A Night At The Club
By Jill

Date Posted: November 6, 1999

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. I'm just borrowing them temporarily.

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Sam Coulson couldn’t stop thinking about her after he saw her. It was a school night, but who didn’t go out on a school night? A night at the club with Laura was just what he needed, yeah right. Laura had been pressuring him into making the move the New York with her right away, but he just wasn’t ready for such a toned down life style yet. He enjoyed being able to have fun, hanging out at the clubs, and being considered one of the coolest teachers at South Glenn South. No sir, he wasn’t ready to give it up yet.

He turned away from the bar and scanned the room, Laura had gone to use the bathroom and he could finally enjoy the music and air of the place for a while. That’s when he saw her. Josie Geller, the most amazing student he had ever taught and laid eyes on. The 17-year-old student, he had to remind himself, jailbait for my age and status of authority.

God, he wished he could just quit his job and be able to confess his love for her. But it would never happen, at least not for awhile. He watched her awkwardly dance, um, bounce her way through the room. He involuntarily walked towards her, his legs just walked to their own accord; he didn’t even know what he would say.


There’s a starter. She jumped a little when he said her name. “Out on a school night?” Boy oh boy, that’s intelligent. She was about to respond when he noticed her gaze land on something behind him, then he felt an arm snake around his. Laura was back. She complained about the bathrooms.

“Josie, I’d like you to meet Laura." Josie’s one of my students.”

“His girlfriend.” Laura chimed in.

“Good Evening.” Josie said quietly. “What?” Laura shouted.

“How are you?” Josie said in a louder voice. Laura went on to complain about how she couldn’t even her herself think and that she was hoping he’d get it all out of his system before the move to New York. That’s exactly what he didn’t want.

“Well, I love baseball!” Josie replied to the fact that Laura’s firm held season tickets to the Met. She cracked him up, but he thought Laura was a little pissed that he was paying very little attention to her, so she suggested they end this conversation. Sam’s smile turned to a rigid, almost pout. He nodded his head to her as Laura practically dragged him away from Josie. That was that, Laura wanted to be the center of attention again.

It wasn’t until later that he actually got to see her again, and this time it was a rather interesting situation. He and Laura had been sitting at the bar when they heard the commotion from the stage. Yes, it was Josie up on the stage with a pink boa. He wondered what had gotten into her and made her jump up on the stage. Whatever it was, he loved it, spontaneity, he was very into every move that she made and Laura realized this. She continued talking to him, but noticed that his attention was focused elsewhere. And that elsewhere was on that student he introduced her to. Well, she would not be put aside; she would make him pay attention to her. She shifted in her seat so she blocked his view but anywhere she moved he simple peered over her shoulder. She gave up. “Sam Coulson, this relationship is over!” She shouted. Sam’s eyes never left the woman on the stage.

He had to tell her, and the Prom would be the perfect time to do so. He couldn’t go on another day, not being able to touch her or keep his eyes off of her. She was the one he was meant to be with. He had to be with her. And he would let her know soon enough. Josie Geller did rock his world and he had a feeling she returned the emotions.

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