A New Beginning, Part 3
By Cheryl

Date Posted: December 27, 2000

Click here to hear "And I Love Her" by The Beatles

* * *

Josie waved goodbye to Sam and pressed Gibby's doorbell. The pretty brunette answered the door, Kirsten and Kristen right behind her as always. "Hey, Josie, come in."

Gibby showed her into the living room and they all sat down.

Kirsten pulled Josie's tossed aside prom queen tiara from behind her back. "Josie�you did�do�deserve to be prom queen."

"We thought you should have it back," said Kristen.

"We meant what we said this afternoon�we are trying to change," Gibby admitted.

"This is so sweet, you guys!" Josie said, touched by the gesture. "Hey, would you be interested in letting me do stories about you?"

Kirsten, Kristen, and Gibby screamed a collective "YES!"

She left the girls in the cafeteria putting on their caps and gowns and headed down the hall to Sam's classroom. Josie smiled as she entered the room where she'd fallen in love. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked around. There were candles burning, their scent mingling with the more familiar smell of chalk dust. A single red rose sat on Josie's desk. Josie took her seat.

On the blackboard, in Sam's bold scrawl, was Rosalind's speech, the one Josie had read aloud in class. Josie's heart pounded as she read the last line:

'�and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage, which they will climb incontinent, or else be incontinent before marriage. They are in the very wrath of love, and they will together. Clubs cannot part them.'

Sam entered, much as he had that first day, only this time he carried a bottle of champagne instead of a mug of coffee. He was wearing a suit instead of jeans. Their eyes met and Sam boldly walked over to where Josie sat.

He knelt down on one knee and took her hands in his. Josie gasped, her eyes shining, afraid to believe in what she thought was happening.

"Josie," he whispered, "you once asked me if I thought I'd find the girl that was meant for me. At the time, I couldn't tell you that I already had�that I was head-over-heels in love with you. I know this is crazy�we haven't even been on a date�but I know that I love you�more than I ever thought it possible to love anyone�I want to spend the rest of my life with you�Will you marry me?" He pulled a small box from his pocket to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.

Josie was overwhelmed, tears filling her eyes. "Yes," she whispered. "Yes." Sam slipped the ring onto her finger. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

* * *

They were a little late for graduation.

Josie felt a little uncomfortable as they took their seats among the faculty. She smiled uncertainly at them, holding tightly to Sam's hand.

Coach Romano slapped her on the back, "Good to see ya, Geller." He reached over to shake Sam's hand. "You got yourself one hell of a woman, Coulson."

Sam grinned. "I'm aware of that."

Marilyn Knox swiveled around in her seat. She smiled cheerfully at Sam and Josie. "Hello, young lovers," she said. "You certainly surprised us, Josie...some more than others," she teased, winking at Sam. "Of course, the real shock was seeing Sam here running out onto that baseball field. I'd have never guessed."

Sam smiled sheepishly. "Believe me, Marilyn. No one was more shocked than I."

Conversation halted as the band began playing Pomp and Circumstance and South Glen's Class of 1999 marched into the auditorium.

Aldys was Valedictorian. In her speech, she encouraged her classmates to be true to themselves, to work toward their dreams, to take chances. She looked over at Josie and Sam. "I have this friend�I think you all know her�Josie Geller?"

The senior class cheered.

"Josie was not afraid to risk everything for one chance at happiness. She stood bravely on the pitcher's mound�risking embarrassment�risking rejection�hoping beyond hope for forgiveness�for love. I'm delighted to say that everything is working out for Josie, but I believe that even if it hadn't worked out, she would not have been sorry that she took the chance�that she was willing to risk it all�for love."

Tears sprang to Josie's eyes. Sam put his arm around her, pulling her into his embrace.

Aldys wasn't finished yet. "South Glen South Class of 1999�Please welcome our dear friend, Josie Geller�"

Josie looked at Aldys in panic and shook her head. But Aldys simply smiled and replied, "Come on, Josie�please? Just say a few words�"

Sam smiled gently at Josie. "Go on," he whispered.

"Only if you come with me."

"Always�Josie, I'd follow you anywhere."

Hand in hand they approached the podium. Josie hugged Aldys.

