Hip To Be Square
By Anastacia

Date Posted: May 12, 2001

* * *

And so the prom was over. All the limousines had come and gone. Guy Perkins' limousine was not carrying any other home than him, so he offered Aldys a ride. She kind of felt bad for him, as Josie didn't turn out to be the person he thought she was.

"I feel that this will be good for Mr. Coulson and Josie." Guy sat and stared ahead as he said it.

Aldys couldn't believe her ears. He knew about Mr. Coulson and Josie? "When did you figure that out?" She asked him curiously.

"I didn't, Rob told me." This night was getting crazier and crazier.

* * *

When they had been dropped off by the limousine in front of Aldys' house, Guy took her hand. "I just wanted to let you know that I didn't play a part in the dog- food plot. I just wanted to dance with you, and then my three "friends" decided to play some sort of revenge on you. I apologize for them, since it is unlikely that they will do it themselves."

Aldys began to get a feeling inside that she had never felt before. She leaned towards Guy and kissed him on the lips.

As Aldys did that, Guy stood first like he was stunned. Then he put his arms around her and participated fully in the kiss. When they broke loose after what seemed like eternity they both gasped for air. But neither of them could help smiling like fools. "So, are you going to ignore me in school on Monday?"

Aldys had to know, growing slightly serious. But Guy still grinned. "Hell, no. Aldys, I thought I proved that to you tonight by dancing with you. But even if I hadn't, I'd be a fool to ignore you after a kiss like that." Now they were both grinning again. "I like you a lot Aldys, do you want to go out with me sometime? Like on a date?" Now the super cool Guy that the entire school knew had disappeared and he had left behind an unsure and stuttering Guy.

Aldys wanted desperately to comfort him. "Sure. I�ll go out with you sometime." She leaned closer to him again. "And Guy?"

He growled. "Yeah?"

Aldys got even closer. "I like you a lot too." Then she kissed him again.

Aldys stood outside school on the Monday after the Prom. Guy had said that he'd meet here there when they had talked on the phone before bedtime last night. Now Kristen, Kirsten and Gibby were the ones who approached her instead. "Hey you. Alpo. Don't think that we're going to forgive what you did to us at the prom. We're going to make your last days here at South Glen like living in a nightmare."

Aldys felt creeped out. These girls had no clue about real life; they were living a fantasy.

At that point Guy stepped up to her and put his arms around her. "Did you miss me?" Aldys nodded. "Well, not like I missed you." And with that remark he kissed her. Aldys could practically hear the three girls gape with their mouths opened wide. After they had finished greeting each other with the kiss Guy looked threateningly at Kirsten, Kristen and Gibby. "If any of you do anything to hurt my girlfriend, you're going to pay for it. I know all of you." With that he kissed Aldys again and walked off.

Aldys touched her lips; it seemed so unreal to her. Apparently she wasn't the only one. When Kirsten, Kristen and Gibby'd had the time to digest the news, they dragged her in the door like she was their new Josie.

After they had got inside she protested, "You cannot push me around just because I am seeing Guy. I still am the person I was before that, and it isn't going to change. I wouldn't mind having you as my friends, but no friend of mine takes control over my life." As she had said what she wanted to say she walked away and to her next class.

All the day people kept congratulating her and asking her to tell Josie that she had to be strong. When she met Guy for lunch in the cafeteria, she was exhausted. They grabbed their lunches and sat down on the table with David and her other friends from the math-club. The table wasn't full when they sat down, but it quickly turned out that way. As soon as people saw that Guy and Aldys had seated themselves there, they came after wanting to hear what they said.

Aldys looked at her plate with doubt. Cole slaw wasn't her favorite food-group. Actually she doubted if it counted as food.

"So, Aldys. I talked to the guys at your team. They were actually kind of disappointed that you haven't shared your new-found love with them. Oh, and Eric wanted to know if you were able to play in the game tomorrow?" David, always the carrier of messages between the guys and her, said. It made sense since he lived in their neighborhood.

"You are on a team?" Kirsten let out a squeal. "How exciting, what do you play?"

Guy put his arm around her shoulder. "Yeah, what do you play? And how come I haven't heard of the guys on your team?"

Aldys forced herself to swallow the food. "I play baseball. And I have only been going out with you for like two days, Guy. That's why you didn't know. And David, tell Eric I'll call him." With those words she nearly ran out of the cafeteria and went to her locker. While she rummaged around inside the tiny locker she could feel some sort of knocking on her shoulders.

"Knock-knock." She didn't have to turn around to see the face the voice belonged to. She knew.

"Who's there?" Two could play this game.


She smiled. "Guy who?"

Now she could hear the sincerity in his voice as he replied. "Guy, who is sorry for acting like a jealous prick, and only does it because he worries that you will leave him." Aldys turned around and kissed him.

"I won't leave you, you silly oaf! Do you want to come see me play tomorrow?" He nodded and she smiled once more. "But we also have to go to the final game when South Glen plays. Josie has a plan, and I want to be there for her." They kissed once more.

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