. He had decided to keep some distance between them for now so he wouldn't scare her. As they swayed to the music, Josie's eyes were drawn to the chaperones' table, and again, she saw the two empty seats.

As the song ended, they announced that dinner was about to be served. Josie and Guy returned to the table, only to find Gibby, Kirsten and Kristen making fun of Aldys and her friends.

As Josie approached the table, she made eye contact with Aldys, who immediately turned her back and walked away. The part of this job that Josie hated the most was finding a way to tolerate how her new group of "friends" treated Aldys. But she knew there was nothing she could do. She looked down at the wings pin, which she had forgotten about until this moment, and remembered that her colleagues back at the office were experiencing her prom with her. The idea of lying to everyone around her and her purpose for being there made Josie feel lightheaded. She suddenly decided she needed some air.

Guy pulled out the chair for Josie to take her seat. Instead, she turned to him. "Guy, I think I may have left something in the limo. Do you mind if I see if the driver is parked somewhere nearby so I can get it? "

"Do you need any help?"

"No, I'll be fine. Thanks." Josie walked around the tables and purposely chose a route that would take her past the chaperones' table. The two chairs were still empty.

* * *

Sam parked his car on the street after finding out the parking lot was full. It served him right for being late. Because he didn't get much sleep the night before, he took a nap when he got home and slept much later than he intended to. Then he'd had to put his costume together, which took some time. Luckily, the costume that Lara would have worn, had she gone with him or wanted to wear it, was more time-consuming to put together than his own. If he'd had to wait for her to get ready, he probably still wouldn't be here. Just then, Sam realized that without the companion costume to the one he was wearing, he probably should have just worn his tuxedo, but it was too late now. He knew, deep in his heart, he was wearing the costume for Josie.

He thought about Lara for a moment, who was probably on her way back to New York...or already there. She didn't call or leave a message. He knew their relationship was over and that was probably best, but he needed to have a chance to explain. Last night, he finally admitted to himself that he was in love with Josie. The problem was, he's admitted it to Lara at the same time, and that wasn't fair to either Lara or Josie.

As Sam shut the car door, he glanced at his watch, which read five minutes after eight. They were probably serving dinner right now, and the crowning would be taking place in a half hour, he thought to himself. Ms. Knox was probably wondering where he was.

So as not to draw attention to himself coming in late, Sam decided to go in through the back door. As he walked through the gardens leading to the back entrance, he watched as the door opened and a stream of light from inside temporarily illuminated the porch. A woman wearing a full dress stepped outside and then turned to close the door.

As Sam walked closer, the woman turned forward in the darkness and began descending down the stairs leading to the garden. When she reached the bottom step, she stopped for a moment to look up at the moon, which lit up her face.

There, standing in front of him, was the most beautiful woman Sam had ever seen. He sucked in a painful breath and held it. He was amazed, astounded, even dumbstruck by her beauty.

It was Josie.

Sam's heart skipped a beat and then started pounding, since he knew that she would indeed be the first one to see him in his costume; the one he'd worn for her. Stopping in his tracks, he watched Josie to see what she would do next.

Looking up at the moon as if it held the answers to her problems, Josie took a deep breath and let out a small sigh. She wondered briefly why Sam was so late... Was he even coming? Just then, she heard movement in the darkness of the garden before her.

"Is someone there?" she called out, fear just tinging her voice. She looked back for a moment and realized that, other that this mysterious presence, she was definitely alone. The sound of someone approaching got closer and Josie's heart began beating fast. Just as she was about to turn and hurry back inside, she saw someone dressed in black appear before her from the shadows.

"Josie," she heard the man say, "it's me." The figure walked closer to her so she could see his face his face in the moonlight.

It was Sam. And he was alone.

Josie stood speechless as she took in Sam's appearance. He was wearing a black woven tunic with a very deep vee collar, partially laced with leather cording, which exposed his neck and well-defined chest rather well. Around his neck, a formal knee length cape was attached with a multicolored wheel-shaped pin. His shirt and cape hung loosely over his black, slim-fitting leggings. A wide, black leather belt around his waist held an immense sword, its scabbord encased in jewels, which fell to his right side. Josie sucked in her breath as she immediately realized who he must be.