Nervously, Josie began to speak. "I guess I should start by thanking you all. If I hadn't been given the opportunity to go through high school again, I would have remained forever trapped in the past. Because of you�I know who I am. Because of you�I'm okay with who I am. I got to be Prom Queen�even though I'm really a geek at heart. I was finally accepted�and realized that it wasn't all that important for others to accept me�only that I accepted me. The only advice that I can give you is this: Don't sit back and watch life pass you by. I wasted a lot of time doing that. Embrace what life gives you�the good and the bad�and learn from it. And, please, when love comes your way, don't be afraid to risk your heart. Love is too important to compromise."

Sam leaned down and kissed her. The Class of '99 applauded.

After the diplomas were distributed, Josie and Sam stood surrounded by the Class of 1999. Josie happily showed off her engagement ring. Kirsten, Kristen, and Gibby were impressed�Josie and Sam had become their romantic ideals.

He was touched when Josie told him how they'd given her back the tiara.

Aldys shared some news of her own�she had a date with Guy Perkins. Josie arranged with several of them to participate in her series of columns. Finally, eager to have Josie to himself, Sam whispered in her ear, "Let's take a walk�I have something I want to show you."

Sam held Josie's hand as they walked. "It amazes me that something as simple as holding your hand could make me so happy," he said. "When I kissed you last night�on the pitcher's mound�in front of all those people�I felt as if I'd never really been kissed before either."

Josie beamed. "Anita used to tease me about it�never being kissed�she didn't understand what I meant when I told her I'd never felt that thing�"

"What did you mean?"

"I meant�that moment. You kiss someone, and the world around you gets all hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person, and you know that one person is the person you're meant to be kissing for the rest of your life. And for that one moment you've been given this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky you found it and so scared it will go away all at the same time. Sam�thanks for being that one person for me."

Sam gazed into her eyes, moved by her eloquence. "You're my penguin, you know."

Josie laughed, remembering her penguin story all too well. "I know."

Sam stopped walking. "We're here."

They were standing in front of an old Victorian-style house just down the street from the high school. There was a for sale sign in the front yard. "I've always admired this house," Josie said. "It needs some TLC, but it's so beautifully designed."

"How would you feel about living here?" he asked softly.

"I'd love to live in a house like this," Josie sighed dreamily.

"Do you love it enough to buy it?"

Josie's eyes widened as she turned to stare at Sam. She could plainly see he was quite serious. "Could we afford it?"

"I think so�with our combined incomes� Plus, I've got some savings�"

"So do I," Josie said. She looked back up at the house and smiled. "Our home�that has a nice ring to it."

As they walked back to Sam's Jeep, they joked about their unusual courtship. "So�we're engaged, but we've never even been on a date. You're right, that is weird," said Josie.

"Well, then it's time we rectified that. So�will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"Sure�why not? I may as well date the man I'm going to marry at least once," Josie teased. "How would you feel about meeting my parents?"

"I think it would probably be a good idea, all things considered� When?"

"How about now? I know they'll be home�"

"Lead on, my sweet Josie."

* * *

Rob answered the door. Sam was relieved to find a friendly face. "I was wondering when you two would show up�Mom and Dad can't wait to talk to you, Jos."

They found Josie's parents in the living room. "Hi, Mom�Hi, Dad! There's someone I'd like you to meet�"

"Pussycat," said Josie's father as he hugged her. "We go out of town for the weekend and come home to find you all over the news. You surprised us, you naughty girl. You must be Sam." He extended his hand and shook Sam's hand vigorously.

Josie's mother hugged her. "You've been holding out on me, angel. He's much cuter than you led on�those dimples�that cleft chin�those beautiful green eyes!"

Sam blushed at Janet Geller's ebullient greeting. "Pleased to meet you."

"Umm�Mom�Dad�Rob�I think you should sit down. We have some news," Josie began.

Curious and a bit confused, the Gellers sat.

"Josie and I are getting married," said Sam.

The Gellers stared at them in stunned silence.

Uncomfortably, Sam trailed off, "If it's all right with you, of course�"

"Excuse me�did you say married?" exclaimed Janet.

"But Josie�Pussycat�you two barely know each other," said Tim Geller. "Don't you think you should take some time�get to know each other better? Jos�I don't want to see you get hurt again."

