Take A Chance On Me
By Anastacia

Date Posted: May 12, 2001

I am aware that I am not following the movie always, but I want this to end out a certain way, and besides people aren't always looking at events from the same point of view and they might be colored by prejudices.

"What are you going to do when you see me in school tomorrow? Ignore me, like at the fair?" Aldys asked Guy archly. They had had a great evening together.

There hadn't been anything good on TV, so they had played Candyland. Candyland was not a favorite game of Aldys; she had played it far too many times with Tyke for that. But it had been fun. Guy had insisted that they'd skip the old rules and instead tell each other a secret whenever a double color card was picked.

Aldys had lost the game and her secrets through-outly. But unlucky in games, lucky in love. Or at least that was the saying. Now all she had to figure out was if their relationship had changed. It all hanged at his response. He was fun to hang out with, and she was in love with him, but Aldys couldn't bear the thought of being friends with him if he was going to act like he didn't know her when he was around his "cool" friends.

He hesitated a moment before replying her. "To tell you the truth, Aldys. I don't know. I really want to be able to tell you now that I won't ignore you tomorrow. But I am not that sure of myself. My friends are an important part of my life, and I just don't know."

The words hurt her, but she had expected them.

"We'll be friends though, won't we?"

Aldys shrugged her head. "Sure," she answered noncommittally, fuming on the inside.

The next day at school Guy actually tried to talk to her. Usually whenever his friends weren't around, so she basically ignored him. When she saw Josie at her locker she went over to talk to her. But Josie seemed preoccupied and wouldn't respond to any comments from Aldys.

Later that day Aldys saw her hang out with a bunch of the cool kids, and Guy. There was some new guy as well. It seemed like he was responsible for dragging Josie into the cool gang around Guy.

For the next days Aldys tried to ignore everybody but her friends from the math club. It wasn't always easy, but she seemed to succeed.

Guy had a look of defeat on his face and Josie looked kind of hurt, Aldys didn't think that was so weird. Especially after the incident at the mall. She hadn't really meant to act so nasty and say the part about the lemming. It was just that seeing Josie with Kristen, Kirsten and Gibby hurt and she hadn't been prepared for it at that time. Plus she always acted that way around the three girls and David would probably go into shock if she didn't.

At last the announcement that she had been waiting for came. They were in the sex-Ed class that they had to take every year. Aldys sometimes wondered about that. There probably weren't any new things in the field from one year to the other. Or so she guessed. When the announcement came almost everybody groaned. The perky sex-Ed teacher gave some new ideas that Aldys thought were nice, for a prom, but it made the rest of the class groan. "What do you think we are? Amateurs?"

Then Guy looked over at Aldys; it looked like he wanted her to notice what he was going to say. "Josie." Interruption by some blond bimbo that Aldys never had bothered to learned the name of. Guy continued. "No, Josie will have the answer to our problem." Did he want her to be jealous of the close relationship he had developed with Josie?

Well, it worked and it didn't help her to know that Guy had wanted to tell her something and she had ignored him for some time.

It was like he was telling her: "Look, Josie managed to change groups. Why couldn't you?" She looked away kind of pleased that he still wanted her as a friend, even if she had been acting like a brat for quite some time. Josie stood up and looked at Mr. Coulson, then she turned around to face the class. "How about "Meant for each other, famous couples throughout history."" She looked so excited that Aldys began to smile. It was a brilliant idea; she just hoped that the others wouldn't trash it right away and hurt Josie's feelings.

She realized that Guy looked to her, and everybody else looked at Guy. Aldys nodded her head slightly and Guy gave his approval out loud to the class. "Absolutely. Absolutely."

"Aldys, don't ignore me like that." Guy stopped her on the way out of the classroom.

"Well, you were the one ignoring me at the beginning. I don't see a reason why I can't do the same to you."

He sighed. "I was really going to wait to ask you this, but do you want to go to the prom with me?"

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