"Lancelot," she half-whispered in awe, just loud enough for Sam to hear.

Sam smiled widely at Josie's recognition of his costume, as he climbed the steps to stand next to her. "Josie, you look..." he paused, not knowing what word to use. Incredible? Magnificent? Angelic? No, he decided, he couldn't give that much away...yet. Instead, he settled on "...terrific." Definitely not the word he wanted to say, but he knew he had to be careful. The truth was, she was breathtaking and Sam couldn't take his eyes off of her. He took a deep breath and noticed her sweet scent wrapping around him. After another moment, he asked huskily, "So... How did you know who I was?"

She looked downward at Sam's neckline and swallowed hard. The amount of his neck and chest that was visible through the loosened laces proved to Josie what she had instinctively known all along: that Sam had an incredibly lithe, athleticly built body. Just the thought of what else she couldn't see made her face flush with heat. Finally, she gazed back up into Sam's eyes. "The emblem on the pin," she said finally, not looking away even though she realized that at least some of her feelings must be reflected in her face. "It's the ancient symbol for a knight of the Round Table."

Sam was again amazed that Josie would recognize such a small detail. But then, wasn't that one of the things that he loved best about her?

Josie thought that Sam could not have chosen a more fitting costume. Sir Lancelot du Lac, King Arthur's most trusted and beloved knight of the Round Table. He was kind, giving, honorable, and caring, just like the man before her. Considering that Josie had always thought of Sam as her "knight in shining armor", it was too incredible a coincidence that he would show up at Prom dressed as one.

Sam and Josie stood for what seemed like forever, entranced by the other's beauty. They stood that way longer than they knew they both should, but it was as if they could not help themselves. But then Josie remembered her wings pin and looked down at the stone walkway guiltily to break the connection. Sam cleared his throat and looked down as well.

"So," Josie said, not able to look at Sam as she asked, "where is your Guenivere?"

Sam realized with a start that Josie was much more "his Gueneviere" than Lara would ever have been. After all, wasn't this love of his for Josie just as doomed, just as impossible, as the love King Arthur's favored knight had felt for the King's own wife? Oh, how he understood poor Lance's fever for the unattainable Gueneviere, because at that moment, he knew he felt the same fever for Josie. No matter the cost, Sam knew that soon he would also throw caution to the wind just as Lancelot did and pray for the Fates to be kind.

"She..." Just thinking of the reason why Lara was not there that night made Sam stammer. "She wasn't able to make it. I'm alone."

Josie felt happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because she didn't think she could take seeing Sam and Lara together again. Sad, because she knew how much it meant to Sam for her to be with him.

"Oh..." she commisserated, and then joked, "What? She couldn't sneak away from the King tonight?"

Sam smiled at Josie's attempt to make him feel better. "Yeah," he agreed. "Something like that. So, where's the fair Orlando?" Sam was hoping Josie was alone as well.

"Oh! He's inside."

Although he kept the smile on his face, Sam, deep in his heart, was disappointed.

"So, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" After he said it, Sam realized how corny and awkward it sounded. "I mean," he backpedaled nervously, "why are you outside all alone instead of inside enjoying your prom?"

Josie looked up at Sam, wanting desperately to tell him everything - her feelings for him, her job - everything. Again, she looked down at the wings pin and knew she couldn't.

"Actually, I was just getting a little air. There are so many people in there."

They both heard the music stop inside, when an announcement was made about the crowning of the King and Queen coming up.

"Well, I guess duty calls," Sam said with a sigh. "I'm needed for the crowning." After a moment's pause, Sam bowed elegantly before Josie, playing the part of the gallant knight to the hilt, and then offered her his arm. "Shall we?" he asked, as he used his left hand to show the way before them.

Josie nodded, her face beaming with a huge smile. She slipped her hand onto his arm and they walked up the stairs and into the ballroom together.

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To Be Continued

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