Sam looked tenderly at Josie. "We know this seems a bit�"

"Impetuous," supplied Josie, "but I know everything that I need to know about this man." She looked at Sam and smiled. "He'd do anything for me�even confront his fears�I love him�so much�" Tears stung Josie's eyes.

"I love Josie�more than I ever thought it possible to love someone. Together we're complete�I know it's crazy�this whole thing has been crazy�but it's just right�trust us�"

"Mom�Dad�you know I don't make rash decisions. Believe me when I tell you that this is exactly how it's supposed to be."

"She's right," said Rob. "I've been around Josie a whole lot in the past few weeks. She's a lot stronger than we usually give her credit for�plus�I've been keeping an eye on these two� I've seen how they make googly eyes at each other all the time. If anybody should get married, it's these two crazy kids!"

Sam and Josie looked at Rob gratefully for his support.

"Well," said Janet, "I do know my little girl�and I can see how much you two care about each other. Josie�if this is what your heart is telling you to do�then�I guess you have my blessing."

"Dad?" said Josie softly.

"Pussycat," he replied, "I was afraid for you�you were hurt so badly in the past�then you sort of shut yourself off from feeling anything�you had your job�but you wouldn't allow anyone to get too close. I'm so happy that you found someone to love�who so obviously loves you! Sam�I'm anxious to get to know you�we'll expect to see a lot of you two from now on."

"We should celebrate�honey�isn't there a bottle of bubbly in the 'fridge left over from New Year's?" said Janet.

They spent the rest of the evening with Josie's family, regaling Sam with stories of Josie's childhood. Josie showed him her old bedroom, filled with spelling trophies, stuffed animals, and books. Unlike Guy, who'd barely glanced around the room before declaring her a loser, Sam lovingly examined the mementos of her childhood. He grinned at her spelling awards, her Madame Alexander dolls and the collection of stuffed animals on her bed. He held up a threadbare teddy bear and smiled at Josie. "Good friend?"

She nodded.

Sam pointed to a hinged frame containing two very different photographs of a dark-haired young woman. In one she was cute but chubby; in the other she was slender and beautiful. "Who's that?"

"That's my cousin�second cousin, actually�Monica. She's a chef�in New York City. She helped me get over the whole Billy Prince fiasco."

"How? Tell me."

"After Billy and his date egged me�they went on to the prom and bragged about how they'd gotten 'Josie Grossie' good this time. There were still two weeks left till graduation�two weeks of absolute torture for me. I destroyed the dress�it made a nice little bonfire�but I still had to face them all. That Monday�I couldn't look at anyone�barely talked�even my teachers knew what had happened� and they just pitied me. Do you know I was number one in my class? I turned down the chance to be valedictorian and skipped graduation. Afterwards, Mom suggested that maybe a change of scenery would do me good. I wouldn't have to run into my tormentors all the time. She reminded me about Monica."

"Monica was always chubby as a kid, but she's also sweet and funny. When she was in high school her brother, Ross brought his roommate, Chandler home for Thanksgiving. Monica overheard them talking. Chandler was begging Ross not to leave him home alone with his 'fat sister'. She was devastated and angry. So�she went on a diet�lost all the weight she needed to�and by the next Thanksgiving she looked completely different. Chandler was blown away by her transformation, but he had no idea that he was the catalyst. Monica didn't tell him that until recently. The funny thing is, now�after years of being friends�they're a couple."

"So�I called her. She was very understanding and she invited me to come to New York for a month�that's how I became a Mets fan, actually. I stayed with her and her quirky roommate, Phoebe, and she helped me re-invent myself for college. I got my braces off, learned to take better care of myself, fixed my hair, and started wearing a little make-up. Nothing drastic�I wasn't ready for that and Mon knew it. I went for a look that helped me blend into the background. When I left to come back, she gave me those pictures as a reminder that I could be whatever I wanted."

"You'll have to send her a current picture. I bet she'll be surprised."

"I'm guessing she already knows. The family grapevine's pretty quick and�we were national news."

Sam smiled and returned to his exploration of her room by scanning her bookshelves. He ran his fingers lightly over the spines of Josie's well-worn childhood favorites. Laura Ingalls Wilder�Judy Blume�Louisa May Alcott�Lewis Carroll. She even had a complete set of Nancy Drew books.

