Anything for Love
by Lindsey

Date Posted: May 12, 2001

Authors note: This takes place at the Prom right after Sam walks away. Josie never writes her article for the undercover feature. Hope you like it!

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Josie stares after Sam sadly. Tears slowly running down her face, wondering how he could ever forgive her, she sits down on a nearby bench to think. Slowly the prom comes to a close and couples emerge barely giving this 25-year-old reporter a look. Aldys and the "double helix" eventually come out to leave and Aldy's sees Josie.

"Are you all right?" Aldy's asks as she separates herself from her fellow Denominators. "What happened?"

"Sam hates me... he thinks my story was on him..." Josie manages to sob.

"Why would he think that?" asked a curious and concerned Aldys.

"Well..." sobbing Josie continues... "My friend George came out telling me that they lost the feed from my hidden Camera... and he asked if I got something on Mr. Coulson...." Josie burst out crying again.

"HIDDEN CAMERA!?!" Aldys asked surprised and a bit upset.

"I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me Aldys, it was for my job, it was only supposed to be about high school kids today, I would never do anything to hurt you OR MR. COULSON!! Josie sobbed desperately.

"I understand, but I don't know about Mr. Coulson and I don't know what happened or what all this is about� but if I can help, I will."

"Thanks Aldys, it means a lot to hear that from you. But right now, I think I'm going to head home." Josie sighed and got up ready to go.

"Okay," said Aldys, " Call me if you need help with anything." Aldys turned to join her fellow Denominators in going home in the van they drove to the Prom.

When Josie got home Rob was outside waiting for her. A little glad to see a friendly face, Josie perked up. Only to be dissapointed because Rob was angry with her too.

"How could you do this to me Josie?" Rob asked with pain in his eyes, dreading going back to his "lame" job at the Tiki Post.

"Rob. I...I...."

"No, my career is over, back to the Tiki Post" On the verge of tears Rob left Josie, now feeling worse, to make the long walk up to bed to deal with her own pain and regret that she ever took the job in the first place.

* * *

Sam couldn't sleep, all he could think about was Josie. Why did she lie to him? How could she do this to him? What had he ever done to her? He couldn't believe that Josie was 25�and on top of that an undercover reporter. And even worse was: her story was on him!!!

"I have to get out of here," Sam said out loud as he jumped out of bed, threw on some jeans and a sweater.

Sam grabbed his keys, locked up and went out. He drove around for 15 minutes until he decided to go back to the country club where the Prom was held.

As he walked inside he notice the janitors cleaning up and there on the floor in front of the stage was Josie's tiara. He remembered the pain that surged through him when she threw it across the floor after he had so delicately placed on her head.

What was he thinking? She never loved him... In fact she was going to get him fired and possibly arrested with that "undercover feature" she was writing!!

Even so he picked up the tiara and started back to his car. When he got there he noticed Rob sitting outside on a bench.

He approached Rob and Sat down next to him, "So your Rob, huh? I dont believe we have met� I'm Sam Coulson�" Sam said sounding a bit upset.

"Hi, Sam. As you have probably heard, I'm 23 years old, not really a student, and Josie is my sister..." Rob replied also sounding a little distracted and upset.

"Yeah I have�" Sam started. "So what's wrong with you? Weren't you enjoying high school for the second time?"

"Yeah I was. I had come to help Josie make friends with the "popular" kids for her story and to maybe get myself a baseball career� but she ruined everything.... Now I'll have to go back to my crummy job at the Tiki Post and�.go back to living my life as a loser," Rob told Sam in an undertone.

"You're not a loser, you could still get a baseball career�maybe in college. Coach Romano says you're really good..." Sam tried to encourage Rob. "I just can't believe that Josie would write a story on me... probably about how I fell in love with a student..." Sam said sounding distant and distracted.

"What are you talking about?!?" Rob asked a bit surprised. "Josie's story wasn't on was on high school kids..."

"Yes it was. I heard one of her co-workers talking about losing the feed to a hidden camera and..." Sam paused feeling the pain that shot through him from thinking about it. "He asked if she got anything on Coulson. I'm Coulson, so it goes to figure she was doing a story on me!!" Sam cried out barely able to contain himself.

Rob, shocked, replied, "Well I don't know what that's all about, but I'll talk to Josie and maybe she can call you or something," sensing the pain Sam was feeling and seeing it in his eyes.

"I guess that's okay... but I still can't believe she would do that to me. She seemed like a totally different person in disguise..." Sam trailed off and told Rob thanks and goodbye.

He got in his car and drove home to think about all that has gone on in the past couple weeks and to figure out who he could believe.

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