PomPom= Hey y'all.  How are you doing?  We finally got a new nb page.  Did you guys see the *cough* improvments I made to the guestbook?  They are quite hilarious, if I do say so myslef.  Guess what we did at Anna's Birthday party?  NOTHING!!!  Had fun rummaging though.  You would be so amazed at what the ritzy people in the highlands throw out.  Well gotta Jet.
Tizzy 6/5/03
Alright, here's the sitch.  I love to camp.  Stick me on a road and let me sleep anywhere but in my bed and I'm happy.  Now, this summer I want to travel.  I know I just got back from Michigan, but that doesnt' count.  Minnesota, Illinois, Up North Wisconsin, none of them count.  I want to go RVing, cross the country in one trip.  I love riding in the car, seeing the sights.  The problem is getting my mom to agree with renting an rv, and soming along.  I obviously can't drive myself, and she's my source of income.  Any ways, we need another person to seperate mi hermana y yo.  Imagine Moose and I, alone together, driving across the country with no one to stop us from killing each other.
Mooster 8-6-03
I know I haven't written in a long time, but I have a good reason.  I've been busy helping sell our house, which isn't very fun.  Also, I've had to be in driver's ed which is a living nightmare.  Simple solution for all of you so you don't have to go through it : take the bus.  I'm serious, it's horrible.  And behind the wheel's even worse.  You're first day of it they'll take you on the road!  If you're taking it soon, start practicing in a graveyard or an empty parking lot. (try Hoyt) Any who, haven't heard ANYTHING from any of you in almost a month, maybe you've forgotten who I am, so just click here if you have.  I'll write back later when I'm in a better mood.  -L8R
Magic Lemon
Hello.  Have any of you been out to Mayfair lately?  OMG, it's full of wanna be punks everywhere.  I hate tosa (i know i won't offend)  it's so full of weird people.  Not that my little corner of the world is ANY better, but atleast over here we know how to dress.  Ok, enough of this.  I just got an X box, I'm so excited
Tizzy 10/1/03  11:37 am
Wow, september's gone already.  I had a GREAT sweet sixteen.  We went up to the dells, and it was so nice that weekend.  We didn't need coats or anything.  *Thristy* and I spotted these two guys below us (we were at the water park in the centre of the hotel) and we started spraying them with water.  They went into the other room with the lazy river, and *Thristy* wanted to follow them.  We go in, and they have girlfriends.  She still didn't give it up.  But it was fun.  I got to drive up there (my mom and i did the majority, moose slept in the back `_` ) For those that don't know, i got my temp over the summer, so i've been able to do the driving on all of our travels.  I even do night driving, and i ordered from a drive thru just last night!  The school is so cold, i wish i had mittens. -Tiz
PomPom 10/3/03  11:35 am
Homecoming!  I so have to agree with Magic Lemon about Mayfair.  I can't stand those preppy "punks".  It's like Fanna Mamey.  She is quoted as saying "My parents only spend, like, $200 on me every week.  I know that's not a lot, so I'm just going to have to deal with it.  AHHHHH.  I'm going crazy.  *changing subject* So, Kyle Spragy and Annie Monogen are going to have this big fight.  Oh crap.  (couple of days later)  Sorry about that.  My teacher was looking at me and she told me to get off because I wasn't listening and was not being cooperative.  So an update on the fight.  It turns out Kyle didn't go.  He and his buddies just went over to Annie's and toilet papered her house when she was waiting for them to fight.  Homecoming was 2 nights ago.  It was fun.  We had a little add-on though.  Long-story, so I'm not going to tell. it.  Another thing.  Tizzy has the hots for this certain tuba player.  Ow Ow.
Moose 10-6-03
Ok, the librarie's closing in a minute so I gotta be quick but who loves The Never Ending Story?  I'm gonna try and find that and watch it tonight.  sorry for the jerky writing, but I have 7 minutes to do this and I've been ADD all day. (ask Schmaly or Baby Food about Global)  I watched Stepmom last night, which is so good, and I love their house.  It makes me want  to live in New England, except that my house wouldn't look like that do to a little thing called mortgage payments.  Any who , I'll try to get some new people on here with my OUTSTANDING motivational skills.  Audi. -me
PomPom 10-16  8:42 
Hello everybody.  So I'm supposed to be working on my global studies sourcebook, but obviously I'm not.  But I am really excited about tomorrow.  I get to go on a field trip to Whitewater.  Moose and I are both going for yearbook.  Even though our time there is done, oh shucks.  Just kidding.  It has been hell.  I woner why?  Maybe it is because of the person who is the teachers favorite.  But shmegan had to leave early yesterday so we had fun for the last half an hour.  And it was great because everything that went wrong was her fault.  Even though it really was.  Any way gotta jet!!
Magic Lemon 10-17
Sorry about not writing in a while, my computer wasn't working.  (if moose didin't tell you tho she said she would)  Are you all doing forensics this year?  I haven't decided yet, after last year I'm still not sure if I want to be in it.  Well, I still haven't done my homework and I have driver's ed after school so guess I'll write later.
Mooster 10-22-03
Hey all!  Ms. Schploenen is on a field trip so the 8 of us who actually showed up for class had no sub.  We stood out in the halls for about 10 minutes until Mr. Anderson came and helped us.  Now Flara, Tessie and I are in the library while everyone else went to all 3 lunches.  Aren't you glad I came to work on this instead?  Me neither.  Still typing up the story NB for anyone who cares.  Just let me know.
Tizzy 10/24/03
Hola, hola cocacola!  Haven't said that in a while :) Magic Lemon, you should be in story telling for forensics.  That's what I'm doing, so maybe I could actually meet you!  Well, compete against you (and whoop some B-east bootay!) Looks like we need anothe page, so I'll continue there.-Tiz
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