Sam easily pictured the shy little girl�the awkward adolescent�who'd grown up there. He picked up a framed photo of Josie and Rob as teenagers.

Josie reached for the picture, embarrassed. "Sam�I�"

Sam looked from the awkward teenager in the photograph to the lovely young woman beside him. "Josie," Sam said gently, "I think I'm the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I've been given a treasure�something so secret�so special�that it was kept hidden. For me."


"No buts. 'Josie Grossie' may not have been accepted�but she's part of who you are and I love all of you. Besides�wait until my Mom pulls out the old photo albums�I had some serious 'Ugly Duckling' phases."

"I can't wait to meet your family� Do they know? About us�I mean?"

"Well�I know my sister Abby saw us on the news last night�but I haven't checked my messages since this morning. How would you feel about driving up to Racine this weekend? I'd kind of like to tell them we're engaged in person."

"I'd like that."

* * *

"Finally, alone," Sam teased as he shut the door of Josie's apartment. "Come here, Josie Geller-soon-to-be-Coulson." He pulled her close, raining soft kisses on her face. His lips met hers in a deep, passionate kiss. Sam shuddered as he felt Josie's hands slipping his jacket from his shoulders. Josie sighed, enjoying the knowledge that she could draw such a response from him. She unknotted his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. Sam groaned. He blazed a trail of kisses down her neck.

"Josie," he whispered breathlessly, "you're in control�we'll take this wherever you want it to go tonight."

"Why don't�why don't you light a fire? It's a little chilly tonight�I'll put on some music."

Sam quickly had a fire blazing in the fireplace. He turned as he heard the song Josie had chosen. It was The Smiths�Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want�the song they'd danced to at the prom. His eyes met Josie's and locked. "Dance with me?" he whispered.

Josie melted into Sam's arms. This time, when they danced, there was no space between them. She laid her head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.

"This is how I dreamed it would be to dance with you," Sam murmured in her ear, "how I wanted to dance with you."

Josie looked up into Sam's eyes. "I know," she whispered, "it was killing me, too."

"I wanted to do this," he said, kissing her temple, "and this." Sam's mouth claimed Josie's in a probing kiss. He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the fireplace, gently placing her among the soft pillows on the floor. She sighed and, threading an arm around his neck, pulled him down to join her.

They lay on the floor facing each other. Tentatively, Josie began unbuttoning the rest of the buttons on Sam's shirt. He shrugged it off, allowing Josie to continue her exploration. She ran her hands over the smooth muscles of this chest. He gasped as she swirled her fingers through the hair on his chest, teasing his flat nipples, skimming down to his belly. He moaned as she leaned over�trailing kisses down his throat to his heart. She pressed her lips to his chest, startled by the erratic beating of his heart. She pulled back to meet Sam's eyes. "I do that to you?" she asked with awe.

"Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea!" he groaned. He bent his head to begin his own exploration. He nibbled his way down Josie's collarbone, to the v- neck of her dress. She moaned as his tongue dipped into her cleavage. "One of us is wearing too many clothes," he teased. He pulled back, looking deeply into her eyes for permission to continue. Josie smiled shyly.

Sam's hands moved to her back, finding her zipper, sliding it down. She shivered as his hands touched her bare flesh. He slid her dress slowly to her waist, over her hips, tossing it into a pool on the floor. Josie lay before him wearing only her pink silk bra and panties. She looked up at him, blushing deeply.

"Beautiful," he whispered. "You're so beautiful." He pulled her close, thrilling at the feel of her soft skin on his. He cupped her full breasts in his hands, rubbing his fingers over her nipples through the thin silk of her bra. He bent his head and took her taut, silk-covered nipple in his mouth. Josie moaned. "You like that?" he murmured.

In answer, Josie reached back and unhooked her bra. She sat up slightly, allowing it to slide off her body. She fell back to the cushions, pulling Sam's head back to her breast. Eagerly, he took her breast into her mouth, licking, suckling, and nibbling. Josie shuddered at the unfamiliar and highly pleasurable sensation. She raked her fingernails down Sam's bare back. He groaned and switched his attention to her other breast. Unconsciously, she arched her back, thrusting her breast even more deeply into Sam's mouth.

