Disguises, Part 2
By Lori

Date Posted: July 20, 2000

This is a continuation from the first part. It's slightly different from what happened in the movie. If you like it, please let me know!

Click here to hear "Constant Craving" by K. D. Lang

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"Can I give you a kiss goodnight?" A kiss. He wanted a kiss.

Before Josie could answer, Guy was already leaning against her, wrapping his arms around her. Josie's eyes widened in terror as she focused on Guy's lips inching closer and closer toward her, almost as if in slow motion.

"NOOOO!" Josie yelled.

She opened her eyes and realized that she had just woken up from a bad dream. She slowly exhaled as she glanced at the alarm clock on the table next to the bed. It read 7:23 AM.

Josie closed her eyes once again, and replayed the events of the day before. She had been awake most of the night, dissecting everything that had happened. She thought about Sam and the talk they had on the bench, her discussion with Gus about her story, running into Sam and Lara on their date, and finally, almost having to have her first real kiss with someone who meant nothing to her. Those thoughts slowly started to fade as the thought of Prom quickly flashed before her. What would Guy's expectations be? Would he want more than a kiss?

"Well," Josie said out loud, "My first real kiss will be on my terms. With someone special. Someone like..." Josie stopped herself before she said what she knew couldn't be.

A small sigh escaped from her throat and the heavy, familiar feeling of hopelessness washed through her body. She sat up slowly, pulled the blanket aside and swung her legs to the side of the bed so she could sit on the edge.

"Well, I guess I can't put off starting the day any longer."

* * *

"That'll be eighteen dollars, ma'am."

Lara peeled a twenty dollar bill from the stack of bills folded neatly in her wallet and handed it to the cab driver. As she opened the door and stepped out of the cab in front of the hotel, her heel caught in the sewer drain and she tripped forward, falling on both her knees against the street curb. Her handbag, which had been over her shoulder, fell forward, emptying its contents in the puddle draining into the sewer.

Lara gasped furiously as she pushed herself up, examining her ruined four hundred dollar shoes, her soaking wet purse and her cell phone which was now floating at the top of the puddle.

"You are going to be so sorry for this, Sam." She could feel her blood boiling through her veins as she reflected on what happened between them last night. "You just wait."

* * *

"Okay, buddy. Let's get moving."

Feeling a light poke on his shoulder, Sam lazily opened his eyes and lifted his head from the cradle that his arms crossed over his knees had made. For a moment, he could not recognize where he was. Then, his eyes focused on the silvery blue waves of Lake Michigan gently rolling onto the sandy beach laid out in front of him and he remembered.

Sam glanced to his right, bringing his hand up to shield his eyes from the sun so he could see who was standing next to him.

Sam instantly sat up straighter when he realized the man beside him was an Illinois State Trooper. And he didn't look too pleased with Sam, either. He was looking down at Sam with a glare that made Sam think of Thor, the God of Thunder. The way the trooper had his fists wedged into his waist expectantly certainly helped that image.

" I... I'm sorry officer," Sam's voice cracked as he stuttered his reply, wiping grains of sand of his shirt sleeves nervously. 'God, just what I need...' Sam thought, 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire...'

Sam often went to the beach park off Tower Road when he had a lot on his mind. The beautifully landscaped park was located off Sheridan Drive, with many ravines and a private beach on Lake Michigan. He had gone there with friends several times, but had a tendency to go there after hours, by himself, when he wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He had spent many evenings there contemplating giving up Chicago to move to New York. Last night, he was naturally drawn to come there after what happened with Lara. But this was the first time he had ever fallen asleep.

"I came out here last night to think... and I guess I fell asleep. It was an accident, I swear!"

"The park hours don't permit people to come here after 10 pm or before 9 am," The officer said sternly. He glanced Sam up and down, inspecting him, and then his expression softened just slightly. "Listen, I'll give you a warning buddy, because you look like the kind of guy that wouldn't cause any trouble, but I better not catch you camping out here again."

Sam breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Sir," Sam replied, "I appreciate it." Sam pulled off his shoes and shook the sand out of them, and then put them back on.

"You know, we have our hands full patrolling these beach parks," the officer commented, as Sam collected the rest of his things. "A lot of kids like to hang out here after Prom and they're usually up to no good. They like to stick around to watch the sunrise, if you know what I mean."

Prom. Sam momentarily let his mind wander to Josie and whether she would be going to a place like this after Prom tonight. His thoughts were momentarily interrupted by the trooper saying, "That South Glen South school is having their prom tonight right down the road at one of those fancy country clubs."

"You don't say," Sam muttered under his breath. "Thanks again, officer," he said over his shoulder, and then made his way up the steps leading to the parking lot where his car was parked.

* * *

"Time to wake up, sleepy head." Guy slowly opened his eyes at the sound of his mother's voice. He turned his head to the right and glanced over at the clock, which was slightly out of focus since he didn't have his contacts or glasses on. "Don't tell me it's actually 7:30. Mom, it's Saturday! You could've let me sleep in."

"Guy, you promised you would cut the lawn. And don't forget, you have your Prom tonight! I can't wait to see you in your costume! Wait until the neighbors see!"

"Oh, please," Guy muttered into the pillow. After hearing his door close, Guy rolled over so he could lay on his back. He folded his arms behind his head and stared up at the ceiling while he thought about all he needed to take care of for Prom. He had big plans and wanted to make sure everything would be perfect.

His thoughts then turned to Josie. She was so hard to read, so difficult to understand. Last night, she seemed almost frightened when he wanted to kiss her. According to Rob, Josie wasn't that naive of a girl when it came to relationships, so he didn't quite understand why she was responding that way. But that was last night. Tonight would be different. He knew Josie loved romance and that would be the ticket.

He couldn't wait.

* * *

While he drove back to his apartment, Sam absorbed the true impact of what had occurred last night between him and Lara. As he looked ahead at the empty streets, the memories flooded back and caused his pulse to race.

Lara kissing him, her hot breath on his neck. Her hand moving up his thigh. He was so wound up in the sensation that he let her carry him away with her, all while his mind was on another woman. Josie.

As he continued driving closer to his neighborhood, the visualization of last night kept washing over him.

Kissing Lara deeply and hungrily over and over, while he quickly unbuttoned her shirt. Her tongue teasingly played with his own as she tucked her hands under his shirt to run them over his chest, causing a small jolt of electricity through Sam's body. Closing his eyes, he had pictured them as Josie's hands, and it drove him crazy. They broke contact just long enough for Sam to remove Lara's shirt and bra-- as well as his own shirt-- so he could embrace her once again, pressing her against him.

Sam reached his parking spot and got out of the car, walking up the steps to his apartment. Once inside, he sat down in his leather chair and glanced toward the open bedroom door. Looking at the tousled sheets hanging from the bed, his mind again returned to last night.

Lara rolled on top of him, pushing him back on the bed. The full length of her body covering him, with her bare chest pressed against his. His arms wrapped around her as she began kissing his neck and jawline, moving lower to place small kisses on his chest above his heart. Sam felt himself inhale deeply when she slowly started undoing his belt.

"I want you, Sam... I want you now." she said breathlessly.

Sam held his breath and winced when he thought about what happened next.

With his eyes still closed, his heart racing, imagining Josie saying those words to him, Sam replied in a husky voice, "I want you too. So much." His left hand found its way to the back of Lara's head as he ran his fingers through her hair, pulling her toward him as he kissed her deeply.

He pulled away slightly, lining kisses in her hair and on her neck. Then, fully enmeshed in his own fantasy, he whispered in Lara's ear, "I love you, Josie."

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To Be Continued

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