Change Of A Lifetime, Part 7:
This Is Some Prom
By Jaynee

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The limo pulled up to the country club and after getting out first, Guy turned and offered his hand to Josie to help her get out. Quickly following her were Rob and Tracie, who were dressed up as the lead characters from Tom Cruise's movie, "Risky Business". Guy thought their costumes were hilarious, and was relieved when Rob agreed to let Josie hold his wallet in her small purse instead of tucking it in the waist of his underwear.

As they approached the entrance, Guy saw the Trio in their outrageous Barbie costumes, arguing about the fact that they had all come as basically the same thing � only not. Suddenly they turned and began gushing to Josie about her costume.

"Let me guess, Medieval Barbie?" Gibby asked.

"Get over it," Kirsten muttered, rolling her eyes.

"We're Rosalind and Orlando," Josie explained matter-of-factly.

The Trio stared back blankly.

"From Shakespeare?"

Guy, seeing that they Trio would never know whom Josie was talking about despite being in the same English class, went for something they'd understand. "Look, I get to carry a sword," he said, touching the handle at his side.

The girls lurched into coos and twitters at the idea and they all turned to go into the country club as Josie looked at Guy, shaking her head and smiling.

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Once inside they made a quick loop around the room to see who was there and laughed at various costumes of couples that were 'Meant For Each Other.' Guy enjoyed seeing Josie's responses to some of the ideas � such as the group of baseball players who came as the Village People, and the two drama students who came as Mary and Joseph from the Bible.

The first hour of the Prom came and went quietly. Guy and Josie danced several times, thoroughly enjoying each other's company. At one point they heard some shouting and saw the Denominators arrived � looped together as DNA. Guy thought it was a great costume and liked the simple creativity of it as well.

Guy and Josie stepped off the dance floor at some point so Josie could go to the restroom, and Guy joined Tommy and Jason at their table. As he sat down he heard Tommy chortle, "Man, she's not gonna know what hit her when we do it!"

"Do what," Guy asked, picking a grape from Tommy's plate and tossing it in his mouth.

Tommy looked at Jason for a brief moment before saying, "Nothing, man. We were just thinking of, uh, sending Ms. Knox some flowers and saying they are from a secret admirer. Yeah."

Guy frowned. "That wouldn't be a very nice thing to do if she found out it was a joke."

Tommy raised his eyebrows at Guy and responded, "Well who are you all of a sudden � Prince Charming? What, you put on some tights and all of a sudden you're Galahad?"

Guy laughed mockingly. "Do you even know who Galahad is, Tommy?"

"Well no, but I know it's supposed to be a good guy or something. But forget about it � we were just thinking about doing it, that's all."

Just then Josie came over to the table and dragged Guy on the dance floor again. He looked back at Tommy and had the sneaking suspicion that they hadn't been talking about Ms. Knox at all, but someone else entirely.

* * *

At the top of the third hour of the Prom, Guy saw Ms. Knox and Mr. Coulson take the stage and check the microphone volume. The music dwindled down as the students gathered around the front stage where the teachers stood.

Ah, Prom Court, Guy thought to himself as he and Josie stood near the middle of the room. He had almost no doubt that he would be crowned King of the Prom. Even though he felt he didn't deserve it, he knew he was considered Big Man on Campus � even over the quarterback of the football team. But who would be Queen? He hoped none of the Trio would be named Queen � that was something he wouldn't enjoy.

He looked over briefly at Josie as she watched Mr. Coulson at the podium. He secretly hoped she'd win, although since she was a new student he didn't know if she was really well known enough to be Queen, despite being rather well liked among their fellow seniors.

He was gratified when Kirsten, Gibby and Kristen were announced as the Princesses instead of the Queen. Then he listened calmly as Tommy, Jason and Rob were named as the Princes of the South Glen South Prom.

Ms. Knox cleared her throat into the mike before saying, "Next, South Glen's Prom King�Guy Perkins!"

Guy turned to Josie with a chagrined smile and moved to the stage as students around him applauded and slapped his back in support. Ms. Knox handed Guy the plastic scepter and put the metal crown on his head as Tommy and the other guys congratulated him on his easy victory. The bright stage lights were in his eyes as he turned to the seniors who became silent as field mice as they waited to hear who his Queen would be.