His mouth left her breast as he licked his way down her stomach. He dipped his tongue into her belly button. She gasped in surprise. "Sam," she cried out, "I had no idea�"

Sam dragged himself back up to meet her eyes. He pushed her tousled, blonde hair back from her face. He struggled to catch his breath. "You," he breathed, "are a remarkable woman�so passionate� I'm finding it hard to remember how innocent you are. Maybe we should slow down."

He rolled her onto her belly and gently massaged her back.

"Mmmm�that feels wonderful," she purred. "You feel wonderful."

"And you, my sweet Josie, drive me wild. Such a quick study�I always did think you were precocious," he teased.

"Well�I do have a great teacher," she teased back.

Sam continued massaging her, his hands sensually moving over her soft skin. He paused as something on her left hip caught his eye. He traced the small butterfly tattoo with one finger.

"You have a tattoo!" he said with shock.

Josie blushed deeply. She looked sheepishly at Sam over her shoulder. "Oh, that. I lost a bet with Randi sophomore year."

"Randy? Who's he?" Sam asked jealously.

"She, actually. My college roommate. She's wild...a free spirit...and a completely brilliant geneticist."

"So...what was the bet?"

"Nobel prizes. She picked medicine and got it right. I picked literature, but I was wrong. The deal was...if I won she had to go an entire month without a date. If I lost...I had to get a tattoo. No one else knows."

"Except me now. Did it hurt?"

Josie shrugged. "Randi got me a little drunk so I wouldn't back out. I don't remember it hurting much, though. Do you hate it?"

Sam bent to kiss the tattoo then gathered Josie in his arms. "I think it's sexy. One more thing to drive me wild."

"Do I? Drive you wild?"

In answer Sam kissed her fiercely, plundering her mouth with his tongue. Josie soon had no doubts about her effect on him. "Any questions?"

Josie smiled happily. "Nope. I've had some pretty shocking dreams about you, you know."

"Me, too. I can't quite look at my classroom the same way. In one...you were standing in front of the class, reading aloud. Your voice was soft and sexy...I was leaning against the wall, watching you, listening, completely spellbound. Our eyes met and I found myself striding across the room, pulling you into my arms, kissing you...in front of the whole class. They faded away...and we were alone. I lifted you in my arms and laid you on my desk and made love to you."

Josie burrowed her face into Sam's shoulder. She'd had a stunningly similar fantasy once.

"Your turn."

"I..." she stammered.

Sam cupped her chin and tilted her face up to his. "Sharing your fantasies is a natural part of any healthy relationship," he said gently. "We all have them, you know."

"I know. I'm just not used to talking about them out loud." She took a deep breath. "Okay...the day we got caught in the rain...we were soaked to the skin...the storm was raging around us. I couldn't control myself anymore...I kissed you. You pulled me into your lap and unbuttoned my blouse, peeled it off. Somehow...we were both...naked...and we..." Josie blushed. "...we made love."

Sam gazed tenderly at Josie. "I love you, you know. Your shyness...the way that you blush...the fact that you have no idea how completely adorable...irresistible you are to me." He stroked his hands soothingly over Josie's bare back.

Josie sighed softly. She ran her fingers over the smooth muscles of his chest, luxuriating in the sensation of Sam's solid male body beneath hers. "I love you." She relaxed in his embrace, her eyes drifting shut.

Sam smiled softly down at the incredibly sexy, yet innocent picture she made snuggled in his arms, clad in only her undies. "Come on, Sleeping Beauty...we should get some sleep. We do have that big date tomorrow, after all."

Josie nodded, sleepily agreeing with him. He rose, lifted Josie in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He set her on the bed and grabbed her nightshirt from the hook in the bathroom. "Here," he said as he tossed it to her.

Grateful for his thoughtfulness, she pulled it over her head and crawled under the covers. She waited for Sam to go into the bathroom to change. He surprised her by simply removing his pants and climbing into bed. Josie blushed.

"Are you okay with this?" he asked, "this is how I usually sleep�but I can put on sweats if you're uncomfortable�"

"It's okay�really," she murmured as she snuggled into his arms. "It feels rather nice, actually. Sam�I love you."

"I love you, too."

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