Mr. Coulson looked down at his card as he leaned into the mike before saying, "And this year's Prom Queen, ladies and gentleman�" Mr. Coulson paused for one brief moment before happily announcing, "Josie Geller!"

The students burst into loud applause, joined quickly by Mr. Coulson. Guy saw Josie's stunned look as she moved stiffly toward the stage. She gawked at Mr. Coulson as he put the rhinestone-studded crown on her head and presented her with a dozen long-stemmed roses. Teacher and student intensely gazed into each other's eyes before Josie finally turned to face the students that voted her their Queen.

Guy studied Mr. Coulson for a moment as Josie continued to bask in her sweet embarrassed way in the applause of the seniors. Mr. Coulson was also clapping � a little too enthusiastically for a teacher. And what was with that cozy moment as he was crowning her � they looked as though they had completely forgotten everyone else in the room!

Mr. Coulson finally moved back to the microphone and said, "And now as is the custom, the King and Queen shall now have their first dance."

At these words, Guy led Josie down on to the dance floor. He tossed the scepter Ms. Knox had given him back to the guys as a slow song began playing, filling the room with it's romantic melody. He and Josie stood for a few minutes just looking at each other, and then seemingly in tune they both began dancing at the same time, swaying to the lazy beat of the music.

They didn't speak at first, simply enjoying the dance. Finally, Guy asked, "Tell me what you're thinking?" He figured that her mind was probably a whirlwind of activity at the idea of being named Prom Queen.

Josie smiled up at him and replied, "I was thinking about Shakespeare. How he describes a night like this: 'Look how the floor of heaven is thick inlaid with patinas of bright gold!'" Josie stopped and looked up at him, then asked, "What are you thinking about?"

In a split moment a thousand thoughts flooded through his head. He thought that Josie was the most amazing girl he had ever met. And she was obviously not interested in him in any way. He knew that she had a crush on Mr. Coulson, however inappropriate that might be. And he didn't blame her in the slightest. She was too bright and wonderful to limit herself to dating someone her own age. She needed to be challenged and stimulated by someone far more mature and adult than he.

In that same moment he also thought of Aldys, wondered where in the room she was. He suddenly wished he were dancing with her instead of Josie. He adored Josie, but he wanted to be with Aldys. And he didn't care about Tommy, or Gibby, or anyone else. He only cared about Aldys.

And still in the same moment he knew that he and Josie needed to stop dancing and find the people they really wanted to be with.

But Guy couldn't tell Josie all these things. Not like that. So instead, after his split-second realizations all hit him at once, he finally grimaced slightly and said the first thing that popped in his mind.

"My sword."

Josie looked confused for a moment then attempted a laugh for his sake to be polite.

Recovering quickly, Guy looked intently at Josie before saying, "You rock my world, Josie. You're like the most amazing girl that I've ever dated. You're so fun to be with, you're smart - crazy." Guy let out a small laugh. "You rock my world."

Josie smiled at Guy and said, "You said that already."

Guy smiled back and said, "Yeah," before pulling Josie closer and letting her rest her head on his shoulder. They continued dancing for a heartbeat more before Guy finally pulled back to speak again.

"Josie, having said that, there's something else I need to say. Even though I think you are great, I know that there's nothing here � you don't feel it, and I don't feel it. It's almost like we're just meant to be really great friends, and I'm glad that's the case."

Just then, behind Josie's head, Guy saw Aldys sitting with her fellow Denominators, picking at some fruit on a plate in front of her and laughing at something one of her friends said. Guy felt the urgency in his need to get to her.

Josie was grinning up at him, nodding her head. "I agree with you, Guy. I truly do. You've really done a lot for me, Guy, whether you know it or not. I'll never forget that. Thank you." With that, she moved out of his arms and seeing where his eyes were concentrated, whispered, "I'm sure she'll dance with you if you ask her."

Guy's eyes widened in shock at Josie as she gracefully backed away from him and moved off the dance floor. She turned one last time and smiled easily at him, her eyes twinkling brightly even in the darkened room. Guy grinned back at her. He was grateful he could call her his friend.

He turned back again to look at Aldys. His beautiful Aldys. And took one step forward.

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